Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку (7 класс)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку (7 класс)

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Контрольная работа 7 класс

1.      Прочитай текст и определи какие из утверждений верны T (TRUE), не верны F (FALSE) и о чем в тексте не сказано N/S (NOT STATED)


Take a look around. How many people are wearing Nike right now? There is at least one, trust me. Nike is the number one manufacturer of footwear and clothes, and it has become a world famous brand on the same level as Coca Cola, McDonald’s, and Apple.

Nike was originally known as Blue Ribbon Shoes. It was founded in 1964 by the runner Philip Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman. They established the company to import cheap Japanese running shoes for sale in the U.S. At the very beginning they had no room or shop, so Philip Knight sold the shoes out of the back of his car. Meanwhile Bill Bowerman worked on improvements to the footwear. He tore the shoes apart to see how he could make them lighter and better.

In 1967 a third person joined Blue Ribbon Shoes. It was Jeff Johnson. A runner himself, Johnson became the first full-time employee of Blue Ribbon Shoes. His contribution to the company is so great that it's hard to estimate. Johnson created the first product brochures, print adverts and marketing materials, and even took the photographs for the company’s catalogues. He established a mail-order system and opened the first company shop.

At about the same time the company became ready to take a big move forward. They no longer wanted to be distributors, but wished to start designing and manufacturing their own brand of athletic shoes. Here again Johnson made an enormous contribution to the company. One night, he dreamed of Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, and suggested the name to his bosses.

Yet, another thing was missing — a memorable logo. One was created by a graphic design student Carolyn Davidson. She had become acquainted with Philip Knight who asked her for her design ideas and Carolyn agreed to do some freelance work for his company. Soon she presented a number of designs to Philip Knight and the other company managers, and they finally selected the mark which today is the Swoosh. That has been the Nike logo ever since then. Amazingly, Carolyn asked just $35 for her work.

In 1988 Nike started an advertising campaign with its world famous slogan “Just Do It”. The slogan was born during a Nike meeting with the advertising agency. The slogan has become so closely associated with Nike that as soon as most people hear or see those three words, they remember Nike, even if the company name is not mentioned. Today, the words «Just Do It» and the Nike “swoosh” brandmark are all that are needed to identify something as a Nike product.

Isn't it amazing how a small symbol we call a logo can make a company into a huge success.


1.     Nike and Blue Ribbon Shoes are the names for one and the same business.

2.     The business was founded by Japanese businessmen.

3.     The business started with renting a large shop.

4.     P. Knight, B. Bowerman and J. Johnson were responsible for different spheres of the business in the company.

5.      Famous athletes were employed to advertise the company’s shoes.

6.     The company Nike was called after a character from an ancient myth.

7.     Nike’s logo was created by a famous advertising company.

8.     The Nike company paid a lot of money for creating the slogan «Just Do It».



2.      Поставь глаголы в Present Simple Passive or Present Simple Active.

1.      Windows (break) in our school quite often.

2.      We (plant) flowers every summer.

3.      The air (pollute) by factories and plants.

4.      Animals (disturb).

5.      The trees (cut) out.

6.      Pupil (clean) their classrooms regularly.

7.      People (leave) litter in the forests.

8.      Nature (not care) for.

3.Прочитай текст об известном музыканте Владимире Спивакове и выбери подходящее по смыслу слово (a, b, или c).

The Vladimir Spivakov International Charity Foundation (0) started its work in May of 1994. It is (1) _______ organization that helps talented children to develop their skills. The Foundation (2) ______ talented young musicians and dancers (3) ________ organizing concerts for them. The pupils of the Foundations (4) ______ in festivals and competitions (5) ________ their achievements. The Foundation (6) _____ support to specialized music and art schools in Russia. Also it makes its (7) _____ to charity projects. (8) ______ children’s homes and hospitals is one of the charity projects. The members of the Foundation (9) ______ money for those in (10) ________. But the Foundation does not only (11) _____

money. The pupils of the Foundation are (12) _______ in charity concerts all over the world.

0     a  did                               started                                set up

1     a  an activity                    b  a charity                              needy

2     a  amuses                         raises                                  c   supports

3     a  by                                for                                       in

4     a  contribute                    learn                                               c   take part

5     a  to make                                    to show                               c   to discover

6     a  donates                        raises                                  c   provides

7    a   contribution                 difference                           c   announcement

8    a   Preparing                     Supporting                         Donating

9    a   raise                             carry                                   use

10  a   need                             have                                               get

11  a spend                             donate                                take

12  a awarded                        performed                          involved











4.Распредели части письма в нужном порядке

A) First of all, let me tell you about my one week package holiday to Rome. Everything was OK. All the excursions were interesting. We visited the Vatican and were impressed by the famous St. Peter’s Cathedral. I also enjoyed the Colosseum and other sights of Rome. All in all, we enjoyed our holiday.

B) Thanks a lot for your letter. I hope you passed all your tests!

C) And what about you? What are plans for the summer? Will you come to visit us? Russia is a unique country and I’ll show you lots of interesting things. Let me know what cities you’d like to visit.

D) Well, I’d better go now. I have to do my homework. Write back soon!

E) Ben

F)41 Lenin Street




G) Best wishes,

H) Dear Betsy,











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