Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по материалам модуля 6 к учебнику 9 класса spotlight

Контрольная работа по материалам модуля 6 к учебнику 9 класса spotlight

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Grammar Test on module 6

Suvorovite ____________________________

Variant 1


 I. Fill in: animal, burst, foster, charity, petrol, hall.

1. Some abandoned animals are lucky and find a ...........................home.

2. I was so upset that I...........................into tears.

3. We can fill the car with fuel at the...........................station.

4. Tim spends his spare time helping out at the local...........................shelter.

5. The mayor works at the town...........................         


II. Choose the right variant:

1. The house __________ was nice, but the neighbourhood was terrible.

                         himself                     itself                     yourself

2. Ann told her friends to make _______________ at home.

                         herself                    themselves                     ourselves

3. Boys, if you want some more cake, help _____________

                         themselves                 ourselves                    yourselves

4. Sam, did you choose my present ______________

                          myself                       yourself                 himself

5. Our friends did everything_________________

                          ourselves                  themselves                  yourselves


III. Fill in the correct preposition.

1.       Alice always checks ____________ her children to make sure they are sleeping peacefully before she goes to bed herself.

2.       Laura checked _________the items on her shopping list as she went around the supermarket.

3.       Would you like to check___________ the new café at the weekend?

4.       Tom paid his bill and checked _____________ the hotel.

5.       I arrived at the airport and checked ___________.

6.       I’ll just go and check ___________ the children.


IV. Match the sentence halves.

1.        Where would you like to go?

a)    he always orders pasta.

2.        He never puts on weight

b)    I’ll pay for everything.

3.        It’s my life and I’ll marry

c)     We can go wherever you want.

4.        You can buy whatever you want.

d)    whoever I want.

5.        Whenever we eat out

e)     however much he eats.













V. Match to form exchanges.

1.    How often do the buses go?

a.         Yes. There is one opposite here.

2.    I’d like to withdraw some money from my account.

b.         Of course. Where are you going?

3.    What is the best way to get to the airport?

c.         Every half hour.

4.    Is there a good café round here?

d.         Take № 5 bus from the station.

5.    I’m lost. Can you help me?

e.         Certainly. How much?













VI. Complete the sentences using the passive voice.

1. The Eiffel Tower ____________________________(to build) in 1898.

2. All the concert tickets already_____________________________(to sell out).

3. The new museum_____________________________(to open) next week.

4. This dress _____________________________(to make) from cotton.

5. The document _________________________________(to type) now.


VII. Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMETHING DONE

1.       The stylist has cut Kate’s hair.

Kate ……………………………………………………

2.       The mechanic is changing Peter’s car battery.

Peter ………………………………………………...

3.       The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hair last Saturday.

My mother  ………………………………………...

4.       The dentist checks my teeth once a year.

I ………………………………………………………………… 








80 – 88 – “5”

66 – 79 – “4”

45 – 65 – “3”





Grammar Test on module 6

Suvorovite ____________________________

Variant 2


 I. Fill in: burst, senior, charity, postal, petrol, traffic lights.

1. Anyone over the age of 65 is considered to be a ...........................citizen.

2. Someone who works at the post office is a...........................worker.

3. During the campaign they raised a lot of money for ……………………..

4. ………………………………. control the movement of cars on the road.

5. I was so upset that I...........................into tears.


II. Choose the right variant:

1. The flat __________ was nice, but the block of flats was terrible.

                         himself                   yourself               itself

2. Mum burnt _______________while making dinner.

                         herself                    himself                   yourself

3. Boys, if you want some more cake, help _____________

                         themselves                 ourselves                    yourselves

4. I hope you like the cake. I made it  ______________

                          myself                       yourself                 itself

5. Their friends did everything_________________

                          ourselves            themselves         yourselves


 III. Fill in the correct preposition.

1.   Sam checked _________the items on his shopping list as he went around the supermarket.

2.   I returned the key to my room after I checked ____________the hotel.

3.   My parents often come to my school to check _________ how I’m doing.

4.   I arrived at the hotel and checked ___________.

5.   Tom checks ____________ his son now and then to make sure he’s studying hard.

6.   I’ll go and check___________ that new sports center at the week-end.


IV. Match the sentence halves.

1.        Whatever you do,

a)     whoever I want.

2.        Come to visit me

b)    however much he eats.

3.        Where would you like to go?

c)     I’ll always love you.

4.        He never puts on weight

d)    whenever you can.

5.        It’s my life and I’ll marry

e)     We can go wherever you want.

















V. Match to form exchanges.

1.     Is there a bank near here?

a.      Every hour.

2.     I’m lost. Can you help me?

b.     First or second class.

3.     It’s just in the next street.

c.      Yes. Turn left here.

4.     How often do the trains go?

d.     Thank you very much.

5.     Two stamps, please.

e.      Where are you trying to go?


















VI. Complete the sentences using the passive voice.

1. She _________________________________ (to invite) to a concert last Sunday.

2. ___________my letter____________________________ (to receive) tomorrow?

3. Coffee _______________________________ (not to drink) in the evening.

4. Money already____________________________ (to withdraw) from her account.

5. A new school __________________________________(to build) in the city now.


VII. Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMETHING DONE

1.   The repairmen repaired the Smiths’ roof last year.

The Smiths ______________________________________________________

2.   The painters will decorate Molly’s the room next month.

Molly ___________________________________________________________

3.   The workers are building a new garage for our neighbours at the moment.

Our neighbours____________________________________________________

4.   The dentist checks her teeth once a year.

I ____________________________________________________________   











80 – 88 – “5”

66 – 79 – “4”

45 – 65 – “3”




Grammar Test on module 6

Suvorovite ____________________________

Variant 3


 I. Fill in: animal, burst, foster, charity, petrol, hall, senior, traffic lights, roundabout, railway, junction.

1. Some abandoned animals are lucky and find a ...........................home.

2. I was so upset that I...........................into tears.

3. We can fill the car with fuel at the...........................station.

4. ………………………………. control the movement of cars on the road.

5. Two roads meet at the ………………………….

6. Anyone over the age of 65 is considered to be a ...........................citizen.

7. During the campaign they raised a lot of money for ……………………..


II. Choose the right variant:

1. The house __________ was nice, but the neighbourhood was terrible.

                         himself                     itself                     yourself

2. Ann told her friends to make _______________ at home.

                         herself                    themselves                     ourselves

3. Boys, if you want some more cake, help _____________

                         themselves                 ourselves                    yourselves

4. Sam, did you choose my present ______________

                          myself                       yourself                 himself

5. Our friends did everything_________________

                          ourselves                  themselves                  yourselves


Ш. Match to form exchanges.

1.     Is there a bank near here?

a.      Every hour.

2.     I’m lost. Can you help me?

b.     Take №5 bus from the station.

3.     It’s just in the next street.

c.      Yes. Turn left here.

4.     How often do the trains go?

d.     Thank you very much.

5.     What is the best way to get to the airport?

e.      Where are you trying to go?
















IV. Complete the sentences using the passive voice.

1. She _________________________________ (to invite) to a concert last Sunday.

2. ___________my letter____________________________ (to receive) tomorrow?

3. Coffee _______________________________ (not to drink) in the evening.

4. Money already____________________________ (to withdraw) from her account.

5. A new school __________________________________(to build) in the city now.


V. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive making the underlined words the subject.

1. They have sent me a lot of junk mail.


2. She was watching a film the whole evening yesterday.


3. My father is washing the car in his garage now.


4. They will pay the workers $50 every day.


5. They offered her a good job.                             



V. Complete the sentences using the correct form of “to have something done”

1.   Sam ______________ the garage ____________________ next week. (renovate)

2.   ________ you ____________ your car ______________ the day before yesterday?   (service)

3.   How often ________ you ___________ your hair _____________? (cut)

4.   We ___________ the office _________________ already. (clean)

5.   Our neighbors __________________ a new house ______________ at the moment (build)



VI. Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMETHING DONE

1.   The repairmen repaired the Smiths’ roof last year.

The Smiths ______________________________________________________

2.   The painters will decorate Molly’s the room next month.

Molly ___________________________________________________________

3.   The workers are building a new garage for our neighbours at the moment.

Our neighbours____________________________________________________

4.   The dentist checks her teeth once a year.

I ____________________________________________________________   







80 – 88 – “5”

66 – 79 – “4”

45 – 65 – “3”

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