Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТесты по английскому языку, 11 класс, по теме "Relationships", Module 1, по вариантам

Тесты по английскому языку, 11 класс, по теме "Relationships", Module 1, по вариантам

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GRADE 11 Module 1



I.         Fill in: devoted, single, get, overweight, divorced, separated, widow, engaged

1. It’s difficult to be a __________ parent.

2. My parents are ____________, so my sister and I live with our mum.

3. If you think you are ____________ you should go on a diet.

4. She is a very __________ daughter who spends all her time looking after her sick mother.

5. His parents didn’t ______________ on well so they decided to get ___________.

6. Mrs. Smith’s husband died three years ago. She is a ___________ .

7. The recently _______________ couple are planning a summer wedding.


II.      Choose the correct verb form

1.    Linda has been trying/is trying to find a present for an hour.

2.    Mark has just had/is just having a fight with Tom because he used Mark’s laptop without asking him.

3.    Roses smell/are smelling very well.

4. The film starts/will start at 6 pm.

5. Watch out! You are crashing/are going to crash into that tree!


III.   Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1.      I ___________ (go) jogging every morning.

2.      I ___________(see) my aunt tonight.

3.      My brother always __________ (wear) my clothes.

4.      Our flight ____________ (reach) London at 7:30 p.m.

5.      I’m tired. I __________ (not / sleep) yet.

6.      Why _________ (you / look) at me now?

7.      How often __________ (you /have) English lessons?

8.      The cake _______ (taste) great. Can I have another piece?

9.      The children are dirty. They _____________ (play) football since morning.

10.  We can’t buy the tickets. We ________ (already / spend) all our money.


IV.        Fill in: across, into, over, up with, down with.

1.      Dan came _____ some great ideas for his grandparents’ anniversary celebration.

2.      My body aches and I feel hot. I think I`m coming _____ the flu.

3.      She came ______ a lot of money when her uncle died.

4.      We’re having a Halloween party tonight, would you like to come _____?

5.      They come _____ at least once a week for a visit.


V.           Complete the sentences with the prepositions: for, about, to, of.

1.      Mary has great respect ______ her grandparents.

2.      Aren`t you ashamed _____ treating her that way?

3.      She is very attached _____ her brother.

4.      What are they arguing _____ this time again?

5.      Michael always felt very close _____ his father-in-law.


VI.             Match the form exchanges in column A and column B.


         A                                                                          B


1.      I’m thinking of leaving my job.                      A I’m afraid I can’t.   


2.      Would you like some help with that?              B That doesn’t sound like a good    



3.      How about going out tonight?                         C Nothing special. Why?


4.      Are you doing anything this evening?             D Sure, go ahead.



5.      Could I have a quick word with you?              E I can manage, thanks.









GRADE 11  Module 1



I.                   Fill in: tradition, policy, stroll, concept, support, honour, priority, child

1.      After we did the washing up, we went for a __________ in the park.

2.      Without my husband’s ____________, I wouldn’t have made it in the fashion business.

3.      My schoolwork is my top ___________.

4.      We like to exchange gifts on New Year’s Day. It’s a family ____________ .

5.      I can’t understand the ___________ behind this machine. What is it supposed to do?

6.      It’s a great _______________ for me to be part of your research team.

7.      We’re sorry! You cannot use the Internet during work hours. It’s our company’s _______.

8.      My husband is an only ___________. He’ has no brothers or sisters.


II.      Choose the correct word.

1. Mrs. Jacobs is always involving / interfering in things that don’t concern her.

2. When Mary makes / gives a promise, she never takes / breaks it.

3. My sister really gets / puts on my nerves.

4. Stop putting the fault/blame on others.

5. Steward is always showing/telling off and saying how good he is at everything.


III. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1. ______________ (you/know) if there is a problem between Mary and Patrick?

2. I ________ (never/ be) to the USA. I _______(want) to go there last summer but I couldn’t.

3. What ________ (you / do)? Your face is all red and looks really upset!

4. Linda and I ________ (work) for a company, which _________ (produce) automobiles 

5. They ______________ (just/ buy) some postcards.

6. The picture you __________ (look) at _________ (belong) to the Tretyakov Gallery.

7. Don’t throw the paper away because I ______ (not / read) it yet.

8. “How is your English?” “Not bad. It _____________ ( improve) slowly.”

9. The film _________(start) at 6 pm.

IV. Fill in: across, into, over, up with, down with. (phrasal verb)

1.      The workers came ______ some ancient ruins while digging at the construction site.

2.      Nick came ______ some great ideas for his grandparents’ anniversary celebration.

3.      Would you like to come _____ tonight, we’re having a Halloween party.

4.      My body aches and I feel hot. I think I’m coming ____ the flu.

5.      She came ____ a lot of money when her uncle died.


V.       Complete the sentences with the prepositions.

1.      Margaret feels very close ______ her sister - in - low.

2.      Frank has a great deal of respect _______ his teachers.

3.      William is very attached ______ his friends at school.

4.      Couples often argue ____ money.

5.      You should be ashamed ______ your behavior.


VI.    Fill in: black sheep, trousers, blood, apple.

1.  His mother wears the _________________in the family. She is the boss!
2.  Her niece is the _______________ of her eye.
3.  Please,take care of your sister. She’s your own flesh and _________________ .

4. My sister is the ______________in the family. She’s always in trouble.

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