Инфоурок Информатика СтатьиУрок, Презентация "Архитектура компьютера"

Урок, Презентация "Архитектура компьютера"

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Computer Architecture

Internal structure of a digital computer, encompassing the design and layout of its instruction set and storage registers. The architecture of a computer is chosen with regard to the types of programs that will be run on it (business, scientific, general-purpose, etc.). Its principal components or subsystems, each of which could be said to have an architecture of its own, are input/output, storage, communication, control, and processing.

Computers are built of various components (called Hardware). These include: the CPU, memory, busses, clocks, peripherals (printers, keyboards, etc), etc. All of these components must communicate with each other and provide a necessary service to the user.

A computer is a complex device containing many sub-systems. Each sub-system is a piece of computer hardware (or part of a piece of computer hardware.) How these pieces interact is called the "Computer Architecture". The hard of a computer includes:

·         - CPU — the "brain" of the computer

·         - Motherboard — The spine of the computer

·         - Power Supply — the "stomach" of the computer

·         - BUS — "trucks" data around the computer

·         - Clock — tells the CPU to start the next instruction

·         - Network Card — the "cell phone" of the computer

·         - Monitor — the "face" of the computer

·         - Fans — computers can cook food, they are so hot. We must cool them down

·         - Memory:


·         Layers:


1.      - Registers (1 clock cycle)

2.      - Primary Cache: ~1 nano-second cache primary

3.      - Secondary Cache: 10 nano-seconds

4.      - fast RAM: 70 nanoseconds or less

5.      - fast disk: 10 milliseconds (10,000,000 nanoseconds)

6.      - CD/DVD: 160 milliseconds (160,000,000 nanoseconds)


Memory Acronyms you should know:

8.      - ROM - Read Only MemoryROM is memory that is "hard coded" from the - manufacturer and never changes, such as the instruction to "boot" up your computer.

9.      - RAM - Random Access MemoryRam is the core memory you buy for any machine. It is often sold (today) in .5, 1, and 2 GIG boards.


·         • IO Devices:


1.      - Graphics Card / Monitor

2.      - Keyboard

3.      - Disk Drive

4.      - Tape Backup

5.      - CD ROM


7.      What is the most important component in a computer?


Not many people would stop and think about the most important component that is currently in their computer. If they had to stop and think about it, some would say the processor (CPU), memory, the video card, or even the hard drive. Depending on what they use their computer for, everyone would have a different idea of what is the most important component.

·         Most people, probably wouldn’t say that the power supply unit (PSU) is the most important component. To me, it is the most important component, and is one that you shouldn’t go cheap on purchasing. I outline my reasons for thinking this way in this post.

·         I recently read a post on Info Carnivor titled Computer Terms Glossary: Advice for Computer Shoppers where the author mentions that the processor is most important part of a computer. I do disagree with him on that point (it’s great that he allows people to disagree with him in the comments on his blog). While we each are entitled to our opinion, I provide my reasoning of why the power supply unit is more important.

Pentium also is the most important part of thecomputer. It processes the data and controls the computer. Powerfulcomputers used as servers often have more than one processor.


·         Thereare two main types of memory: a)RAM (random access memory) holds the program instructions andthe data that is being used by the processor, b)ROM (read only memory) holds the program instructions andsettings required to start up the computer.

o    The combination of the processor and memory is sometimes referredto as the CPU (central processing unit), although sometimes theprocessor itself is referred to as the CPU.

o    The other parts connected tothe CPU are known as peripherals.

These can include input devices,output devices, storage devices and communications devices. Inputdevices include: keyboards, scanners, barcode readers, digitalcameras, microphonesand video cameras e.g. webcams (small digitalvideo cameras used on the Web). Output devices include: monitors(VDU display screens), printers, plotters, loudspeakers, headphones.Storage devices include: magnetic tape, floppy disks (diskettes), harddisks, CD-ROMs, CD-R disks, CD-RW disks, DVDs and MO disks. Acommon communications device is a modem (amodulator/demodulator used for converting digital signals to analoguesignals and vice versa to allow a computer to be connected to theordinary telephone system). A set of connectors used for carrying signals between the differentparts of a computer is known as a bus. Data is transferred constantlybetween the processor and memory along the system bus. Each partof memory has its own memory address and the processordetermines where processed data is stored by sending an addresssignal along an address bus and data along adata bus. This issynchronised by an electronic clock in the CPU that determines theoperating speedof the processor. Transferring data between theprocessor and RAM can slow up the computer; therefore, some veryexpensive, extremely fast memory is usually used as a cache to holdthe most frequently used data.


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Краткое описание документа:

  • Thereare two main types of memory: a)RAM (random access memory) holds the program instructions andthe data that is being used by the processor, b)ROM (read only memory) holds the program instructions andsettings required to start up the computer.
    • The combination of the processor and memory is sometimes referredto as the CPU (central processing unit), although sometimes theprocessor itself is referred to as the CPU.
    • The other parts connected tothe CPU are known as peripherals.
    These can include input devices,output devices, storage devices and communications devices. Inputdevices include: keyboards, scanners, barcode readers, digitalcameras, microphonesand video cameras e.g. webcams (small digitalvideo cameras used on the Web). Output devices include: monitors(VDU display screens), printers, plotters, loudspeakers, headphones.Storage devices include: magnetic tape, floppy disks (diskettes), harddisks, CD-ROMs, CD-R disks, CD-RW disks, DVDs and MO disks. Acommon communications device is a modem (amodulator/demodulator used for converting digital signals to analoguesignals and vice versa to allow a computer to be connected to theordinary telephone system). A set of connectors used for carrying signals between the differentparts of a computer is known as a bus. Data is transferred constantlybetween the processor and memory along the system bus. Each partof memory has its own memory address and the processordetermines where processed data is stored by sending an addresssignal along an address bus and data along adata bus. This issynchronised by an electronic clock in the CPU that determines theoperating speedof the processor. Transferring data between theprocessor and RAM can slow up the computer; therefore, some veryexpensive, extremely fast memory is usually used as a cache to holdthe most frequently used data.

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