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Использование микроорганизмов для очистки водных объектов и биоремедиации почвы.

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ТЕМА: Использование микроорганизмов для очистки водных объектов и  биоремедиации почвы.



                                                                  Выполнил:  аспирант

Шелковникова Алена Сергеевна

                                                              Направление: 06.06.01   Биологические науки  

     Проверил: доц., канд. культурологии

   Бальбурова Л.К.




Улан-Удэ 2021
The use of microorganisms for cleaning water bodies and soil bioremediation.


Introduction. 1

 1. Review of the article «Use Of Microalgae For The Removal Of Environmental Pollutants». 3

2. Review of the article "«Designing Bacteria For The Environment: From Trial And Error To Earnest  Engineering». 4

3. Review of the article «Biodegradation of the Low Concentration of  Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil by Microbial Consortium During». 6

4. «Biotechnological Tools for Environmental Sustainability: Prospects and Challenges for Environments in Nigeria». 8

Conclusion. 11
















The scientists from many countries are solving the problem of environmental pollution. The main challenge facing the scholars is the use of effective products that completely eliminate pollution. Although the latter covers wide range of pollution control methods, the given literature overview is dedicated to the foreign experience of the use of microorganisms.

The articles under study are presented by the authors Mursaieen Usmani and Hafsa Sultana (2015), Victor de Lorenzo (2015), Xiaojun Li, Xin Lin, Peijun Li, et al (2009) , Richard Tagro, et al (2012).

The aim of the research in all papers is to reveal the new tendencies of using microorganisms to cleanse the environment. All articles are dedicated to the role of microorganisms in the fight against pollution.

The given paper includes four reviews of the articles, it also contains an introduction, conclusion and references.

In the first review a scientific article, written by Mursaieen Usmani and Hafsa Sultana, is examined, The article focuses on the effort to explain the use of microalgae for the removal of environmental pollutants.

The second part reviews the research paper «Designing Bacteria For The Environment: From Trial And Error To Earnest  Engineering». The author of the article makes the analysis and provides a literature overview   on the use of microorganisms to cleanse the environment.  Special attention in the article is paid to water purification.

The third review of the article “Biodegradation Of Low Concentration Of  Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Soil By A Microbial Consortium During” is also aimed at discussing the use of microorganisms to eliminate environmental pollution. The authors of the article are Xiaojun Li, Xin Lin, Peijun Li, Wan Liu, Li Wang, Fang Ma and K.C. Chukwuka. The main focus of the article is given to the problems of decomposition of pollutants in the soil.

   The fourth review  of the given paper examines the impact of oil pollution and solid waste on the environment, based on the example of Nigeria. According to the authors, elimination of oil pollution using biotechnological means is one of the safest and most effective methods.



1. Review of the article “Use Of Microalgae For The Removal Of Environmental Pollutants”. 

The article under rendering is entitled “Use Of Microalgae For The Removal of Environmental Pollutants”. The article was published in the “International Journal of Scientific World” in 2015. The authors of the article are Mursaieen Usmani and Hafsa Sultana from University of Karachi, Pakistan.

The main focus of the article is on the removal of pollutants from the environment using microalgae. The authors examine different approaches to  the problem, provide a review of the existing literature, give a definition of the concept of bioremediation to describe different types of microalgae. The final aim of the article is to explain the effectiveness of microalgae use for remediation of pollutants.

In the introduction to the article, the authors define pollution and a pollutant, identifying three factors that determine the severity of pollution. It is claimed, that the best option for reducing environmental pollution is microalgae. The authors point to the dual benefits of using microalgae in removing contaminants, since  it increases the amount of hydrocarbons that can be converted into bioethanol for vehicle fuel. The paper comments briefly on the areas of application of microalgae in the treatment of water in the seas and the widespread use of algae in sewage treatment plants.

In the next part of the article, the authors characterize some types of microalgae, noting the usefulness of nodular algae and describe the conditions for algae growth.

The article goes on to discuss specific types of environmental pollution, causes of pollution and their consequences. It also focuses on organisms capable of accumulating heavy metals.

The authors present an overview of several studies that examined the effect of three heavy metals (cadmium, zinc and chromium) on the growth of microalgae. They report, among the studies regarding bioremediation of soil, there is a new study to determine metal tolerance in soil.

As for wastewater treatment, it is stressed, several researchers have developed techniques for exploiting the algae’s fast growth and nutrient removal capacity. Several studies were performed to analyze the capability of microalgae consortium along with symbiotic bacteria for nutrient removal capacity from wastewater.

The authors conclude, some studies have shown experimental failure. However, most of the studies conducted have shown the effectiveness of using microalgae and microalgae to remove contaminants. The authors emphasize that one type of microorganism is very rarely able to completely decompose a pollutant. They indicate the need for combined exposure of microorganisms to pollutants.

At the end of the article, the authors emphasize the main findings:

1. Some specific micro algal species are used for the removal and degradation of specific pollutants from the environment and some are used for the biotransformation and bioaccumulation of several environmental pollutants.

2. Enormous microalgae species are found to be generally used as pollution indicators and effective pollution remover.

3. A big advantage is that microalgae cultivated in the wastewater can be used for the biodiesel production and as feed for animals.

4. Microalgae removal of environmental pollutants is cost effective and efficient technique compared to other conventional techniques.

In my opinion the use of microalgae is an economical and environmentally friendly way to fight pollution.



2. Review of the article “Designing Bacteria For The Environment: From Trial And Error To Earnest  Engineering”.

The article under rendering  is headlined «Designing bacteria for the environment: from trial and error to earnest  engineering». The article was published in “Biosafety and the Environmental Uses of Micro-Organisms Conference Proceedings” in 2015.

The author of the article, Victor de Lorenzo, makes the analysis and provides a literature overview   on the use of microorganisms to cleanse the environment.  The article deals with the historical background on the use of microorganisms. The author notes what mistakes were made in the past and what needs to be considered when creating new microorganisms to cleanse the environment from various kinds of pollution.

In the introduction to the article the author reports, that the review of existing literature relating to a topic suggests at least three ways in which genetically modified bacteria can help remove toxic waste. The first is  the use of environmentally friendly bio-processes and products which are designed precisely to avoid the production of noxious by-products. The second case is the recycling or reuse of waste in source for either generation of added value products (e.g. conversion of lignocellulose into biofuels) or for mineralisation into CO2 and H2O. The third way is bioremediation. The need for bioremediation often arises from the accidental or chronic ingress of chemicals into the soil or water body. According to the author, these cases are typical candidates for bioremediation interventions.

The author notes that bioremediation is a very complex process that requires the combined action of biological, chemical and physical participants in this process.

In the next section of the article, the author presents a historical background on genetically modified organisms and an analysis of errors and unsuccessful results of creation. The author identifies the pros and cons of using genetically modified organisms for bioremediation.

The subsequent part of the article focuses on the role of microorganisms in global pollution. The author admires microorganisms, as they not only sense and reflect global environmental change, but also contribute actively to bring it about.  It is emphasized, that the management and even stimulation of the catalytic capacity of marine microbes and soil bacteria at a planetary scale will be a serious matter of international politics in the near future.

The article continues with section “Synthetic biology: the next frontier”, where the author defines the direction of synthetic biology and discusses  the possibility of constructing and programming living objects for any purpose.

According to the article, one possibility in this context is the creation of altogether artificial cells in which the whole genome is synthetic and can be programmed for a given application, an operation reminiscent of writing instructions in a computer programme.

The author believes that the production of synthetic or semi-synthetic bacterial cells is now close, and the ultimate goal of genetic engineering, which Cohen and Boyer began in the 1970s, seems quite achievable.

At the end of the article, the author reports that the issue of the safety of using synthetic agents is a subject of constant discussion. He emphasizes, that ultimately synthetic biology seeks to free biology from such restrictions and create living objects in the laboratory based on other principles.

I agree with the author that although this is not yet the case- and may not happen in the near future - it is only a matter of time before both organisms and properties become new to nature.

3. Review of the article “Biodegradation of the Low Concentration of  Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil by Microbial Consortium During


The article under rendering was published in the “Journal of Hazardous Materials” in 2009. The authors of the article are Xiaojun Li, Xin Lin, Peijun Li, Wan Liu, Li Wang, Fang Ma and K.C. Chukwuka.

The article is devoted to the biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in aged contaminated soil by isolated microbial consortium (five fungi and three bacteria). The article provides a description of the study of the activity of the microbial consortium in the soil with the content of aromatic hydrocarbons.

The aims of this study are to (1) evaluate the ability of previously isolated strains of bacteria and fungi to degrade PAHs in aged contaminated soil with low PAH concentration; (2) identify the changes of the numbers of bacteria and fungi in aged contaminated soil during biodegradation.

The article contains four parts. The authors begin with a story about the environmental hazards of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. They define the main concepts and provide a brief overview on the existing methods of pollution control.      

In the second section of the article, the authors give a description of the materials and methods used in the research. In subsection 2.1. the authors describe in detail from which areas of China they took samples of contaminated soil. The next two subsections are devoted to a description of the chemicals used and the experimental setup. In the subsections 2.4-2.5, the authors describe the research process, note what changes have occurred with soil samples and microorganisms.

In part three of the article the results of the research are presented. The authors give comparative characteristics of changes in concentrations PAHs in sterile soil and non-sterile soil.

In the fourth part, the authors summarize and draw conclusions based on the results obtained in the course of the study. According to the authors' conclusion, we can see that the percentage of contamination after the use of microorganisms is reduced. The researchers note that external factors can influence the activity of microorganisms. In favorable conditions, microorganisms behave much more active and make the biodegradation process more efficient. The article is relevant to my area of research. I will research microorganisms capable of degrading polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

4. Review of the article «Biotechnological Tools for Environmental Sustainability: Prospects and Challenges for Environments in Nigeria»


The article I have reviewed was published by a group of the authors in the «Hindawi» journal in 2012. The  title of the article is «Biotechnological Tools for Environmental Sustainability: Prospects and Challenges for Environments in Nigeria».

The article deals with the problem of cleaning the environment, particularly oil pollution in Nigeria. The authors describe methods of cleaning, using biotechnological tools, which they claim to be one of the safest and most effective methods. The authors address the problem of oil spills  in Nigeria as it has always been one of the most serious. It is stressed, solving this problem is one of the priority tasks of both scientists and the government of each country where this problem arises.

In the introduction to the article, the authors define biotechnological tools and biotechnology. They emphasize that biotechnological methods are environmentally  friendly. It is explained, many of the problems associated with traditional methods of cleaning up pollutants by incineration or disposal have created a need for alternative, economical and reliable methods of cleaning up contaminants. Decades of advances in technology and experience in microbiology have allowed engineers and scientists to solve problems of environmental degradation such as the disposal of hazardous waste using living organisms. The article examines the issues associated with the use of biotechnology techniques versus biotechnology tools in addressing environmental degradation with a view to encouraging adoption of these techniques in Nigeria, Africa and elsewhere.

The next two parts of the article focus on environmental sustainability. The definition of the concept of "accountability" in ecology is given; the authors note its current wasteful use of resources, which will lead to environmental degradation.

In the fourth part of the article, the characteristics of the environment of Nigeria are provided. Pointing out that Nigeria is an oil-rich region prone to oil pollution, the authors describe the situation with solid waste. They note, the garbage problem in Nigeria must be addressed without harming the environment. Simple incineration and landfilling is an outdated and unsuitable disposal method. This approach emphasizes the urgent need to recycle contaminants through decomposition and reuse worldwide.

In the fifth part of the article the authors report the growth of sources of environmental pollution: emissions of industrial enterprises into the atmosphere, into the soil, into the water. There is a need to reduce sources (due to more efficient use of raw materials); pollution control (replacing hazardous materials with less harmful ones); pollution management (exclusion of toxic substances from the production process).

The sixth section of the article is entitled Biotechnology: The Hope for Environmental Sustainability. In this section, the authors conclude that an acceptable solution to the problem of waste generated in the environment is one that can be conveniently integrated back into the environment. This method involves the use of microorganisms - usually yeast, bacteria or fungi as a production system for the use of whole cells or in the form of industrial enzymes. These biotechnology tools have long been used in many developed countries of the world, such as the USA, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Japan and others.

The next three sections are devoted to the definition of "biotechnology", "environmental biotechnology", "biotechnological tools" and "bioremediation". The authors describe the bioremediation process, provide its main characteristics and highlight the necessary conditions for its successful completion.

Finally, the authors summarize: bioremediation is an optimization process by choosing options among a number of biological, chemical and physical factors, which include the correct matching of decaying microbes to conditions, understanding and controlling the movement of a contaminant (microbial food) to come into contact with microbes, and characterizing abiotic conditions that control both of these factors.

After reading this article, we can draw the following conclusion: the use of biotechnological methods and biotechnological tools is one of the most promising methods of combating environmental pollution.


















Environmental pollution is one of the important problems, starting with a small populated area and ending with the country and the planet as a whole. There are many physical and chemical ways to deal with pollution, but most of them are not always harmless. The purpose of the given review was to consider foreign experience in the use of microorganisms for cleaning the environment.

The article "Use Of Microalgae For The Removal of Environmental Pollutants" demonstrates that the problem of the use of microorganisms was raised a long time ago. According to the findings of the article, there are types of microbes that participate in the bioremediation process with a specially selected combination. Thus, microalgae and microbacteria of a certain type are used to treat industrial wastewater and wastewater treatment plants. Other types of microbes are used to decompose municipal solid waste.

Thanks to the article by Victor Lorenzo, we have observed what attempts were made in creating new microorganisms to purify the environment. The author emphasizes that if you combine the experience of past and current technologies, you can create such microorganisms that will help cleanse the environment.

The article “Biodegradation of the Low Concentration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil by Microbial Consortium During” proves that the percentage of contamination after the use of microorganisms is reduced. The researchers note that external factors can influence the activity of microorganisms. The ideas presented in the article lead to the observation: in favorable conditions, microorganisms behave much more active and make the biodegradation process more efficient.

After reading the fourth article "Biotechnological Tools for Environmental Sustainability: Prospects and Challenges for Environments in Nigeria" we come to the conclusion that the use of biotechnological methods and biotechnological tools is one of the most promising methods of combating environmental pollution.  It should be noted that as a result of the use of biotechnological cleaning methods, for example, soil after an oil spill, the reclamation process is much faster. The article draws our attention to the fact, that increasing number of pollutants on our planet  can lead to irreversible consequences of the degradation of nature as a whole.

I share the common opinion of the authors of the articles under rendering, biotechnological methods should be a priority in the fight against environmental pollution.


















1.     Chukwuma S. Ezeonu,   Richard Tagbo,  Ephraim N. Anike, Obinna A. Oje,   Ikechukwu N. E. Onwurah,  2012. Biotechnological Tools for Environmental Sustainability: Prospects and Challenges for Environments in Nigeria. Journal of Hindavi, 3(10);

2.      Mursaieen Usmani, Hafsa Sultana, 2015. Use Of Microalgae For The Removal Of Environmental Pollutants». International Journal of Scientific World, 3 (1)  1-11 pages;

3.     Victor de Lorenzo, 2015. Designing Bacteria For The Environment: From Trial And Error To Earnest  Engineering.Biosafety and the Environmentai Uses of Micro- Organisms: Conference Proceedings, 103-114 pages;

4.     Xiaojun Li, Xin Lin, Peijun Li, Wan Liu, Li Wang, Fang Ma, K.C. Chukwuka, 2009. Biodegradation of the Low Concentration of  Poly cyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil by Microbial Consortium During. Journal of Hazardous Materias 172, 601-605 pages.




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