Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыЗадания к школьному этапу всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку 7-8 классы

Задания к школьному этапу всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку 7-8 классы

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Всероссийская олимпиада школьников 2016

 Школьный  этап 

Английский язык, 7-8 классы

Задания для участника

Время  выполнения– 60 минут. Максимальное количество баллов – 100 баллов

Part 1                      Listening

(время  выполнения–10 минут;   максимальное количество баллов – 8 баллов)

Прослушайте и выберите ответ.

Text 1.

What is the fastest way to get to the centre of London?

a. by train

b. by bus

c. by the underground( the tube)

d. by car

Text 2.

How often does Llangollen become the cultural centre of the world?

a. every year

b. twice a year

c. every season

d. from time to time.

Text 3.

What is Philip like?

a. very serious and reserved

b. sociable and emotional

c. practical and careful

d. unfriendly

Text 4.

What does colour mean to animals, birds and insects?

a. only beauty

b. pleasure and self-attraction

c. hard life

d. protection from enemies

Text 5.

How many  matches has Lindle won?

a.  six  b. four   c. seven    d. one


Part 2                       Reading

(время  выполнения–20 минут;   максимальное количество баллов – 32 балла)


Read the story and answer: true or false?

1.      Mike thought his job was boring.

2.      Big Jim never bought a ticket when he got on the bus.

3.      At first, Mike wasn`t afraid of Big Jim.

4.      Mike worked hard so he would be ready to make Big Jim pay.

5.      Mike and Big Jim had a fight.

6.      Big Jim used a bus pass, not single ticket.

Big Jim

Mike was proud to wear the uniform of a bus driver. He felt good when he helped people. And he liked driving all around the town and the countryside. He wasn`t a big man, but he was one of the best bus drivers in the city.

One day, Mike went to the bus station as usual. As always, he started his bus but drove along his usual way. For the first few stops, everything was normal. A few people got on his bus. Mike took their money and gave them their tickets.  A few people got off the bus. Then, when Mike got to the bus stop on Elm Road, a huge man was waiting for the bus. The man was tall and his long arms were full of muscles. He stepped up onto the bus. He looked at Mike and said, `I`m Big Jim. Big Jim doesn`t pay.` Then he sat at the back of the bus.  Mike was surprised about this, and he was also upset. But Jim was so big, Mike wasn`t sure what to do.

The next day, Big Jim was again waiting at the Elm Road stop. Again he got on the bus and said, `Big Jim doesn`t pay.`  It happened this way every day for several days.  Mike continued to be unhappy about this situation. Jim could be dangerous. What would happen if Mike tried to make him pay? Then Mike had an idea. He started going to the gym. He lifted weights. He took a class in boxing. He started running every day for exercise. After a few weeks, Mike had become very fit and strong. He felt confident.

One day, Mike went to the bus station. As always, he started his bus and drove along his usual way.  For the first few stops, everything was normal. A few people got on the bus. He took their money and gave them their tickets. A few people got off the bus. Then, when Mike got to the bus stop on Elm Road, there was Big Jim, waiting for the bus as usual. The big man boarded the bus and, as always, said, `Big Jim doesn`t pay.`

Mike was ready. He knew what to do. He stood up. He looked Big Jim in the eye. He said, `Why doesn`t Big Jim pay?`

Big Jim had a surprised look on his face. Then he reached in his pocket, pulled out a small card, and said, `Because Big Jim has got a six-month bus pass.`

Use the words to complete the summary

afraid   fight   money    paid   pass   pay   paying   ticket   times   upset

            When Big Jim first got on the bus, Mike expected him to buy a  1______. When Big Jim didn`t buy one, Mike felt 2___because he thought Big Jim was trying to travel on the bus without 3_____. After Big Jim didn`t buy a ticket several  4_____, Mike decided he needed to ask Big Jim to   5______. But he was  6____of Big Jim. To prepare himself to ask Big Jim for   7_____, Mike exercised to have a  8_____with Big Jim. Instead, Big Jim showed Mike that he had already 9______- when he had bought a six-month  10_______.

                                             Part 3                       Use of English

(время  выполнения–15 минут;   максимальное количество баллов – 40 баллов)

Choose the best option and mark A, B, C or D.

1. A horse has got___ legs.

   A for   B fore   C fort     D four

2. There`s a cinema in the town centre____there?

  A isn`t it   B hasn`t   C wasn`t    D doesn`t

3. It`s Sunday so I_____get up early.

   A haven`t to  B didn`t had    C hadn`t to    D don`t have to

4. Does Marcus earn___money?

   A many   B lots   C the  D a lot of

5. Have you ever ____to Bangkok?

   A go   B been   C went   D gone

6.  If the weather is good, I____the children to the park.

   A took    B taken   C take   D have taken

7. This is the_____film I`ve ever seen.

   A  worse   B most bad    C bad   D worst

8. When____the party?

  A have you left   B has gone   C did you left    D did you leave

9. Dad can`t come to the phone because he____the dinner.

   A will cook    B is cooking   C cooks    D cooked

10. _____happened to your car? It`s scratched!

   A Which   B Who    C What    D Why 

11. He needs____new printer. He should buy one soon.

   A some    B the    C a     D an

12. The train has probably left _____.

   A yet   B already    C still    D just

13. There is____ at home. I`ve been ringing all day.

   A no one    B everyone     C someone    D anyone

14. I thought the book was very ______.

   A excitement    B exciting     C excited    D excite

15. The dentist told me______my teeth after every meal.

   A to clean     B clean    C cleaning    D cleaned

16. Mercedes______a new car. It`s called the Smart car.

   A had built    B have built     C build   D building

17. _____from Italy ?

   A Does you come    B Am you come    C Do you come    D Are you come

18.  The hotel _____ by a large fire.

   A is destroyed      B destroy   C was destroyed   D destroys

19. Ouch! I____my finger!

   A `m just cutting    B had just cut   C `ll just cut      D `ve just cut

20. Look! The cat is in the tree. We should ___it.

   A help    B helping   C to help     D will help

                                          Part 4                        Writing

(время  выполнения–15 минут;   максимальное количество баллов – 20 баллов)

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Tom

I can`t wait till next weekend! There`s going to be a barbecue in the village square; there`ll be a band there, too. So…Good food and good music. What do you do at the weekends where you live? Is there a cinema near you? Do you often go out?..

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules for writing letters.

При оценке Вашего письменного  сообщения будут учитываться следующие критерии:

·         решение коммуникативной задачи, ответы на все предложенные вопросы ;

·         организация текста,  последовательность изложения ;

·         правильное лексическое и грамматическое оформление письменной  речи;

·         соблюдение правил орфографии.

























Бланк ответов на вопросы

Всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку – школьный этап

7-8 классы


 Reading                                                                                           Use of English




















































Right answer






























Тексты для аудирования

 7-8 класс



Text 1.   The quickest and the easiest way to get around central London is by the Underground (often called the tube) . Trains run every few minutes between 5.30 a.m. and 12 p.m. Tickets may be bought either from the station ticket office or from one of the automatic machines.

Text 2.   For 6 days every July, the beautiful town of Llangollen becomes the cultural centre of the world. The town attracts musicians, folk singers and dancers from all continents. Over 40 different countries in colourful national costumes take part in daily competitions.

Text 3.   In his free time Philip plays a lot of soccer. On Sunday nights he goes out with his friends to discos. He also plays the guitar and enjoys watching comedies such as Monty Python.

Text 4.   Beauty in nature is everywhere. Nature is full of colours. Colour for animals, birds and insects is not only for beauty. It means life to them because it helps them hide from their enemies.

Text 5    In tennis the big match of the day between Marasyk and Lindle was won by Lindle 6-4, 6-2, 6-4. Lindle has won 7 matches one after the other and looks certain to become the world’s number one tennis player.











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36 ч. — 144 ч.

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Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков в начальной школе

Учитель иностранного языка в начальной школе

300/600 ч.

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6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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5 ч.

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Инвестиционные проекты: оценка, эффективность и стратегии

8 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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