Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Канада" (10 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Канада" (10 класс)

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                                    The theme: My image of Canada

The aim of the lesson :

Ø  To develop writing, reading, and speaking abilities

Ø  To provide practice in understanding instructions

Ø  To give students the chance to talk about Canada

Ø  To practice Zero Conditional Sentence


The plan of the lesson

A.     Organization moment

B.      Brainstorming

C.      Group work

D.     Complete the text below with the missing words ( Ex 6. p 154 )

E.      Diagram numbers

F.      Vocabulary work

G.     Conclusion & home task


The procedure of the lesson

-          I would like to begin our lesson with Brainstorming.

              Students, please guess the theme of our lesson with a multiply table.

T: Students, please guess the theme of our lesson with a multiply table!













































-          So, you are right.

              The theme of our lesson is Canada.

T:  Today we are going to make our trip to one of the most beautiful and unique countries in the world, the country with rich history, the country of beautiful landscapes & lake districts, the country of 10 provinces & three northern territories. Of course, the name of the country is Canada.

-          So, we divided our class into 4 groups.

-          The 1st group: Geographical position & the population of Canada.

-          The 2nd group: Canada’s Great Lakes & Niagara Falls.

-          The 3rd group: The Flag & National emblem.

-          The 4th group: The Capital & Big Cities.

-          So, the next task that we will do, to complete text with missing words. Which group can do it very quickly? ( Ex 6. p 154 )

Canada is _____________ on the North American continent. In size Canada is the _____________ in the world after Russia. The __________ of Canada is 29 million people. The capital of Canada is Ottawa, which is situated on the _______ of the Ottawa River. It is ________ for its beautiful parks. The __________ are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. The maple leaf is the national ___________ of Canada. The story of Canada _______ ________ over 400 years. The French were the first ________ to this country. Today Canada is an independent ___________ state, consisting of 10 provinces and 2  territories.


It is a member of the _________, headed by the Queen of Great Britain. The two _______ languages are English and French. Canada is a country with very high ________ of living.


Canada is very rich in forest, minerals and ________ animals. It _________ the first place in the world in the amount of forests. It is rich in the following ___________ resources: non-ferrous metals, __________ oil, natural gas, coal. _________ machines, and ________ equipment. The most developed _________ are timber, mining, chemical, food and fishing. Canada grows wheat, barley, ________ ,potatoes, vegetables and fruit.










-          So, the next task is:

Cover the text. Look at the numbers. What are the situations?



Надпись: 1759 Надпись: 10000000
Надпись: 29
Надпись: 2
Надпись: 400

Овал: Canada













1)      1759 – Canada became a part of the British Empire.

2)      29 – The population of Canada.

3)      2 – Territories

4)      400 – The story of Canada goes back over 400 years.

5)      1931 – It became an Independent country.

6)      10 – Canada consists of 10 provinces.

7)      10000000- territory


Vocabulary work.

1.       To continue for a particular distance or in a particular direction:

a)       Ferrous

b)      Barley

c)       Equipment

d)      Flax

e)       Timber

f)       Uranium

g)      Extend


2.       A chemical element which is used for producing nuclear energy:

a)       Uranium

b)      Timber

c)       Equipment

d)      Ferrous

e)       Extend

f)       Barley

g)      Flax

3.       Wood used for building houses and making furniture:

a)       Flax

b)      Timber

c)       Extend

d)      Equipment

e)       Barley

f)       Ferrous

g)      Uranium


4.       The tools, machines, or other things that you nees for a particular job or activity:

a)       Ferrous

b)      Barley

c)       Equipment

d)      Flax

e)       Timber

f)       Uranium

g)      Extend


5.       A plant that produces grain used for making food, beer, and whisky:

a)       Ferrous

b)      Barley

c)       Equipment

d)      Flax

e)       Timber

f)       Uranium

g)      Extend


6.       Containing or connected with iron:

a)       Ferrous

b)      Barley

c)       Equipment

d)      Flax

e)       Timber

f)       Uranium

g)      Extend





T:   So students today we have spoken a lot about Canada, so I have a question. When we speak or remember about some place or city, we image a certain building, street or square. We say “Paris” and remember the Eiffel Tower, London-Big Ben, Moscow-The Kremlin, Astana-Bayterek and so on.  And when we pronounce Ottawa or Toronto what sightseeing we can image? Of course, Toronto famous with ballet and dance. Tall building it the middle of the city called CN-Tower- Canada’s national tower. Ottawa- Parliament Hill ( it’s house of Canada’s parliament). Well, our lesson is coming to the end. The Canadians love their country and they say:

“Together we are Canada

One nation Strong and free

With friends and happiness

Forever we will be”

-The lesson is over.

Good bye! Thank you for attention.


-Home work

To try to write an essay “Canada: far and close”




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