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Контрольная работа за 1 четверть 9 класс

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Test (9th form, 1st term)

Variant 1


Read the text and do the task below.

William Shakespeare.

Nowadays people seem to read newspapers mostly. Many people are fond of reading detective stories or spy thrillers. I myself prefer books about politics, history.

I enjoy reading books by such English writers as Charles Dickens, Walter Scott. My favorite writer is William Shakespeare, one of the outstanding personalities in the world literature.

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon not far from London. His father, John Shakespeare, came to Stratford from a village and opened a shop there. He never became a rich man but at one time he was an important official in the city. William Shakespeare lived in Stratford until he was twenty-one. He got married and had three children. At the age of 21 William left Stratford for London to join a company of actors. William Shakespeare lived and worked in London for 25 years.

In all William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, 2 long poems, a sonnet cycle of 155 small pieces. William Shakespeare had a natural gift for comedy. In his comedies William Shakespeare describes the adventures of young men and women, their love, friendship, happiness.

In England and other countries it is the highest honor for an actor to be invited to play in a comedy or tragedy by William Shakespeare. In the last 35 years all the plays by William Shakespeare have been filmed. Since 1879 Shakespeare’s Festival has been held every year at Stratford-upon-Avon.

Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1) The author of the text reads books about love and adventures.

2) The author of the text enjoys reading books by such writers as A. Pushkin.

3) Author’s favorite writer is William Shakespeare.

4) William Shakespeare lived in Stratford until he was twenty-six.

5) William Shakespeare lived and worked in London for 25 years.

6) William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon not far from Moscow.


Choose the right answer. Only one item is correct.

  1. Simona hates _________ long distances.

A. walk B. walking C. to walking D. be walking

  1. I generally prefer swimming ____________ sunbathing.

A. to B. than C. from D. of

  1. He had to stop _________ sweets as he had put on weight.

A. eating B. to eat C. eat D. have eaten

  1. ________ it was raining, he went out.

A. but B. however C. despite D. although

  1. Transform some sentences from Direct speech into Reported speech:

  1. Robert said: “I bought this book last month”.

  2. They said: “We will paint a poster about environment’s protection tomorrow”.

  3. Sarah said: “I am going to buy a ticket to Madonna’s concert next week”.

  4. My brother said: “I have to work hard not to fail my exams this year”.

  1. Choose the verb and rewrite it in the correct form: Present Simple or Present Progressive.

teach   have (2)     drive     leave

It’s 7.30am. Suzanne Wells is in her kitchen at home. She (1) ________ breakfast. She (2) _______ breakfast at this time every morning. She (3) ___________ home at 8.30 am every day and (4) __________ to work. Suzanne is a teacher. She (5) ___________at a school in Canberra.

Test (9th form, 1st term)

Variant 2


Read the text and do the task below.

William Shakespeare.

Nowadays people seem to read newspapers mostly. Many people are fond of reading detective stories or spy thrillers. I myself prefer books about politics, history.

I enjoy reading books by such English writers as Charles Dickens, Walter Scott. My favorite writer is William Shakespeare, one of the outstanding personalities in the world literature.

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon not far from London. His father, John Shakespeare, came to Stratford from a village and opened a shop there. He never became a rich man but at one time he was an important official in the city. William Shakespeare lived in Stratford until he was twenty-one. He got married and had three children. At the age of 21 William left Stratford for London to join a company of actors. William Shakespeare lived and worked in London for 25 years.

In all William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, 2 long poems, a sonnet cycle of 155 small pieces. William Shakespeare had a natural gift for comedy. In his comedies William Shakespeare describes the adventures of young men and women, their love, friendship, happiness.

In England and other countries it is the highest honor for an actor to be invited to play in a comedy or tragedy by William Shakespeare. In the last 35 years all the plays by William Shakespeare have been filmed. Since 1879 Shakespeare’s Festival has been held every year at Stratford-upon-Avon.

Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1) The author of the text reads books about love and adventures.

2) The author of the text enjoys reading books by such writers as A. Pushkin.

3) Author’s favorite writer is William Shakespeare.

4) William Shakespeare lived in Stratford until he was twenty-six.

5) William Shakespeare lived and worked in London for 25 years.

6) William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon not far from Moscow.


Choose the right answer. Only one item is correct.

  1. "Take it easy" means__________

A. repeat it B. relax C. pick it up D. it's not heavy, take it

  1. With lots of time and patience you can ______ dogs to be obedient.

A. guide B. instruct C. learn D. train

  1. Could you leave me ________? I have to study.

A. alone B. only C. single D. lonely

  1. From my point of ______, there is no point in remaining here.

A. idea B. opinion C. view D. belief

  1. GRAMMAR. Transform some sentences from Direct speech into Reported speech:

  1. My sister said: “I am listening to my favourite CD now”.

  2. My father said: “You may walk after finishing your report”.

  3. Chris said: “Yesterday I was playing chess with my friend”.

  4. Diana said: “I have already listened to this song 2 days ago”.

  1. Choose the verb and rewrite it in the correct form: Present Simple or Present Progressive.

teach   have (2)     drive     leave

It’s 7.30am. Suzanne Wells is in her kitchen at home. She (1) ________ breakfast. She (2) _______ breakfast at this time every morning. She (3) ___________ home at 8.30 am every day and (4) __________ to work. Suzanne is a teacher. She (5) ___________at a school in Canberra.

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Современные методы развития навыков эффективного и уверенного общения на английском языке у старших школьников

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

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Особенности подготовки к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку в условиях реализации ФГОС СОО

36 ч. — 180 ч.

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Адаптация и расстройства: понимание, преодоление, развитие

10 ч.

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6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Управление рисками в бизнесе: анализ, оценка и стратегии

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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