Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект "The Use of Tenses"

Конспект "The Use of Tenses"

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The Use of Tenses

The Present Indefinite tense

Is used to denote:

1. Facts and truths (истины).

2. Habitual (привычные) or recurrent (повторяющиеся) actions.

3. A succession of actions (последовательность действий).

4. Actions or states permanently (постоянно) characterizing a person or an object.

5. A future action with the verb of motion (движения).

(To tell, to go, to start, to love, to arrive, to sail off).

6. In spoken English

(I’m told- мне сказали, I hear, I forget) to refer to the Past.

7. In Historic Present.

8. To express modality (модальность).

9. In stage directions (сценические ремарки) or by radio and TV commentators and sometime in demonstrations.

10. When the action, isn’t its progress, in all important to the speaker.

Why с отриц.

This use mainly found in exclamatory, in interrogative and negative sentences, in negative-interrogative sentences.


Usually, often, seldom, sometimes, never, every, always…

1. Water freezes at a zero degrees.

Snow melts in spring.

2. We do our homework every day.

3. In the morning Bob gets up, takes shower, has breakfast and runs away.

4. She is blond.

An apple is red.

She goes to school.

He speaks English well.

5. The train comes in 5 minutes.

The lesson starts in a few minutes.

She leaves home in an hour.

6. –Hello! I hear you’re getting married.

-God Heavens! To whom I wonder?

8. You stay here and I’ll speak to the teacher.

You buy the ticket and

I’ll meet you on the platform.

Where do we go now? (Куда нам идти сейчас?)

What do we do next? (Что нам делать дальше?)

Where do we get off?

( Где нам выходить?)

Where do I find a doctor here?

9. Evening. Mr. Brown reads the newspaper, his wife seats by the fire. John enters.

Brown passes a ball to Jackson, who loses it at once.

10. You talk nonsense!

Why don’t you eat anything?

What clever advice he gives!

Why do you talk to me like that?

Verbs admitting of no continuous form:

1. Verbs denoting sense perception (восприятие): to see, to hear, to notice.

What are they singing?

-Don’t you hear? It’s our new song.

2. Verbs denoting wish:

to want, to wish, to desire.

I want some salt now.

3. Verbs denoting mental perception: to think, to find, to believe, to suppose, to assume (суммировать), to expect, to know, to forget, to remember, to understand, to mind (возражать), to imagine, to recall (вспоминать).

I expect him to come back soon.

I think, it’s high time to being lazy.

4. Verbs denoting emotions: to like, to dislike, to love, to hate, to respect.

Do you respect me? - the stranger asked.

5. To be/ to hate.

I hate the bad weather.

6. Some other verbs : to belong, to consist, to depend, to content, to deserve, to matter, to mean, to agree, to prefer, to puzzle (озадачить), to refuse, to seem, to smell, to taste, to fall, to sound.

You should wait any more. You puzzle me.

The Past Indefinite tense

Is used to denote:

1. Facts and truths (истины).

2. Habitual (привычные) or recurrent (повторяющиеся) actions.

3. A succession of actions (последовательность действий).

4. Actions or states permanently (постоянно) characterizing a person or an object.

5. A single action completed in the Past.

6. Sometime an adverbial clause of time or a date is used.


2005, every, yesterday, the day before yesterday, yesterday morning (afternoon, evening), last (time), then (тогда), ago, the other day (на днях), when?, last week (month, year, night)…

1. Columbus discovered America in 1492.

2. Every evening Martin came home very tired.

3. He got up very early and jogged for an hour.

4. He was an old and wise man.

The boy was clever and strong.

When the war was over he was 20.

5. Last year we bought a car.

Were you busy at 7 o’clock yesterday?

6. When the classes were over, there was a meeting.

Pushkin was in 1799 born.

1. For.

I lived there for 5 years.

2. In special questions beginning with when, how.

When were you in India?

How did you do it?

When did you see him?

How did you understand this rule?

3. Just now.

I decided it just now.

4. Sometimes a past period may be denoted by an adverbial modifier of place (обстоятельство места).

Mary, I met your husband at the theatre.

5. When the adverbs of time (this morning, this afternoon…) denoting a period which is over.

Its 10 pm. I talked to him this morning but I don’t know where he is now.

6. If the circumstances are definite in the speaker’s mind (to enjoy, to like, to understand).

What did you say?

Did you enjoy this film?

The Present Continuous tense.

Is used to denote:

1. An action going on at the moment of speaking.

2. An action going on at the present period.

(в целом, вообще).

3. Actions generally characterizing a person, but the characteristic is subjective, emotional and exaggerated (преувеличена).

4. Two parallel actions expressed by a complex sentence with the conjunctions when or while.

5. Actions in the nearer future that are fixed or settled (установлены).


Look! Listen! Now, at present, today, this week, this term, this year, at the moment…

Always, constantly (регулярно, постоянно), permanently (надолго, постоянно).

1. She is looking for him.

It isn’t snowing now.

Look! He is reading a book now.

2. His life is killing him.

He is writing a new play.

3. He is constantly lying to me.

She is permanently dreaming about vacation.

He is always dreaming about her.

4. While I’m making tea, he is reading a book.

5. Tonight I’m dining out.

We are going to the country for the weekend.

She is leaving by the 5 o’clock train.

1. Never, always, often.

While I’m doing my homework, I’ve never turn to music.

While she’s reading, he always interrupts her.

2. The verb to know.

While Alice is smiling, everyone knows that she is happy.

While she is crying, everyone knows that she is tired.

While she is cooking, everyone knows that she is busy.

3. To stop- разовое действие.

While she is driving, he stops her.

1.To see in the meaning "to take smb. home" и в значении «увидеться».

I’m seeing home if you don’t mind.

2. To think in the meaning «размышлять».

What are you thinking about?

3. To be in the meaning "to behave".

You’re being a policeman today.

4. To have как часть устойчивых выражений.

They are having an English class now.

5. To fell.

How are you feeling today?


Perfect Ι

Is used to denote:

1. A past action without mentioning any definite circumstances (обстоятельства).

2. An action with adverbs of indefinite time.

3. An action with adverbs of time, denoting a period, which isn’t over.


Ever, never, just, often, always already (уже, в утверд.), yet (еще не, в отриц. и вопросах), lately (в последнее время), recently= of late (недавно).

Today, tonight, this week/ year/month/term

1. I have broken my pencil.

The secretary has come.

What news? - Dad has bought a car.

Look here! You have made 5 mistakes.

2. Has the bell gone yet?

I’ve just read the book.

I’ve already washed up.

He hasn’t finished his work yet.

3. Have you had dinner today?

She has left school this year.

1. Introduces a subject or sums it up.

So, you see, I’ve made all what I could.

2. Just.

I’ve just made my report.

3. In special questions beginning with how often.

How often have you been at the zoo?


Perfect ΙΙ

Is used to denote:

1. An action which began in the Past, went on for some period of time and continued at the moment of speech or up to it.

It is used with adverbs denoting a whole period.

Sometimes only a beginning of period may be indicated.

2. It is compulsory

(обязателен) with verbs which do not admit of the continuous form.

3. It is seldom used with durative verbs.

4. It is used with all kinds of verbs in negative sentences.


For 2 years, for ages, for a month, for 5 minutes, for a fortnight, all one’s life, all day long, all the year round, all throw the night, all the morning…

Since childhood, since Christmas, since last Sunday, since I went to school…

1. I haven’t heard from you for ages.

2. The students have been busy ever since the bell went.

We have known each other since childhood.

3. I have read this book for a month.

I have lived here since I was born.

4. Let’s sit down! We haven’t sat since morning.

I haven’t eaten ice-cream for ages.

The Present Perfect Continuous Ι

Is used to denote:

1. An action which began in the past, went on for some period of time and continued to the moment of speech or up to it.

2. It is cheerfully used with durative verbs, affirmative and interrogative sentences.

3. It is used with terminative verbs. This tense is used to denote a repeated action.


For 2 years, for ages, for a month, for 5 minutes, for a fortnight, all one’s life, all day long, all the year round, all throw the night, all the morning…

1. Since childhood I have been sleeping more than 8 hours a day.

2. How long have you been doing your homework?

3. Mary says that Kate has been asking her to travel to London for 2 years.

The Present Perfect Continuous ΙI

Is used to denote:

1. An action which was in progress quite recently but the time is not indicated.


1. I’ve been talking to your friend. I like him.

What have you been doing? Look at your hands! They are dirty!

-I’ve been repairing the car.

The Past Continuous tense

Is used to denote:

1. A past action going on at indefinite moment. This moment may be indicated:

a) by an adverbial phrase.

b) by another past action.

с) The moment may not be indicated at all but understood in a context.

2. A past action going on at indefinite past period of time.

3. A past action generally characterizing a person but the characteristic is subjective, emotional and exaggerated (преувеличена).

4. There is a sentence pattern which is a complex sentence with an adverbial clause of time introduced by while or as.

We may find 2 different time relations between the actions of the 2 clauses.

a) The actions may be fully simultaneous (одновременны).

In this case the Past Indefinite is normally found in both clauses.

Sometimes the Past Continues may be found in the subordinate clause.

b) The actions may be partially simultaneous.

In this case, the action in the subordinate clause serves as the background for the action in the principle clause which is a shorter and accomplished (завершенное) action.

The Past indefinite is used in the principle clause, the Past Continuous- in the subordinate clause.


At the moment, at 3 o’clock, at noon…

All day long, the whole morning, all through the night…

Always, constantly, permanently

a) At midnight I was still doing my homework.

At 3 o’clock I was buying some food.

b) The family was having dinner when the phone rang.

I was preparing dinner when my mother came into the room.

c) At last he found her, she was sitting on the bench, thinking of smth.

2. We were waiting for the doctor all day long.

3. At school he was always writing silly poems.

a) He talked little as they drove home.

b) While I was reading I heard splash in the bath.

While I was eating I saw a man at the door.

The Future Indefinite tense

Is used to denote:

1. An action in a present time context that will take place in the future near or remote.

2. Smth. which we decided to do at the moment of speaking.

3. We often use: I think I’ll, I don’t think I’ll when we decide to do smth.

4. The Future Indefinite may be found in the following situations:

a) Offering to do smth.

b) Agreeing or refusing to do smth.

с) Promising to do smth.

d) Predicting the future with probably, sure and expect.


Soon, next, day/month/week, tomorrow, one of these days, in future, in the near future, in 2015, in 5 days, in 2 months, in 3 minutes, in a couple of days, in a fortnight…

1. In a few days I’ll watch a new film.

One of these days we’ll visit Moscow.

2. It’s snowing, I’ll put on my coat.

I’m cooking but I don’t have butter. I’ll go to the shop.

3. Do you think it will rain today?

The flowers are dry. I think I’ll water them.

a) I can’t do my homework. I’ll help you with it.

-I need a book. I bring it to you.

b) Can you come home?

-No, I want come.

с) I promise I won’t tell anybody.

d) I’ll probably go to Australia next year.

I’m sure you’ll like my sister.

I expect she’ll phone this evening.

To be going to:

1. We use to be going to when we have already decided to do smth. before.

Tom and I have decided to have a party.

-We are going to invite a lot of people.

2. We use to be going to not in Future Indefinite when there is smth. in a present situation what shows what will happen in the future and the speaker is sure what will happen (переводится только буд.временем).

It is going to snow.

We are going to be late.(опоздаем).

He is going to fall (упадет).

It is going to rain.

The Future Continuous tense

Is used to denote:

1. An action that will be in progress at indefinite fixed moment or period in the future.

That moment may be indicated:

a) by an adverbial phrase.

b) by another future action expressed by an adverbial phrase of time with the verb in a present tense.

2. An action that will take place in a natural normal course of events.

3. It may be used before the polite request.

4. In a complex sentence with a conjunction while to express two parallel actions.


Soon, next, day/month/week, tomorrow, one of these days, in future, in the near future, in 2015, in 5 days, in 2 months, in 3 minutes, in a couple of days, in a fortnight…

a) He’ll be taking his exam tomorrow.

He’ll be watching a new film in a few days.

b) The children will be sleeping when I’ll come home.

2. Look at the sky! It will be snowing in a few minutes.

3. Will you be using your car tonight?

May I borrow it?

4. While you’re sleeping I’ll be peeling potatoes.

Present Perfect III

Is used:

1. In adverbial clauses of time to express a future action.

It shows that the action in the subordinate clause will be completed before the action in the principle clause.

With terminative verbs the Present Indefinite may be used at the same type in the subordinate clause. With durative verbs only the Present Perfect III is used in British English.

When, as soon as, till/until, before, after, if…

If, in case, unless, suppose, provided…

1. You’ll miss your home if you have left it.

As soon as you have had tea we will go to see your house.

Mother will stay at home till we have returned.

I’ll be free after I have put the baby to bed.

Your daughter will marry that foreigner before you’ve come to you sense.

We’ll go to the country if it doesn’t rain.

If he doesn’t win a scholarship, he may go to Technical college.

Take your umbrella in case it rains.

Joe won’t hear unless you shout.

Suppose, you fall ill, what shall I do?

Travelling in a car may be convenient provided somewhere to the park.

1. If the principle clause is negative till/until/before may introduce the subordinate clause.

If the principle clause is affirmative the subordinate clause may be introduced by before only if in the Russian principle clause the verb has the perfective aspect.

We won’t do our homework till/until/before we have a rest.

The teacher will give you a good mark till/until you have learned all the rules.

2. In the adverbial clause of real condition referring to the future the Present Indefinite is used.

3. In object clauses referring to the future the Future Indefinite is used.

I don’t know if I’ll go to London. But if I go I’ll be happy about it.

The Future Perfect tense

Is used to denote:

1. An action which will be completed before a definite moment in the future.

a) This moment may be indicated by an adverbial phrase with the preposition by.

b) By another action with the verb in a present tense and conjunction by.



a) By the end of a term, we will have learned the Passive voice.

b) By the time you come, I’ll have done my homework.

After the verbs: to see, to take care, to make sure in object clauses the Present Indefinite is used to express a future action.

He will take care that no one indefinites in them.

I’ll see that the lady is properly looked after.

The Past Perfect tense

1. Past Perfect Relative is used in a past time context to denote an action prior (предшествует) to another past action.

2. Is used to denote:

A past action completed by a definite moment in the past. That moment may be indicated:

a) by an adverbial phrase with the preposition by.

b) by another past action with the conjunction by.

3. The Past Perfect is used in the principle clause of a complex sentence with the conjunctions…

The word order in the principle clause may be inverted.





no sooner…than

1. Betty said that she had never been so insulted (оскорблена) in her life.

a) By the time everybody came somebody had turned out the electricity.

b) By 6 o’clock all the students had left this assembly hall.

3. Scarcely had I begun doing my homework when the telephone rang.

Hardly had she seen me when she began apologizing.

No sooner had I heard the boys I recognized them.

The Past Perfect Continuous

Is used to denote:

1. An action which began before a given past moment and continued in to it or up to it.

2. An action which was in progress before a given past moment, the precise time limits (точные временные рамки) of the action are not given.


1. We had been walking in silence for a few minutes before we spoke again.

2. He was out of breath (задохнулся) because he had been running.

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