Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыВнеклассное мероприятие:"Виртуальная экскурсия по селу Пеля-Хованская"

Внеклассное мероприятие:"Виртуальная экскурсия по селу Пеля-Хованская"

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                 THE VERTUAI  TOUR











Propose: создание экскурсии по селу Пеля-Хованская на английском языке



Objectives:-найти, создать, систематизировать информацию о родном селе

- перевести ее на английский язык

-создать проекты по данной теме

- развивать монологическую речь обучающихся

-формирование патриотического чувства к своей малой Родине через пробуждение познавательного интереса к изучению родного языка



Equipment: Интерактивная доска, компьютер, презентация















(В актовом зале вкл фильм про Пеля –Хованскую , гости заходят рассаживаются)

Выходят 2 ведущих: (Соня, Артём), звучит музыка , на доске слайд-шоу

-Good morning the dear guests and pupils of our school

-We are glad to see you in our hall

-Today we`ll tell and show you about our village, the important man  and the sights of our village

-Welcome to the wonderful Pelya- Khovanskaya village, where live the most kindest, helpful and talented people

-Our village is not only rich in people but also in its history

-At school such knowledge is given that opens the world to the child and gives the opportunity to step confidently into adulthood

-At school gym our pupils do sports every day and win in different competitions.

-Especially our pupils like skiing

-The future generation  are educated with love in the kindergarten

-In the Palace of Culture children`s talents are discovered and developed through  their hearts and souls

-There are 2 shops, a post office, the hospital and the café in our village

-Also our village has ponds :Kolhoznyi,

Unfortunately, all ponds aren`t very clean and we can`t swim in them , but there are fish in the pond Kolhoznyi. And a lot of people like fishing in it.


-But the main our sights are The Spring and The Oakwood

-Now we`ll try to show you the most interesting places of our territory and tell

 you about it

-Our guides will help us!

                    (вед .уходят, выходят 11 класс)

-Good morning our guests and pupils of our school!

-We are guides

-Our names are Danil, Kirill and Pavel

-Boys., are you fond of travelling? (Yes , of course)

-What places would you like to visit? (I`d like to visit….)

-Today we are going to travel too, But it`ll be unusual travel.

- Have you ever thought  you could see all sights our village for several minutes?

Of course , no!

-Then look at the blackboard and enjoy, please!

-Let`s  begin  our travel with the history of  Pelya-Khovanskaya

(Стих «HOW wonderful is our world» под музыку Данил

How wonderful is our world,
How nice to have the peace in whole
How wonderful is Father’s home,
How nice to be with Him alone.

It makes no difference to me
What is the weather like may be
Either it’s thunderstorm or rain
Or dripping off the roof or hail.

Like child with love I am abound,
You can’t but love the world around,
It’s weaved of beauty all way through,
Of heaven’s pureness anew.

I’d like to open heart to world
To look at it from out of soul
Absorbing whole scope inside
To burn the fire of love and light.

                       Вкл фильм» My native place»

Выходит Илья

-Good  morning everybody. I`m your guide. My name ILYA. Now we are going to the first magical place of our village. It`s the OAKWOOD.


Oak is a very useful and beautiful tree. Oak wood is very resistant to insect and fungal attack because of its high tannin content, that's why it is used in making furniture, houses, cognac and wine barrels and costs a lot. The highest oak is about 29 meters high. Usually oaks grow in 20 maeters high, but it depends on their species. Oaks have green leaves, they are always thick and massive. Oaks grow in middle Russia. Oaks are often compared to old and wise people.

 Acorns are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats and minerals such as calcium, phosphorous and potassium. 

Birds and animals consume acorns. Mammals such as pigs, bears, and deer consume a lot of acorns.

Oak trees are highly valued. In recent times, oak woodlands are on the decline. Conservation of oak trees is necessary to sustain wildlife in the forest and maintain a balance of nature's ecosystem.( Желуди богаты белком, углеводами, жирами и минералами, такими как кальций, фосфор и калий. Птицы и животные едят желуди. Млекопитающие, такие как свиньи, медведи и олени, потребляют много желудей.

Дубовые деревья высоко ценятся. В последнее время дубовые леса находятся в упадке. Сохранение дубовых деревьев необходимо для поддержания живой природы в лесу и поддержания баланса природных экосистем.)


           Илья защищает презентацию «OAKWOOD»


- Now we propose to make a bike ride to the next place

-I think this is the best place in our village

- Guess,please





      What is it? (spring)

-Yes,of course .It`s the spring.

Артем: Look at the blackboard, please.

(Показывает фильм «THE SPRING»


-Our village is famous  for as beautiful nature as and courageous people. One of them was Goreev AV. He took place in the Great Patriotic  War of 1945 .And we are proud of them.


This year our country celebrates the 75 –th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic WAR. We celebrate Victory Day in order to honor  the memory of the dead in the World War the second. People gave their lives for the victory, so it`s important to remember their action. Beside the military parade there is a tradition to lay wreathes to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In 2012 it was the first time when people took part in the immortal Regiment march. People take part in it with the photos of their relatives, who took part in war action. Victory Day is important holiday in Russia

          Выходит Журкин

Now I`d like to tell you about Goreev (презентация)                                

ВЕД: All people of our village also celebrate this day. On this day we remember those who protect our country from the German invaders during World War The second. We congratulate veterans and give them flowers.

 Wait for me , and I’ll be back

Should you wait me strong.

Wait for me when shy is back

And the sun has gone,

Wait for me when it is cold

And when it is hot ,

Wait for me when others don’t,

Cause they just forgot

Wait in case you don’t receive

Letters from the front,

Wait , and I will outlive,

If you really want.

Wait for me , and I’ll be back

Don’t you talk to those.

Gluing me a dead man tag

That’s a wrong suppose



Dear, guests.

Our trip is over . But before we  go we`d like to present you such booklets (раздают буклеты). We hope you liked our village and our trip. Thank  your for attention.

Good bye!!!!


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