Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыTests for 3rd classes

Tests for 3rd classes

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1. The table is…… than the chair.

a) big    b) small   c) bigger   d) on

2. The dog is… the table.

a) isn’t   b) under   c) robot    d) toy

3. The flower is ……. the table.

a) yellow   b) on   c) is   d) are

4. There is a picture … the wall. a) in  b) at   c) is   d) on

5. We …. three bedrooms. a) have   b) has   c) is   d) are

6. ………. our house . a) This is   b) has  c) is  d) are

7They are dangerous animals.

a.Crocodiles   b) sprites   c) spots    d) trees

8.It can climb well.

a) a monkey   b) a dog  c) a bird  d) a parrot

9. They are big animals. a) insects   b) tigers   c) ants   d) bees

10. They are the biggest monkeys.

a)monkeys   b) dogs  c)  mandrills  d) a hippo

11.___________ are flowers.

a)Roses, tulips   b) roses, trees

c)roses, willow   d)roses, mulberries

12. . Chocolates, Coca-colas, sweets are_____.

a) healthy  b) unhealthy   c) good   d) big

13. My granny ___ like chocolates. a) doesn’t     b)likes  c)is    d) has

14. _____ are transports.

a)Cars, trains, five   b)Cars, fruits

c) cars, trains, buses   d) trains, like

15 We can hear with it. a) eye  b) mouth  c) ear  d) head



1. The table is…… than the chair.

a) big    b) small   c) bigger   d) on

2. The dog is… the table.

a) isn’t   b) under   c) robot    d) toy

3. The flower is ……. the table.

a) yellow   b) on   c) is   d) are

4. There is a picture … the wall. a) in  b) at   c) is   d) on

5. We …. three bedrooms. a) have   b) has   c) is   d) are

6. ………. our house . a) This is   b) has  c) is  d) are

7They are dangerous animals.

a.Crocodiles   b) sprites   c) spots    d) trees

8.It can climb well.

a) a monkey   b) a dog  c) a bird  d) a parrot

9. They are big animals. a) insects   b) tigers   c) ants   d) bees

10. They are the biggest monkeys.

a)monkeys   b) dogs  c)  mandrills  d) a hippo

11.___________ are flowers.

a)Roses, tulips   b) roses, trees

c)roses, willow   d)roses, mulberries

12. . Chocolates, Coca-colas, sweets are_____.

a) healthy  b) unhealthy   c) good   d) big

13. My granny ___ like chocolates. a) doesn’t     b)likes  c)is    d) has

14. _____ are transports.

a)Cars, trains, five   b)Cars, fruits

c) cars, trains, buses   d) trains, like

15 We can hear with it. a) eye  b) mouth  c) ear  d) head





1. The table is…… than the chair.

a) big    b) small   c) bigger   d) on

2. The dog is… the table.

a) isn’t   b) under   c) robot    d) toy

3. The flower is ……. the table.

a) yellow   b) on   c) is   d) are

4. There is a picture … the wall. a) in  b) at   c) is   d) on

5. We …. three bedrooms. a) have   b) has   c) is   d) are

6. ………. our house . a) This is   b) has  c) is  d) are

7They are dangerous animals.

a.Crocodiles   b) sprites   c) spots    d) trees

8.It can climb well.

a) a monkey   b) a dog  c) a bird  d) a parrot

9. They are big animals. a) insects   b) tigers   c) ants   d) bees

10. They are the biggest monkeys.

a)monkeys   b) dogs  c)  mandrills  d) a hippo

11.___________ are flowers.

a)Roses, tulips   b) roses, trees

c)roses, willow   d)roses, mulberries

12. . Chocolates, Coca-colas, sweets are_____.

a) healthy  b) unhealthy   c) good   d) big

13. My granny ___ like chocolates. a) doesn’t     b)likes  c)is    d) has

14. _____ are transports.

a)Cars, trains, five   b)Cars, fruits

c) cars, trains, buses   d) trains, like

15 We can hear with it. a) eye  b) mouth  c) ear  d) head



1. The table is…… than the chair.

a) big    b) small   c) bigger   d) on

2. The dog is… the table.

a) isn’t   b) under   c) robot    d) toy

3. The flower is ……. the table.

a) yellow   b) on   c) is   d) are

4. There is a picture … the wall. a) in  b) at   c) is   d) on

5. We …. three bedrooms. a) have   b) has   c) is   d) are

6. ………. our house . a) This is   b) has  c) is  d) are

7They are dangerous animals.

a.Crocodiles   b) sprites   c) spots    d) trees

8.It can climb well.

a) a monkey   b) a dog  c) a bird  d) a parrot

9. They are big animals. a) insects   b) tigers   c) ants   d) bees

10. They are the biggest monkeys.

a)monkeys   b) dogs  c)  mandrills  d) a hippo

11.___________ are flowers.

a)Roses, tulips   b) roses, trees

c)roses, willow   d)roses, mulberries

12. . Chocolates, Coca-colas, sweets are_____.

a) healthy  b) unhealthy   c) good   d) big

13. My granny ___ like chocolates. a) doesn’t     b)likes  c)is    d) has

14. _____ are transports.

a)Cars, trains, five   b)Cars, fruits

c) cars, trains, buses   d) trains, like

15 We can hear with it. a) eye  b) mouth  c) ear  d) head




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These tests are very useful for 3rd classes. Teachers can use during lessons. Tests are suitable for their ages and levels. there are differen types of tests :open and closed. A lot of time use these tests my lessons and I can say these tests have effective sides. my pupils understand and can do them without any difficulties.

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