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Script of the School-lyceum team

Main characters

Alice-a pretty girl, 16 years old

Michael-her boy-friend

Blair-her friend

Russel-boy who is in love with Alice

Alice’s cousins –a boy and a girl



Alice’s mother


A girl

-I see you. No, no. I am not talking about the physical ability to see, I am talking about understanding. I am going to say even more. Sometimes the ability to see don’t let us realize all the beauty of the things and doesn’t give the real view on everything. I want to see all the things and people inside and I don’t want clichés and rules occupy the reality.

School yard. In one end of the stage there is a group of girls gossiping about the main characters. Boys are playing with the ball. A girl is crying about a bad mark. And in front of the stage there are main characters.

Alice and Michael

M- Your beauty is immortal. Your smile shines everything. I am a lucky guy! The best girl in my school is my girlfriend!

A.- Thank you! I have chosen you because you are not bad either.

M gives her a present in the box of the middle size.

A.- Oh, how sweet!

Alice’s friend Blair appears on the stage.

B.- Hey,  Alice. Hey, Michael!  (kisses them friendly)


M.- ( without enthusiasm) Hey, hey

B.- Can I take my friend from you?

M.- If it’s not for a long time.

B.- Try not to die.

M- I will.

Alice and Blair are staying together.

A.- What’s up?

B.- Not much. I have broken up with George!

A.- Why? He was nice.

B.- That’s the problem! He was… All boys are the same. Leave Michael while you can do it first.

A.- Don’t  be so angry. He makes me presents. Says nice things.

B- Bla, bla,bla…

A.- Ok, I will decide it myself what to do.

B.- You are welcome.

Blair is leaving her.

Russel pushes A. occasionally in the yard.

R .-Sorry, sorry Alice

A.- Do I know you?

R.- Yes, I’m your classmate.

A – Really? You must be joking!

R.- I am Russel.

A .- I don’t care. Watch your way!

R.- Ok, I am sorry again

Spectators hear the phone call

Alice answers- Yes Auntie, of course.  I will look after them with pleasure! (She picks up the phone and it becomes obvious she is not so happy)

Alice is with her cousins.

A boy -Alice, have you seen Pokemon?

A girl -seen whom?

Boy-Don’t you know who the Pokemons are?! You are a fool!

Girl -How dare you?! I’m the best in Math in my class

Boy -(Starts monkeying her)

Girl  - (being hurt ) There is your Pokemon! Look!

Boy - Where?!

Girl -On the other side of road

They are running away

Alice -Stop. Don’t do this!

 She rushes after kids. There is a sound of the car stopping suddenly . Alice is on the road.


Oh my god, a girl! Why?  Kids don’t cry. I will bring her to the hospital. Call your parents!

Now we see the hospital.  Girl is on the operation table. We also see a doctor and a nurse.

Doctor: Will you please make an injection of chlorhexidin?

Nurse - Just a second. I will finish downloading the picture 

Doctor Be more serious, please!

Nurse -I am (She says very self-confident)…….What did he say? (now she hesitates)  Chlorhexidin or Chlorophorm…?! Well, I think the last one

We hear that the monitor is starting making sounds.

D -          What did you give her?! Pray this girl won’t lose her sight!

N  – ( crying) I did everything correct!

D-           No, you didn’t ! Go and explain her poor mother the situation

Now we hear the dialogue between girl’s mother and the nurse.

Mother- How is my daughter?

N- Sorry, madam. The only thing we can do is to pray

Mother:  What? HOW?

N -and one more thing… She can lose her sight…

Mother -She hurt her leg? How Come?

N- Somehow, occasionally… Doctor turned on the light too much and now she can lose her sight (oh I am a poetess!)

Mother - Are you cheating on me?! You… you are not  a seaside!

They start fighting. Russel is trying to stop them

R- Stop! Ladies!

Mother - Who are you?

R -I’m your daughter’s friend. You don’t know me

Mother - Are you from her school?

R -Almost…

Mother – I’m so unhappy…(crying)

R- Everything will be fine, don’t worry. Let’s hope for the best.

School yard

A Boy - hey guys, have you heard about Alice? She is blind now.

A Boy 2 - How come?

Michael - Oh, no...

Blair comes to them to support Michael- You must be really really upset...let me support you. Poor you are!

Girls - look! This Blair never misses an opportunity! Poor Alice... I hope, you will be with me my friend nevertheless? - of course . Honey!

The next scene is in the hospital room of Alice.

We see Alice and Blair.

B .- Hey, baby. How are you?

A.- As you see… I wish I saw… How is everything at school? How is Michael?

B.- That one with the Macbook?

A.- Don’t mind. My Michael!

B.- I told you. He doesn’t deserve you. He had already met someone else!

A.- How come? He seemed to be so honest…

M.-You see? I was right!

A.- Yes darling.

B. –Somebody is calling me. Oh it’s Mi… it’s my mom.

B.- OK, I need to run. See you tomorrow (leaving the room)

B. - Hey, Michael. Did you call me? I visited my Granny. Now, I am free.  See you in Piccadilly Circus! I want to hang out in Waterstone. Don’t laugh! Ah. It’s a book shop… Oops… Then Garfunkels. There are so many complicated words. Oh, Gosh!

We see Alice and her mother.

Mother- Oh,honey. How are you?

A-           I’m ok. But I can’t see

Mother  - I know But Doctor says everything will be fine. We are in the hospital

A-It seems there is the smell of roses here.

Mother  -  Yes, your friend has brought them

A-           Michael?

 Mother - No, I’m not sure. He seems to have another name. Ask him yourself. He is behind the door

A-           Can you, please, call him?

Mother- yes,sure

We see Russel.

Russel- h-h-hello

Alice - Hi Michael!?

R -No.I’m… ( hesitating) Andrew

A-I don’t know you

R-We were in the kindergarten together

A- I can’t even imagine who you are

R- You will remember when you see

A- I wish to see so much

R-Will you please let me be with you until your recovering?!


After three seasons.We hear the voices of Alice and Russel

A- Doctor said that today I am going to take off this bandage

R- Really? That is good! But it may be too early…

A-I want to see you so much!

R- OK…

We see the main characters on the stage.

She takes off her bandage.

A-           Is that you? (surprised)

R- No, it is not me

A.     Ok, call Andrew then

R- I’ll try

A-I see that you are not you!  All this time you were cheating on me

R -Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was scared to show myself because you had never paid much attention to me at school

AminaA-How could you? (runs away)

She meets Michael with Blair- They are confused. She is in shock and puts her bandage back.

Michael comes back on the stage.

The girl- There were many misunderstandings in this story: if the cousins understood each other, they would never risk with their lives trying to prove their position. If the nurse understood her abilities, she would do what the doctor said and won’t risk anybody’s life.  But the final is happy nevertheless.

Sceptic- sorry, but what a sweet candy?! What is so good? Kids are under stress! Driver is under arrest! Nurse is crazy about herself, doctor has been fired. Russel will always be in hesitations about Alice’s love? Alice will always be in hesitations if Michael stays with her… well, as for me, it is not a happy end at all!

The girl  That’s the point! We see different things from different positions, and the art of coming to common conclusion is the art of communication. Life will always be full of misunderstandings and we have to be flexible and to communicate with the world.



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