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Урок текстовое задание по английскому языку "Scotland"

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Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Burns Night

Each year Scottish people across the world celebrate a unique dinner known as “Burns Night”. This is ___ (A) called Robert Burns. Traditionally it happens on his birthday, the 25th January.

Scotland can be very dark and cold at this time of year, so it’s ___ (B) with friends and family. Burns is still an important figure in Scotland and even though he died in 1796 at the age of 37, he was recently voted “The Greatest Scot”. His birthday has become as important as Scotland’s national day, St Andrew’s Day.

The idea for ___ (C) soon after his death, and these days is actually quite a complicated affair. To start people are sat down at the table and the host reads a poem called “The Selkirk Grace”. It’s normally done in a Scottish dialect which even English people find difficult to understand. Although Burns probably didn't actually write this, he is known ___ (D). Next, soup is served. The highlight though is listening to a bagpiper playing as the main course of haggis arrives.

Haggis is a special dish made from a mixture of sheep heart, lung and liver and oats, which is a bit like a giant sausage and surprisingly tasty. So tasty in fact that Robert Burns wrote ___ (E). After dinner there’s a speaker, who may recite more poetry and a toast is made to the memory of Robert Burns. Next ___ (F) about ladies and a female guest replies with a funny speech about men. Throughout the rest of the night there is even more of Burns’ poetry.

1. to have read it at a dinner
2. the next course is served which is
3. a male guest makes a funny speech
4. to remember a famous Scottish poet
5. an excellent reason to enjoy a large dinner
6. a poem about it called ‘Address to a Haggis’
7. a dinner started over two hundred years ago















Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Burns Night

Each year Scottish people across the world celebrate a unique dinner known as “Burns Night”. This is ___ (A) called Robert Burns. Traditionally it happens on his birthday, the 25th January.

Scotland can be very dark and cold at this time of year, so it’s ___ (B) with friends and family. Burns is still an important figure in Scotland and even though he died in 1796 at the age of 37, he was recently voted “The Greatest Scot”. His birthday has become as important as Scotland’s national day, St Andrew’s Day.

The idea for ___ (C) soon after his death, and these days is actually quite a complicated affair. To start people are sat down at the table and the host reads a poem called “The Selkirk Grace”. It’s normally done in a Scottish dialect which even English people find difficult to understand. Although Burns probably didn't actually write this, he is known ___ (D). Next, soup is served. The highlight though is listening to a bagpiper playing as the main course of haggis arrives.

Haggis is a special dish made from a mixture of sheep heart, lung and liver and oats, which is a bit like a giant sausage and surprisingly tasty. So tasty in fact that Robert Burns wrote ___ (E). After dinner there’s a speaker, who may recite more poetry and a toast is made to the memory of Robert Burns. Next ___ (F) about ladies and a female guest replies with a funny speech about men. Throughout the rest of the night there is even more of Burns’ poetry.

1. to have read it at a dinner
2. the next course is served which is
3. a male guest makes a funny speech
4. to remember a famous Scottish poet
5. an excellent reason to enjoy a large dinner
6. a poem about it called ‘Address to a Haggis’
7. a dinner started over two hundred years ago














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