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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку: театрализованное представление "Робин Гуд"

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Робин Гуд (почти правдивая история)

It’s a summer morning in 1193. Robert, the Earl of Huntingdon (Robin Hood), is in church with Marian. It’s their wedding day.

Priest: Do you, Robert of Huntingdon, take this woman, Marian Fitzwalter, to be your wife?

Robert: I do.

Priest: Do you, Marian Fitzwalter, take this man, Robert of Huntingdon, to be your husband?

Marian: I…

Sheriff: Stop the wedding!

Robert: It’s the Sheriff of Nottingham…

Sheriff: You are an enemy of the King!

Robert: Me? King Richard’s enemy?! Never!

Sheriff: Richard is in prison. Prince John is in power now, and he is my friend. From this moment, you have no castle, no land and no title.

Robert: Marian, I have nothing now – do you still want to marry me?

Marian: Yes, of course…

Sheriff: Arrest him!

Marian: Help! Stop this!

Sheriff: This is the new Earl of Huntingdon – my friend, Sir Guy of Gisborne. Now take this outlaw to prison!

Robert: Never!

Sheriff: Stop him!

In the Sherwood forest

Men in the forest: Get off the horse and give us your money!

Will Scarlett: Wait! This is Robert, Earl of Huntingdon.

Robert: Yes, and I know you, Will Scarlett. Who are these men? Why are they here?

Will Scarlett: We are outlaws. The Sheriff is our enemy.

Men in the forest: The forest is our home because the Sheriff’s men can’t find us here.

Robert: From today, I am an outlaw, too. Guy of Gisborne has got my title and my castle.

Men in the forest: You can join us!

Will Scarlett: Yes! Be our leader against Gisborne and the Sheriff! Here is a bow for you, and green hood to wear.

Robert: Thank you. Sherwood Forest is my castle now, and my name is… Robin… Robin Hood!

Men in the forest: Robin Hood, Lord of the Greenwood!

Now Robin Hood lives in the Sherwood Forest. He and his men get money from the rich and give it to the poor.

Traveller: Let me go!

Robert: Not before you give us money to help the poor!

Robert: This is a present from a kind traveller…

Poor woman: Thank you, Robin Hood!

While Robin and his men are in the forest, Gisborne and the Sheriff are making plans inside Nottingham castle.

Sheriff: Gisborne, we must catch this outlaw, Robin Hood – immediately! The people are laughing at me!

Gisborne: We can’t find him in Sherwood Forest, but we can bring him to the castle. I’ve got a plan… Yes! An archery competition. Marian can give the prize to the winner!

(In the forest):

Will Scarlett: The prize is a silver arrow. Marian is going to give it to the winner.

Robert: Hmm… I’d like to win the silver arrow… and see Marian again…

Will Scarlett: No, Robin! It’s a trap! Don’t go!

Robert: Oh, don’t worry – they can’t catch me that easily!

(At the archery competition):

Someone: This old man is the last in the competition, sir.

Gisborne: So where is Robin Hood? Search everywhere carefully.

(Robin is shooting)

Crowd: Well done, old man! Bull’s-eye! Good shot, Grandad!

Marian: Here is your… Robert?!

Gisborne: You fools! That’s Robin Hood! Get him! Quickly!

Robert: Thank you for the silver arrow, Sheriff! I’d love to stay, but I can’t – my men are waiting for me in Sherwood Forest!

Robin is back in Sherwood Forest with his silver arrow. The Sheriff is very angry.

Sheriff: Robin Hood was here, and you couldn’t catch him!

Gisborne: We were unlucky. Still, we can find him. Marian is in love with him. I’ve got an idea… I’ve got Robin’s title, his lands and his castle. Why not marry Marian, too?

Sheriff: Yes… Guards! Bring Lord Fitzwalter here with Marian, his daughter!

(Lord Fitzwalter with Marian)

Sheriff: You want to marry the Earl of Huntingdon, don’t you? Well, you can!

Marian: But he is an outlaw…

Gisborne: I am the Earl of Huntingdon now! You are going to marry me!

Marian: Never! I love the real Earl of Huntingdon – Robin Hood!

Lord Fitzwalter: What can we do, Marian? We’re prisoners here.

Marian: I’m going to join Robert in the forest. I know how I can escape…

(After Marian’s escape)

Sheriff: You old fool! Tell me the truth. Where is she?

Lord Fitzwalter: She was here half an hour ago. I don’t know where she is.

Gisborne: Good, good! My plan is working!

(In the forest):

Little John: Great news, Robin! People are talking about Richard’s return. They say the King is back in England!

Will Scarlett: And that’s not all! Robin, this is our newest outlaw!

Marian: Oh, Robert – it’s me!

Gisborne: Thank you, Marian! I knew you could find Robin Hood – so we followed you!

Robert: Let her go!

Sheriff: What are you waiting for, Gisborne? Kill the outlaw!

King Richard: Stop! Stop, in the name of Richard, King of England!

Robert: Your Majesty! You are safe! Thank God!

King Richard: I arrived in England ten days ago. I hurried north to Nottingham when I heard the stories about the Sheriff and Gisborne. Bring them here!

Sheriff: But, your Majesty… this… this outlaw, Robin Hood…

King Richard: Silence! What is it? When the thief is in power, he calls the honest man an outlaw?!

(to Robert): I know you are an honest man. You are no outlaw – and your name is not Robin Hood. Return to your castle, Robert, Earl of Huntingdon.

Marian: Your Majesty… The Sheriff arrested Robert in the middle of our wedding…

King Richard: Then let us finish what you started, with all my best wishes!

(In the church):

Priest: Do you, Marian Fitzwalter, take this man, Robert of Huntingdon, to be your husband?

Marian: I do.

Crowd: Congratulations, Robert and Marian! LONG LIVE KING RICHARD!!!

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