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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Мифы и легенды Великобритании

    1 слайд

    Мифы и легенды Великобритании

  • According to legend and tradition Robin Hood was a lovable outlaw who as an e...

    2 слайд

    According to legend and tradition Robin Hood was a lovable outlaw who as an expert archer was adept at poaching the king's deer from his hideout in the forest of Sherwood. Stories relate how wealthy travellers through Sherwood forest were robbed and their belongings given to the poor by Robin Hood and his band of "Merry Men" (and women). Stories also tell of how Robin tricked and outwitted the evil Sheriff of Nottingham and his henchman Sir Guy of Gisbourne, and dealt with corrupt churchmen and officials who abused their power over an oppressed peasantry.

  • Legends dating back to the seventh century claim that a monster inhabits the...

    3 слайд

    Legends dating back to the seventh century claim that a monster inhabits the icy depths of Loch Ness, a large and very deep lake in Scotland. Nobody knows if the gigantic, humped, dragon-like creature really exists but thousands of people visit the area each year to try and find "Nessie".

  • There are many stories and have been many sightings over many years of myster...

    4 слайд

    There are many stories and have been many sightings over many years of mysterious beasts, big panther-like cats and monster black dogs living in and around the south west of England. These strange creatures are even now supposed to inhabit the wilder moorland areas of the counties of Somerset, Devon and Cornwall - savagely gored pet cats and dogs, sheep and other farm animals, and strange howls in the middle of the night have all been reported in the last ten or so years on the Quantock Hills, Exmoor, Dartmoor, and Bodmin Moor. These and many other stories about wild beasts have been around for many years and have inspired writers like Arthur Conan Doyle to create famous tales like the Sherlock Holmes story 'The Hound of the Baskervilles'. Some legends tell of fiery-eyed black dogs, which if seen or heard spell an early death to the person or a member of his family; and church yard dwelling monster black dogs, which protect the dead from the Devil and evil spirits

  • STONE ROWS AND CIRCLESStonehenge might be the most famous stone circle, but,...

    5 слайд

    Stonehenge might be the most famous stone circle, but, there are hundreds of stone circles (or henges) all over Britain. Here are a few of the lesser known ones.

  • The Giant of YewdaleWhen the Giant, known as Great Will of the Tarns, came t...

    6 слайд

    The Giant of Yewdale
    When the Giant, known as Great Will of the Tarns, came to live above Yewdale Head, he gained repute as a useful labourer. But one day, as Lady Eva le Flemming was walking with her maid Barabara through a coppice, the Giant sprang out upon them. Snatching up Barbara, as though she were an infant, he disappeared among the trees. Lady Eva raised the alarm, horsemen rode in hot pursuit and the Giant, enraged at being cornered, dashed his victim into the foaming torrent. Her lover plunged to her rescue nut both were drowned. It was small consolation to Lady Eva that the Giant was slain by his pursuers.

  • The Legend of Cardigan BayTradition says that Cardigan Bay was once dry land...

    7 слайд

    The Legend of Cardigan Bay
    Tradition says that Cardigan Bay was once dry land. It was then known as the Lowland Hundred (Cantref y Gwaelod) and boasted no less than sixteen cities. But the land lay lower than the level of the sea, and dykes were built to keep back the ever-encroaching waters. Disaster came through the foolishness of Siethennin the Drunkard, son of the King of South Wales, who in one of his mad fits opened the sluices. The inhabitants fled in terror to the uplands, leaving their land forever to the dominion of the sea.

  • Modred the WiseWhen the soldiers of Rome were sweeping over Britain, Modred...

    8 слайд

    Modred the Wise
    When the soldiers of Rome were sweeping over Britain, Modred the Wise, retired for refuge to a cave on a mountainside. To him flocked his countrymen for succour and healing. One day, while gathering herbs, Modred came upon a young Roman soldier, grievously wounded. Although he was an enemy, the Druid took him to his cave, and cared for him. When the time for worship came, the people were amazed to see an enemy in their midst. But Morfudd, the virgin of the sacrifice, added her entreaty to the pleading of Modred, and the Roman captive was safe.

  • The Sleeping Dragons of SnowdonThe chief Vortigern, who asked the Saxons int...

    9 слайд

    The Sleeping Dragons of Snowdon
    The chief Vortigern, who asked the Saxons into England to help him, withdrew from the bother he himself had inflamed, to where the Conwy rises near Snowdon. There he began to build a castle. But what he built by day crumbled by night, and men told him that only the blood of a fatherless child would make his mortar resist darkness. Searches at last found such a child; it was Merlin, whose extraordinary wisdom stayed the murderers' hands. Merlin bade the men dig below the walls, where they found two sleeping Dragons, whose furious quarrels on waking caused the nightly downfall of the building.

  • The Lost SecretAccording to legend the Picts, in their last stand against th...

    10 слайд

    The Lost Secret
    According to legend the Picts, in their last stand against the Scots, fought until only one old man and his son remained. They were spared of purpose, for with them would have died the great secret of their race - how to make heather-ale . The King entreated - then hinted at torture. "You must prevail," sighed the old man, "but first grant me the death of my son that he may not see my weakness." When told that his wish had been fulfilled, he turned fiercely on the King, crying: "You could have forced it from that weak lad; now you will never know."

  • Thank you for your attention

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    Thank you for your attention

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Психологические методы развития навыков эффективного общения и чтения на английском языке у младших школьников

36 ч. — 144 ч.

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Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков в профессиональном образовании: английский, немецкий, французский

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Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания немецкого языка с учетом требований ФГОС

72 ч. — 180 ч.

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Фитнес: теория и практика

5 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Психология эмпатии

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Классики русской педагогической мысли

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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