Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока Weather and seasons

Конспект урока Weather and seasons

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Урок с использованием технологии развития критического мышления и игровой технологии


Class: 6           Date:_____

Theme/Topic: Weather and seasons

Aim: repetition and generalization of lexical and grammatical material on a subject; development of communicative competence at a lesson of a foreign language.




1. to form skills of the independent solution of communicative tasks;

2. to repeat and generalize formation and use in the coherent speech of verbs in Present Simple, Future Simple, the verb be in Present Simple, Future Simple, the modal verb can;

3. to make active and improve an active lexicon of students;

4. to deepen and expand knowledge of pupils of a subject;

5. to improve skills and abilities in speaking (the dialogical, monological speech);



1. to assist establishment in consciousness of the child of stable relations between the accumulated and new experience of cognitive and practical activities;

2. to develop the main mental processes: memory, attention, imagination, logical thinking, language guess;

3. to form and develop educational and organizational skills (mutually control, independent work, group activity);

4. to develop ability to a reflection as the most important component of ability to study;




1. to develop persistence and ability to overcome difficulties for achievement of the planned purpose;

2. to make active an informative initiative of students and to form their social competence.


Materials/ Equipment Needed:

Computer, interactive board, illustrations of seasons, multimedia presentation, sheets of self-estimation


Procedure of the Lesson:



Type of interaction*



of the teacher

of the students

Organization moment

Good morning, boys and girls! I am really glad to meet you today. How are you?

"What’s the subject of our lesson? What is our theme? The letters form a word. What is the word?" На слайде перемешаны буквы.

«Our theme is "Seasons and the weather". What can we do studying the theme?"

"Well done! Let's start our lesson"




Ученики выходят к доске и составляют слово "seasons", "weather". Учащиеся читают слова и определяют тему урока "seasons and weather"


"We can ask questions", "We can tell stories", "We know many new words"



3 min

Слайд № 1

Phonetic drill

Pronunciation of the sound  [ð]


Whether the weather is fine, whether

Or whether the weather is not,

Whether the weather is cold,

Or whether the weather is hot

We`ll weather the weather,

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.



2 min

Слайд № 2

Speech warm-up


- Now we know the topic and the tasks of our lesson. I am going to ask you some guestions about seasons and the weather.

How many seasons do you know? What are they? What is your favourite season? What is Tanat's favourite season? What's the weather like today? Why do you like winter? Is it cold today? Is it cold in Antarctica? Is it hot in Siberia in summer? Can you ski in Great Britain in spring? Can you ski in Siberia in spring? Can Ulpan play hockey in winter? Does it sometimes rain in autumn? Does it often snow in May? What colour is the sky in winter? Can you play snowballs in winter? Are you cold in winter?"

Pupil 1: "I'm sorry, i don't know." Teacher: "Find out, please!" Pupil 2: " Ulpan, can you play hockey in winter?"




5 min


Repetition of lexical and grammatical material


" Boys and girls, here you can see a table. Make up as many sentences as you can, please"


"Who can make other more interesting sentences?" Pupil 1: "I like summer because it's hot and sunny and I don't go to school". Pupil 2:" I am sad in autumn because I can't see green grass". Teacher: "Thank you. You are well done"


"My dear friends, look at the pictures, please. You can see pictures of 4 seasons and 12 months. You can move the months to the right season".

Учащиеся составляют предложения с опорой на таблицу и затем предлагают другие варианты предложений

Учащиеся работают с интерактивной доской, передвигают соответствующие месяцы под картинку с правильным временем года.




10 min

Слайд № 3

Development of skills of the dialogical speech


"How many seasons do you know? Let's make four groups".

"You know so many different structures and types of guestions. What can you do?"

"Let's start. Your guestions should be different. The table can help you."

Обучающиеся делятся на 4 группы – по количеству сезонов; каждая группа выбирает иллюстрацию одного из сезонов.

Одна команда задает другой вопросы по выбранному ими времени года. Опорная таблица содержит ранее изученные грамматические конструкции. Вопросы должны быть разных типов и конструкций. Учащиеся сами контролируют друг друга, стараются задавать самые интересные и неожиданные вопросы.

Предполагаемые вопросы учащихся: Which season do you like? Which season does your friend ski in the park? Are you happy when it is hot? Is it always frosty in winter? What colour are the trees in summer? Are the days short or long in winter? Will you play football in spring? Can you listen to music when it is rainy? What season will come? Will it be warm tomorrow? Сan it be cold in summer? Do birds fly to hot countries in autumn or in winter?







10 min


Time to relax

You put your right hand in,

You put your right hand out;

You put your right hand in,

And you shake it all ...

You put your left hand in,

your left hand out.

You put your left hand in

And you shake it all ...

You do the Hokey Cokey

and you turn around.

That’s what it’s all about!



2 min

Слайд № 4

Development of skills of the monological speech


"Every person has his/her favourite season. It can be spring or summer or autumn not only winter. Let's make the weather forecast for your favourite season. What weather will it be?"


Неподготовленное монологическое высказывание (3-5 предложений) составляют все учащиеся.

 "My favourite season is spring. I think it will be usually sunny and warm in spring. To my mind, It won't be cold and snowy in spring. It will rain in spring".




10 min


Summing up.


Учащиеся оценивают свою работу на уроке.


2 min

Слайд № 5


«Now you know so much about seasons and the weather and I'd like you to make up your own story. What will it be about?"

Учитель совместно с учащимися определяют содержание, структуру письма другу, которое учащиеся должны будут подготовить дома. Объем письменной работы 35-50 слов.



1 min

Слайд № 6



Лист самооценки

Фамилия, имя______________________________________________

Поставь себе оценку за каждый вид деятельности, выведи среднюю оценку за урок



Диалогическая речь


Монологическая речь


Составление предложений


Средняя оценка











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