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Контрольные работы по английскому языку в 7 классе к учебнику "Enjoy English"h

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Контрольная работа № 1  по теме «Школа» (“Schools and Schooling”)

Контрольная работа № 1 в 7 классе по теме «Любимое времяпровождение»  состоит из трёх разделов, два варианта:

1.аудирование (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.чтение (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.лексика и грамматика (содержит 3 задания, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

Итого: за все правильно выполненные задания – 27 баллов

25 – 27 баллов – «5»

16 – 25 баллов – «4»

8 – 15 баллов – «3»

1­­–7 баллов   –     «2»

0 баллов         –   «1»

Время выполнения контрольной работы – 45 минут

Используются КОМ из УМК по английскому языку для 7 класса “Rainbow English” авторы  О.В.Афанасьева, И.В Михеева, К.М. Баранова, М.: Дрофа,2019


Контрольная работа № 1  по теме «Школа» (“Schools and Schooling”)

Вариант 1

1.Listen and match the speakers (1-4) with what they say (a-e). There is one statement you don’t have to use.

a) The student says that his/her teacher changed his/her attitude to one of the school subjects.

b) The student says that his/her results were always worse than his/her knowledge.

c) The student says that his/her parents were surprised at his/her marks in sciences.

d) The student says that his/her father and mother liked their child’s results in school subjects.

e) The student says he/she was fond of his/her fellow students as well as the teachers.


2.Read the texts (1-4) and match them with the titles(a-e). There is one title you don’t have to use.

a) Fashion and climate             c) Not wanted                       e) Positive Changes

b) Useful advice                       d) Angry and surprised

1.After lunch the class received the news about going to the Victoria and Albert Museum with enthusiasm. I told them we were going there the following Thursday together with their biology teacher. Some of the pupils wanted to know if Miss Jackson really had to come. I understood that this teacher wasn’t their favourite.

2.I soon understood that our classes with the new teacher were quite different from Mr. Florian’s lesson. Every day they were becoming more and more interesting. The lessons were very informal, we could ask any question and discussed lots of problems important for us. The new teacher gave us much more than textbook information.

3.When I began my teaching career, dad told me not to bring my pupils’ works home. “It shows your poor planning, son.” He said. “You’ll find soon that you’re busy every night. Teaching is like having a bank account. You should have new funds or you are in difficulties. Every teacher should have a fund of ready information and that means new ideas, new meeting, new discoveries, moving around among people.”

4.One morning in our geography lesson we discussed the type of dress people wore in different climatic zones: Eskimos and Alaska and their dress of animal skins, people living in the south and their thin cotton or silk clothes. Larry said that many people in the tropics put very little on.

 3. Write the missing letters to complete the words.

1. h_stor_                       4. mat_emati_s

2. g_ogra_ _y                 5. c_mputer stud_ _s

3._ _em_str_                  6. lit_rat_re


4. Use a/an, the or zero articles to complete the sentences.

1. There is ___ pencil sharpener on the desk.2. There is__ piece of cheese on the plate. 3.  __pupils in England usually have five lessons a day.4.  It was __ strict school, so Mary had to wear a uniform. 5. How often do you go to ____ theatre? 6. It’s 10 o’clock, it’s time to go to ___ bed.7. I would like to buy __ exercise-book.


5. Complete the disjunctive questions.

1. You always come to school on time, ______?

2. Dick stayed after classes yesterday, _____?

3. Sally can’t speak Spanish, ____?

4. Dick never keeps his room tidy, ___?

5. He is planning a special training programme now, ____?

6. Mike will bring his hamster to our biology class tomorrow, _____?


Контрольная работа № 1  по теме «Школа» (“Schools and Schooling”)

Вариант 2

1.Listen and match the speakers (1-4) with what they say (a-e). There is one statement you don’t have to use.

a) The student says that his/her teacher changed his/her attitude to one of the school subjects.

b) The student says that his/her results were always worse than his/her knowledge.

c) The student says that his/her parents were surprised at his/her marks in sciences.

d) The student says that his/her father and mother liked their child’s results in school subjects.

e) The student says he/she was fond of his/her fellow students as well as the teachers.

2.Read the texts and match them with the titles. There is one title you don’t have to use.

a) Positive Changes       c) Not wanted                       e) Fashion and climate            

b) Useful advice            d) Angry and surprised

I soon understood that our classes with the new teacher were quite different from Mr. Florian’s lesson. Every day they were becoming more and more interesting. The lessons were very informal, we could ask any question and discussed lots of problems important for us. The new teacher gave us much more than textbook information.

One morning in our geography lesson we discussed the type of dress people wore in different climatic zones: Eskimos and Alaska and their dress of animal skins, people living in the south and their thin cotton or silk clothes. Larry said that many people in the tropics put very little on

When I began my teaching career, dad told me not to bring my pupils’ works home. “It shows your poor planning, son.” He said. “You’ll find soon that you’re busy every night. Teaching is like having a bank account. You should have new funds or you are in difficulties. Every teacher should have a fund of ready information and that means new ideas, new meeting, new discoveries, moving around among people.”

After lunch the class received the news about going to the Victoria and Albert Museum with enthusiasm. I told them we were going there the following Thursday together with their biology teacher. Some of the pupils wanted to know if Miss Jackson really had to come. I understood that this teacher wasn’t their favourite.

3.Write  the missing letters to complete the words.

1. ch_ _k                         4. fore_ _n

2. d_cti_n_ry                  5. sub_e_t

3.p_ysi_s                        6. b_ _sh


4. Use a/an, the  or zero article to complete the sentences.

1. There is ___ English textbook on the desk.2. There is__ piece of cake on the plate. 3.  __pupils of our class usually have five lessons a day.4.  It was __ new school, so it was modern. 5. How often do you go to ____ cinema? 6. It’s  8 o’clock, it’s time to go to ___ school.7. I would like to buy __ new pen.


5. Complete the disjunctive questions.

1. You don’t always come to school on time, ______?

2. Tom didn’t stay after classes yesterday, _____?

3. Ann can speak Spanish, ____?

4. Ben always keeps his room tidy, ___?

5. She is doing her room now, ____?

6. Mike will bring his hamster to our biology class tomorrow, _____?



Ответы и решения к контрольной работе № 1 ««Школа» (“Schools and Schooling”)

Вариант 1

1.1) d 2) e, 3) a, 4) b

2. 1) c, 2) e, 3) b, 4) a

3.  1) chalk, 2) history, 3) geography, 4) chemistry, 5) mathematics, 6) computer studies, 7)   literature.

4. 1) a, 2) a, 3) - , 4) a, 5) the, 6) - , 7) an

5. 1. don’t you , 2. didn’t he, 3. can she, 4. does he. 5. isn’t he, 6) won’t he

Вариант 2

1.1) d 2) e, 3) a, 4) b

2. 1) a, 2) e, 3) b, 4) c

3. 1) chalk, 2) dictionary, 3) physics, 4) foreign, 5) subject, 6) brush.

4. 1) an, 2) a, 3) the , 4) a, 5) the, 6) - , 7) a

5. 1. do you , 2. did he, 3. can’t she, 4. doesn’t he. 5. isn’t she, 6) won’t he




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Контрольная работа № 2 в 7 классе по теме «Язык мира» (“The Language of the World”)

Контрольная работа № 2 в 7 классе по теме «Язык мира» (“The Language of the World”)состоит из трёх разделов, два варианта:

1.аудирование (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.чтение (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.лексика и грамматика (содержит 3 задания, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

Итого: за все правильно выполненные задания – 27 баллов

25 – 27 баллов – «5»

16 – 25 баллов – «4»

8 – 15 баллов – «3»

1­­–7 баллов   –     «2»

0 баллов         –   «1»

Время выполнения контрольной работы – 45 минут

Используются КОМ из УМК по английскому языку для 7 класса “Rainbow English” авторы  О.В.Афанасьева, И.В Михеева, К.М. Баранова, М.: Дрофа,2019


Контрольная работа № 2  по теме «Язык мира» (“The Language of the World”)

Вариант 1

1.Listen and decide which of the problems (1-5) Linda Morrison, a linguist doesn’t speak about.

a) It’s natural for people to have “lingua franca”.

b) Some European languages were a kind of “lingua franca” at different times.

c) People use English nowadays in different areas of life.

d) If your native language is dying out, you must try and keep it alive.

e) Some people dislike the fact, that English is becoming a global language.


2.Read the text and decide which statements are true, false or not stated.

My name is Kate and this summer, in August I was at the international camp in Germany, were I studied German. We lived in a small town of Stein, which is situated in Bavaria. We lived in single or double rooms in the building of the castle. Most of the day we spend outside, were the weather was always warm and sunny.On the second day the lessons started. My teachers name was Norbert, he lived in Bonn. The lessons were never boring – even when we studied grammar. Norbert always knew how to turn the rule into a game. Because there were people from many countries in my group. I was unable to speak Russian, and that helped my German greatly. After school twice a week we had a special project lesson (for example: I helped to write a newspaper). The rest of the time we did fun activities. We did basketball, football, tennis, karate, learned how to do ballet dancing, swam in the swimming pool, sunbathed, went to discos. We also visited the Alps and took in the fresh air. What I liked most about this trip were the cows, which I’ve never seen so close before.

1. Kate was at the sports camp in Germany.

2. She studied German.

3. There were a lot of children from Russia in the camp.

4. Their teacher was from Bavaria.

5. After lessons they didn’t have a lot of activities

3.Write American English words for these British nouns.

1. holidays                      4. trousers

2. sweets                         5. petrol

3. lift                               6. lorry


4. Use the derivatives from the words to complete the sentences.

1. The new show was very (colour) ___ and impressive. 2. The sun was shining (bright) __ in the sky. 3. Robert was I nice (friend)____ boy.4.  Mr.Pullin saw rows of serious (smile) ___ faces in front of him. 5. You should be more attentive when you write (dictate)_____s.


5. Use Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. Captain Drake (be) _______ to many countries of the world.

2. Doris and Helen (follow) _______ the group.

3. His parents (not speak) _______ the teachers yet. 

4. Mike (hear) _______ a strange sound.

5. I (never swim) _______ in the ocean.

6. Mary (finish) her homework.



Контрольная работа № 2  по теме «Язык мира» (“The Language of the World”)

Вариант 2

1.Listen and decide which of the problems (1-5) Linda Morrison, a linguist doesn’t speak about.

a) It’s natural for people to have “lingua franca”.

b) Some European languages were a kind of “lingua franca” at different times.

c) People use English nowadays in different areas of life.

d) If your native language is dying out, you must try and keep it alive.

e) Some people dislike the fact, that English is becoming a global language.


2.Read the text and decide which statements are true, false or not stated.

My name is Kate and this summer, in August I was at the international camp in Germany, were I studied German. We lived in a small town of Stein, which is situated in Bavaria. We lived in single or double rooms in the building of the castle. Most of the day we spend outside, were the weather was always warm and sunny.

On the second day the lessons started. My teachers name was Norbert, he lived in Bonn. The lessons were never boring – even when we studied grammar. Norbert always knew how to turn the rule into a game. Because there were people from many countries in my group. I was unable to speak Russian, and that helped my German greatly. After school twice a week we had a special project lesson (for example: I helped to write a newspaper). The rest of the time we did fun activities. We did basketball, football, tennis, karate, learned how to do ballet dancing, swam in the swimming pool, sunbathed, went to discos. We also visited the Alps and took in the fresh air. What I liked most about this trip were the cows, which I’ve never seen so close before.

1. Kate was at the language camp in Germany.

2. She studied English and German.

3. There were a lot of children from different countries in the camp.

4. Their teacher’s lessons were interesting and funny was funny..

5. After lessons they have a lot of entertainment.

3. Write American English words for these British nowns.

1. chemist’s                        4. biscuit

2. autumn                           5. jumper

3. pavement                       6. cinema


4. Use the derivatives from the words to complete the sentences.

1. Susah wants to become a (paint) _____ , she regularly goes to an art school. 2. The sun was shining in the (cloud) _____ sky. 3. Sometimes the same words have not the same (mean) _____s. 4. The professor had a mixed (feel) ___ of joy and sadness. 5. She has a rich (collect) _____ of old books at home.


5. Use Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. Bob (write) _______ an interesting essay.

2. The boys (play) _______ football.

3. The students (pronounce) _______ the new words after the teacher.

4. The sportsmen (run) _______ 10 kilometers.

5. The meeting (just begin) _______ really late.

6. I (borrow) the book from the library.



Ответы и решения к контрольной работе № 2 «Язык мира» (“The Language of the World”)

Вариант 1

1.1) + 2) +, 3) +, 4) -, 5) +

2. 1) F, 2) T, 3) NS, 4) F, 5) F

3.  1) vacation, 2) candy, 3) elevator, 4) pants, 5) gasoline, 6) truck

4. 1) coloutful, 2) brightly, 3) friendly , 4) unsmiling, 5) dictation,

5. 1.has been, 2. have borrowed, 3. have not spoken, 4. has heard, 5. have never swum, 6) has finished

Вариант 2

1.1) + 2) +, 3) +, 4) -, 5) +

2. 1) T, 2) NS, 3) T, 4) T, 5) T

3.  1) drug store, 2) fall, 3) sidewalk, 4) cookie, 5) sweater, 6) movie house

4. 1) painter, 2) cloudless, 3) meaning, 4) feeling, 5) collection

5. 1.has written, 2. have played, 3. have pronounced, 4. have run, 5. has just begun, 6) have borrowed



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Контрольная работа № 3  по теме «Англоговорящий мир» (“Some Facts About the English-Speaking World”)

Контрольная работа № 3 в 7 классе по теме «Англоговорящий мир» (“Some Facts About the English-Speaking World”) состоит из трёх разделов, два варианта:

1.аудирование (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.чтение (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.лексика и грамматика (содержит 3 задания, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

Итого: за все правильно выполненные задания – 29 баллов

26 – 29 баллов – «5»

17 – 25 баллов – «4»

9 – 16  баллов – «3»

 1­­–8 баллов   –     «2»

0 баллов         –   «1»

Время выполнения контрольной работы – 45 минут

Используются КОМ из УМК по английскому языку для 7 класса “Rainbow English” авторы  О.В.Афанасьева, И.В Михеева, К.М. Баранова, М.: Дрофа,2019


Контрольная работа № 3  по теме «Англоговорящий мир» (“Some Facts About the English-Speaking World”)

Вариант 1

1.Listen to the text about New Zealand and match its five paragraphs with their titles(a-f).There is one title you don’t have to use.

a) New Zealand nowadays.

b) Some Pages of the country’s history.

c) Different from All Other places of the World.

d) The Land of the Maori.

e) Geographical Position of the Country.

f) Climate of the Country.


2.Read the text and decide which statements are true, false or not stated.

Jackson Hole is a beautiful valley situated in the state of Wyoming, USA. The place got its name from David Jackson, a traveler and a hunter, who once lived there. His friends called it Jackson Hole because it really looked like a hole in the middle of the mountains. Jackson Hole is a popular holiday place. In summer months, people go there to walk in the mountains, ride horses. Go fishing and boating on the rivers and lakes. Many visitors cross the valley in boats on the Snake River. It turns from side to side, like a snake. The water in the river moves very fast and you have to be brave to travel on it. Jackson Hole still keeps its Old West traditions. There are shops with cowboy hats and boots and cafes which look like saloons of the American West. Holidaymakers can ride horses or go to a rodeo to see traditional competitions. The rodeo usually begins with a parade of cowboy and horses. Then comes the competition. Riders try to stay on a wild animal for eight seconds. They also ride wild horses and large bulls. The animals try to throw cowboys to the ground. The riders try not to fall off. Another thing that cowboys do is throwing a rope around a young cow’s legs. The cowboy who does this in the shortest time wins. People come to Jackson Hole from all over the world to enjoy the best of cowboy and mountain culture.

1. It was David Jackson who gave the valley its name.

2. There are a lot of things people can enjoy doing in Jackson Hole.

3. The Snake River is the longest in Wyoming.

4. It is easy to sail along the Snake River.

5. Horses help people to win in a rodeo.

6. Visitors from abroad come to Jackson Hole for holidays.


3.Write the missing letters to complete the words.

1. d_str_y                          4. val_ _y

2. s_rpri_e                         5. ch_ _n

3. stre_ch                           6. c_ _st


4. Use the definite articles with geographical names where necessary.


1. Australia                                 4. Atlantic Ocean

2. Grand Canyon                        5. Lake Badwater

3. Colorado River                       6. Alaska



5. Use the derivatives from the words to complete the sentences


1. Doing sport gives you a (shape) _____ body.

2. That day Ann looked (love) ____ in her light blue dress.

3. Have you ever tried real (China) _____ tea.

4. The place where we arrived was (incredible) _____ beautiful.

5. This mighty river flows (slow) _____ through the plain.

6. To fight with girls is not (man) ______.



Контрольная работа № 3  по теме «Англоговорящий мир» (“Some Facts About the English-Speaking World”)

Вариант 2

1.Listen to the text about New Zealand and match its five paragraphs with their titles(a-f).There is one title you don’t have to use.

a) New Zealand nowadays.

b) Some Pages of the country’s history.

c) Different from All Other places of the World.

d) The Land of the Maori.

e) Geographical Position of the Country.

f) Climate of the Country.


2.Read the text and decide which statements are true, false or not stated.

Jackson Hole is a beautiful valley situated in the state of Wyoming, USA. The place got its name from David Jackson, a traveller and a hunter, who once lived there. His friends called it Jackson Hole because it really looked like a hole in the middle of the mountains. Jackson Hole is a popular holiday place. In summer months, people go there to walk in the mountains, ride horses. Go fishing and boating on the rivers and lakes. Many visitors cross the valley in boats on the Snake River. It turns from side to side, like a snake. The water in the river moves very fast and you have to be brave to travel on it. Jackson Hole still keeps its Old West traditions. There are shops with cowboy hats and boots and cafes which look like saloons of the American West. Holidaymakers can ride horses or go to a rodeo to see traditional competitions. The rodeo usually begins with a parade of cowboy and horses. Then comes the competition. Riders try to stay on a wild animal for eight seconds. They also ride wild horses and large bulls. The animals try to throw cowboys to the ground. The riders try not to fall off. Another thing that cowboys do is throwing a rope around a young cow’s legs. The cowboy who does this in the shortest time wins. People come to Jackson Hole from all over the world to enjoy the best of cowboy and mountain culture.

1. The valley got its name after David Jackson, a man who lived there.

2. There are very few things people can enjoy doing in Jackson Hole.

3. The Snake River is the longest in Wyoming.

4. The water of the river is very clean.

5. Visitors couldn’t ride horses in Jackson Hole.

6. Not all people like a rodeo.


3.Write the missing letters to complete the words.

1. j_u_n_y                          4. l_ _ f

2. d_s_ _se                         5. br_nch

3. l_ _gh_er                        6. su_ _en


4. Use the definite articles with geographical names where necessary.

1. USA                               4. Sahara Desert

2. Potomac River               5. Death Valley

3. Hawaii                            6. Rockies



5. Use the derivatives from the words to complete the sentences.

1. (Japan) ______ paintings look very different from Russian.

2.  You can find your (happy) _______ here.

3. Let’s have a look at some (history) ______ events.

4. Are people always (logic) _____?

5. This is the question of great (important) ______.

6. Her face was sad, she looked very (happy) ______ .


Ответы и решения к контрольной работе № 3 «Англоговорящий мир» (“Some Facts About the English-Speaking World”)

Вариант 1

1.1) c 2) e, 3) b, 4) f, 5) a

2. 1) F, 2) T, 3) NS, 4) F, 5) F, 6) T

3.  1) destroy, 2) surprise, 3) stretch, 4) valley, 5) chain, 6) coast

4. 1) - , 2) the, 3) the , 4) the, 5) - ,  6) - .

5. 1.shapely, 2. lovely, 3. Chinese , 4. incredibly, 5. slowly, 6) manly

Вариант 2

1.1) c 2) e, 3) b, 4) f, 5) a

2. 1) T, 2) F, 3) NS, 4) NS, 5) F, 6) NS

3.  1) journey, 2) disease, 3) laughter, 4)  leaf, 5) brunch, 6) sudden

4.1)  the, 2) the, 3) - , 4) the, 5) - , 6) the.

5. 1. Japanese, 2. happiness, 3.historical, 4. logical, 5. importance, 6)unhappy




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Контрольная работа № 4  по теме «Живой мир вокруг нас» (“Living Things Around Us”)

Контрольная работа № 4 в 7 классе по теме «Живой мир вокруг нас» (“Living Things Around Us”) состоит из трёх разделов, два варианта:

1.аудирование (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.чтение (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.лексика и грамматика (содержит 3 задания, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

Итого: за все правильно выполненные задания – 29 баллов

26 – 29 баллов – «5»

17 – 25 баллов – «4»

9 – 16  баллов – «3»

1­­–8 баллов   –     «2»

0 баллов         –   «1»

Время выполнения контрольной работы – 45 минут

Используются КОМ из УМК по английскому языку для 7 класса “Rainbow English” авторы  О.В.Афанасьева, И.В Михеева, К.М. Баранова, М.: Дрофа,2019


Контрольная работа № 4  по теме «Живой мир вокруг нас» (“Living Things Around Us”)

Вариант 1

1.Listen to the text about New Zealand and decide which of the facts are true(T), false(F) or not stated(NS)

a) The kauri is the main material to build houses in New Zealand.

b) Kauri trees grow in North Island..

c) There are a lot of wooden houses in Wellington.

d) All kauri trees have names.

e) The kakapo parrot lives only in New Zealand.

f) The kakapo parrot weighs more than any other bird in New Zealand.


2.Read the texts (1-6) and match them with the titles (a-f). There is one title you don’t have to use.

a) People’s Relatives               c) Important part of the Body            e) The Best-known Species

b) They are fairly different      d) Origin of the Name                       f) Their habits

                                                 g)Where they live

1. The word lemur comes from the Latin word meaning a “ghost”. Perhaps this is because they move about silently at night and have large mysterious eyes.

2. Lemurs have lived on our planet for a very long time, but you can find them only in two places of the island Madagascar and nearby Comori Islands.

3. Some people think that lemurs belong to the family of squirrels or cats. But the truth is, they are more close to us, humans. They are primates.

4. Lemurs have big bushy tails that wave in the air as a form of communication. These big tails also help them balance when they jump from tree to tree. But lemurs don’t hang from trees by their tails, as some monkeys do. Some species of lemur have longer tails than their bodies.

5. There are many kinds of lemurs. They come in different colours and sizes. The smallest species weighs only 30 grams. The largest species weighs 10 kilograms. In the past there were also very large lemurs which weighed 240 kilograms, but they all have died out.

6. Lemurs live and move about in groups. They like to sleep during the day and are active during the night. They eat nuts, fruits and berries. Sometimes they also eat insects.


3. Choose the appropriate words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. Some more people are coming. I think we need (another/other) chair.2. I can see only three photos. Where are (others/the others)? 3. We decided (to fly/flow) to Paris, though the weather is not good. 4. This is my native (ground/land) and I love it. 5. The (land/Earth) goes around the Sun. 6. Don’t believe her. She has made the whole story (off/up).

4. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. My sister (buy) a very fashionable blouse. I like them. 2. My friends (spend) the day before yesterday together.3. I can’t believe you (win) the game. 4. They (build) a new garage last summer. 5. He (find) the book I am reading.6. I (think) about you just now.

5. Write what the meanings of these words are.

1. imaginable

2. washable

3. comparable

4. advisable

5. suitable



Контрольная работа № 4  по теме «Живой мир вокруг нас» (“Living Things Around Us”)

Вариант 2

1.Listen to the text about New Zealand and decide which of the facts are true(T), false(F) or not stated(NS)

a) The kauri is the main material to build houses in New Zealand.

b) Kauri trees grow in North Island..

c) There are a lot of wooden houses in Wellington.

d) All kauri trees have names.

e) The kakapo parrot lives only in New Zealand.

f) The kakapo parrot weighs more than any other bird in New Zealand.


2.Read the texts (1-6) and match them with the titles (a-f). There is one title you don’t have to use.

a)  The Best-known Species            c) Important part of the Body            e) People’s Relatives

b) Where they live                           d) Their habits                                   f) Origin of the Name                      

                                                        g) They are fairly different   

1. The word lemur comes from the Latin word meaning a “ghost”. Perhaps this is because they move about silently at night and have large mysterious eyes.

2. Lemurs have lived on our planet for a very long time, but you can find them only in two places of the island Madagascar and nearby Comori Islands.

3. Some people think that lemurs belong to the family of squirrels or cats. But the truth is, they are more close to us, humans. They are primates.

4. Lemurs have big bushy tails that wave in the air as a form of communication. These big tails also help them balance when they jump from tree to tree. But lemurs don’t hang from trees by their tails, as some monkeys do. Some species of lemur have longer tails than their bodies.

5. There are many kinds of lemurs. They come in different colours and sizes. The smallest species weighs only 30 grams. The largest species weighs 10 kilograms. In the past there were also very large lemurs which weighed 240 kilograms, but they all have died out.

6. Lemurs live and move about in groups. They like to sleep during the day and are active during the night. They eat nuts, fruits and berries. Sometimes they also eat insects.


3. Choose the appropriate words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. Can I have (another/other) piece of cake, please. 2. The leaves were falling down to the (ground/soil).3. One of my shoes is here, but where is (other/ the other)? 4. The (soil/ground) near the coast is stony, not sandy. 5. They made (off/out) with our television and stereo.6. We wanted (to fly/flow) to Paris as the weather was good.

4. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. I ((break) my glasses the other day.2. What you (say) a minute ago? 3. Jake (teach) me a lot of things lately.4. I never (say)such things. 5. I don\t think you ever (meet) Mr. Jones. 6. Look! What unusual flowers we (grow).

5. Write what the meanings of these words are.

1. pleasurable

2. honorable

3. valuable

4. memorable

5. reasonable


Ответы и решения к контрольной работе № 3«Живой мир вокруг нас» (“Living Things Around Us”)

Вариант 1

1. 1) F, 2) T, 3) NS, 4) NS, 5) T, 6) NS

2. 1) d 2) g, 3) a, 4) c, 5) b, 6) f 

3.  1) another, 2) the others, 3) fly, 4) land, 5) Earth, 6) up

4. 1) has bought, 2) spent, 3) have won, 4) built, 5) has found ,  6) taught .

5. 1.вообразимый, 2. моющийся, 3. сравнимый, 4. целесообразный, 5. подходящий

Вариант 2

1. 1) F, 2) T, 3) NS, 4) NS, 5) T, 6) NS

2. 1) f 2) b, 3) e, 4) c, 5) g, 6) d

3.  1) another, 2) ground, 3) the other, 4) soil, 5) off, 6) fly

4. 1) broke, 2) did you say, 3) has taught, 4) have never said, 5) have ever met, 6) have grown .

5. 1.приятный, 2. достойный, почётный, 3. ценный, 4. запоминающийся, 5. благоразумный











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Контрольная работа № 5  по теме «Основы экологии» (“The ABC of Ecology”)

Контрольная работа № 5 в 7 классе по теме «Основы экологии» (“The ABC of Ecology”)

 состоит из трёх разделов, два варианта:

1.аудирование (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.чтение (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.лексика и грамматика (содержит 3 задания, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

Итого: за все правильно выполненные задания – 29 баллов

26 – 29 баллов – «5»

17 – 25 баллов – «4»

9 – 16  баллов – «3»

1­­–8 баллов   –     «2»

0 баллов         –   «1»

Время выполнения контрольной работы – 45 минут

Используются КОМ из УМК по английскому языку для 7 класса “Rainbow English” авторы  О.В.Афанасьева, И.В Михеева, К.М. Баранова, М.: Дрофа,2019


Контрольная работа № 5  по теме «Основы экологии» (“The ABC of Ecology”)

Вариант 1

1.Listen to the text about and decide which of the facts are true(T), false(F) or not stated(NS)

a)  Ecological problems have become some of the most important now.

b) People all over the world are trying to solve this problem.

c) During the last two centuries the problem of pollution has become worse.

d) People are trying to keep their environment clean and beautiful.

e) Only big radical steps can help to protect our environment.

f) The text gives the examples of only those rules that help to stop pollution.

2. Read the text and decide which of the following is not mentioned in it.

Our planet is 4,600 million years old. Let’s think of it as a person who is forty-six years old. We don’t know anything about the first seven years of this person’s life. We also have very little information about the next thirty-five years. It was only at the age of forty-two that plants began to appear. Dinosaurs and great reptiles did not appear until one year ago, when the planet was forty-five. Mammals only arrived eight months ago. In the middle of last week apes became ape-like men and began to communicate with each other. Last weekend, the Ice Age covered the Earth.

Modern man has only lived on this planet for about four hours. During the last hour man began to work on land- grow plants and keep domestic animals. The Industrial Revolution and the rise of large cities began just sixty seconds ago.

During those sixty seconds of biological time, modern man has turned a lot of land into a rubbish dump. In one minute he has killed hundreds of species of animals. He has damaged the soil of his planet, cut down its forests. Now modern man stands looking at the damage he has done to the planet like a child looking at the toys he has broken. What step will he make next?

1.     The age of planet Earth.

2.     The period of time when there was no life on the Earth.

3.     The period when life began to develop.

4.     The activity of man on the Earth.

5.     The positive results of people’s activity.

6.     The negative results of people’s activity.


3. Match the words with their descriptions.

1. extinct                        a) stay alive not to die

2. habitat                        b)useless material

3.  waste                         c)no longer living

4.  pollute                       d)the natural home of animal or plant

5. survive                        e) make dirty


4. Complete the sentences with the appropriative reflexive pronouns.

1. There are many tasty things n the table. Help ____. Children should know how to behave ____ in public. 3. Did you and your friends enjoy ___ at the picnic yesterday? 4. My little brother likes to hide ______ somewhere in the house. 5. Don’t ask me, I have no idea about it _____. 6. The girls bought ____ beautiful scarves and were happy.

5. Use the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive.

1. They (be) friends for many years and are vey devoted to each other. 2. We (not play) this game for a long time. I don’t remember the rules of the game. 3. What are you laughing at? What I (say)? 4. Jane looks tired, I think she (work) in the garden.5.This author (write) children’s books for many years, a lot of people know and read them. 6. What (influence) your decision to become an engineer?


Контрольная работа № 5  по теме «Основы экологии» (“The ABC of Ecology”)

Вариант 2

1.Listen to the text about and decide which of the facts are true(T), false(F) or not stated(NS)

a)  Ecological problems have become some of the most important now.

b) People all over the world are trying to solve this problem.

c) During the last two centuries the problem of pollution has become worse.

d) People are trying to keep their environment clean and beautiful.

e) Only big radical steps can help to protect our environment.

f) The text gives the examples of only those rules that help to stop pollution.


2. Read the text and decide which of the following is not mentioned in it.

Our planet is 4,600 million years old. Let’s think of it as a person who is forty-six years old. We don’t know anything about the first seven years of this person’s life. We also have very little information about the next thirty-five years. It was only at the age of forty-two that plants began to appear. Dinosaurs and great reptiles did not appear until one year ago, when the planet was forty-five. Mammals only arrived eight months ago. In the middle of last week apes became ape-like men and began to communicate with each other. Last weekend, the Ice Age covered the Earth.

Modern man has only lived on this planet for about four hours. During the last hour man began to work on land- grow plants and keep domestic animals. The Industrial Revolution and the rise of large cities began just sixty seconds ago.

During those sixty seconds of biological time, modern man has turned a lot of land into a rubbish dump. In one minute he has killed hundreds of species of animals. He has damaged the soil of his planet, cut down its forests. Now modern man stands looking at the damage he has done to the planet like a child looking at the toys he has broken. What step will he make next?

1.     The age of planet Earth.

2.     The period of time when there was no life on the Earth.

3.     The period when life began to develop.

4.     The activity of man on the Earth.

5.     The negative results of people’s activity.

6.     The positive results of people’s activity.


3. Match the words with their descriptions.

1. dump                      a) put in danger

2. endanger                 b)defend from danger

3. environment             c)the physical world around us

4. protect                      d)the conditions in which a person or animal live

5. nature                       e) throw away rubbish


4. Complete the sentences with the appropriative reflexive pronouns where necessary.

1. How is your head? How are you feeling ___ now? 2. You’ll get a nice present if you behave ______. 3. Dress _____ quickly, we must leave the house in ten minutes not to be late. 4. It was very pleasant to bathe ____ in the river on a hot summer day. 5. My brother made the model of the ship _____, with his own hands.6. Your children shouldn’t live _____, somebody must look after them.

5. Use the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive where necessary.

1. Scientists at home and abroad (study) the problems of ecology for many years now. 2. The family (live) at the seaside since after war. 3. I (know) Peter since we went to school together. 4. A number of old trees are lying on the ground. It’s clear that a very strong wind (blow). 5. The young people (not meet) for two years and are happy to see each other. 6. She’d like to travel about Russia. She(have) this idea since she first saw the Baikal.

Ответы и решения к контрольной работе № 5«Основы экологии» (“The ABC of Ecology”)

Вариант 1

1. 1) T, 2) T, 3) NS, 4) NS, 5) F, 6) F

2. 1) + 2) +, 3) +, 4) +, 5) - , 6) + 

3.  1) c, 2) d, 3) b, 4) e, 5) a

4. 1) yourself, 2) - , 3) yourselves, 4) - , 5) myself, 6) themselves.

5. 1. have been, 2. have not played, 3. have I said, 4. has been working, 5. has been writing, 6) has influenced

Вариант 2

1. 1) T, 2) T, 3) NS, 4) NS, 5) F, 6) F

2. 1) + 2) +, 3) +, 4) +, 5) + , 6) -

3.  1) e, 2) a, 3) d, 4) b, 5) c

4. ) - , 2) yourself-yourselves, 3) - , 4) - , 5) himself, 6) themselves.

5. 1. have been studying, 2. has lived, 3. have known, 4. has been blowing, 5. haven’t met, 6) has had


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Контрольная работа № 6  по теме «Здоровый образ жизни» (“Living Healthy”)

Контрольная работа № 6 в 7 классе по теме «Здоровый образ жизни» (“Living Healthy”)  состоит из трёх разделов, два варианта:

1.аудирование (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.чтение (содержит 1 задание, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

2.лексика и грамматика (содержит 3 задания, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл).

Итого: за все правильно выполненные задания – 29 баллов

26 – 29 баллов – «5»

17 – 25 баллов – «4»

9 – 16  баллов – «3»

1­­–8 баллов   –     «2»

0 баллов         –   «1»

Время выполнения контрольной работы – 45 минут

Используются КОМ из УМК по английскому языку для 7 класса “Rainbow English” авторы  О.В.Афанасьева, И.В Михеева, К.М. Баранова, М.: Дрофа,2019


Контрольная работа № 6  по теме «Здоровый образ жизни» (“Living Healthy”)

Вариант 1

1. Listen to the text and chose the right item to complete the sentences.

1. The British _____.

  a)  are a nation with a sweet tooth.

  b)  were fond of chocolate already in the 15th century.

  c)  built factories to make chocolate in Australia.

2. Chocolate came to Britain from_________.

  a) Italy

  b) Central America

  c)  Australia

3. Drinking chocolate appeared in Birmingham in _______.

a)  1831

b) 1878

c) 1881

 4. People in Britain eat more chocolate ______.

  a) at Christmas than at Easter

  b) at Easter than at Christmas

  c) at Christmas and Easter than at any other time.

2. Read the text and complete the sentences after it.

Many years ago sellers packed fish and chips in newspaper to keep the m warm. This does not happen any more for health reasons, but fish and chips is still Britain’s most favourite fast food. Fish and chips appeared in the streets of London and other cities in the 1850s, and the first shops to sell them – in the 1860s. Te most popular kind of fish is cod but other kinds of white fish are also possible. Fish and chips is very popular with holidaymakers at the seaside, even if the weather is so cold that they have to eat them sitting in the cars! A favourite snack (quick food between meals) in Britain is the Baked potato, or “potato in its jacket”, which is a potato cooked with the skin left on it. “Potatoes in the jackets” have butter, cheese or beans on top. Sandwiches (either bought or home-made) make a quick lunch and are also very popular. It is easy to make them to school or work. The word “sandwich” comes from a man John Montagu. He was the fourth Earl of Sandwich and lived in the eighteenth century in the English town of Sandwich. He liked to play games at the table for a long time without stopping for a meal. So his cook put some beef between two pieces of bread- and made the first sandwich.

1.     The British do not sell fish and chips in newspaper anymore because______.

a)     It can’t keep them warm for long

b)    It is not a fashionable kind of wrapper

c)     It can be dangerous for people

2.     Fish and Chips appeared first _______.

a)     In  London and then in other cities of Britain

b)    In some cities of Britain and then in its capital

c)     In British cities in the middle of 19th century

3.     Fish and chips is _____.

a)     As popular with the British as “potato in its jacket”

b)    More popular with the British than “potato in its jacket”

c)     Less popular with the British than “potato in its jacket”

4.     ______invented sandwiches in the 18th century

a)     John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich

b)    John Montagu’s cook

c)     The people of the English town of Sandwich.


 3. Write the missing letters to complete the words.

1. _ _e                                    5. a_ _ le

2. pr_ _ _ribe                         6.st_ma_ _

3. sn_ _ze                              7._ _roat

4.  br_ _n                               8. f_ _ge_


 4. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words in brackets.

1. The (long) of the football field is 110 metres. 2. The atmosphere was (real) nice. 3. We could see (smile) faces everywhere. 4. Doctors have little (inform) about this disease. 5. The air in the room was (smoke), not fresh at all.  6. Every (healthy) person needs to do morning exercises (regular).

5. Use a/an or zero article to complete the sentences.

1. What ___ good patient! 2. What ____ warm clothes! 3. What _____ obese girl! 4. What _____ wonderful medicine! 5. What ___ deep knowledge! 6. What ____ exotic species of flowers! 


Контрольная работа № 6  по теме «Здоровый образ жизни» (“Living Healthy”)

Вариант 2

1. Listen to the text and chose the right item to complete the sentences.

1. The British _____.

  a)  are a nation with a sweet tooth.

  b)  were fond of chocolate already in the 15th century.

  c)  built factories to make chocolate in Australia.

2. Chocolate came to Britain from_________.

  a) Italy

  b) Central America

  c)  Australia

3. Drinking chocolate appeared in Birmingham in _______.

a)  1831

b) 1878

c) 1881


 4. People in Britain eat more chocolate ______.

  a) at Christmas than at Easter

  b) at Easter than at Christmas

  c) at Christmas and Easter than at any other time.

2. Read the text and complete the sentences after it.

Many years ago sellers packed fish and chips in newspaper to keep the m warm. This does not happen any more for health reasons, but fish and chips is still Britain’s most favourite fast food. Fish and chips appeared in the streets of London and other cities in the 1850s, and the first shops to sell them – in the 1860s. Te most popular kind of fish is cod but other kinds of white fish are also possible. Fish and chips is very popular with holidaymakers at the seaside, even if the weather is so cold that they have to eat them sitting in the cars! A favourite snack (quick food between meals) in Britain is the Baked potato, or “potato in its jacket”, which is a potato cooked with the skin left on it. “Potatoes in the jackets” have butter, cheese or beans on top. Sandwiches (either bought or home-made) make a quick lunch and are also very popular. It is easy to make them to school or work. The word “sandwich” comes from a man John Montagu. He was the fourth Earl of Sandwich and lived in the eighteenth century in the English town of Sandwich. He liked to play games at the table for a long time without stopping for a meal. So his cook put some beef between two pieces of bread- and made the first sandwich.

1.The British do not sell fish and chips in newspaper anymore because______.

   a) It can be dangerous for people

   b) It is not a fashionable kind of wrapper

   c) It can’t keep them warm for long

2.Fish and chips appeared first _______.

   a) In  London and then in other cities of Britain

   b) In some cities of Britain and then in its capital

   c) In British cities in the middle of 19th century

3.Fish and chips is _____.

   a) As popular with the British as “potato in its jacket”

   b) Less popular with the British than “potato in its jacket”

   c) More popular with the British than “potato in its jacket”

4.______invented sandwiches in the 18th century

a) John Montagu’s cook

      b) John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich

c) The people of the English town of Sandwich.

3. Write the missing letters to complete the words.

1. h_rm                                  5. w_ _st

2.en_ _gh                              6. sh_ _ _der

3.h_ _l_ _y                            7.h_ _rt

4.  br_ _n                               8. kn_ _


4. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words in brackets.

1. Sid never does anything the way he should do. What a (brain) creature he is. People should get rid of their (harm) habits. 3. The (operate) was not easy but now the patient is recovering. 4. It is (danger) to eat so much sugar. 5. John is a student of a (medicine) college. 6. Lucy’s (ill) is not very serious but it is very (pleasant).

5. Use a/an or zero article to complete the sentences.

1. What ____ slim woman! 2. What _____ good weather! 3. What ___ practical advice! 4. What ____ awful idea! 5. What ____ heavy weight! 6. What___ nice children! 



Ответы и решения к контрольной работе № 6 «Здоровый образ жизни» (“Living Healthy”)

Вариант 1

1.1) a 2) b, 3) a, 4) c

2. 1) c, 2) c, 3) b, 4) b

3.  1) toe, 2) prescribe, 3) sneeze, 4) brain, 5) ankle, 6) stomach, 7) throat. 8) finger

4. 1) length, 2) really, 3) smiling, 4) information, 5) smoky, 6) healthy, regularly

5. 1. a, 2. - , 3. an, 4. a 5. - , 6) -

Вариант 2

1.1) a 2) b, 3) a, 4) c

2. 1) a, 2) c, 3) c, 4) a

3.  1) harm, 2) enough, 3) healthy, 4) brain, 5) waist, 6) shoulder, 7) heart, 8) knee

4. 1) brainless, 2) harmful, 3) operation, 4) dangerous, 5) medical, 6) illness, unpleasant

5. 1. a, 2. - , 3,  - , 4. an, 5. a, 6) -


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Курс профессиональной переподготовки



500/1000 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 1559 человек из 85 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 4 483 человека

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 233 человека из 53 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 460 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Английский язык для IT-специалистов

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1580 руб. от 940 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 136 человек из 45 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 82 человека


Преодоление расстройств: путь к психическому здоровью"

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Политология: теория, практика, законодательство

10 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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Эффективная самоорганизация и планирование

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 117 человек из 40 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 48 человек