Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТестовая работа по английскому языку

Тестовая работа по английскому языку

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          Промежуточная аттестация

   по иностранному языку (английский)

                     для 7 класса





учитель иностранного языка

Оборок Ксения Александровна







                                      г. Рославль

2020 – 2021 учебный год

  • Сроки:
  • Форма:
  • Цель: установить  уровень освоения учащимися 7 классов федерального компонента государственного образовательного стандарта основного общего образования.
  • Структура и содержание работы.

Тестовая работа состоит из пяти частей, которые различаются по содержанию и числу заданий. Определяющим признаком каждой части работы является форма заданий:

- 1 часть-контроль аудирования;

- 2 часть-контроль чтения;

- 3 часть-контроль лексики и грамматики;

- 4 часть-контроль письма;

- 5 часть-контроль говорения.

Задания 1, 2, 3  части мониторинга содержат варианты ответов, из которых ученик выбирает один верный. Такая структура задания обеспечивает возможность достаточно качественно и оперативно получать информацию о результатах усвоения учебного материала, отдельного вопроса или темы, выявить базовый уровень знаний по предмету.

Задание 4 части требуют самостоятельного ответа учащегося (написание ответа на письмо по образцу). Этот вид задания, несомненно, требует от ученика активной и достаточно оперативной мыслительной деятельности.

Задание 5 части требуют самостоятельного ответа учащегося (чтение текста вслух, описание одной из предложенных фотографий). Этот вид задания, несомненно, требует от ученика активной и достаточно оперативной мыслительной деятельности.


Часть работы

Количество заданий

Максимальный балл

Часть 1



Часть 2



Часть 3



Часть 4



Часть 5






Обозначение задания в работе

Тип заданий

Уровень сложности

Элементы содержания, проверяемые заданиями КИМ

Система оценивания


Выбор ответа


Понимание текста на слух.

1 б


Выбор ответа


Установление соответствия между текстами и их темами.

1 б

Use of English

Выбор ответа


Употребление грамматических и лексических правил.

1 б


Выбор ответа


Написание ответа на письмо по образцу.

1 б


Выбор ответа


Чтение текста вслух.

Описание фотографии.

1 б


  • Продолжительность работы: 45 минут  
  • Дополнительные материалы и оборудование: компьютер, колонки
  • Критерии оценки

Максимальный балл за работу – 25.

Тестовый балл.

Процент выполнения.

Школьная отметка.

25-23 б



22-18 б



17-12 б



11-0 б

Менее  48%



Вид деятельности

Тестовый балл

Процент выполнения

Школьная отметка

























Лексика и грамматика
































  • Ключи

Ответы к заданиям вариант  Чтение



















Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

1) Any harmful ingredients aren`t added to our products by us.

2) A lot of new schools are being built in the provinces by the Government now.

3) He has just been arrested on suspicion of cruelty to animals by the police.

4) The money will be spent on books.

2. Rewrite the following sentences in the active.

1) John wrote the plan of the work.

2) The child read a lot of textbooks.

3) Nick will make the model.

4) Rosemary Emery made the clock.



Ответы к заданиям вариант 2.




















 Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

1) A lot of books on IT are published by them.

2) My hair was washed by the hairdresser.

3) My TV set has been repaired by the repairman.

4) The soup is being brought by the waiter.

2. Rewrite the following sentences in the active.

1) Our class designed the project.

2) I will leave my message tomorrow.

3) Our school football team won the match.

4) M. Lermontov didn`t write this poem.


Listening   Task 1

  1 b; 2 c; 3 a; 4 c; 5 b

Listening   Task 2

   1 F; 2 F; 3 F; 4 T; 5 T


Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 7 классе

            Фамилия, имя ___________________________________________

Вариант 1




Task 1

 Listen to the interview and decide which answer is correct, a, b or c.

1. George lives in

a Los Angeles.

b New York.

c Aspen.

2. George goes to the studios by

a bus.

b car.

c taxi.

3. In the Actors’ Club he

a plays computer games.

b plays basketball.

c goes swimming.

4. George usually goes on holiday

a in summer.

b in February.

c in winter.

5.George’s favourite sport is

a jogging.

b skiing.

c swimming.

Task 2

Listen to the interview again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 _____ In New York George gets up at 8.15.

2 _____ He meets his friends in Central Park.

3 _____ George works in the evening.

4 _____ His friends call him lazy.

5        _____ He goes skiing in Aspen.


Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


This text deals with …

1. Money.

2. Social Concerns.

3. Parents.

4. Part-Time Work.

5. Sport.

6. Helping at Home.


A. What teenagers feel and do is also of interest to governments. The following facts are taken from the official survey. Almost 60 per cent of British teenagers have a part-time job. The most popular jobs are working in shops and stores (usually on Saturdays), doing a paper round (mornings, before school), or babysitting.

B. Nearly all teenagers claim they help with the housework. But most admit they only do it because they have to.

C. Two thirds of those who were interviewed take part regularly in one or more sporting activities. Swimming is very popular with both sexes, while more than 45 per cent of boys play football.

D. Money is seen as a problem by most teenagers. Without it they can’t buy clothes or gadgets, or go to concerts, cinemas or discos. The majority of girls spend their pocket money on clothes; half the boys spend it on gadgets. Three quarters of all teenagers try to save at least some money.

E. Most teenagers get along with their parents quite well. Although a lot of teenagers believe their parents are too strict, most agree that their parents offer help and support in times of crisis. When there are arguments, however, they are usually about what time they should come home at night, where they are going, and who they are going with.

                                               Use of English.

Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из четырех предложенных вариантов.

The Frog and the Bird.

The bird invited the frok to ten. "So nice of you to ask me to come”, said the frog. "No one invites me A__________________”.

"My pleasure," answered the bird, "Would you like some sugar in your tea?" he asked, "Yes, thank you," said the frog. He took the sugar, and put half into B_____________tea. The other half fell on

floor. "I C_____________ no friends at all."

"Would you like some milk?" asked the bird politely. "Thank you”. said the frog. Most of the milk was soon next to the sugar on the floor. "This is the first time someone has invited me anywhere

over a year!"

"Will you have a biscuit?" asked the bird. "Yes," said the frog. He took a lot of biscuits and D__________them in his mouth. "I hope you will invite me again," said the frog, as he swallowed

biscuits. "Maybe, but I am very busy," said the bird. He never invited the frog again.


A. 1) somewhere             2) anywhere               3) nowhere                 4) everywhere

B. 1) his          2) he           3) him                4) hers

C. 1) have           2) had            3) don't have              4) didn't have

D. 1) puts                2) has put                   3) was put                  4) put

E. 1) the most              2) much                      3) more                   4) the more


Напишите ответ на вопрос.

                                                                                                         25 Lenina Street





  Dear friend,

  I was glad to get your letter. Sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was busy with my school.

   My name is Tom. I study at school. In my free time I am fond of sport. I am interested in playing football. Also I attend swimming pool on Sundays. What do you like to do in your free time? What is your favourite subject at school?

Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework. Write back soon!

   Best wishes,




Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.

We go to a theatre to see a play, that is to say, a performance given by actors and actresses. A play of a serious character, dealing with important human problems is called a tragedy. A play of a humorous, lighter character is a comedy. Dramatists are called playwrights nowadays, and there are no longer such great dramatists as Shakespeare or Show. If we want to go to a theatre, we buy tickets at a box office and show them to an attendant at an entrance. In the building, there is a hall, a large foyer and a cloakroom where we leave our overcoats, hats, etc. An audience can walk in the foyer in the intervals. Many doors lead to an auditorium consisting of stalls, boxes, and balconies. In front of the auditorium, there is a curtain separating it from a stage. The curtain rises when a play begins and falls at the end of each act.

Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7−8 предложений).

 План ответа поможет вам:

— the place

— the action

— the person's appearance

— whether you like the picture or not

— why

 Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”






















Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 7 классе

Фамилия, имя ___________________________________________


                                          Вариант 2.


Task 1

 Listen to the interview and decide which answer is correct, a, b or c.

1. George lives in

a Los Angeles.

b New York.

c Aspen.

2. George goes to the studios by

a bus.

b car.

c taxi.

3. In the Actors’ Club he

a plays computer games.

b plays basketball.

c goes swimming.

4. George usually goes on holiday

a in summer.

b in February.

c in winter.

5.George’s favourite sport is

a jogging.

b skiing.

c swimming.


Task 2

Listen to the interview again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 _____ In New York George gets up at 8.15.

2 _____ He meets his friends in Central Park.

3 _____ George works in the evening.

4 _____ His friends call him lazy.

5        _____ He goes skiing in Aspen.


Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

1. Free time

2. Food

3. Advice

4. Sightseeing

5. Animal facts

6. Weather


A. Russian summers are warm, but cities such as Moscow (and even those as far east as Tomsk), can experience intense heat waves that drive residents out of doors, and in somecases, out of town. High humidity makes the summers feel even hotter. Brief showers occur unexpectedly; it’s good to carry a small travel umbrella with you even on the sunniest days.


B. Fish is a major ingredient in the Finnish cuisine. The large amount of lakes and rivers provide interesting opportunities to catch your own delicious dinner and prepare it on openfire. There is one dish Finns particularly love to prepare when spending time in their summercottages: the smoked whitefish. Whitefish can be caught in lakes, rivers and the Baltic Sea.


C. When you’re sightseeing or touring in the summer, be sure to remember to wear sunblock. Getting sunburned early in your trip will make the rest of your visit less pleasant. Don’t forget to protect your ears, the back of your knees, face, and other areas of exposed skin with a good-quality sunscreen that will last throughout the day. Be sure that your clothing is breathable.


D. Russians prefer escaping from the noisy city on the weekends or for a vacation to enjoy their summer cottage, or dacha. Dachas are located on the outskirts of cities and towns. SomeRussians maintain beautiful gardens there, but the intention of the dacha is to provide a place away from the heat and noise of the city where families can relax and commune with nature.


E. Some sharks seem to eat all the time. For example, the Great White Shark is always on thehunt: in a year it eats 11 tons of food! To compare, an average person eats half a ton of foodper year. Most sharks eat a meal every couple of days. If necessary, though, they can go for a few weeks without eating. Like people, sharks can store extra energy as fat, for use laterwhen food is limited.


                            Use of English.

Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из четырех предложенных вариантов.

The Story of Pied Piper.

Many years ago in the German town of Hamelin, the people had a terrible problem with rats. There were rats everywhere - in the streets, houses, gardens, even A __________beds. The mayor B___________what to do. One day, a strange man called Pied Piper C______________and said he could help with the problem. But he asked for a lot of money. The mayor agreed to pay D__________

The Pied Piper played his pipes and the rats followed him out of Hamelin and fell over a cliff. "I will not give you the money!” said the mayor, "You are asking too much!” So the Pied Piper played his pipes again. This time every child followed the Pied Piper. The E______________

never returned. The mayor had learnt his lesson, but much too late.

A. 1) people's             2) people              3) peoples                  4) peoples'

B. 1)don't know            2) not know           3) does not know               4) did not know

C. 1) come               2) came                3) was coming                 4) has come

D. 1) her               2) his              3) him                 4) he

E. 1) child's              2) children's                3) children                4) child


Напишите ответ на вопрос.

                                                                                                         25 Lenina Street





  Dear friend,

       I was glad to get your letter. Sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was busy with my school.

      My name is Tom. I study at school. In my free time I am fond of sport. I am interested in playing football. Also I attend swimming pool on Sundays. What do you like to do in your free time? What is your favourite subject at school?

      Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework. Write back soon!

       Best wishes,



Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.

Physical Education is one of the subjects taught at school. Students do many different sports, exercises, and activities. There are many types of physical fitness. Physical education keeps kids and adults fit and active. It is very important for their health and well-being.

Scientists have shown that brain development and physical exercise go hand in hand. Physical education can help academic success. It is important to educate people in the field of healthy and smart ways to stay active.

Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7−8 предложений).

 План ответа поможет вам:

— the place

— the action

— the person's appearance

— whether you like the picture or not

— why


Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”














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