Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииSome new agricultural machines/новые сельскохозяйственные машины (для колледжа)

Some new agricultural machines/новые сельскохозяйственные машины (для колледжа)

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The theme: Some new agricultural machines, Pronouns little, few

The plan of the lesson

1. Educational tasks:- to improve speaking abilities of pupils through discussing the grammar;- to improve their knowledge in grammar;

2. Developing tasks: - to develop in outlook of the pupils;- to train their memory;- the interest to the language by means of expressing the opinion based on the vocabulary learned;

3.  Bringing-up tasks:- to bring-up the skill of communication;- to bring-up the pupils’ respect to their individuality;- to teach pupils to love the foreign languages;


                                                                                       The organizational moment

I. Greeting

II. New lessons

Read the text and translate

New Holland introduced the innovative tractors

The exhibition Agritechnica-2015 representatives of the company New Holland revealed the plans for the future by informing the innovative next-generation machines.

Managers noted that the growing demands of customers and competition, the manufacturers are challenging targets, and high-torque motor is no longer a major advantage of the tractor. the next generation of machines must have not only a high performance, but also demonstrate a better cost-effectiveness, functionality and ergonomics. To qualitatively move in this direction, New Holland are focused on innovative technologies. The company invests in the development of 1.1 billion dollars. And has already received some results. The exhibition in Hanover, the manufacturer introduced three new models, the global sales of which will start in the next season.

By the time the new models in the sale catalog of spare parts on the tractor have to include all the necessary details. In addition, the number of components and assemblies and unified approach from the other models of the company.

The most important was the debut of a new innovative tractor New Holland T7, which is equipping the powerful powertrains 290-315 hp, it demonstrates the functionality of the flagship vehicles, while possessing the advantages of medium size tractors.

That is, if there are cars in the park model T7.290 and T7.315, they can be an alternative to expensive models competing manufacturers are used, as a rule, on a primary / secondary processing ground, investing bales, mowing and transportation. At the same time, New Holland T7 cars show the best fuel efficiency in its class.

Another advantage of the new T7 Series tractors is a comfortable cabin Horizon and the latest automation control technology New Holland IntelliCruise.

The equipment includes tractors T7 Auto Command continuously variable transmission self-designed New Holland, which has 4 modes of direct transfer of 100% of the moment. Such regimes are focused primarily on mowing, investing, transportation and field work in the high-speed mode. In addition, the machines are equipped with one of the best power take-off systems.

New Holland T7 can be equipped with larger tires - the dimension of the rear wheels can be up to 900 mm wide, with a radius of 48-49 (2050/2170 mm diameter). The machine is equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system in tires, controlled from the cab.

New Holland T7New Holland T7

Machines with new engines that meet environmental standards and requirements of the US Tier 4 Final / EU Stage IV will undoubtedly be key brands and attract the greatest interest in the various exhibitions this year. And Case machinery companies are no exception.

At the upcoming exhibition in Germany, at its booth the company plans to introduce two models of mid-range excavators with engines compliant Tier 4 Final. This model CX75 SR with a small turning radius and polnooborotnaya machine CX80C. According to the company, these new models of excavators weighing 8 and 9 tons of hydraulic power are 9% higher than their predecessors.

Achieving standards Tier 4 Final emissions has been achieved by the recirculation of cooled exhaust gas technology and the oxide catalyst system. According to Case's experts, for these machines was not charged with the requirements of the existence of a special oil filter, which allowed not to carry out an active regeneration of the filter system to reduce fuel consumption and replacement of the DPF.

Just like the F Series models, the cooling 621F wheel loaders department is located immediately behind the operator's cab, pushing the engine compartment in the rear of the truck to reduce the counterweight. cooling radiators create a sort of cube behind the cab around the cooling unit so that fresh air gets into each of the radiators. This increases cooling efficiency and provides a long-lasting heat sinks, thereby reducing the cost of maintenance of the machine.


http://image.tsn.ua/media/images2/original/Nov2013/383897466.jpgимпортная картофелеуборочная техника

International Potato Harvesting

Many of the world's leading manufacturers of agricultural machinery also produce potato machines - harvesters and diggers.

Very good technique for the cultivation of potatoes and vegetables, sugar beet, as well as to ensure the most favorable conditions for storage of the resulting crop, offers German company "Grimm" (Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG) - a world leader in the innovation of agricultural machinery .

Such well-known manufacturers, as "Deer and K" ( "John Deere"), "Klaas" ( "Claas"), "New Holland" ( "New Holland"), "Case" ( "Case") also produces modern ovosche- potato and equipment, and work constantly improve the design of agricultural machinery.



ІІІ. Grammar

Местоимения little и few могут выступать в качестве как местоимений-прилагательных, так и местоимений-существительных.


Little и few в качестве местоимений-прилагательных имеют значение "мало". Little, как и much, употребляется перед неисчисляемыми существительными, а few, подобно many, — перед исчисляемыми:


I have very little time.

There is very little ink in the inkpot.

Не has few friends.

There were very few people there.

У меня очень мало времени.

В чернильнице очень мало чернил.

У него мало друзей.

Там было очень мало народу.


В утвердительных предложениях little и few часто заменяются not much и not many, если только они не определяются одним из следующих слов: veryrathertoosoashow.


I havent got much time. 
вместо: I’ve got little time)

There aren’t many French books in our library. 
вместо: There are few French books in our library.)

У меня мало времени.


В нашей библиотеке мало французских книг.


Little и few могут употребляться с неопределенным артиклемa little - немного и a few - немного, несколько:


Please give me a little water.

I have a few books on this subject.

Дайте мне, пожалуйста, немного воды.

У меня есть несколько (не много) книг по этому вопросу.


A little - немного и а few - немного, несколько передают значение некоторое, хотя и небольшое количество, в то время как little и few - мало (недостаточно, почти нет):


I’ve got little time.

I’ve got а little time.

Не has few friends.

Не has a few friends.

У меня мало (недостаточно) времени.

У меня есть немного времени.

У него мало (почти нет) друзей.

У него есть несколько друзей.

V.Practical  work

Упражнение 1

Заполните пропуски местоимениями much или many

He translates … letters into English.

The teacher gives us … homework.

My brother reads … .

Kate gets … telegrams on her birthday.

My parents work too … .

Does your son read … ?

… students study two foreign languages.

We sent letters to … foreign firms.


VI.Home Task
 retelling the text


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