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Социальный проект "Её Величество Наука"

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  • “Her Majesty Science” (“The Royal Society of London”) Network Educational Pro...

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    “Her Majesty Science” (“The Royal Society of London”) Network Educational Project for Students of 8-9th Grades

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) “Tell...

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”  Benjamin Franklin

  • “Her Majesty Science” (“The Royal Society of London”) network educational pro...

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    “Her Majesty Science” (“The Royal Society of London”) network educational project for students of 9-10th grades MUNICIPIAL BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “SCHOOL №32 NAMED AFTER S. A. LAVOCHKIN” SMOLENSK “…The monuments of science exist forever...” Voltaire Team “BLACK STAR” presented by Hossain Tanzilla, 10th Grade The author of the project: Zh. Sheptitskaya, Vice-Principal, a teacher of IT, Mathematics, Physics Project managers: N. Varnavskaya, a teacher of English S. Tereshkova, a teacher of Chemistry SMOLENSK, 2015

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) Networ...

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) Network project is a joint educational, research, creative or play activity of students-partners organized on the basis of computer telecommunication which have common problems, goals ,methods and ways of working aimed at achieving joint outcomes.

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) In the...

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) In the process of working on a network project we can share experiences, opinions, data, information, methods of solving problems, the results of our own and joint developments. Means of organization of such joint activities include: • e-mail • mailing lists • electronic message boards • discussion groups • means of finding information on the Internet • means of communication in real and delayed time • audio and video conferencing

  • Net Work Projects All-Russian net projects “The Mystery of Foggy Albion” “The...

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    Net Work Projects All-Russian net projects “The Mystery of Foggy Albion” “The Legends of Red Brick Society”

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The ai...

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The aim of the project Common cultural development of a modern school student by means of development of the alternative ways of getting knowledge and checking it with the use of infocommunication technologies, broadening their outlook through the development, training and improvement of key competences of pupils in the sphere of independent cognitive activity.

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The fu...

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The fundamental question: «Why were Science and its Representatives invited into the Royal Society?” The problem questions: Why did the Royal Society appear? Why were the Royal titles conferred to scientists of different countries? What discoveries made by European scientists, members of the Royal Society, shook the world? What is the role of the Royal Society in the development of science? What is the difference between the Royal Society and other scientific societies?

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The st...

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The stages of Project Work: Preparatory stage The introduction of a presentation and its discussion The familiarity with a project card (participation, deadlines, milestones, tasks) Informing parents about the purposes of the project - a booklet for parents Learning tips for safe communication on the Internet Registration of participating teams

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The st...

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The stages of Project Work: Main stage Individual and group work of project participants; intermediate assessment Teachers’ consultations, necessary correction Working with criteria of evaluation of multimedia products Working with the Internet resources The creation of the final products of the project

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The st...

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The stages of Project Work: The final stage public presentation of the project summarizing self-assessment and group evaluation

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  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) THE PR...

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) THE PRODUCTS OF THE PROJECT: Mental card “The History of the Royal Society of London” Scheme "Royal titles and their hierarchy" The time tape "Kaleidoscope of discoveries" Invitation card for a meeting of the Royal Society of London Slide-show THE FINAL PRODUCT OF THE PROJECT Electronic Science book

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) YOUR EXPERIENCE AND EXPECTATIONS : Table ZIU (know, interested, can) Form "How do I know the British science?" a blog Project community

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  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) YOU CA...

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) YOU CAN USE: [Electronic resource]:Википедия “Лондонское Королевское общество” Jesse Russell, Ronald CohnДжесси Рассе, “Книга по требованию”, 2013 [Electronic resource]:Большая Советская Энциклопедия [Electronic resource]:http://www.critical.ru/calendar/2811Society.htm [Electronic resource]:http://www.c-cafe.ru/groups/1/087.php [Electronic resource]:Энциклопедический словарь [Electronic resource]:http://www.people.su/?cat_p=2&cnt=catalog&r=66

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) Servic...

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    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) Services: WEB 2.0 used in the project: http://www.dipity.com/ https://www.mindmeister.com/ru http://www.slideboom.com/ http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/ http://primarywall.com/#

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муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «средняя шкоа №32 им. С. А. лавочкина» города смоленска

СМОЛЕСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Секция «Английский язык» «“Her Majesty Science. The Royal Society of London "»


Выполнила работу: Хоссайн Санзида Саззадовна, учащаяся 10 «Б» класса Руководители: Варнавская Наталья Юрьевна, учитель английского языка Шептицкая Жанна Владимировна, заместитель директора, учитель информатики, математики, физики



  1. The visiting card of the project

2 - 7

  1. Introduction


  1. The topicality of the theme and the novelty of proposed solutions


  1. The goals and objectives


  1. Practical use of the resource


  1. The stages of Project Work


  1. The final product (presentation of the site)


  1. Conclusion

  2. Sources of Information



  1. Appendix



Network Project «Her Majesty Science. The Royal Society of London»

Tanzila Hossain, a pupil of the 10th form

The managers of the project:

Varnavskaya Natalya, a teacher of English

Sheptitzkaya Zhanna;Vice-Principal, a teacher of Mathematics, Physics and Information Science


Smolensk Region



School number

School № 32 named after S. A. Lavochkin

The theme of the project

Her Majesty Science. The Royal Society of London "

The aim of the project

Common cultural development of a modern school student by means of development of the alternative ways of getting knowledge and checking it with the use of infocommunication technologies, broadening their outlook through the development, training and improvement of key competences of pupils in the sphere of independent cognitive activity.

Educational Objectives

The development, training and improvement of key competences of pupils in the sphere of independent cognitive activity.

Learning competences:

  • language, speech and communicative competence, socio-cultural and cultural studies.

Meta competences:

  • the development of skills of individual and collaborative work: learning and self-development, teamwork;

  • the development of the ability to see the problem and to outline the ways of its solution, the ability to overcome hardships; problem-solving;

  • the development of working skills with multimedia products: information technology;

  • the development of creative and analytical thinking of students.

  • the use of the accumulated knowledge in non-standard situations

Social competence and social skills:

  • common cultural development of a modern school student

Psychological skills:

  • cognitive, operational, technological, motivational, ethical, behavioral. In this regard, the following technologies will be introduced and tested:

  • cognitive: project activities, discussion, consideration and interpretation of individual cases and events, problem solving

  • collaborating: joint preparation blogs

  • multimedia: video, the Internet.

Formation of competences

in the sphere of independent activity

getting knowledge from various sources of information

communicative competence

in the sphere of cultural and leisure activity

Methodical objectives

  1. The development of the abilities to solve problems of a creative and search character

  2. The development of working skills with information from various subject spheres in an integrated information field

  3. The improvement of logical actions: analysis, synthesis, generalizations, classification, abilities to draw conclusions

  4. The development of working skills with interactive models, step-by-step instructions, algorithms

  5. The increasing of development of ICT level of students, their communicative outlet

Universal educational actions formed by the project

  1. REGULATORY UNIVERSAL EDUCATIONAL ACTIONS (actions by means of which the students organize their educational activity)

  • Goal-setting

  • Planning

  • Forecasting

  • Control

  • Correction

  • An assessment

  • Self-control

  1. INFORMATIVE UNIVERSAL EDUCATIONAL ACTIONS (actions by means of which the students carry out the process of knowledge)

  • Educational universal actions (an independent formulation of the informative goals; a search and allocation of necessary information; structuring knowledge, etc.);

  • Logical (analysis; synthesis; a choice of the bases and criteria for comparison, an establishment of relationships of cause and effect; the creation of a logical chain of reasons; promotion of hypotheses, their justification and proof);

  • Statement and solution (the reflection of ways and conditions of actions, their control and assessment; criticality; a choice of the most effective ways of the solution of tasks)

  • Understanding of sacred and moral values of the world history, the development of students’ outlook, the development of patriotism, the development of a foreign language communicative competence in a combination of its components: speech, language, socio-cultural, compensatory, educational and informative.

  1. PERSONAL UNIVERSAL EDUCATIONAL ACTIONS (actions by which the students determine the values and aims of learning)

  • personal, professional, vital self-determination (a creation of an image "I", including a self-relation and a self-assessment)

  • aim of learning (the understanding of a value of results of the activity)

  • moral - ethical orientation (the allocation of the moral and ethical maintenance of events and actions; moral and ethical estimation of events and actions from the point of view of moral standards; implementation of a personal moral choice)


  • to agree and come to the common decision in a joint activity, including situations of collision of interests;

  • to build the statements clear to the partner taking into account what the partner knows and sees, and what he/she doesn’t know;

  • to control actions of the partner;

  • the ability to ask questions;

  • to use speech for regulation of actions;

  • to use speech means adequately for the solution of various communicative tasks, to build monological statements, to use a dialogical form of speech

The main questions of the project:

The fundamental question:

«Why were Science and its Representatives invited into the Royal Society?”

The problem questions:

  1. Why did the Royal Society appear"?

  2. Why were the Royal titles conferred to scientists of different countries?

  3. What discoveries made by European scientists, members of the Royal Society, shook the world?

  4. What is the role of the Royal Society in the development of science?

  5. What is the difference between the Royal Society and other scientific societies?

The title of the project

Her Majesty Science. The Royal Society of London”

The studentsself-research

In the course of the project the students have to search for information in different sources, to sort and to systematize it. Interactivity and distance learning in the course of the search activity opens up opportunities for independent work of students and improving their self-esteem, as well as the differentiation of search assignments for students, depending on their level of computer language skills.


  • Mental card “The History of the Royal Society of London”

  • Scheme "Royal titles and their hierarchy"

  • The time tape "Kaleidoscope of discoveries"

  • Invitation card for a meeting of the Royal Society of London

  • Slide-show

  • Electronic Science Book

The correspondence to the thematic curriculum of a school subject

The project corresponds to school subjects "Foreign (English) Language", "Information Science" of the Federal State Educational Standard and is focused on pupils of the 10 form

Subject Areas


Computer Science



Foreign Language




10-11th Grades

Brief Description of the Project

The project is aimed at the development of meta-competences of students while studying the topic “Science” and is based on English for schools with a profound learning of English, high schools, colleges : / O. Afanasyeva , I. V.Miheeva . - M.: Prosvetschenie , 2014; the course program for students of II-XI forms with a profound learning of English O.V. Afanasieva, I.V. Mikheeva: Moscow, Prosvetschenie,2014.


3 weeks

Program and technical providing necessary for carrying out the educational project




The Internet





multimedia encyclopedias

programs of processing of images


web browser

programs of websites

programs of work with multimedia

Другое: программы создания интерактивных приложений

Printed Materials:

English for schools with a profound learning of English, high schools, colleges : / O. Afanasyeva , I. V.Miheeva . - M.: Prosvetschenie, 2014

Internet resources:






  • the assessment of the starting knowledge of students in the form of the conversation while displaying an introductory presentation of the teacher; questionnaire survey of students; ZIU (“know, interested, can” - see appendix)

  • the discussion of preliminary search results and possible ways of its presentation

  • individual and group consultations of students

  • the total score for the work in groups

Key words

Wonder, discovery, invention

Materials for supporting the project

Estimation materials

Planning materials

Rules of safe work on the Internet

Realization of the project at school

English Holiday Club

Science Day


Nowadays thanks to the Internet we have an access to rich information resources. Why net project?

We can find various projects in the global net. Participating in the net projects we have an opportunity to interact with our peers from other cities, regions and countries. The network organization of educational activity helps to solve some important problems such as: to arrange our additional work; to develop students’ cognitive activity using our interest in modern ICT.

The students of our school have already participated in different All-Russian net projects such as “The Mystery of Foggy Albion” devoted to the eating habits of the British, “The Legends of Red Brick Society” about the system of higher education in the UK.

I have decided to try myself in the net project “Her Majesty Science. The Royal Society of London”. The project is designed by our teacher of Physics and Information Technology.

It was really very interesting and challenging for me to work in such interdisciplinary fields as the English language, Science subjects and Information Technology. I wanted to master the technology of creating net products, I found out a lot of new facts and, all in all, it was really absorbing and entertaining. The most important is that this net project includes the topics of the program and it can be used by other teachers, working with course books by different authors.

Project activities have found wide application in many countries of the world, mainly because it allows you to seamlessly integrate students ' knowledge from different areas around the solution of one problem, gives you the opportunity to apply their knowledge in practice, thereby generating new ideas.

Thus, the experience of practical work in learning English using network technologies allows us to conclude that the projects contribute to the development of our communication and intellectual skills; net project is a natural way to form our skills and abilities working with foreign language text, it gives us the possibility of obtaining authentic information and ability to communicate with native speakers; it promotes the individualization and differentiation of learning process; provides an access to an open society and, therefore, carries out socialization and actualization of every individual student.

  1. The topicality of the theme and the novelty of the proposed solutions

The topicality of introducing new forms of presenting the material has always been a task of paramount importance for any learning process. The project enables to get knowledge and to check the level of understanding in an alternative way with the use of info-communication technologies. The “net” form of presenting information contributes to the development of students' interest and motivation of educational activity.

The theme itself “” is rather interesting.

In the course of research activity we learned new language structures in accordance with the theme, we got acquainted with the wonders of science, after all, we had to master different methods of self-study, and which is more important, we have realized once again the significance of learning the English language as a global means of communication, self-realization, development of the national consciousness.

The idea of the realization of the project can be used by other regions of Russia as far as this net project includes the topics of the program it can be used by other teachers, working with different course books. Актуальность

  1. Goals and Objectives

  • to be able to communicate in English in a real situation using ICT;

  • to be able to use specific vocabulary;

  • to be able to understand in detail written works from partners;

  • to be able to express oneself in a detailed and pragmatic way;

  • to be able to write cohesive and coherent work;

  • to try oneself as an expert;

  • to socialize with peers and to improve the knowledge of English by means of the project;

  • to give an opportunity to everyone to share impressions in the English language which serves as a means of communication, knowledge, self-realization and social integration;

  • to develop pupils’ abilities in order to become autonomous in their learning process;

  • to develop pupils’ creativity and imagination;

  • to develop ICT skills;

  • to develop planning and cooperation skills.

  1. Practical use of the resource

This resource can be used:

  • while studying themes: "The World of Science", in grades 9-11 (English for schools with a profound learning of English, high schools, colleges : / O. Afanasyeva , I. V.Miheeva . - M.: Prosvetschenie , 2013);

  • while studying a theme " Web Design " at the lessons of Computer Science in grade 9-11 (N. Ugrinovich; Moscow, BINOM, 2010)

  • in extracurricular activities;

  • in communication with foreign peers during educational exchanges;

  • as a representation of my own experience in contests, competitions, Olympiads;

  • as far as this net project includes the topics of the program it can be used by other teachers, working with course books by different authors.

Project duration: 3 weeks

The stages of Project Work

Preparatory stage

  • The introduction of a presentation and its discussion

  • The familiarity with a project card (participation, deadlines, milestones, tasks)

  • Informing parents about the purposes of the project - a booklet for parents

  • Learning tips for safe communication on the Internet

  • Registration of participating teams

Main stage

  • Individual and group work of project participants; intermediate assessment

  • Teachers’ consultations, necessary correction

  • Working with criteria of evaluation of multimedia products

  • Working with the Internet resources

  • The creation of the final products of the project


to find out, to study and to present the information.

  1. The class is divided into 4 groups

ARISTOCRATS” - the hierarchy of the UK royal titles; British and European scientists (physicists, chemists) - holders of royal titles; "Top 5" most high-ranking persons among European scientists (physicists, chemists)

DISCOVERERS” - British scientists (physicists, chemists), standing at the origins of the formation of the Royal Society; scientists of Great Britain, the chairmen of the LRS in different historical epochs; "Top 5" most eminent chairmen LRS - British scientists (physicists, chemists) - Nobel Prize winners,

SCIENTISTS” – the Royal Society of London and the development of physics and chemistry in the UK; inventions and discoveries made by British scientists (physicists, chemists) members of LRS; "Top 5" most significant scientific discoveries made by British scientists (physicists, chemists)

EUROPEANS”) - scientific societies of different European countries; inventions and discoveries made by Russian scientists (physicists, chemists); "Top 5" most significant scientific discoveries of European scientists (physicists, chemists), members of various scientific societies and the Nobel Prize Winners

b) All groups answer the questions in a questionnaire.

c) The sequence of actions is noted in a results schedule by each group.

d) On termination of the information search and its processing, each group creates a final product, the link to it is placed into the results’ schedule.

The final stage

  • public presentation of the project

  • summarizing

  • self-assessment and group evaluation


  • Mental card “The History of the Royal Society of London”

  • Scheme "Royal titles and their hierarchy"

  • The time tape "Kaleidoscope of discoveries"

  • Invitation card for a meeting of the Royal Society of London

  • Slide-show


  • Electronic Science book

Final control:

1. the rotation of the initial line-up in a way which will enable every member of the group to orientate in all the available material;

2. serial passage of web pages: filling in answering forms, completing interactive tasks;

3. after completing each task students work with the final results schedule;

4. after completing all the tasks of the site by each group the teacher totals the results (points calculation).

  1. Practical use of the resource

This resource can be used:

  • while studying themes: "The World of Science", in grades 9-11 (English for schools with a profound learning of English, high schools, colleges : / O. Afanasyeva , I. V.Miheeva . - M.: Prosvetschenie , 2013);

  • while studying a theme " Web Design " at the lessons of Computer Science in grade 11 (N. Ugrinovich; Moscow, BINOM, 2010)

  • in extracurricular activities;

  • in communication with foreign peers during educational exchanges;

  • as a representation of my own experience in contests, competitions, Olympiads;

  • as far as this net project includes the topics of the program it can be used by other teachers, working with course books by different authors.

  1. Conclusion

The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think—rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with the thoughts of other men.” ~John Dewey

Taking into consideration this saying I have tried to make my own contribution to the process oflearning. The project enables to get knowledge and to check the level of understanding in an alternative way with the use of info-communication technologies.

After completing the project, I have made the survey among the students of the 10th-11th forms. The question was as it follows: “What lesson do I prefer?” The results of the survey speak for themselves:

The “net” form of the presenting information using ICT contributes to the development of our interest and motivation of educational activity, arouses our excitement, makes us meet the challenge, involves everybody and makes the process of learning fascinating, memorable and useful by all means.

Interactivity and distance learning in the course of the search activity opens up opportunities for our independent work and improving our self-esteem as well as the differentiation of search assignments for us, depending on our level of computer and language skills. The results of the research activities (brochures, presentations, mental maps, our own interpretations of the materials) require appropriate skills which contribute to the aesthetic education of schoolchildren.

The project gives an opportunity to represent project activities, discussions, consideration and interpretation of individual cases and events, problem solving, collaborating (joint preparation blogs) and so on in the conditions of a foreign-language intercultural communication in accordance with experience, interests and psychological characteristics of students.

The project activity develops the ability to work with a book and get information from it, to use the Internet, the text editor, POWER POIINT and PUBLISHER programs; to use knowledge of relevant topics of school subjects “History ", "English", “Physics”, “Chemistry”, “Biology” and so on.

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” , Benjamin Franklin once said, and this is the best motto to my project.


  1. Invitation


  1. Emblem


  1. Sources of information

[Electronic resource]:Википедия

Лондонское Королевское общество” Jesse Russell, Ronald CohnДжесси Рассе, “Книга по требованию”, 2013

[Electronic resource]:Большая Советская Энциклопедия

[Electronic resource]:http://www.critical.ru/calendar/2811Society.htm

[Electronic resource]:http://www.c-cafe.ru/groups/1/087.php

[Electronic resource]:Энциклопедический словарь

[Electronic resource]:http://www.people.su/?cat_p=2&cnt=catalog&r=66

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  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The fu...

    8 слайд

    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The fundamental question: «Why were Science and its Representatives invited into the Royal Society?” The problem questions: Why did the Royal Society appear? Why were the Royal titles conferred to scientists of different countries? What discoveries made by European scientists, members of the Royal Society, shook the world? What is the role of the Royal Society in the development of science? What is the difference between the Royal Society and other scientific societies?

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The st...

    9 слайд

    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The stages of Project Work: Preparatory stage The introduction of a presentation and its discussion The familiarity with a project card (participation, deadlines, milestones, tasks) Informing parents about the purposes of the project - a booklet for parents Learning tips for safe communication on the Internet Registration of participating teams

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The st...

    10 слайд

    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The stages of Project Work: Main stage Individual and group work of project participants; intermediate assessment Teachers’ consultations, necessary correction Working with criteria of evaluation of multimedia products Working with the Internet resources The creation of the final products of the project

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The st...

    11 слайд

    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) The stages of Project Work: The final stage public presentation of the project summarizing self-assessment and group evaluation

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) GROUP...

    12 слайд

    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) GROUP “ARISTOCRATS” GROUP “DISCOVERERS” GROUP “SCIENTISTS” GROUP “EUROPEANS”

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) THE PR...

    13 слайд

    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) THE PRODUCTS OF THE PROJECT: Mental card “The History of the Royal Society of London” Scheme "Royal titles and their hierarchy" The time tape "Kaleidoscope of discoveries" Invitation card for a meeting of the Royal Society of London Slide-show THE FINAL PRODUCT OF THE PROJECT Electronic Science book

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) YOUR E...

    14 слайд

    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) YOUR EXPERIENCE AND EXPECTATIONS : Table ZIU (know, interested, can) Form "How do I know the British science?" a blog Project community

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) сертиф...

    15 слайд

    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) сертификат

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) YOU CA...

    16 слайд

    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) YOU CAN USE: [Electronic resource]:Википедия “Лондонское Королевское общество” Jesse Russell, Ronald CohnДжесси Рассе, “Книга по требованию”, 2013 [Electronic resource]:Большая Советская Энциклопедия [Electronic resource]:http://www.critical.ru/calendar/2811Society.htm [Electronic resource]:http://www.c-cafe.ru/groups/1/087.php [Electronic resource]:Энциклопедический словарь [Electronic resource]:http://www.people.su/?cat_p=2&cnt=catalog&r=66

  • Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) Servic...

    17 слайд

    Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”) Services: WEB 2.0 used in the project: http://www.dipity.com/ https://www.mindmeister.com/ru http://www.slideboom.com/ http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/ http://primarywall.com/#

  • Главное — делайте всё с увлечением: это страшно украшает жизнь Лев Ландау КОН...

    18 слайд

    Главное — делайте всё с увлечением: это страшно украшает жизнь Лев Ландау КОНТАКТНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ: Шептицкая Жанна Владимировна, заместитель директора, учитель физики, математики и информатики sheipa67@gmail.com Net Work Project: “Her Majesty Science”(“The Royal Society of London”)

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