Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУРОК АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА ПО ТЕМЕ «BELARUS» В 11 КЛАССЕ


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Урок английского языка по теме «Belarus» в 11 классе













Учитель: Шурмилова И.В.









Могилев, 2015

Тема: «Беларусь»

Задачи урока:

Образовательная: 1. Совершенствовать навыки  монологической и диалогической  речи.

Развивающая: 1. Развивать у учащихся прикладную направленность знаний.

2. Развивать аудитивные навыки устной речи, коммуникативной интуиции.

Воспитательная: 1. Воспитывать культуру учебного труда.

2. Воспитывать чувство гордости за свою страну и народ.

Сопутствующие задачи: развивать умения восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух, формировать умения делать обобщения и выводы.

Формы организации обучения: индивидуальная, парная, фронтальная.

Оснащение урока: мультимедийная установка, ноутбук, тематический наглядный материал, пакеты заданий, презентация.


                                                                                         "We live in Belarus

And we are proud of it"


                                                                                       "It's a foolish bird

                                                                                                That soils its own nest"

(English proverb)


Ход урока:

Этапы урока

Цель этапа

Пед. модель



Содержание этапа






1.Организационный момент.                     Целеполагание

Введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения                                   Постановка целей и задач урока


2 мин.

Good morning. I’m glad to see you all and I hope you are ready for the lesson.

Look at the board, please, translate the first epigraph and say what we are going to speak about.

Yes, you are right , the topic of our today's lesson is "Belarus" and the aim is to develop your listening and speaking skills and prove that we are really proud of our country. Слайд 1

2.Речевая зарядка



















Формировать у учащихся навыки аудирования и самостоятельного употребления лексики в новых фразах.


































5 мин.





















Now I want you to listen to an extract from a book by a famous Belarusian writer and poet. After that I want you to tell me the name of the writer, the title of the book and what the writer considers to be a symbol of Belarus.

(an extract from the book by Korotkevich "The Land Beneath the White Wings")

What other symbols of Belarus can you name?

(a bison, Khatyn, Brest fortress, Victory Square, Lake Naroch )

Now look at the board again and translate the English proverb. How do you understand it? Let's prove that we aren’t foolish. Is there anything in our republic that makes you to be proud of it? What top 5 items would you include on the list of Belarusian best things and achievements?                                                  

  1.beautiful landscape

  2.tolerant and hospitable people

  3.famous people


  5.heroic past          Слайд 2 и 3

3.Контроль усвоения темы











a)Развивать навыки монологической речи по теме, умение задавать и отвечать на вопросы.



































15 мин.





















And now let's pass on to our topic. Imagine that you are in a youth camp where there are pupils from different countries. Today is the Day of Belarus. Your task is to interview a Belarusian pupil and learn as much as possible about the country she is from.

(questions)                  Приложение 1

Now I want you to tell me about our country.

Примерные темы высказываний:

1. general information about Belarus

2. landscape and climate

3. industry, agriculture and scientific potential

4. political system Слайд 4

Для более сильных учащихся:

1. compare the geographical position and climate of Belarus and Great Britain

2. compare the political system of Belarus and Great Britain.












































в) Снятие физического напряжения, релаксация













c)Развивать навыки неподготовленной диалогической речи, навыки использования изученного материала в новой ситуации

































2 мин.









2 мин.







10 мин.

You've been working hard and now let's relax a little and do some exercises for your eyes and head.

Close your eyes. Count to 10. Open your eyes and blink. Look up, down, right and left (2-3 times). Look at your nose, then at the blackboard (2-3 times).

Head up, down, right, left slowly (4 times).


You can relax a bit more. Listen to a romance and tell me its name and the name of the poet who wrote the words.

Звучит романс: "Zorka-Venera" Богдановича.


Now let's get back to our topic again.

You are to make up dialogues.

Примерные ситуации для диалогов:

1.You work for Mogilev Tourist Information Centre. A tourist comes in, she wants to get some information about the city.

2. You are on the plane Manchester

Minsk. An English lady sitting next to you is flying to Belarus for the first time. She wants to get as much information about our country as possible.

3. A delegation of British members of Parliament arrived in Belarus. They want to learn more about the political system of our country. You are a member of the House of Representatives.

4. You have come to Britain on an exchange visit. You are staying with an English family and they ask you about your country.


5.Работа с аудиоматериалом

Совершенствовать умения восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух



5 мин.

And now you’ll see some photos of famous people of Belarus and listen to a short story about each of them. Your task is to guess their names and answer my questions. We've read some texts about famous people of Belarus. So I hope it won’t be difficult for you and later we are going to make a project "Who is who in Belarus".

Учащиеся слушают рассказы о Костюшко, Калиновском, Шагале и Выгодском, а затем отвечают на вопросы учителя.         Приложение 2  Слайд 5                 

6.Подведение итогов урока

а)Разъяснить учащимся порядок выполнения д/з.

в) Оценить ответы учащихся



2 мин.

Учитель оценивает ответы учащихся, объясняет домашнее задание. I’m sure you’ve heard about the encyclopedia ”Who Is Who”. Your h/w is to write 2 names of famous Belarusian people who you would like to include into the  encyclopedia and why. 5 sentences for each person.

7. Рефлексия

Проверить уровень усвоения темы



2 мин.

You've been working hard and I see you've learnt a lot about our country and that you are really proud to live in Belarus. At the end of the lesson I want you to do a quiz to see how well you know the past and the present of Belarus.  Приложение 3

















                        Приложение 1

                      (Примерные вопросы)

1.     What is the capital of Belarus?

2.     Is Minsk a big city? Where was it founded?

3.     In what city do you live?

4.     What is the national dish in Belarus?

5.     What kinds of sport are popular in Belarus?

6.     What are your national holidays?

7.     When do you celebrate Independence Day?

8.     Do you speak Russian or Belarusian? What is the official language in Belarus?

9.     People of what nationalities live in Belarus?

10. Are there high mountains in Belarus?

11. What places of interest can tourist visit in Belarus?

12. Can you get a higher education in Belarus?

13. Where can you get a higher education in Belarus?

14. Is Belarus rich in mineral resources?

15. What is the oldest city in Belarus?




















                                Приложение 2


a) This man was born in Brest Region in 1746. He was a tireless fighter for freedom & democracy. In 1776 he left for America where the war of Independence was underway. He soon became George Washington’s chief engineer & was granted American citizenship. He is regarded one of the heroes of the American Revolution. There is a monument to him in Washington.


b) He was born near Volkovysk in 1838. He got a good education in Svisloch gymnasium. Then he entered the law department of the University of St. Petersburg. After graduation he moved to Belarus & began to publish “Selyanskaya Pravda” It was the first & only European newspaper in the middle of the 19th century addressed to peasants (farmers). In 1863 he became leader of the farmers’ uprising. He was hanged in 1864.


c) He is a world famous Belarusian artist. He learned the violin &was given singing lessons & from an early age he was fond of drawing. In 1907 he left for St.Petersburg  & began studying art with Leon Bakst. In 1910 he found a patron who paid for his studies in Paris. It was during this four year period in France that he painted some of his most famous paintings & developed the unique style of his work. Fantasy, nostalgia & religion mixed together to create  otherworldly images.


d) This man’s name is well-known all over the world. His pioneering work in the field of psychology influenced a lot school education in many countries & interest in his works continues to grow. His books have been translated into many languages & published everywhere.











Приложение 3



1. Polotsk was first mentioned in the chronicles in

a) 1862                    b) 962         c) 1000

2. Minsk was mentioned in the chronicles as a trading centre in

a) 1267                 b) 1067 c) 1367

3. The Grand Principality of Lithuania was formed in ... century.

a) 13th                    b) 14th          c) 15th

4.      Belarus was made part of the Russian Empire in ... century.

a) 19th                    b) 18th          c) 20th

5.       Soviet Belorussia was proclaimed in

a) 1917                   b) 1918        c) 1919

6.      Belarus was occupied by the fascist Germany in

a)1940                   b)1941         c)1942

7.      Who was the most intelligent woman of the 12th century in Belarus?

a) Vseslava             b) Ragneda   c) Efrosinia

8.        Who is Scarina's successor in book printing?

a) Budny                 b) Gusovsky   c) Radzivil

9.        Declaration of Sovereignty was adopted by the Supreme Soviet in

a)1990                    b)1992          c)1991

10.     The first president was elected in Belarus in

a) 1995                   b) 1994         c)1996

11.     The Day of Independence is

a) July 27               b) July 3       c) June 27











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