Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок на тему: " Total Immersion"

Урок на тему: " Total Immersion"

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Short-term lesson plan



Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics in Aktobe

To facilitate a trilingual educational environment based on the best traditions of the national education system with international experience, modern technologies and equal opportunities for all.

Subject: English

Teacher name:

Date: February, 15/16


Number of students: 12/11

Professional development aim


Long-term plan unit

11.3C : Language with content: Messages

Theme of the lesson


Previous learning

This unit uses the themes of dreams and lectures to emphasize the role and nature of messages in communication. Much of the Grade 11 course has focused on different aspects of communication, and so skills and knowledge learned throughout the school year will be useful in this unit.

Lesson objectives

Answer the questions giving reasons

Practise listening and speaking on the languages

Success criteria

Give appropriate answers to the questions

Read and discuss the questions

Put words and phrases into categories

Identify episodes

Complete profiles with relevant information

Rank opinions

Respond to the questions justifying their answers

Value links

Honesty, cooperation, tolerance, trilingualism, health, respect, responsibilityandlifelonglearning.

Values are instilled by/through ... (description of activities and / or content).


Languages around the world

Crosscurricular links




All stages



-intaskselection: different level tasks for individual students and groups;

-in expected outcomes for each student;

-inprovidingindividualsupportfor students;

-in selecting learning materials according to individual learning needs and abilities of students.


Lesson procedure

Planned stages


Planned activities









Warm up

What are the most difficult factors about learning a foreign language?

What does this acronym mean?-ASL= American Sign Language(Sign language uses hand gestures to communicate)





Students read people's experiences learning a foreign language.

Students discuss the questions with a partner.

1. What languages is each person studying now and why?

2. How would you describe each person's approximate language level in that language now. Explain their reasons.

Students in pairs divide the words and phrases from the profiles in A into the categories

Students express their opinion on what the best way to learn  a foreign language is

Students read the opinions given and rank them from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree)(GW)

Listening and Speaking

Students listen to five short excerpts from a TV series on words and language.

Students define what episode each excerpt come from

Students listen and check the correct boxes

Students listen and complete the profiles with the correct information

Students answer the given questions :

Should efforts be made to revive languages that are dying out? Why or why not?

How much of your personal identity is connected to the language you speak?

Open-class feedback







Susan Stempleski

World Pass











CD Track 14/15







CD Track 16



At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:

-           What has been learned

-           What remained unclear

-           What is necessary to work on





Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?


Summary evaluation


What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?




What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?




























































Adjectives that describe language level or ability:

Verbs that describe using or learning a language:

Words that describe one's first language:




1._______Focus exclusively on the new language from the beginning. Don't depend on dictionaries.

2. _______Immerse yourself in the language and culture. It's the only way to really become proficient.

3. _______You only need to be able to carry on a basic conversation. Concentrate on learning how to do this.

4. _______The key to learning any language is to retain what you've studied, so take notes and memorize.

5._______To master a foreign language, spendall your time with speakers of that language.






                                                                                       1          2          3           4            5


Episode 1: Language and Personal Identity       



Episode 2: The History of the English Language




Episode 3: Endangered and Dead Languages        






1. Pilar was born in _____________and grew up speaking ________at home, but __________outside her home. Today, she works as a __________for a _____________.

2. The local island language in Guernsey is a dialect of Norman___________. The ________ don't learn the language and usually _______the island to ________on the mainland.

3. Many expressions in _________come from Shakespeare. Many people may be familiar with the expression one fell swoop, but they probably don't know the _______of the word fell and what it means.

4. Although Doruk grew up in _______, he now lives in _______. where he doesn't speak the _____so well. He may have a German __________, but he ________it's his true identity.

5. ________is a deal language, but some people are trying to bring it back. Teachers believe that it teachers students __________skills. They plan to use the _________to get students interested in studying.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Read about people’s experiences learning a foreign language

    1 слайд

    Read about people’s experiences learning a foreign language

  • Respond to the questions1. What languages is each person studying now and why...

    2 слайд

    Respond to the questions
    1. What languages is each person studying now and why?
    2. How would you describe each person/s approximate language level in that language now? Explain your reasons.

  • 3 слайд

  • Divide the words  and phrases in blue from the profiles in A into the followi...

    4 слайд

    Divide the words and phrases in blue from the profiles in A into the following categories:
    Adjectives that describe language level or ability:
    Verbs that describe using or learning a language:
    Words that describe one's first language:

  • What is the best way to learn a foreign language?1._______Focus exclusively o...

    5 слайд

    What is the best way to learn a foreign language?
    1._______Focus exclusively on the new language from the beginning. Don't depend on dictionaries.
    2. _______Immerse yourself in the language and culture. It's the only way to really become proficient.
    3. _______You only need to be able to carry on a basic conversation. Concentrate on learning how to do this.
    4. _______The key to learning any language is to retain what you've studied, so take notes and memorize.
    5._______To master a foreign language, spend all your time with speakers of that language.

  • Which episode does each excerpt come from? 
Episode 1: Language and Personal...

    6 слайд

    Which episode does each excerpt come from?

    Episode 1: Language and Personal Identity
    Episode 2: The History of the English Language
    Episode 3: Endangered and Dead Languages

  • Complete the profiles with the correct information1. Pilar was born in ______...

    7 слайд

    Complete the profiles with the correct information
    1. Pilar was born in _____________and grew up speaking ________at home, but __________outside her home. Today, she works as a __________for a _____________.
    2. The local island language in Guernsey is a dialect of Norman___________. The ________ don't learn the language and usually _______the island to ________on the mainland.
    3. Many expressions in _________come from Shakespeare. Many people may be familiar with the expression one fell swoop, but they probably don't know the _______of the word fell and what it means.
    4. Although Doruk grew up in _______, he now lives in _______. where he doesn't speak the _____so well. He may have a German __________, but he ________it's his true identity.
    5. ________is a deal language, but some people are trying to bring it back. Teachers believe that it teachers students __________skills. They plan to use the _________to get students interested in studying.

  • Answer the questionsShould efforts be made to revive languages that are dying...

    8 слайд

    Answer the questions
    Should efforts be made to revive languages that are dying out? Why or why not?
    How much of your personal identity is connected to the language you speak?

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