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Great Britain - Великобритания

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  • Great BritainВыполнила ученица 6 класса Неглина Полина 2020 год 17 декабря

    1 слайд

    Great Britain
    Выполнила ученица 6 класса Неглина Полина 2020 год 17 декабря

  • Big Ben is one of the most popular places of interest in London and symbols o...

    2 слайд

    Big Ben is one of the most popular places of interest in London and symbols of England. Every year many people visit the capital of Great Britain to see it and take some photos with it in the background. It is thought that Big Ben is a high tower with a very big clock

  • Stonehenge is a monument to the pre — celtic civilization. Rude and majestic,...

    3 слайд

    Stonehenge is a monument to the pre — celtic civilization. Rude and majestic, this monument stands on Salisbury Plain.

  • Buckingham Palace is one of the major tourist attractions in London. It is th...

    4 слайд

    Buckingham Palace is one of the major tourist attractions in London. It is the official residency o the British monarchy. At the moment British monarchy is led by Queen Elizabeth II. Each time the royal family is in the palace, a flag flies on the roof.

  • The Tower Bridge is one of the unique and amazing sights of England. This gre...

    5 слайд

    The Tower Bridge is one of the unique and amazing sights of England. This great structure for the crossing is located in the central part of London, the capital is Great Britain, and unites both banks of the River Thames.

  • St Paul's Cathedral is one of the most famous buildings in the world, and it...

    6 слайд

    St Paul's Cathedral is one of the most famous buildings in the world, and it is also one of the greatest survivors!
    There was once a Roman temple on the site, dedicated to the goddess Diana. Since then there have been four different Christian buildings. The first Christian church was built by the Saxon King, Ethelbert of Kent. Being made of wood it didn't stand a chance and was eventually burnt down. It was rebuilt in stone but that didn't work either as it was destroyed in a Viking invasion. When the Saxons used wood again on the third church, it was doomed to be destroyed by fire again!

  • Trafalgar Square, set in central London, is one of Britain"s great tourist at...

    7 слайд

    Trafalgar Square, set in central London, is one of Britain"s great tourist attractions. A visit to the capital would be incomplete without going to marvel at Nelsons Column and the four giant lions at its base, or to admire the lovely splashing fountains and to feed the pigeons, who have made their home here. Built to commemorate Admiral Nelson, the square was named after the Spanish Cape Trafalgar where his last battle was won.

  • Edinburgh Castle is an ancient fortress which is located right in the centre...

    8 слайд

    Edinburgh Castle is an ancient fortress which is located right in the centre of Edinburgh.
    Edinburgh Castle is located on the Castle Rock, at the top of the Royal Mile.
    The castle has a very good strategic position and can only be easily approached from one side. Nowadays, Edinburgh Castle is one of Scotland's most popular tourist attractions.

  • London would not be London without the River Thames. It flows 215 miles acros...

    9 слайд

    London would not be London without the River Thames. It flows 215 miles across the English countryside and then through the heart of the great city before it reaches the sea. The Thames has played an extremely important part in making England what it is today.

  • London’s iconic double-decker buses are a quick, convenient and cheap way to...

    10 слайд

    London’s iconic double-decker buses are a quick, convenient and cheap way to travel around the city, with plenty of sightseeing opportunities along the way.

  • Red telephone booths were installed in the early 19th century. They were used...

    11 слайд

    Red telephone booths were installed in the early 19th century. They were used to make calls. Now there are young people sheltering from the rain.

  • The end.
Thanks for your attention.Конец.
Спасибо за внимание.

    12 слайд

    The end.
    Thanks for your attention.
    Спасибо за внимание.

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


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780 руб. 390 руб.
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Психология развития личности: от мотивации к самопониманию

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