Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыУпражнения по английскому языку для начинающих

Упражнения по английскому языку для начинающих

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1.       Переведи местоимения:

I - _____                         we - ___________

you - _______               you - ___________

he - ________               they - __________

she - ________

it - ________________

2.       Замени слово местоимением:

Sveta  _______

Misha  _______

Dasha and Misha  _________

Dasha and I  _______

mother  _______

father  ________

my sister and I  ________

his sister  _________

his sisters  __________

a box  _______

boxes  ________


3.       Напиши существительные в форме мн.ч.:

a pig – ten ___________

a bed – seven ___________

a bike – five ____________

a bag – six _____________

a girl – two ____________

a rose – nine _______________

a hook – four ______________


4.       Расположи цифры в порядке возрастания (1-12):

nine, one, seven, two, four, eight, three, five, eight, six, ten, twelve, eleven.




5.       Вставь пропущенное слово (am, is, are):

This girl ____ my sister.

Tom _____ in bed.

The pupils _______ at school.

I ____ a good pupil.

You ______ my teacher.

This dog _____ my pet.

These cats _______ her pets.

I _____ Tim.

My name ____ Tim.

She _____ my mother.


6.       Что означают эти указательные местоимения?

this ____________             that ______________

these ___________            those _____________


7.       Вставь указательные местоимения:

__________ dog (эта собака)

__________ tulip (тот тюльпан)

__________ dish (эта тарелка)

___________ trees (те деревья)

___________ roses (эти розы)

___________ lake (это озеро)


8.       Соедини названия цветов:

red                                                черный

green                                           розовый

yellow                                          красный

black                                            серый

pink                                              зеленый

orange                                         белый

grey                                              желтый

blue                                              оранжевый

white                                            синий

1.       Переведи местоимения

I ______ my ____________________

we _______ our ________________

you ___________your _______________

he __________ his ___________

she _________ her ___________

it _______________ its ______________

they ____________ their _____________


2.       Соедини

я                                             it

он                                          they

ты, вы                                   I

она                                        you

мы                                         he

они                                       she

он, она, оно                        we

 *   *  *

мой                                            your                 

его                                              their

твой, ваш                                  my

ее                                                its

наш                                             his

их                                                her

его, ее (предметы,                 our



3.       Вставь пропущенные слова


     Hello. My name ___ Tim. I ___ nine. I ___    ________  Krasnodar, Russia. I am __  pupil. I go ___ school.  I ________ a lot of friends at school. I like ____ school, ____ teachers _______   _____ friends.

     Thank  _______. Good______ .


4.       Соедини антонимы

black                            sad

good                            little

happy                          white

big                                bad


5.       Вставь пропущенные слова

This ball is big and ________ ball is _____________ .

This roof is white and ________ roof is _____________ .

________ queen is happy and that queen is ___________ .

________ dog is _________ and that ________  ____  bad.


6.       Составь предложения из слов

1)       from      is         he       London.

2)      a       she       is        good        pupil.

3)      is       this      dog      little       my.

4)      I        friends       a lot of        have.

5)      mother        is        my        teacher       a.

6)      are       not        we         Moscow        from.

7)      apples        are        these          the         dish        on.

8)      see           can         a         tree         I         green.

9)      to         I           go         school.

10)   big        is         very         Moscow.


1)      ___________________________________________________

2)      ___________________________________________________

3)      ___________________________________________________

4)      ___________________________________________________

5)      ___________________________________________________

6)      ___________________________________________________

7)      ___________________________________________________

8)      ___________________________________________________

9)      ___________________________________________________

10)   ___________________________________________________

1.      Придумай и напиши окончания этих фраз:


1)      We like cakes and they like _________ .

2)      We like cats and they _________   ____________ .

3)      We like tulips and they ________  ____________ .

4)      We like horses and ________  ________  _______ .

5)      We like planes and _______  _________  _______ .


2.      Подбери слова в рифму:


Where is Pete? He is in the  ____________ .

Where is Gus? He is on the  ________ .

Where is Mike? He is on his  ________ .

Where is Jake? He is by the  ________ .

Where is Mark? He is in the  ________ .

Where are Tom and Ted? They are in  ______ .

Where is Mary? Under the big green  ________ .


tree   lake   bed   park   bus   bike   street


3.      Подбери ответы на вопросы:


1)      Are these books old?  __

2)      What’s that?  __

3)      Where is Pete?

4)      Are the cats in the tree or under the tree?  __

5)      Where is the dig?  __

6)      What is her name?  __

7)      Where are they from?  __

8)      Is it her room or his room?  __

9)      Are the tulips red or black?  __


a)      They are from London.

b)      He is in his car.

c)      It’s under the bench.

d)      Yes, they are.

e)      They are under the tree.

f)       She’s Emma.

g)      That is my bike.

h)      They are black.

i)       It is his room.


4.      Соедини предлог с его значением:

under                в

on                     около

in                      под

by                     на


5.      Вставь пропущенные местоимения:


1)      Sally is a nurse. _____ is old. _____ cat is Nell. ___ is old, too.

2)      Rob is a student. ___ is not old. ____ room is not big. ____ bike is in ____ room.

3)      These are two girls. _______ names are Liz and Linda. ______ are good pupils.

4)      ____ name is Scott. __ am from London. __ like ___ old car and ___ good dog.

5)      We are pilots. ____ like _____ planes and ___ like the sky. ___ are happy!

6)      This is Ann. _____ has a mother and a father. _____ mother is a teacher and ____ father is a driver (водитель).


1.      Соотнеси названия профессий:

a nurse                    водитель

a teacher                 няня, медсестра

a pilot                     повар

a driver                   пилот

a cook                     учитель

          *  *  *


           a nurse - ________________________

           a teacher - ______________________

           a pilot - ________________________

           a driver - _______________________

           a cook - ________________________

2.      Впиши существительные в 2 столбика:

Streets, girl, birches, rooms, bike, car, spoon, nurses, boots, sky, box, matches, stones, dishes, plate, kites, plane, horses, parks, sweet, roof, shops.


3.      Подбери рифму:

name                      purple                 moon - луна

bike                        game                  noon - полдень

turtle                      bee

clown                     like

she                         pink

bank                      cold

rink                        wing

ring                        thank

old                         down

song                       run

sun                         noon

morning                 long

moon                     cook

clock                     evening

book                      sock


4.      Объедини слова по смыслу:

afternoon                         queen

clock                               Russian

game                               morning

king                                 brother

sing                                  time (время)

English                            turtle

sister                                ping-pong

sock                                 plane

bank                                 fly

kangaroo                         stocking

sky                                   song

bird                                  troll

run                                   girl

elf                                    school

boy                                  swim

1.      Вставь местоимения:

1. I like ____ old bike. 2. They see _________ mum and dad in the park. 3. We like _____ street. 4. You like ______ pet and I like ___ pet too. 5. He is in ____ room. 6. Sally is on ____ bench in the park. 7. We see ____ nurse, Ms. Griffin. 8. You ride ____ horse in the afternoon. 9. We see ____ car.

2. Вставь недостающие слова в пропуски:

What? / Where?

1.      __________ is his name?

2.      __________ is Rob from?

3.      __________ time is it?

4.      __________ is your dad?

5.      __________ are her pets?


3.      Замени подчеркнутые слова и словосочетания местоимениями:

1. My dad and I like our park. The park is green. 2. The park is at a big lake. 3. In the afternoon my dad and I ride our bikes in the park. 4. Our bikes are good. Look! 5. Our bikes are under the tree.











Exercise 1 Раскрой скобки


He ________ (get) up at 7. He ________ (have) his English lesson every day. Не ________ (speak) English to his friends. He ________ (play) board games in the afternoon. Sometimes he ________ (swim) in the lake. He often ________ (go) hiking. He sometimes ________ (sit) by the camp fire in the evenings. He never ________ (go) on a trip without his friends.


board games – настольные игры

hiking – поход

camp – лагерь

fire – огонь

trip – поездка


Exercise 2 Вставь глаголы

like, love, watch, read, like, walk, come, do, watch


My name's Pavel. In the evening I usually (1) ___________ my homework. Then I (2) ___________ TV or video. I (3) ___________ action films! They are super! Then I (4) ___________ my dog. After that I (5) ___________ home, (6) ___________ a book and (7) ___________ to bed. My sister is little. She doesn't (8) ___________ action films. She (9) ___________ cartoons. She (10) ___________ them every day.

ходить, гулять выгуливать

thenзатем, потом

action filmsбоевики



like, live, lives, likes, don't live, doesn't live


I __________ in Russia. I __________ in Great Britain. My Dad __________ in Canada. He __________ in America. I __________ reading. But my brother __________ watching TV.

Exercise 3 - likе or likes.

 I _______ quiz shows. He _______ horror films. She _______ music programmes. My parents _______ the news. My friend Nastya _______ cartoons. All my friends _______ nature programmes. My grandad _______ sports programmes.

quiz showsвикторины

horror filmsужастики

the newsновости

nature природа

Exercise 4

1.Yan / speak English / in the camp / every day?

2. he / play / board games?

3. Nick / eat / Polish food / in the camp?

4. they / go hiking?

5. children / go / on a trip / every day?

6. Nick / have / English classes / every afternoon?

7. they / sometimes / sit / by the fire / or / round the Christmas tree?

Polish food
польская еда

every dayкаждый день

sometimes иногда


Christmas treeрождественская елка


1.      ______________________________________________________

2.      ______________________________________________________

3.      ______________________________________________________

4.      ______________________________________________________

5.      ______________________________________________________

6.      ______________________________________________________

7.      ______________________________________________________


Exercise 5 - Дай краткие ответы.


Do you watch the news? _______________________________

Does your mum like horror films? _______________________

Do your parents like comedies?__________________________

Does your friend like nature programmes? _________________

Does your teacher like music programmes?_________________

- комедии


Упражнение 1. Замени русские слова английскими.

I’ve got ________ (брат). It’s his ___________ (день рождения). He is ___________ (двенадцать) today. He likes his (подарки). He__________ (счастлив).

Упражнение 2. Замени единственное число множественным.

Sally has got an apple. Alex has got a green ball. Greg and Lucas have got a book, a pencil and a ruler. Sandy and Meredith have got a bike and a car._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Упражнение 3. Поставь артикли a, the или (—).

We have got ____cake and ____ pie, _____ apples and _____ oranges on ____ table. I like to drink ____juice, ____milk and ____mineral water. He’s got ____ birthday party today, ____party is very funny.

Упражнение 4. Измени предложения.

 Образец: Olga has got a flower. It’s her flower.

Misha has got a brother. ____________________

We have got a car. _________________________

My grandma has got a bag. __________________

His grandpa has got a bike. __________________

Упражнение 5. Вставьте and, or или but.

Molly has got a cat ______ a dog. Molly has got a friend, ______she hasn’t got a brother. Is Molly’s bag under the desk______on the chair? Is this a bike ______a car?

Упражнение 6. Составьте предложения

Are, in, the, my, pencils, bag.


Swimming, we, are, the, lake, in.


The, are, at, school, pupils.


In, the, the, children, are, park.


Son, is, his, with, ball, the, playing.



Упражнение 7. Подчеркни правильный вариант.

What / how is his name? Where / why is she? Where / who is sad? Why / who are you happy? When / what is the party?

 Упражнение 8. Fill in the gaps. Use the words from the box.

am, is, are, have, has

Hi! My name (1) ______ Nick. I (2) _____ eight. I (3) _____ got a dad, a mum, a sister and a brother. My mother (4) ____ a teacher. She (5) _____ got many pupils. They (6) _______my friends. My father (7) ______a driver. Не (8) ______ got a new car. My brother (9) _____ not a pupil. He (10) ______ four. He (11) _______ got many toys. My sister (12) ______not a pupil, either. She (13) _____ a student. She (14) _____ got many books. We (15) ______ got a pet. It (16) _____ a kitten. His name (17) ___ Barsik. Barsik (18) _____ funny and clever. The kitten (19) ______ got a mouse. The mouse (20) _____ grey.




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