Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыВнеклассное мероприятие для 8 класса: Intellectual game «What? Where? When?»

Внеклассное мероприятие для 8 класса: Intellectual game «What? Where? When?»

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Внеклассное мероприятие для 8 класса

Intellectual game «What? Where? When? »


Цели мероприятия:

1.     Повторение пройденного учебного материала в неформальной обстановке во время игры;

2.     Повышение интереса к изучаемому языку;

3.     Расширение кругозора.

4.     Развитие умений анализировать, сравнивать, логически мыслить, делать выводы.

5.     Развитие умений работать в группе


Оборудование урока:

ПК,  раздаточный материал, доска.


Тип урока: урок-игра.


План урока:

1)    Организационный момент

2)    Речевая и фонетическая зарядка

3)    Задание «Black Box»

4)    Задание «Typicality»

5)    Задание «Geography»

6)    Задание «Black box»

7)    Зарядка «Hit the Road Jack»

8)    Задание «Speech»

9)    Задание «Black Box»

10)           Задание «Guess»

11)           Релаксационный момент

12)           Заключительный этап урока






Ход урока:


1.     Greeting (2 мин)

Hello, my dear friends! Today we have a funny, clever game. The game is called “What? Where? When?”. We have 2 teams. First of all let`s give the names to your teams and choose the captains.

2.     Warming-up (5 мин)

Now we are ready to begin our game. Answer my questions, please. For one right answer you will get point for your team.

1)    What is the world`s largest island?  (Australia)

2)    What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)

3)    What country is a nation of risk- takers? (USA)

4)    What is the longest river in Australia? (The Darling)

5)    Who is a head of state in Britain? (Queen Elizabeth II)

6)    In what country is much of the land a useless desert? (Australia)

7)    In what country is there steady rainfall throughout most of the year? (GB)

8)    How many kilometers do Great deserts cover on the territory of Australia? ( 2.000.000 square kilometers)

9)    What nation impresses with size and numbers? (Russia and Russians)

10)                       What country was a part of a huge continent called Gondwanaland? (Australia)

11)                       What country has cruel climate and harsh history? (Russia)

12)                       What is the best known river in Australia? (The Murray)


3.     Contest «Black Box» (3 мин)

Let us start with the first contest. This is a black box. Something is inside the box and you should guess what it is. Be very attentive. You should think together and don`t say anything to another group. When you are ready, you will write your answer on these cards and give it to me.

It is not big. It smells very well. It has many tastes. Everybody likes it very much. (TEA)

You get 5 points for the right answer.

You are right! Good job.


4.     Contest «Typicality» (5 мин)

The next contest is «Тypicality». You have a lot of information about different counties and also you know what is typical for each country. Now your task will be to write some typical things about each country. Try to write many typical facts and get many points.  

You get one point for three right answers.

That`s great. Good job.

5.     Contest «Geography» (5 мин)

Now I will ask you the geographical questions. You should work in groups. Don`t hurry, think and be attentive.

1)    Can you give the names of three deserts which are in the center of the continent of Australia? (the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert, the Simpson Desert)

2)    Into what regions is the island of Great Britain subdivided? (Lowland Britain and Highland Britain)

3)    Into what areas is the USA divided? (the Eastern area, the Cental area, the Western area)

4)    What are the main rivers of the USA? (the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Yukon, the Colorado, the Columbia, the St. Lawrence, the Hudson)

5)    By what ocean and seas is Russia washed? (the Arctic Ocean, the Barents, the Chukche, East Siberian, Kara, Laptev, White seas, the Black, Azov, Caspian seas, the Bering Sea, the Sea of Japan, the Okhotsk Sea, the Baltic Sea.

6)    Give the names of three largest lakes in Russia. (Baikal, Ladoga, Onega)

You`ve done it all well. Good of you.


6.     Contest «Black Box» (3 мин)

Attention! The black box! There is one thing in this box which was brought by a famous English traveller Sir Walter Railegh from his trip to America. He borrowed it from American Indians and since that time it has always been very popular in Europe. If you guess what Sir W.Railegh brought to Europe from America you will get it as a present. (potatoes.)

You are absolutely right! Good of you.

7.     Relaxation «Hit the Road Jack»

Now we should have the relaxation. You have some cards with the excerpts of the song «Hit the Road Jack». When you hear your excerpts you should stand up and dance. Let`s begin!

Good of you. Sit down.

8.     Contest «Speech» (5 мин)

Our next contest is preparing a speech. Dr. Johnson, a famous English writer, once said: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” What does it mean? Prepare your answer and justify your opinion: you should prepare speech.

That`s great! Good of you.


9.     Contest «Black Box» (3 мин)

In the 19th century English officers who served in India, were carried away by an ancient Indian game. The British brought this game to England. The modern tradition of the game originated in England. Since 1992, this game was included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. (badminton)

The right answer will give you 5 points.

You are absolutely right! Good of you.





10.  Contest «Guess» (5 мин)


Good of you. Our last task is «Guess». You should guess the right answer together in a group. When you are ready, you should write the answer on these cards. Let`s begin.

1)    In what country is there the biggest population of camels?

2)    What do British people do at 5 p.m.?

3)    Thousands of tourists come to a famous place in Britain to see somebody that has never been seen and to visit the museum devoted to that never seen somebody. What is the place and who is that mysterious somebody? (Loch Ness monster)

4)    There is a country which is highly developed now and has a good reputation. But it has a very dark past. It was founded many years ago by criminals. What country is it? (Australia)

5)    What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)


6)    On the coat of arms of Australia there is a red kangaroo and an emu. Why is it so?

 (They were chosen because kangaroos and emus cannot move back, and it represents the directin at which the country is moving - only forward!)

You`ve done it all well. Good job.


11.  Relaxation (2 мин)

So, our game comes to an end. I want to say that you are good learners. You have done all the tasks correctly and I am proud of you!

So, did you like our lesson? What task did you like best of all? Ok, I am glad that you are satisfied.


12.  Conclusion (2 мин)

Now let`s consider the points. Who is the winner? The winner is … You`ve scored… points. Good of you. All of you get mark «5» because everyone has worked very well today. I`m sorry I have to say goodbye but it`s time to do it. Thank you and goodbye.

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

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