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Travelling what for 2 класс

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    Travelling…what for?

    1 слайд

    Travelling…what for?

  • To consolidate 
pupils’ knowledge
concerning the
theme.  To develop their

    2 слайд

    To consolidate
    pupils’ knowledge
    concerning the
    To develop their
    creative work.

    To practice in
    reading and
    To improve


  • Warm-upBrainstormingPresentationPracticeProductionProcedure of the lessonConc...

    3 слайд

    Procedure of the lesson
    Home task

  • II. Brainstorming:            Give your reasons…

Why do people travel?

    4 слайд

    II. Brainstorming: Give your reasons…

    Why do people travel?

  • Warming-up.
To begin with,let’s remember
 proverbs about traveling. Match tw...

    5 слайд

    To begin with,let’s remember
    proverbs about traveling. Match two parts
    and translate them. Repeat it after me,
    Every country has
    the welcomer home
    East or West,
    like home
    There is no place
    its customs
    The wider we roam
    (travel) home is best

  • There is a saying about traveling. Let’s read and 
translate it. 

    6 слайд

    There is a saying about traveling. Let’s read and
    translate it.
    Adventure is necessary for us all.
    It keeps people from growing stale
    and old;it develops our imagination,
    it gives us movement and change
    which are necessary to our life.

    Do you share this opinion?

  • Most people are fond of traveling abroad. What is more: pros or cons a...

    7 слайд

    Most people are fond of traveling abroad. What is more: pros or cons about going abroad?
    Let’s divide them into two groups.

    Discover new places, miss your friends, help to become more educated person, improve knowledge of foreign language, wait at airports, depend on the weather, have to think about accommodation and food, broaden your mind, many places are polluted, teach people about art and culture, the beauty of many places has disappeared, help to relax, beaches are always overcrowded, the most fantastic place is home, meet interesting people, see world wonders

    Going abroad: what is
    more pros or cons?

  • III.Presentation

Cycling, arrived, are short of money, boating, travel...

    8 слайд


    Cycling, arrived, are short of money, boating, travel agency, return, canoeing, are young at heart, arranged, travel card, luggage, accommodation, to get the most, broadens

    I like traveling because it _____outlook and helps me to
    understand other cultures. I think that I’m already an experienced traveler.
    First of all, very thing should be well planned.
    I’m not an adult yet so I travel with my parents. This year we decided to go to
    Britain. At first we went to a _______ that helped us to arrange our journey.
    They ______ for us an _______ in a British hotel and booked
    us a ______ ticket. Then we packed our ______ and ______at the airport.
    We stayed in a small hotel near London. It offered us a wide range of
    different activities: ____ and ______ for those who ___________.
    ______ is offered for those who want to remote places and are fond of scenic routes. Those who want_____ their holiday but ___________
    can buy a _______ which is a cheap way to see almost everything.

    Read the text and fill the
    blanks with suitable words

  • Are you for or against 
travelling abroad?  Arguments for
I am absolutely for...

    9 слайд

    Are you for or against
    travelling abroad?
    Arguments for
    I am absolutely for…
    People travel abroad because…
    More than that…
    Life without traveling is…
    What is more, traveling abroad…
    Arguments against
    As for me, I don’t like
    the idea of…
    I think that…
    What is more,…
    I can never understand…
    I’m sure I wouldn’t go… because…

  • Discuss all the options

Take an active part in the conversations


    10 слайд

    Discuss all the options

    Take an active part in the conversations

    Come up with the ideas

    Agree or disagree, give reasons

    Find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account

    Come to an agreement

    Make up a dialoque
    Use the communicative task below. The dialogue scheme
    and useful language will help you. Remember to:
    IV Production

  • You and your classmate are discussing the best way of spending your summer...

    11 слайд

    You and your classmate are discussing the best way of spending your summer holidays. You would like to have holidays with a difference and go abroad. But your friend thinks you’ll get the best of your holidays if you stay in your own country. Discuss the pros and cons of going abroad and come to an agreement.

    Communicative task

  • Dialoque schemeTell about your plansExpress your attitude and ask
 for the re...

    12 слайд

    Dialoque scheme
    Tell about your plans
    Express your attitude and ask
    for the reason
    Name the disadvantages and express
    your opinion
    Ask what impressed your partner
    most of all there
    Express your doubt. Give reasons


    Explain the reasons for
    your decision
    Prove that this place is really
    worth seeing
    Say what particular things you
    can see there
    Suggest a compromise
    Tell about your plans

  • Useful languageI’have made up my mind…
I’m going to…It’s exciting!
I like…Not...

    13 слайд

    Useful language
    I’have made up my mind…
    I’m going to…
    It’s exciting!
    I like…
    Nothing can be better than…
    I really liked…I admired…
    It was fantastic!
    Then why not…
    It’s rather suprising!
    In my opinion…
    Personally I prefer…
    That’s sounds great!
    That’s really nice! But I doubt
    that…I think…

    That’s a good idea!
    What is more…

  • Checking-up of
 the home task“Why do you like to travel?’’

    14 слайд

    Checking-up of
    the home task
    “Why do you like to travel?’’

  • Practice

1.I prefer to live in an English family.
2.My brother wishes to...

    15 слайд


    1.I prefer to live in an English family.
    2.My brother wishes to be a guide and travel a lot.
    3. The children prefer to go to the country.
    4. He wishes to see as many places as possible for two weeks.
    5. I want to attend English-speaking courses.
    6. Jane prefers to go by plane
    Improve your grammar
    Transform the sentences using would + Infinitive

  • Schedules, know, depends, mind, rather, stopover, change, direct, serve, meal...

    16 слайд

    Schedules, know, depends, mind, rather, stopover, change, direct, serve, meals, reserve, special, kind
    Agent: Pacific Airways. May I help you?
    Passenger: Yes. I’d like some information about flight ------------- from Taipei to Osaka.
    Agent: Well, what would you like to -----------?
    Passenger: Could you tell me how long the flight takes?
    Agent: It(3)---------on when you fly. There’s a flight at 6:30 in the morning. That takes about three and a half hours. Do you(4)--------leaving at 6:30 a.m.?
    Passenger: I’d(5)-----------not leave that early.
    Agent: Well, there is a flight at 9:30 a.m. But there is a (6)--------,so it takes a little longer.
    Passenger: Do you (7)----------planes?
    Agent: No, it’s a(8)----------flight.
    Passenger: Do you (9)---------any (10)-----------on that flight?
    Agent: Yes, we serve lunch.
    Passenger Okay. I’d like to(11)------------a seat on that flight and I’d like to order a(12)--------meal.
    Agent: What(13)----------of meal would you like – seafood? Vegetation? Low fat?

    Listening Comprehension
    A conversation between the travel agent and the passenger.
    Listen attentively and complete the blanks.



The lesson is over.
Good bye.

    17 слайд

    The lesson is over.
    Good bye.

  • Thank you for the lesson
Please write down your hometask:Do exercise 18,page...

    18 слайд

    Thank you for the lesson
    Please write down your hometask:
    Do exercise 18,page 215.

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