Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалы"Classification of Triangles" (5 class)

"Classification of Triangles" (5 class)

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LESSON: Demo lesson

Classification of triangles

(presentation by www.Prezi.com )

School: Murager, Kyzylorda

Date: 5 “a”



Teacher name:  Kydyrbayeva N.B


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

  1. To explain the triangle and to motivate SS
  2. To classify  the types of number
  3. To practice and recognize the academic words in three languages.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Recognize triangles
  • Able to say the types of  numbers


Most learners will be able to:

  • Explain the types of  numbers


Some learners will be able to:

·         Classify the types of triangle and explain them

Previous learning



Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)






3 minutes







5 minutes









10 minutes





Hello, children! I’m glad to see you! How are you?

Now, I’ll divide you in to 2 groups, saying Red and Blue.


In order to know the theme of the lesson you should answer for some questions, giving your correct answer you’ll build a figure, according to this figure you can guess the theme of the lesson.

Равнобедренный треугольник:                   











1.       What is point and line?

2.       What is plane and segments?

3.       What is endpoint and ray?

4.       What is midpoint, bisector of a segment?

5.         What is acute angle?

6.       What is right angle?

7.       What is obtuse angle?

8.       What is straight and complete angle?

So, what is the theme of the lesson?

Yes, Triangle.


New theme:

Do you understand these written words?

(expected answer is “no” cause they don’t understand them)

We’ll return to this chart at the end of the lesson.



A triangle is a polygon with three sides. If we connect three noncollinear points in a plane we obtain a triangle.






                                                                                 vertex (vertice)



Academic language in tree languages:








Шың (нүкте)



Academic language in tree languages:


Equilateral triangle


тең қабырғалы үшбұрыш

 равносторонний треугольник

Isosceles triangle

Теңбүйірлі үшбұрыш



Scalene triangle

Әртүрлі бұрышты үшбұрыш



Right triangle

тік бұрышты үшбұрыш

 прямоугольный треугольник

Acute triangle

сүйір бұрышты үшбұрыш

 остроугольный треугольник

Obtuse triangle

доғал бұрышты үшбұрыш

тупоугольный треугольник












Song: “Triangle Style”











































































5 minutes















5 minutes










5 minutes











7 minutes

Activity #1: Say them in tree languages

Activity #2:

The triangle ABC,        A=54,       B=80◦, then find the angle C?

It is the triangle   ABC



A              C      the angle B is 65 degrees, Find the angle C?

It is Isosceles triangle ABC, the angle A =65 degrees. Find other angles.

It is Right Isosceles triangle, Find angles.              


Now, I say the types of triangle and you should shape that figure:

1.       Acute

2.       Isosceles

3.       Equilateral

4.       Scalene

5.       Right

6.       Obtuse

7.       Scalene and acute

8.       Obtuse and Isosceles


Activity #4:


www.getkahoot.com   for a teacher,

www.kahoot.it for pupils

all pupils have to have tablets or phone and internet access

1.       The triangle that has 3 equal sides that are the same length.

a.       Equilateral

b.       Isosceles

c.       Scalene

2.       The triangle that has at least 2 sides that are the same length.

a.       Equilateral

b.       Isosceles

c.       Scalene

3.       This triangle has all 3 angles that are acute angle.

a.       Acute

b.       Right

c.       Obtuse

4.       The triangle ABC, <B =90º, <A=58, Find <C=?

a.       30

b.       35

c.       32




                      What kind of triangle is shown?

a.       Obtuse scalene

b.       Acute isosceles

c.       Right isosceles

6.       Which classification of triangle can’t be possible:

a.       Obtuse scalene

b.       Obtuse Equilateral

c.       Obtuse Isosceles

7.       All angles less than 90º

a.       Acute

b.       Right

c.       Obtuse

8.       The triangle which has an angle more than 90 º

a.       Acute

b.       Right

c.       Obtuse

9.       The triangle has an angle  90º

a.       Acute

b.       Right

c.       Obtuse



                        What triangle is it?

a.       Isosceles& acute

b.       Equilateral& acute

c.       Isosceles& obtuse



Do you remember these figures?

(The words will be written on the other side, pupils don’t see them, and they should name the type of triangle and turn it.)





-          How do you feel now?

-          Are you OK ?

-          Write on your apples if the lesson was clear and interesting or vice versa.

-          Now, Boys and Girls come up to the apple tree once more and stick your apples.

2015-10-09 13.01.58.jpg

-          Evaluating

-          Give the home  task

H/t: Shape the types of triangle and do the tasks ( a sheet of paper is given)




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