Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок "Путешествие в будущее"

Урок "Путешествие в будущее"

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План-конспект открытого урока в 4 Б классе

по теме

«Travelling in the Future»








Подготовил:                           учитель английского языка

Чеханкова Надежда Юрьевна






Анапа 2017





Открытый урок по английскому языку в 4 Б классе

(по УМК Family and Friends 4,  автор Naomi Simmons)

Дата проведения: 11.04.2017

Цель урока:  Обобщение знаний по теме, развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся при помощи проблемных, творческих заданий.

Задачи урока:


1.Активизация лексико-грамматического материала.

2.  Развитие навыков монологической речи.

3.  Развитие  навыков  диалогической речи.

Развивающие, познавательные:

1.      развитие творческих способностей учащихся.

2.      развитие речевой памяти, внимания, логики мышления, умения работать  в команде.

3.      умение работать с дополнительным материалом, с применением компьютерных технологий. 

4.       Развитие познавательного  интереса учащихся по теме «Путешествия».


1.      Развитие умения слушать друг друга, задавать интересующие вопросы.

2.      Воспитание личностных качеств, ответственности, самостоятельности.


1.      Компьютер, проектор, презентации.

2.      Доска.

3.      Наглядные карточки.

Ход урока

1.      Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see our guests, our parents, the teachers of our gymnasium and the pupils! Today we’re going to talk about  life in the future . We’ll be able to travel in the future virtually.We’ll revise the vocabulary, grammar and then you’ll show your  presentations. So, be happy and enjoy our lesson!  

To begin let’s revise the vocabulary. Answer my questions.

What’s the word for things that will happen later, not now? (the future) Слайд 2.

Go from one place to another. (travel) Слайд3.

These travel above the Earth. They help us to use mobile phones and TV. (satellites) Слайд 4.

The Earth is one. (planet) Слайд 5.

It gives us light and keeps us warm. (the sun) Слайд 6.

A big ship that travels around in space. (spaceship) Слайд 7.

It’s long and thing and carries astronauts. (rocket) Слайд 8.

They shine in the  night sky. (stars) Слайд 9.

We can see this at night time from Earth. (the moon) Слайд 10.

These people travel in space. (astronauts) Слайд 11.

Teacher:  Well done! Now you’re going to listen to the comic and tell us what you think about  travelling in the future. Слайды 12-13.

Listening: (Family and Friends 4, Class Book, page 52, listening 47)

Teacher:  So, do you think there will be any super-fast planes in the future?

P1:  I think there will be such planes. Scientists develop new technologies and nowadays there are already supersonic planes.

P2: And I agree that there won’t be any more long plane journeys because planes will fly with higher speed.

P1:  In the future, people will go to the moon for holidays.

P2: They won’t travel by aeroplane. They’ll travel by rocket or spaceship.

P3: They won’t  eat normal food. They will eat space food with a straw.

P4: They will get out of the spaceship. It won’t be too dangerous. They will see amazing things.

P5: In 200 years’ time,  there will be lots more people, so it will be too crowded on Earth. The seas will be bigger.

P6: People will have to build new cities called lilypads on sea. The cities will slowly move.

P7: There will be tall buildings, lots of supermarkets and large malls. There will be schools and sport centres too.

P8: People won’t  use petrol for cars any more. They will use energy from the sun, wind and waves.

Teacher: Well done! Will you read a page from the magazine?  (Family and Friends 4, Class Book, page 56, reading ex. 2) Слайд 14.


Teacher: And now look at the screen and describe the pictures. Слайд 15.

Ps: Picture A:I think that children won’t have to go to school in 200 years’ time.            

Picture B: Maybe children will have robots to help them with their school work. The robots will be like a best friend for children because they will help them with any problems.

Picture C: I think we’ll go to school, but we will all have a computer at our desks.

Picture C: Children will still go to normal schools. Childeren will learn about their new life in space.

Teacher: That’s very interesting! And what do you think about the future life? (Pupils show their presentations)

P1: I think in the future people will travel to different planets to work and on holidays. People will travel in small spaceships that will be very fast. People will wear special space clothes in the spaceships.(The presentation is done by Andrey Turishev)

P2: I think there will be more different species of animals in the future. People will bring animals from other planets to Earth. And I think some people who won’t have possibility to keep real animals will have robots animals.(The presentation is done by Tatyana Muravyova)

P3: I think there will be different robots in the future. Some of them will do dangerous jobs. Others will do housework. People will control robots on the Internet. I think robots will explore other planets too. (The presentation is done by David Arutunyan)

P4: I also want to talk about robots. Robots will listen to us and talk, but they won’t have feelings like people. I think robots will help us with our homework, too. That’ll be great. (The presentation is done by Albert Arushanyan)

P5: In the future there will be many new kinds of sports. I think there will be races in flying cars to other planets. The race will be held every four years. Also there will be a new kind of sport called boxing of robots People will control robots using special remote controls. People will do sports too. There will be large stadiums on the Moon and Mars.  (The presentation is done by Gleb Galas)

P6: Cars won’t use petrol anymore. I think they’ll use energy from the sun. Our cars will be very different. I think that in the future there will be flying cars.

(The presentation is done by Andrey Zhilin)

P8: I think that each pupil at  school will have a computer and there won’t  be any teachers. A school will look like a spaceship. (The presentation is done by Nastya Fetukova)

Teacher:Well done, thank you very much for your presentations. Now you can imagine life in the future. What will robots be like? Now stand up, please. We are going to  move  and have some fun. Let’s pretend to be robots and enjoy the chant:

I can walk and I can talk.

I can’t fly and I can’t cry.

I can sit and I can bend.

I stamp my feet. I clap my hands.

Teacher:Thank you! Sit down, please. Now you are going to do an interesting activity. Use the grammar rules and put the words in the correct order to make sentences:




















































Teacher: Now read the sentences. We can write a letter, put it into the rocket and send it to the space. If you like, you can write more about yourselves or about your dreams. Let’s hope that aliens will receive our message and reply.

Now we can have a virtual trip to the moon. Let’s prepare for it. Look at the slides and say what we will do.

Ps:. We’ll get in the rocket. Слайд 16

We’ll go on a trip to the moon. Слайд 17.

We’ll be there in two days’ time. Слайд 18.

We’ll eat dinner with a straw. Слайд 19.

We’ll come back to Earth. Слайд 20.

Teacher: And now let’s sing a song: “A Trip to the moon!” (Family and Friends 4, Class Book, page 54, listening 48)

Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher: Thank you for your participation! Your work is really great today! I’m going to give excellent marks all of you.

We showed you just a small part of what we do during our lessons! And now we would like to know your opinion about our lesson!

Конец урока. Выступления родителей, гостей, учителей.

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