Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок по английскому языку "Do you like shopping?" (6 класс)

Урок по английскому языку "Do you like shopping?" (6 класс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Do you like shopping?Worked-out by: Mannapova Aida

    1 слайд

    Do you like shopping?
    Worked-out by: Mannapova Aida

  • The aims of the lesson:
To enlarge the pupils’ grammar vocabulary
and knowled...

    2 слайд

    The aims of the lesson:
    To enlarge the pupils’ grammar vocabulary
    and knowledge;
    To develop their thinking, writing and speaking abilities;
    To teach them to be well-mannered and to respect the other people.
    The type of the lesson: a combined lesson
    The method of the lesson:
    explaining, asking, answering
    Visual aids:
    colourful pictures of foods, drinks, grammar cards, fruits, juice and marking paper

  • Warming-upIce-cream
I scream,
You scream
We all scream
For ice-cream!
Ice cr...

    3 слайд


    I scream,
    You scream
    We all scream
    For ice-cream!
    Ice cream, a penny lump!
    The more you eat
    The more you jump!



    4 слайд


  • The baker’sThe butcher’sThe Green grocery’sArt shop

    5 слайд

    The baker’s
    The butcher’s
    The Green grocery’s
    Art shop

  • Hippoty hop to the corner’s shop
To buy some sweets for Sunday
Some for you,...

    6 слайд

    Hippoty hop to the corner’s shop
    To buy some sweets for Sunday
    Some for you, Some for me,
    Some for sister Sandy.
    Hippoty hop to the baker’s shop
    To buy some bread for Monday
    Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.
    Hippoty hop to the buther’s shop
    To buy some meat for Tuesday
    Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.
    Hippoty hop to the green grocery’s shop
    To buy some apples for Saturday
    Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

    песня “Hippoty Hop”

  • Do you like …? Yes, I do\ No, I do not
Would you like …? Yes, please \ No, t...

    7 слайд

    Do you like …? Yes, I do\ No, I do not

    Would you like …? Yes, please \ No, thank you

    Help yourself!

    To fill in the gaps with your own words

  • Colin: Would you like some juice?

Dmitry: No, thanks. I do not drink juice....

    8 слайд

    Colin: Would you like some juice?

    Dmitry: No, thanks. I do not drink juice.

    Colin: How about some milk?

    Dmitry: Yes, please.

    Colin: Here you are.

    Dmitry: Thank you!

    To read the dialogue

  • Make the dialogue

    9 слайд

    Make the dialogue

To complete the puzzledleepzaadcoabhg

    10 слайд

    To complete the puzzle

The true variant of the puzzlemdleepizzalasadcaekongarebmahurgerona

    11 слайд

    The true variant of the puzzle

Thank you once again. 
Have a nice day. 

    12 слайд

    Thank you once again.
    Have a nice day.

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Открытый урок по теме: "Do You Like to Go Shopping?"

Цели урока: Воспитательная: воспитание коммуникативно-речевого такта, коммуникабельности в общении со сверстниками и взрослыми. Образовательная: знакомство с видами английских магазинов, сравнение с казахстанскими магазинами.

Развивающая: 1) развитие навыков восприятия иноязычной речи на слух посредством песни; 3) развитие навыков диалогической речи; 2) развитие языковых способностей и устойчивого интереса к изучению английского языка.

Практическая: формирование коммуникативных умений и речевых навыков общения в магазине.

Оснащение: проектор, экран, таблички с названиями магазинов и их транскрипциями, картинки с продуктами питания.

 Ход урока

1. Начальный этап

1) Организационный момент. Good afternoon, dear children! I am very glad to see you. I see that all of you are present and I’d like to start our lesson.

2) Фонетическая разминка.

All of you have some pictures on your desks (у каждого на парте находится картинка с изображением какого-либо продукта питания: апельсин, яблоко, слива, банан, помидор, лук, картофель, хлеб, колбаса, молоко). Let’s name these products. Sasha, what kind of product do you have? (учащиеся по одному озвучивают свои карточки на английском языке, остальные повторяют хором и переводят. Названия продуктов уже знакомы из прошлых уроков).

3) Речевая разминка. And can you guess why we have started the lesson with these items? Quite right, today we will speak about products. Where do we buy them? Of course, in the shop. But do we buy all products in one shop or department? That’s it. In different departments. And do you know the names of these departments in English? I’ll tell you about them.

2. Центральный этап 

1) Введение новой лексики. Look at the screen, please(появляется изображение кондитерского магазина) Can you see what is there on it? And how do we call this shop? Absolutely so and in English it is called “the corner’s”(показываю табличку с написанием данного слова и его транскрипцией, прикрепляю на доску в качестве зрительной опоры ). Repeat after me please. What can we buy here? Quite right. Now let’s say it in English(показываю картинки с изображением сладостей). We can buy sweets at the corner’s. (Прикрепляю картинки сладостей на доску вокруг таблички с названием магазина). Do you often go to the corner’s? Tell me once again what we can buy at this shop(На доске написано начало предложения, ученики по одному проговаривают, что можно купить в данном отделе). Great! But we have some other shops to speak about. Look at the screen once again and say the name of this shop in Russian first (появляется изображение хлебного магазина). In English it will sound “the baker’s”(показываю табличку с написанием данного слова и его транскрипции). Repeat after me please. What can we buy here? Absolutely so. We can buy some bread(показываю картинку с изображением хлеба). Now it’s your turn to say what we can buy here. Our next shop will be the following: Сan you guess the kind of this shop? Quite right. And in English it will be “The butcher’s” (показываю табличку с написанием этого слова и его транскрипции). Repeat after me, please. What can we buy at the butcher’s? That’s it! Let’s say it in English: some ham, sausage, bacon, meat (показываю картинки мясных продуктов и прикрепляю их вокруг таблички с названием магазина). So, this is our third shop. Tell me once again what we can buy here. For example: We can buy some meat at the butcher’s (ученики проговаривают предложения с опорой на наглядность). Now let’s go to the next shop (на экране появляется изображение овощного магазина). Can you guess the kind of this shop? Quite right. And in English it will be “The Green grocery’s” (показываю табличку с написанием этого слова и транскрипцией). Repeat after me, please. What can we buy at the green grocery’s? That’s it! Let’s say it in English: some potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, apples and other fruit (показываю картинки овощей и фруктов и прикрепляю их вокруг таблички с названием магазина). Tell me once again what we can buy here. (ученики по одному проговаривают, что можно купить в овощном отделе). 2) отработка новой лексики с помощью песни Now let’s repeat all these names once again(ученики еще раз повторяют названия магазинов для закрепления навыков произношения). And now I will check how well you’ve remembered the names.

 Listen to the song and try to remember all the shops in it. Звучит песня “Hippoty Hop”(учащиеся слушают без зрительной опоры):

Hippoty hop to the corner’s shop

To buy some sweets for Sunday

Some for you, Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the baker’s shop

To buy some bread for Monday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the buther’s shop

To buy some meat for Tuesday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the green grocery’s shop

To buy some apples for Saturday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

Do you like the song? Who is the main character? What shop does he go first? (учащиеся перечисляют магазины по порядку, я ставлю номера возле каждой таблички на доске).

 3) Развитие навыков диалогической речи. Thank you very much. And what about you? Do you often go to the shop? Now we can make the whole dialogue(на экране появляется весь диалог).

 That’s it! The words “Please, thank you”.

3. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. Great! Now I am sure that you won’t be hungry in a foreign country. Thank you for your work, you were very active, it was such a pleasure to work with you. Especially I like the way… work today. You get “5s”. The rest have “4s”. And at the end of the lesson I’d like to check how well you’ve remembered the names of the shops. I will read you the definitions and your task will be to guess the name of the shop(читаю определения, учащиеся записывают названия на листочках и сдают). Thank you once again. Have a nice day. Goodbye. 















Hippoty hop to the corner’s shop

To buy some sweets for Sunday

Some for you, Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the baker’s shop

To buy some bread for Monday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the buther’s shop

To buy some meat for Tuesday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the green grocery’s shop

To buy some apples for Saturday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.


Hippoty hop to the corner’s shop

To buy some sweets for Sunday

Some for you, Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the baker’s shop

To buy some bread for Monday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the buther’s shop

To buy some meat for Tuesday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the green grocery’s shop

To buy some apples for Saturday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.



Hippoty hop to the corner’s shop

To buy some sweets for Sunday

Some for you, Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the baker’s shop

To buy some bread for Monday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the buther’s shop

To buy some meat for Tuesday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the green grocery’s shop

To buy some apples for Saturday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.


Hippoty hop to the corner’s shop

To buy some sweets for Sunday

Some for you, Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the baker’s shop

To buy some bread for Monday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the buther’s shop

To buy some meat for Tuesday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the green grocery’s shop

To buy some apples for Saturday

Some for you, Some for me, Some for sister Sandy.

1.       today we are cooking an apple cake. we need milk, salt, apples, eggs, sugar, flour

-          mix eggs and milk

-          and the butter, sugar, apples.

-          mix the flour and baking powder

-          put the mass into the dish

-          bake 45-50 min a hot oven


2.      –what would you like?

-          I’d like a hamburger

-          all right. and would you like a salad?

-          yes, I’d like a small salad

-          O.K. what would you like anything drink?

-          I’d like a coke, please

-          thank you


3.      –  excuse me.

–  can I help you?

–  yes, please.  three small ice-creams, please.

–  what flavour?

–  what flavour have you got?

–  I’ve got strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and coffee

-          ok. . strawberry, vanilla, chocolate

–  Thank you.

-how much is that?

they’re 60 p.


–  hello.

-Can I help you?

–  Yes, please.

–  I’d like to buy.

–  What else?

–  Have you got some nuts? I want a packet of peanuts, please.


–  Here you are.

–  Thank you.

Thank you. Great!




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