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Разработка внеурочного материала "Oh, Lucky You Are!"

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Oh, Lucky You Are!



          Разработка внеурочного мероприятия по

          английскому языку для учащихся старшей школы

































Надпись: Khimki, 2019




















                                                                                                  Лариса Петровна,

учитель МБОУ СОШ №29 г. Химки,

І квалификационая категория




Oh, Lucky You Are!


          Разработка внеурочного мероприятия по

          английскому языку для учащихся старшей школы














                                                  Игра "О, щасливчик!"


Активизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся в англоязычном общении, приобретенные в предыдущие годы изучения английского языка; предоставить учащимся дополнительную возможность для общения на иностранном языке.


1) Учебные: тренировать учащихся в диалогической речи.

2) Воспитательные: прививать уважение к мнению товарищей, адекватное отношение к своим достижениям и неудачам.

3) Развивающие: пополнить картину мира учащихся о разных сферах жизни людей англоязычных стран, развивать навыки анализа и синтеза, развивать умение концентрировать внимание.


мультимедийный экран, презентация с вопросами и вариантами ответов и заданиями для отборочных туров, эмблема игры, набор карточек с цифрами 1-4, сувениры награды, запись мелодии для игры "Первый миллион", плакаты с пословицами.

Подготовка к игре.

Игра "О, счастливчик!"- своеобразный конкурс. Задания подобраны с учетом тех навыков, умений и знаний, которые дети приобрели за годы изучения английского языка.


Кабинет можно украсить плакатами с пословицами о знаниях, учебе, проведении досуга. Например, "Two heads are better than one", "A good beginning is half the battle", "All is well that ends well", "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", "Fortune favours the brave", "Knowledge is power", "We should play to live, not live to play".

Для организации и проведения мероприятия следует подготовить ведущего (лучшего знатока английского языка), а также две песни на английском языке в исполнении учащихся класса (одного или группы) для проведения музыкальных пауз.

Условия проведения игры:

Все желающие принять участие в игре получают набор карточек с цифрами 1 - 4.

В игре может принять участие ученик, который быстрее даст ответ на вопрос отборочного тура - расположить цифры 1 - 4 в необходимом порядке в зависимости от заданий.

Игрок должен ответить на 10 вопросов. Награда в случае выполнения всех задач - оценка 5, которая выставляется в журнал.

"Стоимость" каждого верного ответа (вывести на экран проектора)


"Стоимость" ответа


























Оценки "3", "4", "5" - "несгораемые", то есть неудача в седьмом и девятом заданиях не помешает ученику получить оценки "3" и "4". Во время игры участник может воспользоваться двумя подсказками: помощью присутствующих в зале и "50 - 50" (два неверных ответа закрываются). Если ответ зрителя был верным, он получает "поощряющий" приз.

В случае неправильного ответа на любой вопрос, участник выбывает из игры, не получив никакой оценки (кроме "3", "4", "5").

В течение игры дважды проводятся музыкальные паузы.

Игра длится 45 - 60 минут.





























1. Arrange these letters in the alphabetical order.

1. Q                        2.   V                                 3-1-4-2

3. P                          4. U

2. Arrange these European countries in the order according to their distance from  Russia beginning from the nearest one.

1.   Canada                   2. Australia                      3-1-2-4

3. England                  4. New Zealand

3. Arrange these towns in the order according to the number of the inhabitants beginning from the smallest one.

                            1. Khimki                   2. New York                    1-2-3-4

3.   London                  4. Moscow

4. Arrange the countries in the order according to the number of the letters in the names of their capitals beginning from the biggest one.

1.   Russia                   2. Australia                         4-3-1-2

3. France                  4. the USA

5. Arrange these holidays in the order they follow each other.

2.   Easter                    2. Christmas                       4-1-3-2

3. Halloween              4. St. Valentine

6. Arrange the English equivalents of the words in the alphabetical order.

                            1. ученик                   2. оценка                          4-2-1-3

3. учитель                4. Дневник

7. Arrange these words in the order according to the number of the sounds beginning from the smallest one.

3.   hour                    2. neighbour                         1-3-2-4

3. through               4. woman

8. Arrange the English equivalents of the words in the order according to the number of the letters beginning from the biggest one.

4.   страна                 2. гора                               2-1-3-4

3. река                   4. город




9. Arrange these animals in the order according to their weight beginning from the smallest one.

                            1. elephant               2. monkey                                3-2-4-1

3. squirrel                 4. bear

10. Arrange the members of the family in the order according to their age beginning from the youngest one.

5.   father                    2. grandfather                    4-3-1-2

3. son                       4. grandson


1. What is both - an edge of the river and a financial establishment?

a)    office                                             b) bank

c) mouth                                              d) band

2. What does "UFO" mean?

а) ФИФА                                           b)НЛО

c) HATO                                           d) OOH

3. What woman makes a man behave like a gentleman?

b)    lady                                              b) chief

c) wife                                               d) friend.

4. What is the British equivalent for the American "pants"?

c)    shoes                                             b) trousers

c) fingers                                           d) slippers

5. Who of the authors isn't an Englishman?

d)    Dickens                                         b) Byron

c) Kipling                                         d) Dreiser

6. Ben Nevis is __________________  

e)     a famous footballer              b) a sort of juice

c) a mountain                                  d )a sort of cheese

7. Find a link to finish the sentence: "Cat is to kitten as horse is to ____________________     ."

f)      ram                                             b) puppy

c) calf                                               d) foal

8. Who became famous for the murder of J. Lennon?

g)    Chapman                                    b) Colombo

c) Starr                                            d) Holmes

9. The flag of which country do you see in the picture?

h)    Great Britain       b) Australia

c) The USА               d) New Zealand



10. "This sentence contains two mistakes." - How many mistakes has it in fact?

i)     two                                              b) four

c) three                                              d) none


1. When children go to someone's door on Halloween they say "                                                             ."

                       а) Trick or treat                             b) Treat or trick

               c) Treat or treat                             d) Trick or beat

2. Which is the shortest month?

               a) June                                            b) January

               c) May                                           d) April

3. What word is always spelled wrong?

              a) foreign                                         b) right

               c) unknown                                      d) wrong

4. Fill in the gap: "Please, _____ be late for lunch!”

             a) no                                                b) don’t

             c) not                                               d) won ‘t

5. Who of the men was not the US president?

              a) Churchill                                     b) Lincoln

              c) Reagan                                          d) Truman

6. What is the living emblem of New Zealand?

             a) kangaroo                                     b) dingo

             c) kiwi                                             d) koala

7. What sign is used to make others think you know more than you do?

             a) $                                                  b)US

              c) etc.                                               d) UA

8. What is the American word for the British "tube"?

             a) tub                                               b) highway

              c) cube                                             d) subway

9. This attraction in London is                                                                 .

                                                                            a) Westminster Abbey

                                                                            b) the Tower of London

                                                                            c) Buckingham Palace

                                                                            d) the Houses of Parliament


10. What is the name of the lake in Hyde Park?

            a) Loch Ness                                    b) Ladoga

            c) Huron                                           d) Serpentine


1. Thanks to this man we can listen to music while walking. To whom?

a) Cassette                                    b) Player

c) Sax                                           d) Walkman

2. Halloween is celebrated on                                                  .

                         a) February 14th                          b) July 14th

c) October 31st                              d) December 25th

3. What letter is the most often used in the English language?

                        a) I                                                  b) H

c) E                                                 d) T

4. How many stripes are there on the US flag?

                        a) thirty                                            b) thirteen

c) fifty                                               d) fifteen

5. What do superstitious people touch for luck in Britain?

                          a) glass                                            b) wool

c) water                                           d) wood

6. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from

                          a) Russia                                       b) Italy

c) France                                      d) Spain

7. Fill in the gap:" I congratulate you ___           your wedding."

                           a) with                                            b) to

c) on                                              d) of

8. What does the Gaelic word "clan" mean?

a) group                                          b) company

c) family                                           d) enemy

9. This bridge is located in __________________          .

                                                                              a) Washington

                                                                              b) London

                                                                              c) New York

                                                           d) Paris


10. The Commonwealth of Australia is  ______________        

a) a federal republic                          b) an absolute monarchy

      c) a constitutional monarchy            d) a parliamentary republic


1. The USA is a federal union of        independent states.

           a) forty                                              b) fifty

          c) sixty                                                d) one hundred

2. What city is the capital of Canada?

          a) Ottawa                                            b) Dublin

          c) Montreal                                        d) Sydney

3. What word is the most often used in the English language?

         a) well                                                    b) hi

         c) yes                                                   d) the

4. What is the name of doubting Shakespearean hero:_________     Prince of  Denmark?

          a) Othello                                             b) King Lear

           c) Romeo                                              d) Hamlet

5. Both basketball and hockey were first played in                                                            .

          a) Scotland                                        b) the USA

          c) Canada                                         d) England

6. The busiest area in London with the famous statue of Eros in the middle is_______.

          a) Fleet Street                                   b) The Strand

         c) Piccadilly Circus                            d) Trafalgar Square

7. Find a link to finish the sentence: "Cows are to cattle as hens are to ____________________.”

          a) crops                                                b) game

          c) diary                                                 d) poultry

8. What were boomerangs originally used for?

        a) for ceremonies                                   b) for sending messages to other tribes

        c) for hunting                                         d) for playing games

9. This attraction in London is                                                                  .

                                                                      a) Westminster Abbey

                                                                     b) the Tower of London

                                                                     c) Buckingham Palace

                                                                    d) the Houses of Parliament


10. What does the kangaroo in the emblem of Australia symbolize?

         a) progress                                             b) love for peace

        c) wealth                                                 d) distance


1. Complete the proverb:           "My home is my_________    ".

                       a) palace                                              b) security

                     c) castle                                                d) prison

2.                      was the first President of the USA.

                    a) Abraham Lincoln                            b) George Washington

                    c) John Kennedy                                 d) Walt Disney

3. The official head of state in Britain is the                                                          .

                     a) King                                              b) Queen

                     c) President                                       d) Prince

4. What country is the birthplace of football?

                      a) Brazil                                              b) Italy

                    c) England                                          d) Argentina

5. Fill in the gap: "Actions speak ________ than words."

                      a) louder                                             b) more louder

                     c) as loud                                          d) the loudest

6. Which lake does not belong to the Great Lakes?

                      a) Superior                                         b) Huron

                        c) Ontario                                          d) Salt Lake

7. What do Scottish people celebrate on January, 25?

                          a) Queen's Day                                 b) Burns’s Day

                       c) students' day                              d) Tatiana 's Day

8. New Zealand consists of two large islands. What are they?

                       a) North Island & South Island                   b) East Island & West Island

                           c) South Island & West Island                      d) North Island & East Island

9. This attraction in London is                                                                     .

           a) Westminster Abbey

          b) the Tower of London

           c) Buckingham Palace

          d) the Houses of Parliament



10. Which river isn't in the USA?

a) the Colorado                              b) the Severn

c) the Potomac                               d) the Hudson


1. A person from Australia is an ___________  .

a) Australarian                       b) Australian

     c) Austrian                             d) Australish

2. What tree is the symbol of Canada?

a) maple                                  b) chestnut

     c) oak                                     d) willow

3. What popular character did Agatha Christie invent?

a) Sherlock Holmes               b) Miss Marple

     c) Doctor Watson                 d) Frankenstein

4. Who is not a member of the "Beatles"?

a)R. Starr                               b) J. Lennon

    c) E. Presley                           d) G. Harrison

5. What is the largest city in Scotland?

a) Dublin                               b) Edinburgh

     c) Glasgow                           d) London

6. What bird became famous for its tail in the bars and cafes?

a) parrot                                   b) peacock

     c) cock (cocktail)                      d) penguin

7. The British flag is called the                                                    .

a) Queen's flag                         b) King's flag

     c) National banner                   d) Union Jack

8. In the USA the laws are                                               .

a) the same in all states           b) different in every state

      c) different in richer states      d) different for different races

9. This is the building of parliament in                                                       .

                                                                              a) Australia

                                                                              b) Canada

                                                                              c) Britain

                                                                              d) Russia



10. To what tribe did the forefathers of Holmes, Watson and their creator belong?

a) Celts                                     b) Saxons

     c) Britons                                  d) Angles


1. How many stars are there on the American flag?

                      a) six                                          b) fifteen

                     c) fifty                                       d) sixteen

2. The most recent state to join the union was                                                          .

                     a) Hawaii                                 b) Alaska

                     c) New York                           d) California

3. Which animal is a marsupial?

                      a) kangaroo                           b) emu

                      c) dingo                                  d) crocodile

4. Choose the word that doesn't belong to the group.

                     a) arrive                                   b) come

                      c) go                                         d) way

5. Ontario is a province of which country?

                       a) Mexico                                b) Ireland

                      c) Canada                               d) Australia

6. Fill in the gap: "All news            fast."

                      a) travel                                  b) is traveling

                         c) travels                                           d) travelling

7. What was the first name of New York?

                       a) New Paris                          b) New Mexico

                      c) New London                       d) New Amsterdam

8. There are a lot of famous women in the British history, but only one is known as The Iron Lady. Do you know her name?

                    a) Mary Stuart                       b)Florence Nightingale

                    c)Jane Seymour                     d)Margaret Thatcher

9. This attraction is in                                                          

                                                                                       a) Britain

                                                                             b) in New Zealand

                                                                                 c) the USA

                                                                                      d) Canada


10. What thing doesn't the first-footer bring into the house on the New Year's Day?

                       a) meat                                  b) coin

                       c) coal                                   d) bread


1. Which part of London has the most industrial plants?

a) Westminster                           b) the City

      c) the West End                         d) the East End

2. What is the closest landmass to New Zealand?

a) Africa                                      b) Australia

     c) Antarctica                               d) Asia

3. Where was whisky first produced?

a) Ireland                                    b) England

     c) Scotland                                   d) Iceland

4. Fill in the gap: "Let's go to the party tonight,_______________ ?"

a) shall we                                   b) won 't you

     c) shall us                                  d) don't you

5. The names of administrative units in England mainly end in__  shire. These units are called ___

    a) hundreds                                 b)districts

     c) counties                                  d)states

6. The United States of America is         .

                            a) bigger than Canada              b) bigger than Brazil

    c) bigger than Russia                d) smaller than Australia

7. Who is the head of the state in Canada?

a) Queen                                                 b) Governor-General

    с)President                                d) Prime-Minister

8. What is the most common Christmas present in Australia?

a) toy                                         b) ice-cream

     c) fur-coat                                 d) beach towel

9. This attraction in London is ______________ .

    a) Westminster Abbey

   b) St. Paul’s Cathedral

    c) Buckingham Palace

    d) the Houses of Parliament


10. In which part of Australia is Ayers Rock?

a) in the south-east                   b) in the south-west

     c) in the north-east                   d) in the middle


1. Which of the places of interest is in London?

a) the Kremlin                                   b) the Tower

     c) the Capitol                                    d) the Hermitage

2. Which of the companies deals in foods?

a) IBM                                    b) McDonalds

     c) Sony                                   d) Nike

3. Choose the word that doesn't belong to the group.

       a) sweet                                   b) spicy

    c) hungry                               d) bitter

4. Who of the authors isn't an American?

a) London                            b) Marshall

     c) О 'Henry                            d) Poe

5. What currency is used in New Zealand?

a) pound                               b) dollar

     c) shilling                               d) franc

6. How many stars are there on the Australian flag?

a) six                                     b) fifteen

     c) fifty                                    d) sixteen

7. Find a link to finish the sentence: " Rain is to drop as snow is to ____ ."

 a) ice                                   b) cold

      c) zero                                 d) flake

8. What does "Uncle Sam" symbolize?

a) the US Navy                     b) the US Government

    c) the US Army                     d) the US President

9. This building of an Opera House is in            

a)    London

b)    Sydney

c)    Ottawa

d)    New York



10. The most common street names in New Zealand are named after what?      

  a) British royalty                     b) British politicians

    c) British explorers                 d) British towns


1. In what country did Lady Diana die?

 a) England                            b) Egypt

        c)  France                            d) Italy

2. Which title, preceding a name, shows a person is married and female?

a) Miss                                     b) Sir

     c) Mrs.                                       d) Mr.

3. Which of the words does not mean a law-making body?

a) Supreme Council                 b) Congress

     c) Parliament                                    d) Pentagon

4. An Italian monk invented a mark to separate words in a sentence. Who?

a) Dash                                   b) Colon

     c) Comma                               d) Semicolon

5. What is both - an insect and a secret device for listening to other people?

a) bug                                    b) bee

     c) fly                                        d) moth

6. What are the local Australians called?

a) Indians                               b) Maori

      c) Aborigines                         d) Yankee

7. Although Britain is in the north of Europe, the average temperatures are quite mild because of warm water from ____________                                                                                                  .

a) the Gulf of Mexico               b) the Mediterranean

     c) the English Channel             d) the North Sea

8. James Cook mapped the Australian east coast, named it New South Wales and claimed the territory for _

a) himself                                  b) Holland

      c) Wales                                    d) Britain

9. This attraction in London is _______________                                              .

              a) Westminster Abbey

            b) the Tower of London

             c) Trafalgar Square

                                                                                    d) the Houses of Parliament


10. What is the real name for the 'New Zealand Christmas tree'?

a) Kowhai                                 b) Pohutukawa

      c) Kamahi                                d) Matai





Variant I











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Variant IV











Variant V











Variant VI











Variant VII











Variant VIII











Variant IX











Variant X












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    • Всего просмотров: 61720
    • Всего материалов: 40

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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки


Специалист по управлению персоналом (HR- менеджер)

500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Письмо: методика подготовки учащихся к ОГЭ по английскому языку

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 73 человека из 31 региона
  • Этот курс уже прошли 248 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 1546 человек из 85 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 4 471 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Актуальные вопросы преподавания английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС

72 ч.

2200 руб. 1100 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 352 человека из 75 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 232 человека


Психология и профессиональное развитие

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 21 человек из 15 регионов


Предпринимательские риски

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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История педагогических идей: основатели и теоретики

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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