Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа 2 вариант 5 класс 3 четверть

Контрольная работа 2 вариант 5 класс 3 четверть

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Progress Test                                                        Form 5

Variant 2

I. Listening.                                               QUESTIONS 21-25

You will hear some tourist information about a town called Langley.

Listen and complete questions 21 – 25.

You will hear information twice.


                    Tourists stop here for:              00   3 hours

Town Hall      Look at the:                         21 _______________

              Cost of ticket:                      22 _______________ pence

Langley Park Café is rear (позади):          23 _______________

Tour of town  Meet guide in:                     24 _______________ Street

     Leave Langley at:               25 _______________ p.m.


II Reading.                            THE GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORDS

      Some people read books for pleasure (удовольствие), others look through them to get the useful information they need for their work or studies. Some books are rather boring but others are very funny.  There is one book which is full of interesting information, funny and useful at the same time. That is the Guinness Book of Records.

      It has information about the world’s tallest, shortest, loudest, heaviest, richest, and greatest. It demonstrates people’s records in nearly every field: from sports to politics, from hobbies to business world.

      Here are some examples. The tallest woman in the world is an American woman, Sandy Allen. She is 231.7 centimetres tall. Walter Hudson is the fattest man in the world. He is 500 kilograms. The man with the longest The Guinness Book of Records moustache (усы) in the world is Kama Ram Bheel of India. His moustache is 238 centimetres long. In 1900, an Austrian gentleman travelled from Vienna to Paris in the strange way – he walked on his hands! It took him 55 days with a rhythm of 10 hours a day.

      Thousands of people from all countries try to get into the Guinness Book of Records. It all started in 1951. Sir Hugh Beaver worked in the Guinness company. (The Guinness, by the way, is a type of beer.) One day he took his gun and went to the forest. But he didn’t kill any bird that day, he missed a golden plover (a kind of a bird). He thought that it was the fastest bird in England but his friends didn’t think so. But they didn’t have any book to find information about the golden plover and to answer the question: “What is the fastest bird in England?”  As a result the Guinness Book of Records was born.

     Very quickly the book became a best-seller, everybody wanted to buy it and the bookshops got a lot of money for it. Today there are 77 million of the Guinness Books of Records. People have translated it into 32 languages. All over the world people seem to want to read about other people who are faster, fatter or just madder (безумнее) than they are.

Choose the right sentence (according to the text).

1.  a) All books are very funny.

     b) The Guinness Book of Records demonstrates people’s records only in sport.

     c)  The Guinness Book of Records has information about the world’s tallest, shortest, loudest, heaviest, richest, and greatest.       

     d) The tallest woman in the world is an African woman, Sandy Allen. She is more than three metres tall.

2.   a) Walter Hudson is fatter than Sandy Allen.  

      b) Walter Hudson is the man with the longest moustache in the world. He is from the town of Kama Ram Bheel in India.

      c) The longest hair in the world is 238 metres long.  

      d) The longest moustache in the world is longer than three metres.

3.   a) In 1900, some Australian gentlemen travelled from Vienna to Paris in the strange way – they walked on their hands!       

     b) In 1900, an Austrian man could walk on his hands more than 6 hours every day.  

      c) It took an English gentleman 55 hours to get to Paris on foot.           

      d) It took an Austrian gentleman 10 hours to get from Vienna to Paris on foot.

4. a) Only English people can read The Guinness Book of Records.  

    b) People read the Guinness Book of Records for 1951 years.       

    c) The first Guinness Book of Records was written in Russian.     

    d) The Guinness Book of Records started in England in 1951.

5. a) Sir Hugh Beaver worked in the Guinness company. They made coloured pencils.  

    b) There were no trees in England at the time of Sir Hugh Beaver.

    c) A golden plover is a very fast bird that lives in England.   

    d) Sir Hugh Beaver learned that a golden plover is the fastest bird from the Guinness Book of Records.

6.  a) Sir Hugh Beaver didn’t have any friends.    

     b) It all started in 1951 and very soon the Guinness Book of Records became very popular.

     c) Today only 77 people in the world have got the Guinness Book of Records.

     d) There are 32 languages in the world.

III Grammar Test.

1. Ann ___ London last уеar.

a) has been to   b) was not in   c) was to   d) has been in

2. Have they _____ Trafalgar Square?

a) just saw    b) ever seen    c) already see    d) already seen

3. — What were the people like?

    — _____

a) They liked ice-cream.    b) The looked like their parents.

c) They were very friendly.     d) They were at home.

4. I have got some friends in London, but I ___ stayed ___ them.

a) never, at   b) have just, at   c) didn't, with   d) have never, with

5. He ___ speaks ___ a quiet voice ___ me.

a) never, in, to   b) ever, in, with   c) just, with, with   d)soon, to, to

6. We ___ to wash up. Father ___ it

a) mustn't, did b) doesn't have, have done c) don't have, has done d) must, has done

7. He ___ today.

a) feels badly   b) feel good   c) feels bad   d) felt fine

8. Look! What a strange train ___ our small railway station!

a) arrived in   b) has already arrived in   c) is arriving at   d) arrives in

9. Harry ___ a plane ___ London and arrived there at 3.

a) caught; for   b) has caught, for   c) caught, in   d) catch, to

10. I'm sorry. That's my stop. I ___ the bus.

a) don't have to get on b) have to get off c) mustn't get out of d) has to get into

IV Progress Quiz

1. a) Walt Disney created a lot of short and long cartoons.

    b) Walt Disney was from Great Britain

    c) When Walt Disney was little his family left North America for South America.

    d) Walt Disney’s wife was the first one who had an idea about Mickey Mouse.

2. a) Walt Disney created his main character, the mouse and gave it the name – Mickey Mouse.

    b) The audience have seen Mickey Mouse on the screen since 1928.

    c) Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse became great friends and often travelled together.

    d) All Walt Disney’s characters are very clever and quiet.

3. a) One day an idea came to Walt Disney’s wife. She decided to create a theme park – Disneyland.

    b) The first Disneyland was built in Russia.

    c) Walt Disney’s stories have got a happy end.

    d) You can’t sit down anywhere in Disneyland, you have to walk all day long.

4. a) There no documentaries in English cinemas.

    b) There are  no intervals between programmes in some English cinemas.

    c) You can see only cartoons at the “Odeon”.

    d) Cinema tickets are very cheap in Great Britain.

5. a) A hobby is something you like to do at school.

    b) Sometimes people specialize in collecting stamps of one subject. It means that their collections are special.

    c) Collecting things is not the only hobby people have.

    d) Boys’ and girls’ hobbies are very different.

6. a) Seas are bigger than oceans, but they are smaller than lakes.

    b) Oceans are bigger than seas and lakes.

    c) Lakes are colder than oceans.

    d) Swimming pools are much bigger than seas.

7. a) English school is not formal. All pupils sit on the floor.

    b) Primary pupils have no animals in the classrooms. They leave them at home.

    c) English school never begins on Sunday.

    d) Saturday and Sunday are the longest school days in Great Britain.

8. a) All traditional English houses have only one bathroom.

    b) Bedrooms are usually on the first floor in a traditional English house.

    c) The biggest room in a traditional English house is usually the sitting-room.

    d) The sitting-room is in the bathroom.

9. a) There are 1,000 bridges over the Thames now.

    b) There were many bridges over the Thames in Roman times.

    c) The Romans came to England in the nineteenth century.

    d) Londinium was the old name of London.

10. a) A voyage is a journey by horse.

     b) Many big ships arrived at the railway station.

     c) A journey is a long trip.

     d) When there is no wind you can’t travel by plane.  


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