Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыThe Magic World of Literature

The Magic World of Literature

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Lesson Plan

Subject: English

Form: VII”V”


Date: 03.03.2017


Teacher: Botezat N.C.


Topic: «The Magic World of the English and American literature»


Specific Competences:


Communicative and Pragmatic Competence - Producing oral messages and interactions (Spoken Interaction)

Communicative Competence - Receiving written messages (Reading)

Communicative Competence - Receiving oral messages (Listening)

Communicative and Pragmatic Competence - Producing written messages and interactions (Writing)


Sub- Competences:     1.To secure the students active vocabulary of the lexical units on the topic "genres of books", "English-speaking writers and poets", "popular English-speaking writers and poets." 2. To systematize the knowledge of students about the writers and poets biographies such as: J. Tolkien, Mark Twain, D. London ,D. Rowling ,R. Stevenson Rudyard Kipling, E. Dickinson, AA Milne. 3. To expand the horizons of pupils as a foreign literature readers.


Operational Objectives:


Students will be able to expand their active vocabulary of the lexical units on the topic "genres of books", "English-speaking writers and poets", "popular English-speaking writers and poets.";


Students will be able to use the acquired material in new situations;


Students will able to develop the communication skills;


Students will able to develop the skill to work in groups;




Teacher’s and students’ activity

Strategies (Methods, techniques, forms of activities)




Capturing students’ attention;                        Greeting students

Announcing the topic and the objectives of the lesson


Ask questions on the previous topic


Check up homework

Warming up activity 










Communicative Method




Presentation, computer, screen, hand-outs (cards) with the tasks, paper for written responses of students





Whole class work





The completed tasks for  h/w

Poems about books


2.Realization of meaning

 (Presentation of the new meaning of the lesson.)









Good afternoon dear pupils and teachers. Most children and grown-ups like to read and think that books are their best friends. I think so, too.

Pupil 1: “Take Me Back To Bookland”

Please, take me back to Bookland,                                                                                 Ev’ryone’s happy there.                                                                                                        It’s more than a girl and boy land,                                                                                  Where dreams, just like books, can be shared.

If you believe in Bookland,                                                                                               Believe in things that you cannot see;                                                                                   All the world would become a Joyland,                                                                            What a wonderful world this would be!   

Pupil 2:           I like reading tales

                        About witches, ghosts and fairies.

                        About kings and princes

                        Living in castles and everywhere.

                        Their adventures are great and exciting.

                        Especially when the pirates are fighting.

TEACHER: Dear friends, today our talk will be about famous writers and about their books. Welcome to the magic world of the English literature!

Clap your hands to our teams. They are “People”, “Comedy club”, “Readers” and “Comedy people”. Clap your hands to our guests and to our jury.We begin our game. The game has some tasks. You must be very careful and serious. You have only one minute for doing the task. You will write your answers on the paper and give me, please. Then we’ll see the right answers. The team will be the winner if it has the most right answers.



Tasks, tables, text,

hand- outs.














Computer, projector.














Tasks, tables, text,

 hand- outs.














Computer, projector.











Game tasks:


1st task – Look at the slide, please. You can see some portraits and the names. Match them, please.







2nd  task – Look at the covers of the books, please. Finish the sentences, please.



















3rd  task- Every team has got only one riddle to read and you must guess what does it mean.


























4th task – In the envelope you can see the parts of the cover of the book. You must have the right picture of this book. After that you’ll tell about it for guests and other teams.


Шаблон примерного рассказа о книге:

The title of the book is … It was written by … The book is … This book is about … The main characters are … They … I think this book will be interesting to people who …


5th task– Listen to the story about one boy and answer the question at the end of this story.

Who was Tom’s friend?

Who is the author of the book about Tom Sawyer?

What’s the real name of Mark Twain?

What writer is he? American or English?


6th task: This famous writer wrote a lot of books. And he wrote about reading and books. You have the parts of the statement. Write the phrase and translate it.







TEACHER: Dear pupils, look around! Here you see a nice big exhibition of books of English and American writers. Do you know their names? Have you read any of these books? We are sure, you have read some of them at least in Russian.


TEACHER: When you are a visitor of the library you should be well-mannered. You should know these rules. Let’s read them all together.



Wash your hands before you begin to read.

Do not write anything on the pages.

Do not make drawings in the book.

Do not make “dog’s ears” in the book.

Do not tear the pages.

Do not lose your books.

Return the books in time.


 Pupil3:         Since books are friends,

                            They need much care

                            When you’re reading them,

                            Be good to them and fair.

                            Remember, children, then:

                            Books are meant to read,

                            Not to cut or color them

                            No, really never indeed.


Pupil 4:                       This is my bookcase

And here I run

To have with books

A lot of fun.

This is my bookcase,

It’s the place

Where I meet books

Face to face.

TEACHER: This game was interesting. You have got  good knowledge of the English and American literature. Here are the results of the game.

The last place is for “________”

The third place is for “________”

The second place is for “________”

And the winner is “____________”


























1 - John Tolkien

2 - Mark Twain

3 - Joanne Rowling

4 - Alan Alexander Milne 

5 - Rudyard Kipling

6 - Jack London

7 – Lewis Carroll 

8 - Robert Louis Stevenson


“The Lord of the rings” is a fairy tale about the hobbits and the magic things.

“Jungle book” consists of the Indian tales.

“Winnie-the-Pooh” was translated into Russian by Boris Zakhoder.

“Harry Potter” has some parts about one boy and his friends.

“Treasure island” is an adventure story about a boy and the pirates.

“Alice’s adventures in Wonderland” was written for his friend’s daughter.







1. What teaches without talking? (a book)

2. Where can you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses? (a map)

3. What is Black and white and read all over? (a newspaper)

4. Twenty-six sisters live in the English house. Who are they? (letters)

















1.“Harry Potter”

2.“Treasure Island”

3.“Jungle book”


























A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.

Классика – это то, что каждый хочет прочитать, а никто не читает.














Tasks, tables, text,

hand- outs.














Computer, projector.






























Tasks, tables, text,

 hand- outs.














Computer, projector.






a) Generalization of the lesson (T asks Ss questions on the material of the lesson)

             XV. Conclusion

Teacher: Let’s summarize  the material studied:


XV. Pupils are evaluated: The marks are the following…


 XIV. Hometask
Teacher: Your home task is to write a descriptive essay about your favourite book.

Thank you very much for your work.








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