Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыУстная тема по английскому языку "Youth Problems".

Устная тема по английскому языку "Youth Problems".

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Adults often see the age between 13 and 19 as "difficult". Though it doesn't concern every child it is generally believed that teenagers tend to become rebellious, impertinent, intolerant, ill-mannered, impatient. As a result they can't get along with adults and their peers, develop complexes, have low or high self-esteem, embarrass their parents by outrageous or unsocial behavior.

Officially a teenager is anyone aged from 13 to 19 but most people would probably think of the younger age group. Children are growing up and developing more quickly and these days 11 and 12 year-olds would like to include themselves in the "teenager group".

Without getting hung up on actual ages, what we really mean by "teenagers" are people who are in the stage of their life when they are developing from children into adults.

According to the older generation "teenagers are lazy, they wear ridiculous clothes, and are appallingly rude to their betters and elders; they find it impossible to be polite, helpful, constructive, caring or hard-working. What's more, they spend all their free time listening to awful music and gawping at unsuitable films. And all they ever think about is parties, clothes and drugs.” But is it anywhere near the truth?

Actually, it seems to be quite the opposite of the truth. Teenagers spend a lot of time thinking about their studies, their families and friends and their hobbies. Isn't it the same for most people? The vast majority of young people are polite, friendly, open, interested and hard-working.

Do teenagers have problems? Teenagers are human, so of course they have problems. And their problems aren't very different from anyone else's.

It's true, of course, that sometimes teenagers have problems. It is a difficult time because it is a period of transformation. It isn't easy to grow up and the physical and emotional changes are often confusing and worrying. But most young people cope rather well if they are ready to compromise or to meet people half-way, if they try to develop a positive attitude to life and people and to see other people's points of view.

Youth is the time when a person is trying to find his place in the world. And during this search he or she comes across different problems. Our school life is also a very important problem. Teens are often under pressure in many ways at school: they are supposed to be good at school subjects, able to stand up for themselves. If they can't, they are "wimps", and often children tease and bully them.

There are so-called "problem teenagers", who take drugs. A large number of teens use them very often. They are drug addicts.

It should be said that the young have other problems as well. They are concerned with education, money, employment, hobby, spending their free time, communication, etc. And of course one of the most urgent problems is the accommodation problem.

One of the most important problems of the youth is a generation gap. Every generation is unique in its experience. It has its own ideals and a system of values concerning every aspect of human life. Adults often complain that the young are not what they were. These words are repeated from generation to generation. Today the young are better educated. They grow up more quickly. They derive joy from more freedom. At present the young do not blindly accept the ideals of their parents. The adults always teach the young how to live. They apply old standards to the new way of life.

The young know what they want. They prefer to make their own mistakes rather than to listen to the warnings of the adults. The only way to solve this problem both the young and the adults should be tolerant and patient.

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