Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыУпражнения для 10 кл. (к модулю 2, учебник Спотлайт)

Упражнения для 10 кл. (к модулю 2, учебник Спотлайт)

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                                 Test on   Module  2. 

I.  Find the opposites .

1. outgoing

a) relaxed

2. cautious


3. unjust


4. ambitious

d) reserved


II.  Choose the correct word.

1. Mum was…… to find out who had broken the vase.

a)  daring       b)brave       c) determined

2. Stop crying! You   shouldn’t   be so…..! -  I  didn’t  mean to hurt your feelings.

a) shy              b)sensitive        c)sociable

3. The work of  a rescue team was extremely…….  .

a) dull            b) daring           c)creative

4. Mum will get very……if you don’t tidy your room.

a) cross          b)adventurous           c)tired

5. He never shares his problems with anyone. He’s rather……  .

a) selfish            b)moody             c)reserved

III.   Use the verbs in the correct form. One verb is extra.

borrow, change, charge ,earn, lend, owe

1. I have no one to….. money from.

2. He still…..the garage for those repairs.

3. I wish I had never …… him my car.

4. We won’t…..for delivery if you pay now.

5. If you can’t….. enough, you simply can’t afford a holiday.

IV.   Form  nouns  from the words in brackets.

1.20…..took part in the race.   ( to compete)

2. If you don’t change your lifestyle, you’ ll get nervous…..  .     ( to exhaust)

3. He is famous for his……. in biology.       ( to achieve)

4. She managed to overcome her …… on drugs.       ( to depend)

5. She made a quick…… from the flu.        (  to recover)

6. Unfortunately, they rejected my…….  . (  to suggest)

V. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.

1. Though I hadn’t seen Mary before, I recognized her at once. She really took…..  her mother.

2. If you take…..  the dress, it will fit you perfectly.

3. You are soaked to the skin. Take…..  your clothes.

4. He is taking his friends ….  next weekend.

5. He hoped his elder son would take ….. his company.

6. After resignation he took…… painting.

 VI. Change the underlined  words  into  the correct phrasal verbs according to their meanings.

1.  The bomb exploded at night.

2. I was sure he invented the whole story.

3. What do you want to be when you become an adult?

4. It took her weeks to recover from the illness.

5. His project proved to be false.

VII. Use the proper preposition.

1. She is keen…..   gardening.

2. Are you fond….classical music?

3. He is crazy……. skydiving.

4. He has always been hopeless…. spelling.

   VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the : - ing form, to- infinitive or  bare infinitive.

1.Do you admit ( steal) that watch?

2.You can’t risk(lose) your job.

3.I tried ( wake) him up but I failed.

4.I’m really looking forward to ( have) two weeks off work.

5.He can’t afford (take) you out every weekend!

6.I’ll never forget ( ride) my first bike.

7.We regret ( inform) you that your application will not be taken any further.

8.The room needs ( clean).

9.I’d prefer ( stay) in tonight.

10.Her parents made her ( practise) every day.

11.He suggested ( plant) trees in the school yard.

12.They decided ( stop) (smoke).

13.They couldn’t help ( laugh) while reading this story.

`14.We had to put off (buy) a new car until next year.

15.Slaves were made ( work)from morning till night nearly without food and rest.

16.We expect him ( enter ) the university next year.

17.Remind me ( take ) my key when I go to work.

18.She has always avoided ( borrow) money.

19.Can you ( lend) me some money. I’m broke.

20.I can’t stand  (tease) the weak.

21.I refused ( accept) his help.

22.I called Mary ( find out) when the match started.

23.She can’t get used to (live) in the city.

24.It’s no use ( phone ) her. She ‘s gone away.

25.Her parents will never let her (travel) alone.

26.We were happy ( learn) about her recovery.

27. The new job means ( live) abroad.    

28.After opening the hospital the Prince went on (meet) the staff.

29.The doctor advised him (stay )in  bed for a couple of days.

30.If you can’t find the information, try (look) for it  at our website.







Key to the test on  Module  2. 


I.  Find the opposites .

1. outgoing        d

a) relaxed

2. cautious         c


3. unjust             b


4. ambitious       a

d) reserved


II.  Choose the correct word.

1. Mum was…… to find out who had broken the vase.

a) daring       b)brave       c) determined

2. Stop crying! You shouldn’t  be so…..! -  I  didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.

a) shy             b)sensitive        c)sociable

3.The work of  a rescue team was extremely…….  .

a) dull            b) daring           c)creative

4. Mum will get very……if you don’t tidy your room.

a)  cross          b)adventurous           c)tired

5. He never shares his problems with anyone. He’s rather……  .

a) selfish            b)moody             c)reserved


III.  Use the verbs in the correct form. One verb is extra.

borrow, change, charge ,earn, lend, owe

1. I have no one to borrow   money from.

2. He still owes the garage for those repairs.

3. I wish I had never lent him my car.

4. We won’t charge for delivery if you pay now.

5. If you can’t earn enough, you simply can’t afford a holiday.




IV.   Form   nouns  from the words in brackets.

1.20 competitors took part in the race.   ( to compete)

2. If you don’t change your lifestyle, you’ ll get nervous exhaustion  .     ( to exhaust)

3. He is famous for his   achievements   in biology.       ( to achieve)

4. She managed to  overcome   her  dependence on drugs.       ( to depend)

5. She made a quick recovery from the flu.        (  to recover)

6. Unfortunately, they rejected my suggestions  . (  to suggest)


V. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.

1. Though I hadn’t seen Mary before, I recognized her at once. She really took after her mother.

2. If you take in  the dress, it will fit you perfectly.

3. You are soaked to the skin. Take off  your clothes.

4. He is taking his friends out next weekend.

5. He hoped his elder son would take over his company.

6. After resignation he took up painting.


 VI. Change the underlined  words  into  the correct phrasal verbs according to their meanings.

1.  The bomb exploded at night.          Went off

2. I was sure he invented the whole story.         Made up

3. What do you want to be when you become an adult?        Grow  up

4. It took her weeks to recover from the illness.           Get over

5. His project proved to be false.                   Turned out


VII. Use the proper preposition.

1. She is keen on  gardening.

2. Are you fond of classical music?

3. He is crazy about  skydiving.

4. He has always been hopeless at  spelling.




VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the : - ing form, to- infinitive or  bare infinitive.

1.Do you admit ( steal) that watch?      STEALING

2.You can’t risk(lose) your job.         LOSING

3. 3.I tried ( wake) him up but I failed.       TO WAKE

4.I’m really looking forward to ( have) two weeks off work.      HAVING

5.He can’t afford (take) you out every weekend!      TO TAKE

6.I’ll never forget ( ride) my first bike.                RIDING

7.We regret ( inform) you that your application will not be taken any further.        TO INFORM

8.The room needs ( clean).                               CLEANING

9.I’d prefer ( stay) in tonight.                             TO STAY

10.Her parents made her ( practise) every day.   PRACTISE

11.He suggested ( plant) trees in the school yard.  PLANTING

12.They decided ( stop) (smoke).        TO STOP    SMOKING

13.They couldn’t help ( laugh) while reading this story.      LAUGHING                                           

`14.We had to put off (buy) a new car until next year.         BUYING

15.Slaves were made ( work)from morning till night nearly without food and rest.      TO WORK

16.We expect him ( enter ) the university next year.         TO ENTER

17.Remind me ( take ) my key when I go to work.         TO TAKE

18.She has always avoided ( borrow) money.                  BORROWING

19.Can you ( lend) me some money. I’m broke.         LEND

20.I can’t stand  (tease) the weak.         TEASING

21.I refused ( accept) his help.             TO ACCEPT

22.I called Mary ( find out) when the match started.             TO FIND OUT

23.She can’t get used to (live) in the city.           LIVING

24.It’s no use ( phone ) her. She ‘s gone away.              PHONING

25.Her parents will never let her (travel) alone.                 TRAVEL

26.We were happy ( learn) about her recovery.             TO LEARN

27.The new job means ( live) abroad.                 LIVING

28.After opening the hospital the Prince went on (meet) the staff.            TO MEET

29.The doctor advised him (stay )in  bed for a couple of days.                 TO STAY

30.If you can’t find the information, try (look) for  it  at our website.        LOOKING





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