Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок по английскому языку на тему "Module 2. Our world- Time for CLIL" (1 класс)

Урок по английскому языку на тему "Module 2. Our world- Time for CLIL" (1 класс)

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LESSON: Module 2.

Our world – Time for CLIL.

School-lyceum №123


Teacher name: A.Abildayeva

CLASS: 1 “B”

Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

 1.S1  Make basic personal  statements and simple statements  about objects

1UE3 Use basic adjectives and numbers to say what someone is or has

Lesson objectives







All learners will be able to:

Learn about schools in the UK, Russia, and Kazakhstan;

 develop fine motor skills through craftwork

Most learners will be able to:    

 To explore other subject areas ( Maths)

To distinguish between odd and even numbers

Some learners will be able to:

*make sentences using  new words

* follow the instruction according to the task

Success criteria                


they can say the numbers

can pronouns new words correctly

can make sentences using new words

Previous learning 


School things (schoolbag, pen, pencil, book, rubber), colours, numbers from 1 to 10.


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)





Warm – up

Organization moment

  • Teacher greets pupils.

-         Hello, pupils!

-         Hello, teacher!

-         How are you?

-         I’m fine. How are you?

-         I’m fine. Thank you. Sit down.

  • T shows her bag and asks “What is it?” “How many bags?” “What colour is it?” Ps answer them. T shows three pens, seven pencils, two rubbers and a book then repeats her previous questions. Ps answer individually and/or chorally.
  • T asks Ps to present their project work from the previous lesson.

-        Come to the blackboard. Present your school things and their colours.

(T helps the Ps to file their projects to their Language Portpholios)



(in minutes)


20-25 m








Teacher divides students into 3 groups by giving different colours: yellow, green, red.

Who takes yellow? It’s yellow group

Who takes green? It’s green group

Who takes red? It’s red group.


  • Listen and point.

T:    - Close your books. Look at the map.

-         This is the UK.

-         Do you have friends from this country?

-         Do you have relatives from this country?

-         What do you think schools are like in this country?

(T follows the same procedure with Russia and Kazakhstan)

-         Open your books. Listen and point to the pictures. (Plays the CD. Plays it again pausing after each sentence and asks Ps to repeat first chorally, then individually)


I’m Alex. I’m ten. This is my school.

I’m Yuri. I’m seven. This is my school.

I’m Assel. I’m six. This is my school.


  • Presentation

-         Pupils, let’s draw your school and colour it.

-         Let’s tell about your school.

(T explains the activity and assigns it as homework.)


  • A game “Chinese whispers”

-         Let’s play a game. I whisper you a  new word and you say it to your neighbour. Your neighbour to his/hers. The last pupil says the word. Understand? Let’s begin.

(T does this action with each group then they play it as a class.)


  • TIME FOR CLIL. Draw lines and say.

T puts up the ODD and EVEN poster on the wall. Points to and elicits the numbers. Explains that 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 are even numbers and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are odd numbers.


T puts the ODD on the left and EVEN on the right side of the board. Explains the rule. Ps must write the numbers which the teacher said in appropriate column.

-         ….. come to the blackboard. Five …

(Repeats this task as many as it necessary.)


-         Open your books. Look at the example. You must line from 3 to 10 connecting the odd and even numbers.

-         Say first the even numbers then odd numbers.

   Coloured cards







A map


Flags of Kazakhstan, Russia and the UK




CD-1    28 - track










Sheets of paper













Numbers from 1 to 10


(in minutes)


10 m









-         Let’s play a game. I call out numbers. If it is even you must repeat it shouting. If it is odd number you must repeat it whispering. Are you ready?

-         Let’s start! Two!

-         Two! (Ps shouting)

-         Seven!

-         Seven! (whispering)

-         Etc…


There smiley faces are on the board. (happy and sad) T. suggests choosing any smiley face. Ss will choose one and put on their desks.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/85/Smiley.svg/1024px-Smiley.svg.png http://www.adventureswithwords.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/unhappy_face_sticker-p217427116611791537qjcl_400.jpg












Smiley faces

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links

Health and safety check

ICT links

Values links

*How many books (pens, pencils and rubbers) are in your schoolbag?




*you are very active and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today


*you are best. You are very nice.


*with smiley faces

*connection  with Maths


*connection with Geography




Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/Learning objectives realistic?


What did the learners learn today?


What was the learning atmosphere like?


Did my planned differentiation work well?


Did I stick timings? What changes did make from my plan and why?



Summary evaluation


What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?




What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?




What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that inform my next lesson?




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