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Разработки уроков-модулей к учебнику “Spotlight 10”

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Внедряемое в школьную практику обучение с использованием модулей позволяет модернизировать традиционные методы (групповые, игровые, парные, и т.д.) при обучении грамматике, лексике и т.д. Модульное обучении также помогает решать ряд задач обучения и воспитания. Модульное обучение позволяет сократить учебный курс дисциплины примерно на 30% без ущерба для полноты изложения и глубины усвоения материала. Предлагаю разработка уроков-модулей к учебнику Spotlight 10” В. Эванс, О.Афанасьева

Module 2b Living and Spending (Reading Skills)

Objectives: Scanning, reading for detailed comprehension, talking about spending money

Entry Test

Make sure you can use these words:

Borrowed money

Pocket money

Earn money



Delivering newspaper

Sales assistant

Amount of money

Учебный элемент 1

Read the teenagers’ quotes in the text on page 29 and match each one to the comments (Ex.2 p.28)

Учебный элемент 2 The aim-understanding the new words

Explain the words and phrases in bold

People who buy things for their own use

Shop owner/seller

Reaching the same level as something

Paying out more money than usual

Giving away

Having enough money to live on

Stop from doing something

Money the government lends students to pay for their students

Money parents give children to spend as they wish

Routine jobs done around the house

Not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things

Buying lots of things at the same time

Gradually collecting money by spending less than usual

Учебный элемент 3 The aim – talking about spending habits

Ask and answer the questions about getting and spending money using questions as an example

How much money do you get?

Where do you get your money?

What do you spend it on?

Are you good at spending money?

Exit Test

Match the words then use them to complete the sentences

Household spree

Bus money

Student bills

Pocket fares

Shopping loan

1. My brother took out a……………to go to the university.

2…………..seem to be going up all the time. I think I’ll cycle to work in the future.

3. Many consumers go on a…………..at Christmastime.

4. I’m always broke after paying the ……….at the end of the month.

5. If I don’t help around the house, I don’t get any………….

Module 3d (Literature)

Objectives: Reading for detailed comprehension

Entry Test

1. When was A.P.Chekhov born?

2. Where was he born?

3. What was his job?

4. What was typical for his stories?

5. Why is he famous?

Учебный элемент 1 Gag-filling work

Read the extract of Ex. 3 p.52-53. Seven sentences have been removed. Match each sentence to the appropriate gap.

Учебный элемент 2 The aim-understanding the new words

Task1. Matching the highlighted words in the text with their meaning

Abandoned, fixed up, sound, shaved, stout, aroused, difficult

Left alone for the long time, set up, organized, pushed quickly and carelessly, hard, awakened, left alone for a long time.

Task2. Using a dictionary, explain the words

Commercial, inspecting, superfluous, tucked, sorrowfully, cross, fellow, ashamed, stared, ties, maternal instincts, dimples, overflowing, beamed, learn by he art, muttering, misty, purring.

Учебный элемент 3 The aim-Identifying emotions in the text

Task1 Look at the list of emotions and feelings and decide who felt them,

Sympathy, affection, embarrassment, sorrow, dedication, irritation, annoyance, happiness, responsibility, peacefulness.

Complete the table

Emotions feelings



Exit Test

1.Fill in : beam, stare, mutter, purr, overflow, arouse in the correct form

1.Jim was so bored in the lecture that he just ………..out of the window.

2.”Stop……..Nancy, I can hardly hear what you are saying!” said Grangpa.

3.The cat began to ……..as she stroked its head.

4.The garden was ………..with fresh vegetables.

5. That lecture has really ……..my interest to the politics

6. Sara’s mother………with pride as she watched her win the race.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold.

1. It is not a certain whether the project will be a…… success or not (commerce)

2. She was really …...about the way she had acted. (shame)

3.It was a cold and……..morning (mist)

4.George was………by his parents as a small child (abandon)

5.They tried to find a ……..solution to the troubles (peace)

6. She shook her head ………..after hearing the sad news (sorrow)

Module 4 b Listening and speaking skills

Objectives: vocabulary-environmental issues: idioms related to the weather, speaking about adopting tree, discussing the weather, reading for spea

Make sure you can use these words:

Borrowed money

Pocket money

Earn money



Delivering newspaper

Sales assistant

Amount of money

Учебный элемент 1

Read the teenagers’ quotes in the text on page 29 and match each one to the comments (Ex.2 p.28)

Учебный элемент 2 The aim-understanding the new words

Explain the words and phrases in bold

People who buy things for their own use

Shop owner/seller

Reaching the same level as something

Paying out more money than usual

Giving away

Having enough money to live on

Stop from doing something

Money the government lends students to pay for their students

Money parents give children to spend as they wish

Routine jobs done around the house

Not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things

Buying lots of things at the same time

Gradually collecting money by spending less than usual

Учебный элемент 3 The aim – talking about spending habits

Ask and answer the questions about getting and spending money using questions as an example

How much money do you get?

Where do you get your money?

What do you spend it on?

Are you good at spending money?

Exit Test

Match the words then use them to complete the sentences

Household spree

Bus money

Student bills

Pocket fares

Shopping loan

1. My brother took out a……………to go to the university.

2…………..seem to be going up all the time. I think I’ll cycle to work in the future.

3. Many consumers go on a…………..at Christmastime.

4. I’m always broke after paying the ……….at the end of the month.

5. If I don’t help around the house, I don’t get any………….

Module 5d (Literature)

Objectives: to introduce the vocabulary about holidays, problems, complaints, talking about holidays, listening for specific information.

Entry Test

List as many words as you can under the headings:

Types of holidays-

Places to stay-



Use the words and describe your last holidays

Учебный элемент 1

Match descriptions to the events: weather, accommodation, food, service, travel, transport, crime, health, belongings. the resort

  1. It rained every single day!

  2. Our flight was delayed by six hours.

  3. The meals in the hotel were appalling

  4. My luggage got lost.

  5. The beach was dirty and crowded.

  6. I left my passport at home.

  7. There was no air conditionings in our room

  8. I got bitten by mosquitoes.

  9. Some money was stolen from my backpack.

  10. There was absolutely no nightlife.

  11. I got mugged on a sightseeing tour.

  12. I got ill.

  13. The staff was unfriendly and rude.

  14. There was a hurricane while we were there.

Учебный элемент 2

Explain the words by guessing from the context and checking in the dictionaries

Went wrong


To make matters worse

Look on the bride side

Учебный элемент 3

Create a dialogue using words and expressions:

How was your holiday? It was the worst, went wrong, how terrible, to make matters worse, what an absolute nightmare.

Exit Test

1.Complete the word maps;


Types of holiday

Places to stay


2.Fill in; heart, port, road, track

1.We left knowing we wouldn’t reach our next……..of call for another week at least.

2. It’s getting late. We’d better hit the ……………

3. It was with a heavy……………that I gave him such terrible news.

4. It might be off the beaten …………., but it’s a town well worth visiting.

3. Think of a bad travel experience and write when it happened, where you were, who with, what happened.

Module 6d (Literature)

Objectives: reading extract from Oliver Twist (multiple choice), vocabulary related to food, writing a paragraph continuing a story.

Entry Test

  1. What do you know about the story of Oliver Twist?

  2. Where and when was Charles Dickens born?

  3. What was his first work as a writer?

  4. What is the general theme of the novel?

Учебный элемент 1

Read the text and answer the questions

  1. Did the boys have enough food at mealtime?

  2. What was the tall boy afraid?

  3. What did the boys have to say before they could eat?

  4. Why did the master gaze in astonishment?

Учебный элемент 2

Find in the text the meaning of the words

Cleaning, wash with tongue, separate from the rest, feeling of hunger, names were chosen, a piece of clothing worn to protect clothes while someone cooks, spoke very quietly, to close one eye so as to give a message to someone, push someone with your elbow, weak, hart to hear, friends, completely, job, unable to move, amazement, cried.

Учебный элемент 3

Translate the sentences

  1. He is in serious trouble now. He is really in hot water.

  2. Ann’s always calm and doesn’t worry about anything. She is as cool as a cucumber.

  3. You can do it. It’s easy. It’ a piece of cake.

  4. You can’t change anything now. Don’t cry over spilt milk.

  5. I don’t really enjoy going to the theatre. It’s not my cup of tea.

Exit Test

  1. Underline the correct word.

1.He gazed/glanced at the TV screen quickly to check the football scores.

2.Polly continued to stare/glare out of the window.

3. He climbed on the chair quietly and peered/peeped through a tiny crack in the wall into the other room.

2. Fill in: stray, daily, totally, task, wonder, fear, faint, tightly.

1. Gordonheld onto his mum’s hand__________as they crossed the road.

2. Use a map or you may________into the wrong part of town.

3. My boss gave me a difficult________to do, but I managed it in the end.

3. Fill in: with, on, from, for, in

1. Schools are always shut_______public holiday.

2. Jane suffer_______terrible headache.

3. She gasped ________astonishment when she won the competition.

4. Can you ask her_______three bus tickets, please?

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