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Контрольные работы по английскому языку 8 класс УМК М.З. Биболетова

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6 Read the text and do the tasks.

Leonardo da Vinci

When they hear the name Leonardo da Vinci, most people think of his famous painting, Mona Lisa. This picture is in an art gallery in Paris, and it is visited by millions of tourists every year.

But Leonardo wasn't just a painter. He was also a talented inventor*, engineer, architect and sculptor. He was full of new and exciting ideas. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 at his father's country home near the town of Vinci in Italy. He spent his childhood surrounded by the wonders of nature, perhaps watching animals and insects that were all around him.

Leonardo was hungry for knowledge. He studied the world around him and drew the things he saw. He read everything he could find, listened to other people's ideas, and made notes of the things he learned. Some of his notebooks were as large as wall posters, and others were small enough to carry in his pocket. Many have been lost, but some of them were published in the 1800s and can be seen today.

Although he was full of new ideas, Leonardo didn't build many of his inventions**. One of his notebooks includes a drawing of a person with a parachute***. Only 300 years later, in 1783, a Frenchman became the first person who made and used a parachute.

Leonardo did lots of drawings of arms and legs and other parts of the body and he designed a mechanical man — a robot! This robot could sit up, wave its arms, move its head and open and close its mouth.

Leonardo da Vinci died in 1519. He was truly a man ahead of his time.

inventor — M306peTaTeJ1b invention — vr306peTeHvre parachute — napa111K)T

1. What kind of text have you just read?

a) a fairy tale

(Y) a biography

c)    an adventure story

d)   science fiction

2. Which of these would be the best as a different title?

a)  Leonardo da Vinci — a famous painter.

b)  Leonardo da Vinci — a man who invented a parachute.


Leonardo da Vinci — a man who studied the world around him.

1 14


3. Choose the sentence which is not

a)  Leonardo da Vinci is a world

b)  Leonardo da Vinci wanted to lean as he could about the world arouni

c)  Leonardo da Vinci made notes things he learnt.

d)  Leonardo da Vinci was the first made a parachute jump.

e)  Leonardo da Vinci designed a roS:c 4. The article says that Leonardo da

underline the sentences which prove z

5. What do the words "a man ahead of time" mean?

a)   qeJIOBeK,              B Hory CO

b)   qeJIOBeK cBoero

          C) qeJIOBeK,                                CBoe

d) YMHevi1.11v1Vi qeJ10BeK cBoero

7 Write a postcard to your pen friend the English-speaking country and sent greetings to him / her on a holidaT Year, Christmas, birthday, etc.).

jobs. Fill in the table.


Where does she / he work?

How much is she / he paid? What do they spend their money on?

9 a) Tell your friend about a self-made whom you know / have read about P seen a film about.

b) Read the problems below and de—a what advice you would give to each Fesgm Act out the imaginary conversation your partner.

Marie: "I'm worried about my best frizz doesn't eat breakfast or lunch any more is getting very thin. When I talk to her abaz she says she is fat! What should I do to hes

Steve: "All my friends have forgotten abcuz 'T They make fun of me because I've got a Siz job. What should I do?"

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Диагностическая контрольная работа 8 класс


Цель: проверить сформированность лексико-грамматических навыков, умений работать со словарем, навыки письма.

Критерии оценивания: задание 1 оценивается в 3 балла, задание 2 – в 2 балла. Оценка «5» - 22-19 б, «4» - 18-14 б, «3» - 13-8 б, «2» - 7-0 б



1.     Answer the questions in Russian using exercise 23 on page 10 in textbook :

·        What country is called the Lucky Country?

·        What kind of sports can you do in January in Australia?

·        What kinds of weather are there in summer and in winter in North America?

·        What is the main characteristic of English weather?


2.     Match some English proverbs and sayings with weather words and their Russian equivalents:

1)    After rain comes fine weather.

2)    It never rains but it pours.

3)    Every cloud has a silver lining.

4)    One cloud is enough to eclipse the sun.

5)    To everything there is a season.


a)     Ложка дегтя в бочке меда.

b)    Всему свое время.

c)     Будет и на нашей улице праздник.

d)    Беда не приходит одна: сама идет и другую ведет.

e)     Нет худа без добра.





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Контрольная работа № 3   по теме «Как достичь успеха?»


Цель: проверить сформированность лексико-грамматических навыков, умений работать с текстом, навыки письма.

Критерии оценивания: задания А1-А4 оцениваются в 1 балл, задание В1, B2 – в 2 балла, задания С1 – в 3 балла. Оценка «5» - 21-19 б, «4» - 18-15 б, «3» - 14-10 б, «2» - 9-0 б


Вариант 1


A1. Mark the right translation of the verb зарабатывать.

1) depend                         3) deliver

2) send                             4) earn


A2. Make the right word combinations.

 1) social                       a) money

 2) star                          b) greetings

 3) pocket                      c) wars

 4) send                         d) position


A3. Match the words and phrases with the same meaning.

 1) get                           a) not easy

 2) take part                  b) start

 3) difficult                   c) participate

 4) begin                       d) receive


A4. Choose the appropriate preposition.

    Leonardo da Vinci was hungry … knowledge.

1) about                         3) for

2) to                               4) in                       


B1. Make the sentences using the following words.

the \ history \ Isaac \ is \ of \ men\ Newton\ one \ greatest \ science \ the \ in \ of.



B2. Write the appropriate verb in the correct form.

       1) All schoolchildren should regularly _____ (make \ do ) his homework.

       2) I will _________ ( do \ make ) my best.

       3) _______ (do \ make ) money is the most important thing in his life.


              Вариант 2


A1. Mark the right translation of the verb подчиняться.

1) obey                                3) believe

2) defend                             4) courage


A2. Make the right word combinations.

 1) deliver                      a) decisions

 2) computer                  b) money

 3) take                           c) newspapers

 4) earn                          d) games


A3. Match the words and phrases with the same meaning.

 1) easy                         a) end

 2) appear                     b) listen to

 3) finish                       c) emerge

 4) obey                        d) slight


A4. Choose the appropriate preposition.

    Teachers are always … the teenagers with their decisions.

1) ready help                                   3) ready helping                        

2) ready to help                               4) ready to helping                                              


B1. Make the sentences using the following words.

advise \ children \ they \ spend \ should \ parents\ their\ how \ money.



B2. Write the appropriate verb in the correct form.

       1) I always _____ (make \ do ) the housework at the weekend.

       2) He _________ ( do \ make ) the morning exercises.

       3) I should_______ (do \ make ) a phone call.


  C2. Read the text and answer the questions in Russian:


1.      Who was Leonardo da Vinci?

2.      How did he get his knowledge?

3.      What do the words “a man ahead of his time” means?


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Контрольная работа № 1 по теме «Планета Земля»


Цель: проверить сформированность лексико-грамматических навыков, умений работать с текстом, навыки письма.

Критерии оценивания: задания А1-А4 оцениваются в 1 балл, задание В1, B2 – в 2 балла, задания С1 – в 3 балла. Оценка «5» - 27-24 б, «4» - 23-18 б, «3» - 17-13 б, «2» - 12-0 б


Вариант 1


A1. Choose the appropriate word.

    ... is the weather we usually have.

1) Geography                           3) Climate

2) Nature                                  4) The environment


A2. Mark the right translation of the verb привлекать.

 1) amaze                      3) advise

 2) attract                      4) assume


A3. Choose the correct form of the verb.

      I … a book when he came in.

 1) read

 2) have read

 3) was reading

 4) had been reading


A4. Choose the correct form of the verb

      The scientist … his work by that time.

1) had finished

2) finished                            

3) was finishing                                 

4) has finished                                      


B1. Write three sentences about your local environment.

1)    The place I live in is ______________________________

2)      It has___________________________________________

3)      It attracts many visitors because of____________________


B2. Mach the expressions to the right translation.

       1) be rich                                        a. незагрязненная местность

       2)attract visitors                              b. привлекать посетителей

       3) “white nights”                            c. быть богатым

       4) unspoiled land                            d. белые ночи



Вариант 2


A1. Choose the appropriate word.

    ... is the place where the land meets the sea.

1) A coast                               3) The wildlife

2) Water                                 4) A town


A2. Mark the right translation of the verb человечество.

 1) universe                          3) attention

 2) generation                      4) humanity


A3. Choose the correct form of the verb.

      She … when I came in.

 1) slept

 2) has slept

 3) was sleeping

 4) had been sleeping


A4. Choose the correct form of the verb

      He … a letter before we arrived.

             1) had written

             2) wrote

             3) was writing                                 

            4) has written


B1. Write three sentences about the environmental protection.

1)    The environmental protection is ______________________

2)      All people of our planet must________________________

3)      To my mind______________________________________


B2. Mach the expressions to the right translation.

       1) tropical heat                                a. Быть важной частью ч.-л.

       2) have amazing sights                    b. тропическая жара

       3) be an important part of                c. место дикой природы

       4) a set of wildlife                            d. иметь удивительные виды

C1. Read the text and answer the questions in Russian.


What is Antarctica?

Antarctica is a continent that is right at the southern tip of the planet. If you try to find it on a globe, you will see that it is at the bottom.

It takes up one-tenth of the Earth’s surface and is covered with a blanket of ice that can be 1500 thick metres. The South Pole is right in the middle of Antarctica.

Antarctica is the coldest continent, as well as the driest, the highest and the windest. Very few people live there all year round. Scientists stay there for short periods, living in specially built research stations.

Summer in Antarctica is between October and March. During this time there is non-stop daylight. In winter, April to September, the opposite happens and Antarctica is dropped into six months of constant darkness.

In Antarctica it is colder than you can possibly imagine, even in the summer! The South Pole is the coldest part of Antarctica. The average temperature for January, the middle of the summer, is minus 28 degrees Celsius ( - 28°C).

In winter, April to September, the average temperature at the South Pole can be as cold as – 89 °C. When it is that cold, a mug of boiling water thrown in the air would freeze before it hit the ice. Sometimes the scientists have to use fridges to keep their samples (образцы) warm.


1.     Why Antarctica is called the coldest continent?

2.     What especial about summer and winter in Antarctica?

3.     What interesting facts have you found in the text?

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Контрольная работа № 2 по теме «Мы – лучшие друзья Земли»


Цель: проверить сформированность лексико-грамматических навыков, умений работать с текстом, навыки письма.

Критерии оценивания: задания А1-А4 оцениваются в 1 балл, задание В1, B2 – в 2 балла, задания С1 – в 3 балла. Оценка «5» - 19-17 б, «4» - 16-13 б, «3» - 12-9 б, «2» - 8-0 б


Вариант 1


A1. Find the unnecessary word.

1) protect                           5) pollute

2) waste                             6) throw

3) invite                            7) clean

4) pack                              8) recycle


A2. Match the words to make up meaningful phrases.

 1) a can of                     a) animals

 2) plastic                       b) litter

 3) save                          c) bottle

 4) prohibit                    d) smoking


A3. Choose the appropriate word/

       … is one of the most serious problems.

 1) Pollution

 2) Protection

 3) Prohibition

 4) Reducing


A4. Mark the words with the opposite meaning.

1) allow                         a. hurt

2) protect                       b. pollute                         

3) catch                         c. prohibit                                

4) clean                         d. throw                                     


B1. Make the sentences using the following words.

office \ is \ smoking \ the \ prohibited \ strictly \ in



B2. Complete the sentences

       1) If people protected environment, ___________________.

       2)If we tried to walk instead of driving cars, _________________.


              Вариант 2


A1. Find the unnecessary word.

1) responsible                          5) environmental

2) protective                            6) throwaway

3) recycling                             7) polluting

4) dangerous                           8) poisonous


A2. Match the words to make up meaningful phrases.

 1) a pack of                     a) away

 2) recycling                     b) wild parks

 3) destroy                        c) goods

 4) throw                          d) centre


A3. Choose the appropriate word/

       It is a very… journey.

 1) polluted

 2) dangerous

 3) prohibited

 4) protective


A4. Mark the words with the opposite meaning.

1) safe                         a. large

2) small                       b. the same                         

3) careful                     c. dangerous                               

4) different                  d. carefree                                   


B1. Make the sentences using the following words.

dropping \ in \ avoid \ the \ litter \ country



B2. Complete the sentences

       1) If this girl took medicine, ___________________.

       2)If I were you, _________________.


  C2. Read the text and answer the questions in Russian:


1)    Why is the Dead Sea so popular with tourists?

2)    What are the most important problems of the Dead Sea?

3)    Where is the Dead Sea situated?             

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