Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыКонтрольная работа 11 класс Spotlight Модуль 2

Контрольная работа 11 класс Spotlight Модуль 2

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Контрольная работа 11 класс Модуль 2

Variant I

1.      Fill in: tray, bubble bags, shrugged, fit in, recyclable.

1.      Janice ……  shrugged her shoulders, unable to answer the teacher’s question.

2.      Joe tried to ….. with the other students  in his class by wearing the same style of clothes as they did.

3.      Manufacturers usually use  …..  to protect items while in transport.

4.      The waiter walked towards us carrying our drinks  on a …..  .

5.      Manufacturers  should enclose their products  in  ….  material.


2.      Underline the correct word.


1.      I permitted/persuaded him not to go there.

2.       He used his effect/influence to reform the company's policy.

3.        It was hard resisting/committing the temptation to open the box.

4.        What’s come/gone over him? He looks annoyed.

5.      It is positive/essential  that you keep working hard if you want to  get a pay rise.


3.      Fill in the gaps with who, which, where, why or when.

1.      The boy _____  is standing over there is our new teacher.

2.      The café ____  Pat and Sue met is next to the lake.

3.      Do you know the reason  ____ he is so nervous.

4.      That’s the church in _____ my parents got married.

5.      The wedding is a day ____ I was so happy.


4.      Join the sentences using who, which or whose.

1.      The letter hasn’t arrived yet. He posted it three days ago.

2.      The sweets are delicious. We bought them yesterday.

3.      My parents moved to the city to find work. They were born  in a small village.

4.      This is Jane. Her sister is my coach.

5.      They are playing a song on the radio. It’s my favourite.


5.Reading. Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraph (1-7). There is one heading that you do not need to use. (Student’s book p.42-43)








Контрольная работа 11 класс Модуль 2

Variant II

1.Fill in: spinal cord, donation, delivered, influence, bumped

1.      I don’t like it when people try to  …..  my decisions.

2.      I ….  into Mary yesterday at the post-office.

3.      Our furniture was  ….   to our home a few days  after  we bought it.

4.      Sadly, he injured his spinal cord in the accident and was unable to work.

5.      Patty makes regular …  to charity.


2.       Underline the correct word.

1.  Richard is studying hard for getting/to get good marks in all his exam

2.  Ann couldn’t sleep because/because of she was feeling stressed out.

       3.  I asked if he wanted to go out to dinner, and he just shrugged/shook his shoulders.

4Only the worst weather will deny/discourage Jim from taking his daily outdoor exercise.

5.  She groaned/whispered something softly  in his ear and then walked away.


3.       Fill in the gaps with who, which, where, why or when.


1.       Do you know the reason _____  she is so upset?

2.         The library is a place _____   you can borrow books.

3.        The day  _____  you saw me I was feeling sick.

4.        That's Peter, the boy  _____  has just arrived at the airport.

5.        What did you do with the money _____  your mother gave you?


4.       Join the sentences using who, which or whose.

1.  Mr Richards is a taxi driver. He lives on the corner

2Thank you very much for your e-mail. It  was very interesting.

3.  This is the girl. She comes from Spain.

 4. The children shouted in the street. They are not from our s

 5. The doctor  is away today. His name is Frank.


5.Reading. Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraph (1-7). There is one heading that you do not need to use. (Work book p 19)


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