Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку "Космос"

Конспект урока по английскому языку "Космос"

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Министерство образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

МАОУ «Большевыльская СОШ им.братьев Семёновых»














Урок английского языка в 10 классе по теме:

  “Space exploration

(УМК «Spotlight»)




















 Урок разработал: учитель английского языка

                                                                        МАОУ «Большевыльская СОШ им.братьев Семёновых»                  Аликовского района Чувашской Республики

 Маркова Людмила Николаевна









с. Большая Выла, 2021 г.


I. Organization moment

T: Good morning, dear friends! Nice to see you! How are you getting on?

P: Good morning, teacher! Nice to see you too! We are fine.


II. The aim of the lesson

T: Today we are having an unusual lesson. Children, I want to you to watch the film and try to guess the theme of our lesson. /Учащиеся  просматривают отрывок из фильма «Traveling through space» https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=23&v=3nIM6R3Jtd0 и высказывают  свои предположения о теме урока.

T:  What do you think we shall discuss and talk about?

P: If    I’m    not  mistaken, the video is  about    space  and  the space exploration. 

T: Yes, you are quite right. The topic of our lesson today is “Space exploration”. We've got much work to do.  We’ll  remember  some  important facts  from  the  history  of  space  exploration and the satellite of the Earth, you are going to do some exercises and you'll get some interesting information about Russian achievements in exploring the space..


III. Phonetic drills

space programme

manned missions

a permanent base

energy resources

space travel

tourist trips into space

a pioneer in space exploration

technology and investment,


IV. Pre-lesson activities

T: People have always wanted to explore the unknown. Mankind always dreamed of overcoming gravitation and reaching other planets.

T: Now, I want you to review some facts from Russian’s space history.  Answer my questions about historical moments of space exploration. /Conversation T-P1-P2-P3/.


1.       What was the first satellite in space ?

2.       What animal was the first to orbit the Earth?

3.       Who was the first man to fly into space?

4.       Who was the first woman to fly into space?

5.       Who was the first man to leave a spaceship for a spacewalk?

6.       Who was the first woman to walk in space?


1957 Sputnik 1 was the first satellite in space.

1957 Laika was the first animal to orbit the Earth.

1961 Yuri Gagarin was the first person in space

1963 Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman on space

1965 Aleksei Leonov was the first person to walk in space.

1984tlana Savitskaya was the first woman to walk in space.


V. Reading

 T: Read the text to find more information about Russia’s space programme


Russia’s space programme continues itself new targets. At present it has three main aims. The first is to send three manned missions to the moon by 2015. The second objective is to build a permanent base on the Moon to tap its energy resources. And, last but not least, its third goal is to dispatch a Russian crew to Mars, also as the “Red Planet”, between 2010 and 2030.

Of cause, space travel does not come cheap. While the Russian government has given $2 billion to the programme, private investment is also needed. Some money has been raised through offering tourist trips into space. Russia was the first country to offer this type of travel, and to date four people have travelled as tourists into space, each paying $20 million for the privilege.

With its many first, Russia has been a pioneer in space exploration and earned its place among the stars. Apart from technology and investment, the space programme needs cosmonauts. Do you aspire to new heights?


VI. After - reading activity


T: Why do people explore space?

 Pupil 1: Because of people’s curiosity.

 T: What is the satellite of the Earth?

T:  What is the first aim of the Russia’s space programme?

T:  What is the second  objective of  the Russia’s space programme?

T:  What is the third goal of  the Russia’s space programme?


T:  From the beginning of the space age, both the Soviet Union and the United States were active in the exploration of the Solar System . Both countries had their own space programmers, competing with each other. 

From the 1960s through the 1990s, the U.S.S.R. and the United States were the only two countries involved in missions to the moon.

The first satellite «Sputnik-1» was launched on the 4th of October 1957. It was the unmanned spacecraft.

                The first manned  flight took place on April 12, 1961 when Yuri Gagarin went into orbit in the Soviet Vostok 1 spaceship and proved that man could survive in space.

At the same time the USA carried on its programme of the Moon exploration and in 1969 Neil Armstrong became  the first man to walk on the Moon. 


T: Now, it’s time to speak about Moon exploration. Work in pairs.

Questions/ for pupil 1

Answers /for pupil 2

How far is the Moon from the Earth?

The Moon is at an average distance of 238,855 miles (384,400 kilometers) away from Earth.

How long does it take to get to the Moon?

It takes about 3 days for a spacecraft to reach the Moon.

How many astronauts have walked on the Moon?

Twelve astronauts walked on the Moon between 1969 and 1972. 

How long is a day on the Moon?


A day on the Moon is 27.32 Earth days or 655.72 hours long.

How much would I weigh on the Moon?

On the Moon a person would weigh six times less than they do on Earth.

What is the temperature on the Moon?

The average temperature on the Moon (at the equator and mid latitudes) varies from -298 degrees Fahrenheit (-183 degrees Celsius), at night, to 224 degrees Fahrenheit (106 degrees Celsius) during the day. 

Would you like to go to the Moon or travel into space?



VII. Relaxation

T: I see, you are tired. Imagine that you are in space. Listen to the music and relax. Listen to the song  “Fly me to the Moon”


Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a  Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me

VIII. Writing

T: An English proverb says: “If the moon is with you, you need not care about the stars”. Do you want to know more information about the moon? Let’s do an exercise on the cards.


T: Complete the text with the right word.(Приложение 3)


an orbit, the Moon, small, the spaceship , space, to visit


1.  The Moon is our nearest neighbor in ….

2. The Moon is … than the Earth.

 3. It moves around the Earth in a path, called ….

 4. Astronauts …the Moon.

5. A spaceship takes a half days to go from the Earth to….

8…. sent back pictures of the surface of Mооn. 


IX. Speaking

T: During the years that followed this first space expedition, many flights carried people into space.


Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa has invited eight members of the public to join him for a trip around the Moon on Elon Musk's Space X flight. He said he will pay for the entire journey, so those who come onboard will fly for free. The mission, called dear Moon, is scheduled to fly in 2023.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EAPxMG5WkAAKUBH.jpg                   https://www.ansaroo.com/images/c6/c677ec0ce7be9cbdee43dfeab1827945.jpeg


T: Would you like to go to the Moon or travel into space?

T: Where would you like to go in space

T: Do you  want to fly to the Moon? Give your comments on the following question.



Use the language from the box and the ideas from the above texts to discuss



Would you like to…?

I’m going to…

Do you  want to…?

I don’t really want to…

Are you going to…?

Yes, I think I’ll …

Do you think you’ll…?

I don’t think I’ll…


X этап: Рефлексия.

                What have you learnt today at the lesson?

Would you like to visit any planet of the Solar system?



XI. Homework

Write a letter to your English pen friend about a trip around the Moon. Say, what would you like to do there?


XI. The end of the lesson

T: The lesson is over.  I like the way you have been working today. Thank you for your active work. Good-bye.










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