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Leisure and weekends "Урок"

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Name:Baizhanova  Marzhan

Date: 8.12.-14.12.14

Subject:  Professional English

Theme:  Leisure and weekends.  Nouns. Plural form of nouns.

Grade: 11  

Time: 90 min

Main aim:  

-To classify plural form of nouns based on their singular  form ,memorize  some irregular words

Subsidiary aim:

-To develop students ‘logical and critical thinking

- To improve their pronunciation

- To enrich vocabulary and use the new words in their speech without  a doubt

Teaching aids, materials, equipment: Blockbuster, Internet   Headway texts, blackboard, interactive board, pictures, video material

Stages of the lesson:

Stage 1

Organization moment: 5 minute.

Go rock climbing/for a
Walk/ out for dinner/for a ride/clubbing/skiing/dancing/skateboarding/shopping/stamp collecting/windsurfing/playing music/ bungee jumping/horseback riding/doing archery/serve the NET/chatting on the phone/going to the movies/hanging out with friends


New words






















In pairs, use the language box and the ideas in the mind map to talk about your interests

Stage 2

Expressions of likes and dislikes


° How do you like...?                °     Do you like…?

° What’s your favourite…?       °    Do you enjoy…?


° I adore/I’m keen on…                    ° I don’t like …/ I dislike it …                            

° I just love it                                    °I can’t stand it

° I’m crazy about/fond of…             °I don’t really like it

° I enjoy                                            ° I hate…

° I quite like…(but  I prefer…)

°  I don’t mind…(but  I prefer…)


Use the expressions and make up a dialogue


  Stage 3

The Revision of Nouns. Plural form of nouns.


Table- tables                            bus-buses                dictionary- dictionaries           

Plate-plates                             dress- dresses          country-countries

Book-books                             dish-dishes              city- cities

Window-windows                   watch-watches




 Irregular  plural  forms











Nouns that denote an indivisible pair of things are used in the plural and with a plural verb. Such nouns are often used with the phrase ‘a pair of’

Jeans, trousers, pants, shorts, tights, scissors, tongs.



Stage 4

So, let’s do some exercises together(group work)


What is a correct plural of the word?


1. These (person) ___________ are protesting against the president. 

2. The (woman)_____________over there want to meet the manager. 

3. My (child)________________ hate eating pasta. 

4. I am ill. My (foot)  _________hurt.

5. Muslims kill (sheep) ________in a religious celebration.

6. I clean my (tooth) __________ three times a day. 

7. The (student )_____________  are doing the exercise right now. 

8. The (fish) ________________I bought is in the fridge. 

9. They are sending some (man)____to fix the roof. 

10. Most (housewife)_____________  work more than ten hours a day at home.



Feedback: Stage  5

Give a  quick answer

Овал:  HOUSEОвал:       LIFEОвал: FAMILYОвал:     BOYОвал:     CITY                                                                                                   


Овал: SANDWICHHОвал: PNONEОвал: NURSEОвал:    ELFОвал:   PNOTO                                                                                             



Овал:    TOYОвал: VILLAGEОвал: PHENOMENONN                                                                           

Овал: CRITERION                             

Lset’s check up your knowledge about nouns and do the test.

1.     Write the plurals

Bus……………     fox………      journey……….    Country……..

Match…………     book…….      table…………      foot………….

Person…………    knife…….      Mouse……….      Dictionary…..

Wife………….     tooth……        ox……………      deer…………



2.     Correct (v) or not (x)?

1.     He buys too much clothes…         

2.     He’s bought too new trousers…   

3.     The Peter’s house…

4.     The mother of James…

5.     That building is a boy’s school…

6.     She writes children’s books…                       



3.     Countable or uncountable? Put in a/an or some


1.     Can you give me …………………….advice?

2.     I found……………………………….money in the street this morning.

3.     I’ve got……………………… ………difficult job to do today.

4.     Ann gave me………………………… good news.

5.     I need a taxi, because I’ve got……….heavy luggage.

6.     Did you have…………………………good journey?



4.     Which nouns can be plural? Write the plural or x.


1.     Information………………………….

2.     Bread………………………………..

3.     Idea………………………………….

4.     Luck…………………………………

5.     Knowledge………………………….

6.     Journey………………………………

7.     Furniture…………………………….

8.     Government…………………………

9.     Class…………………………………

10. Traffic……………………………….

5.     Put in three different nouns.

1.     A pair of……………

2.     A pair of……………

3.     A pair of……………




6.     Correct (v) or not (x)?

1.      The team are playing well…

2.     The police don’t usually carry guns in Britain…

3.     How much are the blue ones?...

4.     I’d like a one with a radio…

5.     The house’s door…

6.     The teacher’s book…

7.     The telephone book…

8.     A journey of a day…

9.     Two shoes shops…

10. We’re going round to Jan and Peters place…

11. I like eating chocolate milk…

12. I’ve bought a new leather jacket…




Homework:  Write down an email to your pen- friend about your leisure activities, learn by heart expressions and give some definitions.












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