Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыThe liberation of Kamensk.

The liberation of Kamensk.

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1) Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).


The liberation of Kamensk.


   During the Great Patriotic War II Kamensk was occupied by German troops. Occupation began on the 19th of July in 1942 and finished on the 13th of February in1943. Several young native citizens of Kamensk participated in the anti fascists activities as the members of «Young Guard" organization: Alexandra Bondareva, Vasily Gukov. Stepan Safonov  became an active member of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" during the occupation .

   Young pioneers participated in the battles for the liberation of Kamensk from the Nazi invaders. That's what witnesses remember:
"In the morning on the 20th of January a Soviet tank entered the yard of the house. The Germans fired it up. They wounded a soldier, who was inside. During a short pause women dragged him out the tank and tried to help him, but he died from his wounds.
Following the first tank the second smaller tank entered in the yard but  stuck in a deep crater after the bomb. Boys, risking their lives, rushed out of the basement and began to show where the firing points fascists were. But the Soviet soldiers couldn’t get out of the tank, they  also did not have enough time. Forces were too unequal.

   When the battle was over, German soldiers and policemen came into the yard and ordered everyone to get out of the basement and they took men, teenagers and even boys 8-9 years and took away them under the  guard. All of them were taken to the building  of the school №1 (now it is the gymnasium №12) and they were closed in the basement.

In the morning of the 21st of January a 9-year-old boy, Sergei Udovichenko appeared in the house. The boy was wounded in the shoulder. He told me that the Germans kept them at school all the night, and at dawn they led the arrested to the shooting. It was impossible to escape. On the way, the arrested were beaten by the fascists with the rifle butts. The detainees were set on the edge of the basement that was located across the street and were shot. At the end of the execution the Nazis threw three grenades into the basement, they wanted to be sure that everyone was killed. It was a miracle that someone managed to escape. Beside Sergei Udovichenko, Volodya Brousse and Andrei Kucherov could survive. The boys waited until the torturers went out, and helping each other, got out of the basement. They layed down on the snow till dawn, and then came back home by separate ways."

 The counterattack on Kamensk and Kamensky district was conducted by the 3rd Guards Army and the 5th Tank Army, which had been tasked to immediately attack the German positions and capture Kamensk. The heaviest fights started in the 14th of January in 1943 and lasted until the 13th of February.

      Nikolai Borisov was one of the heroes - liberators. The young lieutenant arrived in 278 Infantry Division of the 3rd Guards Army in 1943 before the New Year. He participated in the liberation of the village Krasnovka on the 16th of January in 1943.

During the month, fights didn’t not stop. According to the reports more than 7,000 people were killed in the battle for our city, more than 3 thousand people were missing.

On the mass graves of the city are inscribed the names of all 370 soldiers and commanders, all the rest are thought to be unknown. Perhaps the time will come, and all the names of the soldiers appear on the plaques and memory of them will be immortalized forever.

1)    Occupation began on the 19th of July in 1942 and finished on the 13th of February in1943.

a)     True

b)    False

c)     Not stated


2)    Only men participated in the battles for the liberation of Kamensk from the Nazi invaders.

a)     True

b)    False

c)     Not stated


3)    Some young pioneers were taken to the building of the school №1 and they were closed in the basement.

a)     True

b)    False

c)     Not stated


4)    Tank units suffered heavy losses - only the first battle in the vicinity of the town (on the road from the plants to the glass plant and near the railway station). 40 tanks came into the town, but 29 tanks were burnt.

a)     True

b)    False

c)     Not stated


5)    On the mass graves of the city are inscribed the names of all 370 soldiers and commanders.

a)     True

b)    False

c)      Not stated




2)  Найдите в тексты эквиваленты данных выражений:


a)     Немецкие войска

b)    Подпольная организация

c)     Он скончался от ран.

d)    Силы были слишком неравными.

e)     Невозможно было сбежать.

f)      Это было чудо.

g)    Самые тяжелые бои

h)    Герой освободитель

i)       братские могилы

j)       Память о солдатах будет увековечена навсегда.


3) Напишите три формы глаголов:

a)     to occupy

b)    to become

c)     to lead

d)    to stick

e)     to come

4)  Ответьте на вопросы:

a)     When did the occupation begin?

b)    When did the occupation finish?

c)     What people did take part in the battles for the liberation of Kamensk from the Nazi invaders?

d)    Who were able to escape from the Nazis?

e)     When did the heaviest fights start?

f)      Nikolai Borisov was one of the heroes – liberators, wasn’t he?

g)    How many people were killed in the battle for our city?


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