Инфоурок География КонспектыУрок и презентация по теме "Туризм и путешествие" (11 класс)

Урок и презентация по теме "Туризм и путешествие"

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Тема: «Туризм и путешествия» (11 класс)

Тип урока: комбинированный

Образовательная цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в рамках обозначенной темы.

Задачи урока:

Ø развивающая:

ü    учить учащихся полноценно пользоваться английским языком во всех видах речевой деятельности в разных сферах его применения;

ü    создать условия для активизации изученного лексического материала с целью применения учащимися этого материала на практике;

ü    создать условия для развития речи, для совершенствования слуховых навыков; для развития памяти, внимания, логического мышления;

ü    способствовать развитию познавательного интереса к изучаемому предмету через разнообразные формы  


ü    создать условия для активного взаимодействия;

Ø воспитательная:

ü    способствовать повышению культуры речи и культуры общения на английском языке;

ü    способствовать формированию интереса и уважительного отношения к культуре родной страны, чувства гордости за свою страну;

ü    воспитывать внимательное отношение друг к другу, умение слушать и слышать другого.

Методы: коммуникативный, интерактивный.

Оборудование: пакет с предметами (краски, диск, клубок ниток, книга, наушники, книга рецептов, значок, ракетка для настольного тенниса, компас), раздаточный материал (диаграмма-паучок, карточки с описанием видов туризма, карточки с недостающей информацией, памятки по составлению синквейна), мультимедийная презентация.

ТСО: мультимедийный проектор, экран, магнитофон.


Ход урока:


I. Начало урока.

1. Организационный момент.

- Hello, my dear friends! I'm happy to see you. How are you? (слайд 1)

- Do you like surprises? Учащиеся приветствуют учителя и отвечают на вопросы. (слайд 2)

- I have a lot of surprises for you. I have a big bag with different things that will help you to understand the topic of our lesson. (There is a box of paints, a computer disk, a book, a ball of yarn, earphones, a book of recipes, a badge and a racket for table tennis in the bag). (Учитель демонстрирует учащимся пакет, в котором находятся разные предметы.)

- Take one of the objects, name it and say what it can mean. (What do people use it for?)

- What do all these things have in common? (Ps: They are connected with people’s hobby.) (слайд 3)

- There is one more thing left. Look! What is it? (Ps: It is a compass.)

- When do people use it? (Ps: People use a compass when they travel.) (слайд


- Can travelling be a hobby? (Ps: Yes, it can.)


2. Целеполагание урока.

- The topic of the lesson is “Tourism and Travelling”.

- Today we are going to speak about travelling. We’ll take part in the on-line conference, speak about different types of tourism and visit some famous sights in Belarus. (слайд 5)


3. Фонетическая зарядка.

- Read the motto of our lesson.

The more we live,

The more we travel,

The more we travel,

The more we see,

The more we see,

The more we learn.

- Read it all together (in pairs). (Стихотворение дано в презентации.) (слайд 6)


4. Речевая разминка.

a) a diagram “Why?”

- Why do people travel? Complete the diagram in groups. (Диаграмма (карточка 1) дана в приложении 1.) (слайд 7)

- Give your reasons. (Предполагаемые ответы даны в карточке 2 в приложении 1.)

b) “On-line conference

- To continue our conversation about tourism and travelling I invite you to take part in the on-line conference. (слайд 8)   

- Choose the number of the question and answer it. (Учащиеся выбирают номер вопроса и отвечают на видеовопросы учащихся другого класса.) Текст вопросов и предполагаемых ответов даны в приложении 2).


II. Основной этап

5. Виды туризма

а) введение лексики

- Look at the screen and read the words. (Лексика (карточка 3) дана в приложении 1). (слайд 9)

б) первичное закрепление лексики

a) - Listen to an expert talking about tourism. What type of tourism hasn’t been mentioned? (Текст аудиозаписи (карточка 4) дан в приложении 1).

b) - On the board you can see the cards with the definitions of different types of tourism. Choose the card, read the definition and name the type of tourism. (Текст карточек дан в приложении 3)


c) - Work in pairs and discuss the questions about tourism. You can find them on the screen. Вопросы (карточка 5) даны в приложении 1.) (слайд 10)


6. Заочная экскурсия по Беларуси.

- Is cultural tourism well-developed in Belarus? Why do you think so? (Ps: Cultural tourism is rather developed in Belarus because there are a lot of interesting places to visit and a lot of people come to Belarus to learn about its history, art, architecture and religion.) (слайд 11)

a) видео о достопримечательностях Беларуси

- At the previous lesson we discussed some popular sights in our country. Lets watch a video and see what they are. (Учащиеся смотрят видео о знаменитых местах Беларуси, о которых говорили на прошлом уроке, и называют их.) (слайд 12)

б) знаменитые места Беларуси

а) - At home you’ve learnt information about some of these places. Now share your stories. Will you, please, stand up and make two lines facing each other. Speak about your sight with your partner. After that change your place moving to the left.

- Be very attentive. Listen to each other carefully and be ready to fill the card with the information about popular cultural centres of our country.

(Учащиеся делятся информацией о знаменитых местах Беларуси, которую они выучили дома (текст был дан учителем каждому учащемуся). (Текст дан в приложении 4.) (слайд 13)


b) - Take your seats and complete the sentences. Предложения (карточка 6) даны в приложении 1.) (слайд 14)


c) - Now exchange your cards and check your partner’s card. You can see the right answers on the screen.

- Raise your hand if you don’t have any mistakes.

- What sights have you visited? What sights would you like to visit? (Ответы (карточка 7) даны в приложении 1.) (слайд 15, 16)


III. Конец урока

7. Подведение итогов

- Our lesson is nearly over. Thank you for being active the whole lesson. You’ve shown a high level of your speaking skills.

- Your marks are …  .

- Your hometask is to write down a cinquain about travelling using a model (слайд 17):


two adjectives

three verbs

a sentence

a synonym


8. Рефлексия

- Travelling is considered to be one of the best ways of spending holidays and it plays an important role in people’s entertainment and learning about the world because it is better to see once then to read or to hear about countries some times. They say travelling broadens the mind. (слайд 18)

- Give, please, a reason why we can recommend to travel around Belarus. If people travel around Belarus they can… . (Учащиеся называют причины, по которым стоит посетить Беларусь:

1) meet kind and hospitable people,

2) learn about architecture,

3) learn about  Belarusian art,

4) taste our cuisine,

5) see our unique wildlife,

6) visit holy places,

7) visit different museums,

8) get acquainted with our culture.) (слайд 19)


- The lesson is over. Good-bye! (слайд 20)






















Приложение 1


Карточка №1









Карточка №2


Предполагаемые ответы:

People travel

§  to learn more about the world,

§  to discover new things,

§  to discover other ways of life,

§  to meet new people,

§  to taste different food,

§  to see other countries, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns,

§  to improve their foreign language,

§  to learn customs and traditions,

§  to know the history and culture,

§  to see sights,

§  to explore new areas


Карточка №3


adventure tourism


armchair tourism


cultural tourism

culinary tourism

dark tourism

disaster tourism

eco tourism

educational tourism

ethno tourism

faith tourism

health tourism

nautical tourism

pop-culture tourism

space tourism


war tourism

wildlife tourism




Карточка №4

Tourism as a whole is a broad term that includes any person staying outside of his or her normal environment for between one day and one year. This can include types of domestic tourism (people traveling within their own country) and international tourism (people traveling across country borders or overseas). But within these two categories of tourism are divisions upon divisions upon divisions. No joke – check some of the types of tourism out here. They are adventure and disaster tourism, eco and agritourism, backpacking, cultural, culinary, wildlife and ethno tourism, dark and war tourism, health tourism and nautical tourism. I should mention voluntourism as the growing form of tourism, space tourism, faith tourism, also commonly referred to as religious tourism, and educational tourism. Pop-culture Tourism have become popular since the late 70s.

Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. It is vital for many countries, such as Egypt, Greece, Lebanon, Spain, Malaysia and Thailand, due to the large intake of money for businesses with their goods and services and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism.


Карточка №5

Which type of tourism:

1) is the most expensive?

2) doesn't involve big travel ex-penses?

3) puts the traveller's life at risk?

4) involves reconnect-ing with nature?

5) has recently become or are becoming more popular?

6) involves travelling to a remote area?

7) could in-volve taking part in some kinds of rituals?

8) relates to personal development: intellectual or spiritual?

9) involves visiting the sites that have become famous after certain events?

10) involves immersion in a society's life-style, its people's history, its art and architecture, its religion.


Карточка №6

1. Island of Tears is built in the form of _____________ .

2. There is a town of ___________ in Belarusian Village.

3. Khatyn was burnt down by the fascists in _____________ .

4. Zhirovichi is a village in __________ region.

5. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a unique _____________ in Belarus.

6. ____________________ is one of the largest and the oldest museums in Belarus.

7. Ilya Repin museum t is situated in the country _____________ .

8. St Sophia Cathedral was built in _____________ by ___________ .

9. ____________________  was first mentioned in 983.

10. __________________  includes the center Korchma with a comfortable hotel.


Карточка №7

1. Island of Tears is built in the form of a tiny church.

2. There is a town of craftsmen in Belarusian Village.

3. Khatyn was burnt down by the fascists in March 1943.

4. Zhirovichi is a village in Slonim region.

5. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a unique forest land in Belarus.

6. Gomel Palace is one of the largest and the oldest museums in Belarus.

7. Ilya Repin museum t is situated in the country Zdravneno.

8. St Sophia Cathedral was built in the 11th century by Vseslav.

9. Belovezhskaya Pushcha was first mentioned in 983.

10. Belarusian Village includes the center Korchma with a comfortable hotel.

Приложение 2

1. How do you prefer to travel?

I personally prefer traveling by car. I think it's very convenient. There are several reasons for it: first of all you don’t need to reserve your tickets. Then you can go as slowly or as fast as you wish, stop whenever you chose and spend at any place as much time as you like. And of course, you see much more of the countryside than you do travelling by plane or by train.

2. Give some advice how to make a journey easier or more rewarding.

If you don’t want to spoil your journey you should remember that it has to be arranged beforehand. Choose the most convenient way of getting your destination. Reserve the ticket. A season ticket or a travel card will cost you less. Be sure to take the necessary documents and equipment, but don’t take too much luggage. Dress simply, according to the climate. Arrive to the railway station or airport well in advance. A nice book or an interesting magazine will help you to while away the time of your journey.

3. What was your last travelling experience?

Last summer I was given a wonderful opportunity to go on a hiking trip to a picturesque place with my friends. We put up our tents on the shore of a beautiful lake. During the daytime we went boating and fishing, cooked soup and a barbecue. Some people say that food in the open air becomes simply magical. I fully agree. We played badminton and volleyball and in the evening enjoyed a hearty talk, sitting around the fire. It was an exciting experience with lots of impressions to share.

4. What should I do if I want to travel?

Do you want to go somewhere? Hundreds of companies are there to help you. They will take care about your tickets and make all the reservations needed. You don't speak the language of the country you go to? There are interpreters that will help you. With modern services you can go around the world. You can choose the means of transport you like: plane, train, ship, bicycle or you can travel hiking.

5. Who were the first travelers? Can tourism be a profitable business nowadays?

People began to travel ages ago. The very first travelers were explorers who went on trips to find wealth, fame or something else. Their journeys were very dangerous but still people keep on going to the unknown lands. Tourism became a very profitable business because people are ready to spend their money for the great opportunity to have a great time learning about new countries, going sightseeing, resting and enjoying themselves.

6. What type of tourism does your family prefer?

All in my family like to travel. First of all, the members of our family usually have long walks in the country. Such walks are called hikes. If we want to see countryside we have to spend a part of our summer holidays on hikes. During such hikes we see a lot of interesting places, sometimes we meet interesting people. It's useful for all members of our family. We take our rucksacks. We don't think about tickets and there is no need to hurry up.

7. Do you like travelling and why?

I like travelling, because I see and learn all sorts of things I can never see or learn at home. I like to smell different smells. I like to see different kinds of trees, flowers and plants. When I spend a holiday in travelling I always take a camera with me and photograph everything that interests or pleases me: the sights of a city, views of mountains, lakes, valleys; the ruins of ancient buildings. Some years later it will remind me the happy time that I had.

8. I’m going to travel to Britain but I haven’t decided yet what to choose: a plane or a train. Advise me, please.

Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes.


Приложение 3


1) For the more doom-and-gloom type of tourist, this kind of tourism — also called grief tourism — involves visiting sites as-sociated with suffering and death, for example: concentration camps. These also include castles and battlefields, natural and manmade disaster areas, prisons, and dungeons.

(It is disaster tourism).


2) This kind of tourism usually involves hiking and camping overnight in the backcountry with not much more than a back-pack carrying supplies and equipment. In a professional sense, it's used by soldiers, professional guides, photographers, sci-entific and academic researchers, rescue personnel. It is also used to describe low-cost, independent international travel that include factors such as using public transportation, stay-ing in hostels instead of hotels.

(It is backpacking).


3) As a type of both foreign and domestic tourism, it involves activities that bring visitors to a farm or ranch. It has differ-ent definitions in different parts of the world, and sometimes refers specifically to farm stays, as in Italy. Elsewhere, it in-cludes a wide variety of activities, including buying produce direct from a farm stand, navigating a corn maze, picking fruit, feeding animals.

(It is agritourism).


4) Another of our different types of tourism combines sailing and boating with vacationing and travel. Many of these types of tourists live on their boats and take port in different areas to explore. In fact, it's become such a popular kind of tourism that marinas have been built specifically for nautical tourists in Europe, South America and Australia.

(It is nautical tourism).


5) In it, the main focus of the tour or leisure activity includes vis-iting another country to learn about the culture, such as in Stu-dent Exchange Programmes and Study Tours, or to work and ap-ply skills learned inside the classroom in a different environment.

(It is educational tourism).


6) This type of tourism encompasses travellers who visit inde-pendently or in groups holy cities or holy sites for missionary, pilgrimage or leisure. The largest mass pilgrimage takes place annually in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Often, tourists list a deeper understanding and appreciation of their religion, a feeling of security in their beliefs, and personal connection as the main purposes of the travel.

(It is faith tourism).


7) It is experiencing the food of the country, region or area, and is now considered a vital component of the tourism experi-ence. Dining out is common among tourists and "food is be-lieved to rank alongside climate, accommodation, and scenery" in importance to tourists. It is also defined as the pursuit of unique and memorable eating and drinking experiences.

(It is culinary tourism).   


8) This growing form of tourism features travel for charitable or volunteer purposes — this is one of the more popular types of domestic tourism, but can also reach internationally. Trips can range from wildlife cleanup to medical aid in a foreign coun-try, and more.

(It is voluntourism). 




Приложение 4


             Island of Tears

Island of Tears is situated in Minsk at the end of a little footbridge near the Old Town. It is the evocative Afghan war memorial. It stands on a small island. The memorial is built in the form of a tiny church, with four entrances. It is surrounded by statues of sorrowful mothers and sisters of Belarusian soldiers who took part and died in the war between Russia and Afghanistan (1979-89).


 The village of Khatyn is the symbol of all 186 Belarusian villages wiped out by the fascists  during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Khatyn was burnt down by the fascists in March 1943; 149 Khatyn people were burnt alive, including 75 children. Today in this place there is a memorial complex. The silence disturbed only by the mournful tolling of the bells reminds everyone who comes to this place about the tragic events.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

 Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a unique forest land in Belarus. It features the centuries-old forests, unique plants and rare animals. This is the oldest forest in Belarus. It was first mentioned in 983. Today this is a national park and a big tourist centre of the Republic of Belarus. Here are the Museum of Nature, open-air cages with different species of animals, comfortable hotels and a restaurant where you can eat national food.

Ilya Repin museum

It is situated in the country Zdravneno near Vitebsk. The museum was set up in 1988. It is situated in the mansion that used to belong to famous Russian artist Ilya Repin. He lived and worked here during some years in the end of the 19th century. Inside the manor are reproductions of paintings by the artist, as well as letters and documents, belonging to his family.

St Sophia Cathedral

St Sophia Cathedral is situated on the t bank of the Western Dvina in Polotsk. It was built in the name of St. Sophia in the 11th century by the Prince of Polotsk Vseslav. The cathedral was the centre of town. At present Saint Sophia Cathedral use as a museum and a concert hall where concerts of organ music are given.

Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble

Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble is situatedd on the picturesque bank of the Sozh River in Gomel City. It has been a state museum for 90 years. This unique natural ensemble includes a palace, Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral, the chapel and the burial vault of the Paskevich family, a winter garden, an observation tower and a beautiful park. It is one of the largest and the oldest museums in the Republic of Belarus.

Zhirovichi Monastery

Zhirovichi is a village in Slonim region. For the first time Zhirovichi is mentioned in documents in the 15th century as the place of a church on the place where the image of God's Mother appeared in 1470 according to the legend. The settlement began to form near the church soon the monastery springed up. It was first  mentioned in 1587. People come here to kneel before the miracle-working icon of Our Lady of Zhirovichi, one of the main Christian icons, the patron saint of Belarus.

Belarusian Village

Travelers always visit the ethnographic open-air museum Belarusian Village near Mogilev in the village of Buinichi. The museum includes the center Korchma with a comfortable hotel, cafes and restaurants in the ancient Belarusian style. There is a town of craftsmen where you will see how Belarusian craftsmen used to live and work in the past. You can even try to make things yourself.






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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • 1 слайд


    2 слайд



    3 слайд



    4 слайд



    5 слайд


  • The more we live,
The more we travel,
The more we travel,
The more we see,

    6 слайд

    The more we live,
    The more we travel,
    The more we travel,
    The more we see,
    The more we see,
    The more we learn.

  • to …to …

    7 слайд

    to …
    to …

  • ON- LINE

    8 слайд

    ON- LINE


    9 слайд


  • Which type of tourism: 
1) is the most expensive? 
2) doesn't involve big tra...

    10 слайд

    Which type of tourism:
    1) is the most expensive?
    2) doesn't involve big travel expenses?
    3) puts the traveller's life at risk?
    4) involves reconnecting with nature?
    5) has recently become or are becoming more popular?
    6) involves travelling to a remote area?
    7) could involve taking part in some kinds of rituals?
    8) relates to personal development: intellectual or spiritual?
    9) involves visiting the sites that have become famous after
    certain events?
    10) involves immersion in a society's lifestyle, its people's
    history, its art and architecture, its religion.


    11 слайд



    12 слайд



    13 слайд


  • 1. Island of Tears is built in the form of ____________.
2. There is a town o...

    14 слайд

    1. Island of Tears is built in the form of ____________.
    2. There is a town of ___________ in Belarusian Village.
    3. Khatyn was burnt down by the fascists in __________.
    4. Zhirovichi is a village in __________ region.
    5. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a unique _______ in Belarus.
    6. _________is one of the largest and the oldest museums
    in Belarus.
    7. Ilya Repin museum t is situated in the country ______.
    8. St Sophia Cathedral was built in _______by ________.
    9. _______ was first mentioned in 983.
    10. ________ includes the center Korchma with a
    comfortable hotel.

  • 1. Island of Tears is built in the form of a tiny church.
2. There is a town...

    15 слайд

    1. Island of Tears is built in the form of a tiny church.
    2. There is a town of craftsmen in Belarusian Village.
    3. Khatyn was burnt down by the fascists in March 1943.
    4. Zhirovichi is a village in Slonim region.
    5. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a unique forest land in
    6. Gomel Palace is one of the largest and the oldest
    museums in Belarus.
    7. Ilya Repin museum t is situated in the country
    8. St Sophia Cathedral was built in the 11th century by
    9. Belovezhskaya Pushcha was first mentioned in 983.
    10. Belarusian Village includes the center Korchma with a comfortable hotel.

  • 16 слайд

  • A cinquain 
about travellingtravelling
two adjectives
three verbs
a sentence...

    17 слайд

    A cinquain
    about travelling
    two adjectives
    three verbs
    a sentence
    a synonym

  • 18 слайд

  • 19 слайд

  • 20 слайд

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    Соломахо Наталья Николаевна
    • На сайте: 7 лет и 3 месяца
    • Подписчики: 0
    • Всего просмотров: 17988
    • Всего материалов: 5

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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки



500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Особенности подготовки к сдаче ЕГЭ по географии в условиях реализации ФГОС СОО

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 26 человек из 20 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 294 человека

Курс повышения квалификации

Игровые приемы и методы обучения в школьном курсе физической географии

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 32 человека из 20 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 178 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Технологии географического образования

Педагог в сфере географического образования (учитель географии)

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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Основы теоретической механики

5 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Стимулирование интереса к обучению у детей дошкольного возраста

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 11 человек


Стартап: стратегия, развитие, и инвестиции

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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