Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока английского языка по теме "Семья" (5 класс)

Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Семья" (5 класс)

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Открытый урок английского языка в 5А классе.

Тема урока: Семья.

Учебная задача: Совершенствовать лексические навыки.

Сопутствующая задача: Совершенствовать навыки чтения и аудирования с извлечением информации.

Воспитательная задача: Воспитывать уважение к семье и семейным ценностям.

Развивающая задача: Развивать умение анализировать полученную информацию и делать выводы

Оборудование урока: мультимедийная установка, презентация, раздаточный материал, тексты, магнитофон, аудиозапись.


Ход урока.

1. Оргмомент.

Good morning! I am glad to see you. How are you today? Are you fine? Are you OK?

I am glad to hear that and now let’s start our lesson.

2. Речевая зарядка.

1)      What date is it today?

2)      What day of the week is it today?

3)      Do you like Monday? Why do (don’t) you like it?

4)      How many lessons do you have today?

5)      Well Monday is a difficult day, isn’t it?  

6)      What are you going to do at the lessons today?

7)      And what about the English lesson? Do you know what you are going at the English lesson?


Слайд 1.


Now look at the screen. Here you can see a poem. The picture replaces the last word in this poem. Can you guess it? Yes, you are right. This word is “family”. So can you guess what we are going to speak about at our lesson? Right you are, we are going to speak about the family. And you should answer two questions: “What is a family? What is a happy family?” But before that, we should revise the words and learn to pronounce them correctly.


3. Фонетическая зарядка.

Слайд 2.






























getting along well

doing things together

to get on (along) well

to do things together

4. Работа с лексикой.

Слайды 3, 4.


a) Today we are going to discuss a question “What is a happy family?” but, first, let’s answer another question “What is a family?” Look at the screen and make up a definition.


A family is close, caring and loving people who get along well with each other, do things together and help each other in difficult situations.


Слайд 5.


b) Now let’s discuss the main characteristics of the members of a happy family.

1) How would you describe the members of a happy family?

    What are their main characteristics?


I think they are …

I don’t think they are …

Слайд 6.


2) T:  Why do you think the members of a happy family are …?

    P:  Because to be … means …


    T:  Why do you think the members of a happy family are not …?

    B:  Because to be … means …


To be sociable

To be talkative

To be creative

To be naughty

To be athletic

To be cruel

To be friendly

To be non-athletic

To be shy

To be kind

To be caring

To be intelligent

To be hospitable

To be rude

To be conservative










to have a lot of new ideas

to behave badly

to communicate with people a lot

to play sport

to talk a lot

to help people and make them happy

to like guests

to be impolite

to make people unhappy

to dislike sport

to be nervous in the company of people

to take care of people

to think quickly

to dislike to change something

to be pleasant and help people


c) Now I’d like you to read the description of a person and write his / her characteristic.


A person who likes to talk a lot is a … person.

A person who has a quick and clever mind is an …person.

A person who likes to play sport is an …person.

A person who doesn’t like sport is a …person.

A person who likes to communicate with people is a … person.

A child who behaves badly is a … child.

A person who wants to find out something is a … person.

A person who is impolite is a … person.

A person who is nervous in a company of people he doesn’t know is a … person

A person who likes to make people unhappy is a … person.

A person who likes to help people and make them happy is a … person.

A person who has a lot of new ideas is a … person.

A person who likes to take care of people is a … person.

A person who doesn’t like to change something is a … person.

A person who likes guests is a … person.

5. Аудирование.

Слайд 7.


Диалог “The Londoners” (УМК “Friends 1”, Carol Skinner, Mariola Boguska, Longman) c. 18

1)      Аудирование диалога.

Look at the screen. Here you can see two English girls: Vicki and Jenny. Vicki shows Jenny the photos of her family. You can see these photos on the screen. I’d like you to listen to the conversation between the girls.


2)      Беседа учащимися.

Now I’d like you to answer the questions about Vicki’s family.


a)      Who are the members of Vicki’s family?

b)      Do they love pets? Why do you think so?

c)      What do you think about Vicki’s family?

d)      Do you think they are a happy family?

e)      Why do you think so?


6. Работа с текстом.

Слайд 8.

I have a letter from an English boy Stephen Stuart. In his letter he tells about his family. I’d like you to read the letter and say if Stephen’s family is a happy one?


February 6, 2011

Dear Pen Friend,

My name is Stephen. I am 11. I live in London with my Mum, Dad, sister Ann and brother Tom. We are a typical English family. We are a caring and loving family and we like to do things together.

My parents are kind and loving. My dad likes sport and he is very athletic. My mum is sociable and creative.

My sister is serious and understanding and we always get along well, but my brother sometimes is very naughty.

What is your family like? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you get along well?

Please write back


Best wishes,                                                      

Stephen Stuart

6. Подведение итогов ( работа в группах).

Слайд 9.

Now it’s time to make a conclusion. Split into groups and discuss your ideas. Be ready to speak about the results of your discussion.


A happy family consists of …

It is …

Mum and dad are …

Children are …

They …


7. Домашнее задание.

Напишите письмо Стивену Стюарту о своей семье.


8. Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок.








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