Инфоурок Иностранные языки Конспекты"Traditions and holidays" (8 класс)

"Traditions and holidays" (8 класс)

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hello_html_543bb3be.gifhello_html_543bb3be.gifhello_html_543bb3be.gifhello_html_543bb3be.gifhello_html_543bb3be.gifhello_html_543bb3be.gifhello_html_543bb3be.gifhello_html_m5bc0116e.gifhello_html_m5bc0116e.gifhello_html_543bb3be.gifTheme Traditions and holidays

Aims : students will be able to speak traditions and holidays and Choose the right variant or Put the verbs into the correct form (future progressive)

Type getting new information

Visual aidsSupplementary material , cards, pictures, an interactive board, computers

Methods : critical thinking, interactive method, answer the question.

Interaction: geography

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment

  1. Greeting moment

  2. Say the names of the month

  1. Check.up the homework

  • What was your hometask for today?

  • Text by heart

  1. Presentation

Today we shall speak about our Traditions and holidays

Kazakhstan is our Motherland. It is the largest state in the Central Asia. Kazakhstan has its own national flag and anthem and national traditions and holidays.The national flag of Kazakhstan is blue. Blue colour of Kazakhstan flag expresses peace and calm, the cloudless sky, the symbol of peace. According to the heraldry the blue colour corresponds to such human qualities as honesty hope and faithfulness. In the centre of the flag there is the gold sun, the symbol of the life, the source of energy. Rays have the form of grain, the symbol of independence, freedom and state power. The yellow ornament "Koshkar mujiz" is the symbol of the Kazakh art.
In Kazakhstan live over 100 nationalities. They live in friendship and peace. Kazakh people are friendly, kind, hospitable, sociable.

Kazakhstan’s holidays are New Year's Day, Women Day, Nauruz, Constitution Day, Republic's Day, Independence Day. Nauryz is one of the traditional holiday in Kazakhstan. We celebrate Nauryz on the 22nd of March. It means a new day, a new year. It is a holiday of spring and renovation. A lot of yurtas are erected everywhere. During Nauryz Meiramy Kazakhs wear fine, good clothes, clean houses, yards, streets, plant trees, invite each other to be respectable guest and congratulate each other.

Who is the fastest?
1. What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? (An eagle)
4. A dwelling where Kazakhs live in ancient time? (Yurta)
5. In what month is Kazakh New Year celebrated? (In March)
9. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14 regions).
10. When do we celebrate the Independence Day? (On the 16th of December).
11. Who is the head of Kazakhstan? (President N.Nazarbaev).
12. What kind of state is Kazakhstan? (Democratic republic).
13. What is the state language in the UK? (English).
14. What river is Astana situated on? (The Ishym).

Future Continuous Tense (жалғаспалы келер шақ)
Формула: S + shall/willhttp://www.eintproject.kz/images/stories/roj15.jpg + be + V4(PI)
Болашақта белгілі бір уақытта болатын оқиғаны баяндау үшін қолданылады.
Оқиға байланысты болуы мүмкін:
уақытқа, мезгілге, күнге т.б;
I will be answering his letter in the evening. –
Мен кешке оның хатына жауап беріп жататын боламын.  
At this time tomorrow night, Jack will be practicing the violin. –
Ертең кешке осы уақытта Джек скрипкада жаттығып жататын болады
At 8 P. M. he will be working on his master's essay. –
Кешкі сағат 8-де ол өзінің магистрлік диссертациясымен жұмыс істеп жататын болады.

IV. Practice

Put the verbs into the correct form (future progressive).

Tomorrow morning we (work) .

This time next week we (have) hello_html_m113ab9a2.gifa party.

At midnight I (sleep) hello_html_m113ab9a2.gif.

This evening we (watch) a talk show.

They (not/do) their homework this afternoon.

He (listen) to music.

I (read) a book this evening.

(walk / you) home this afternoon?

He (not/draw) tomorrow morning

They (argue) again?

Choose the right variant.

  1. I shall go/shall be going to the party when my brother arrives.

  2. Will you pass / will you be passing me the books from him tomorrow?

  3. I’m sure Tom will give up/is giving up the job.

  4. Jack isn’t free on Monday. He will write/ will be writing at home.

  5. Jim is going to study from 7 till 10 this evening. So at 8.30 this evening he will learn/will be learning new words.

  6. While I shall read/ shall be reading this poem she will play/ will be playing the piano.

  7. When you call him he will sleep/ will be sleeping.

  8. I hope the next mail will bring/ will be bringing news from home.

  9. Her homework is not finished. She will work/ will be working at it.

  10. At what time will you be/ will you being at home?

  1. shall be going — 2

  2. Will you pass — 1

  3. will give up — 1

  4. will be writing. — 2

  5. will be learning — 2

  6.  shall be reading/will be playing — 2

  7. will be sleeping — 2

  8. will bring — 1

  9. will be working — 2

  10.  will you be -1.


Ex. 5 p. 12 and make the sentences

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