Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыВопросы для 9-11 класса по английскому языку

Вопросы для 9-11 класса по английскому языку

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Form 11

Answer the following questions.

1.     Which is heavier: a ton of gold or a ton of feathers?

  1. gold
  2. none
  3. feathers

2.     Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister?

  1. yes
  2. no
  3. yes, in some states only

3.     Why is it against the law for a person living in New York to be buried in California?

  1. that is just the way the law is
  2. he is not dead
  3. he needs to be buried where he died

4.     Which month has 28 days?

  1. first 6 months of the year
  2. February
  3. all

5.     Adam’s mother had 3 children. The 1st child was named April. The 2nd child was named May. What was the 3rd child’s name?

  1. Adam
  2. March
  3. June

6.     Before Mountain Everest was discovered which was the highest mountain in the world?

  1. Mt Mckingly
  2. Mt Aconcagua
  3. Mt Everest

7.     You were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?

  1. 1st
  2. 2nd
  3. 3rd

8.     If an electric train is travelling south, which way is the smoke going?

  1. neither
  2. west
  3. north

9.     I was told that my grandmother’s favourite colour was purple. She lived in a cosy one-story house and had purple curtains, purple chairs, and a fluffy purple carpet. What colour were her stairs?

  1. purple
  2. any other colour
  3. she didn’t have stairs

10. Ten years ago Mr. Sunflower lived in a yellow house. Mr. Coal lived in a black house. What colour was the house that Mr. Bush lived in?

  1. green
  2. white
  3. blue 

Keys to form 11 questions

  1. b. None
  2. b. No –he is dead
  3. b. He is not dead
  4. c. All
  5. a. Adam
  6. c. Mt Everest
  7. b. 2nd
  8. a. Neither
  9. c. She didn’t have any stairs
  10. b. White



Keys ton form 10 questions

1.      b

2.      b

3.      a

4.      b

5.      c

6.      a

7.      a

8.      c

9.      a

10.  b



Keys ton form 9 questions



  1. a.
  2. a
  3. c
  4. a
  5. c
  6. b
  7. a
  8. a
  9. c
  10. a













Form 10

Answer the following questions.


11. Who is the author of the book  “ Little women”?

a.       Edith Nesbit

b.      Louisa May Alcott

c.       Charles Darwin

12. What is the name of the world’s most famous tennis championship?

a.       US open

b.      Wimbledon

c.       Royal Ascot

13. What is the length of the distance in the London Marathon?

a.       42 km

b.      43 km

c.       44 km

14. When does the Boat Race take place in Great Britain?

a.       each winter

b.      each spring

c.       each autumn

15. How many types of schools should you know?

a.       4

b.      5

c.       6

16. What time does training start at 40 acrobatic school?

a.       4.30

b.      5.30

c.       6.30

17. How many children in the world don’t have any schools to go to?

a.       300 mln

b.      30 mln

c.       3 mln

18. On what sporting event can people eat the traditional snack: strawberries and cream?

a.       The London Marathon

b.      Royal Ascot

c.       Wimbledon

19. How many days does the Royal Ascot last?

a.       5

b.      6

c.       7

20. What sporting event raises money for charity?

a.       The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race

b.      The London Marathon

c.       Wimbledon 







Form 9.

Answer the following questions.


1.     Where does the world famous festival  “La Tomatina” take place?

  1. Spain
  2. Argentina
  3. Cayman Islands

2.     When does “The Best Scarecrow Award” take place?

  1. on the 5th of October
  2. on the 6th of October
  3. on the 7th of October

3.     What do blini (pancakes) symbolize in the Maslenitsa festival?

  1. the round coin
  2. the round Earth
  3. the round sun

4.     What does killing a spider mean for superstitious people?

  1. bad luck
  2. good luck
  3. nothing

5.     What flower is the symbol of Remembrance Day?

  1. the red rose
  2. the red tulip
  3. the red poppy

6.     What does living in space mean in other words?

  1. living above the Earth
  2. living in zero gravity
  3. living with astronauts

7.     Which of these animals is a mammal?

  1. a fox
  2. a snake
  3. a crocodile

8.     Which mysterious creature was first seen by a couple of locals in 1933?

  1. Loch Ness Monster
  2. Bigfoot
  3. The Kraken

9.     What do nightmares mean?

  1. everything is bad
  2. you are a bad person
  3. you are afraid of letting someone down

10. Why don’t we always see things as they really are?

  1. seeing is a complicated process
  2. we need glasses
  3. who cares



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