Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыLesson plan "An unforgettable destination"( 6 класс)

Lesson plan "An unforgettable destination"( 6 класс)

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                                                      Lesson plan 27


School: № 31

Date: 07/11/19

Teacher name: Grushko T.A.


Number present:



An unforgettable destination

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand a longer sequence of supported classroom instructions; independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; deduce meaning from context on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts; use independently familiar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning and extend understanding give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics; understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended

talk on a range general and curricular topics;

Lesson objectives






All learners will be able to:                                                                                        - Read for gist and specific information,                                                                                                     - to listen for specific information,                                                                                               - to talk about the weather/seasons, to complete a dialogue

Most learners will be able to:                                                                                    - Identify some specific information in listening text                                                         - use some target vocabulary                                                                                                - structure accurately in production tasks with support

Some learners will be able to:                                                                                          - Learn the present perfect and for/since                                                                                            - to compare the present perfect and the past simple

Assessment criteria


*can follow classroom instructions                                                                                *can comment at sentences level on curricular topics                                                   *can work with given texts with help 

Value links

Cooperation, personal state

Cross-curricular links:


ICT skills

Projector or Smart board to show a presentation, notebook

Previous learning

Students know vocabulary related to the topic

 Preset perfect/ for/since


Planned timings

Planned activities




0-5 min




5-30 min









































































 30-40 min











(T-S) (G) T greets learners and using method “find your place”, T gives papers with words (Charyn canyon, mountain, destination) to Ss.                        Ss look at the cards and are divided into three groups.

Activity1                                                                                                                                          Defining the topic and objectives of the lesson                                                              (S-T) (W) Ss watch a video about “Charyn canyon ”.

ü  To introduce the topic and stimulate interest in the text

Draw Ss’ attention to the title and the pictures and elicit a variety of questions about Sharyn Canyon from Ss around the class.

T asks some questions and Ss answer them. Teacher uses the strategy “no hand questions”

-          What this video is about?                                                                          What do you know about “Charyn canyon”?

-          What else would you like to learn about it?

            Have you been to Charyn Canyon?                                                                                  How do you think is this an unforgettable place or not?                                                                                                                                                                                           

 FA: Heads down, thumbs up

New Vocabulary material

(T-S)(G) T introduces new words and pronounces them. Ss repeat after T two times.

Teacher gives the list of definitions and students match these definitions with the new words.

Check these words: New words: located, flow, difficult, environment, surrounding, breathtaking, scenery, fascinated, ideal, destination, hare, lizard, shape, building, striped, cliff, sunset, shadow.

located - situated in a particular spot or position                                                             flow - To move as a fluid from one position to another.                              difficult-  hard, not easy, requiring much effort                                  environment-  the area in which something exists or lives                       surrounding -  which surrounds something                                          breathtaking – stunningly, beautiful, amazing                                            scenery - view, natural features, landscape.                                               fascinated – charmed                                                                                                        ideal - a perfect standard of beauty                                                        destination-  finish                                                                                                          hare - a rabbit                                                                                                             lizard - relatively long-bodied reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a tapering tail                                                                                                         shape – a form                                                                                           buildinga closed structure with walls and a roof.                                                                    striped -  marked or decorated with stripes                                                         cliff -   a steep high face of rock                                                                           sunset - the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizon                                                                                                                         shadow - an unilluminated area         

Activity2 (W)

ü  To read for specific information .Pb Ex 1 p 34

An unforgettable destination

It is not the biggest canyon in the world, but the Sharyn Canyon in Kazakhstan is an specticular example of natural beauty. The Sharyn river, which flows from the Tien Shan Mountains down through the steppe, formed the canyon that is located 200 kilometers from Almaty.

·         The 80 kilometre – long canyon, with its fresh water, trees and many hiding places in the rocks, is an oasis in the difficult environment of the surrounding steppe. The breathtaking scenery is amazing.

·         The Sharyn valley is also a geologist’s dream. Over thousands of years, the strong winds of the steppe have formed many interesting shapes in the rocks. One part of the canyon, the valley of the Castles, has rocks that look like buildings.

Visiting the Sharyn Canyon is unforgettable experiences that has something for everyone.     

 - Give Ss time to read the text again. Ask Ss to use the Word List to lookup the meanings of the words in the Check these words box, then give Ss some time to correct state statements. Pb Ex 2 p 34

 Task 2. Read the text again and correct the statements.

1.      Sharyn canyon is the biggest canyon in the world.

2.      It is located 200 kilometres from the Tien Shan Mountains

3.      Rare ash trees grow at the top of the valley

4.      Thousands of years of strong winds formed the colors on the rocks.

5.      The whole canyon has rocks that look like buildings.

  Check Ss' answers around the class.


ü  To check meanings of unknown words

Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words in bold in their dictionaries. Elicit definitions from Ss around the class. To consolidate comprehension of a text and express your opinion Ss discuss in pairs what they found interesting in the text and compare opinions.  Ask various pairs to report back to the class.

To listen for specific information (multiple choice)

Explain the task and play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task.

Check Ss’ answers.

Assessment criteria


can work individually with text

ask each other questions

conducts group discussion

A learner:

-works in the group

-reads the text carefully

-discusses in the group

Ss of other groups assess them by ‘Traffic light’

Ss hang stickers with green color for great job, yellow color for good job, red color for done job with poor presentation.

Task 3. Choose the correct item, then choose true or false!

•	The Sharyn is a canyon that/were is 80 kilometers from Almaty.
•	The river who/which formed the canyon is called the Shan river.
•	 Geologists who/which go there are sure which/that they will find interesting rocks shapes. 
•	Visitors go there because they know which/that they will have an unforgettable experience. 






To complete a dialogue and consolidate vocabulary from the module

Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete the dialogue. Ask Ss to answer in full sentences. Check Ss’ answer by asking several Ss to read out the completed dialogue


Students assess themselves with the sheetshttps://fs03.metod-kopilka.ru/images/doc/31/25581/1/img16.jpg

H/t Learn new words. Wb p24 ex 1,2

Sheets of papers with words














Smart board








Sheets of papers











































Green, yellow, red   cards






















 Additional information

Differentiation-how do you plan to give more support?

How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment-how are you planning to check learner’s learning


Cross-curricular links

Health and safety check

ICT links

Value links

In activity 1 differentiation

 by support.

In activity 2 differentiation by support because students watch the video about tasks

In activity 3 differentiation by outcome.







In activity 1- teacher uses head down, thumbs up by similar to the use of traffic light cards, however, you can then pick pupils at random to explain their choice.

In activity 2 - teacher applies stars to assess students

 In activity 3 - teacher use traffic light cards to show understanding of instructions, can be linked to outcomes(red=All, yellow=Most, green=Some

Cross-curricular links:


Health and safety check: every classroom precautions will ensure that safety measure are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords

ICT links: Projector or Smart board to show a presentation, notebook  

Value links :cooperation, personal state


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? What did the learners learn today? What was the learning atmosphere like? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did l stick to timings? What changes I make from my plan and why


Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

 Summary evaluation


What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?




What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?




What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?











situated in a particular spot or position                                                             flow -        

to move as a fluid from one position to another.                              difficult-   hard, not easy environment-                             the area in which something exists or lives                       surrounding -                       which surrounds something                                          breathtaking –                   stunningly, beautiful, amazing                                            scenery -

view,natural features, landscape.  

fascinated –      charmed                                                                                                        ideal

a perfect standard of beauty                                                        destination-          finish                                                                                                          hare -                 a rabbit                                                                                                             lizard

relatively long-bodied reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a tapering tail                                                                                                         shape –      a form                                                                                           building

a closed structure with walls and a roof.                                                                    striped -                             marked or decorated with stripes                                                         cliff -  

a steep high face of rock                                                                           sunset -   

the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizon                                                                                                                         shadow -                                    an unilluminated area 




https://fs03.metod-kopilka.ru/images/doc/31/25581/1/img16.jpg https://fs03.metod-kopilka.ru/images/doc/31/25581/1/img16.jpg

https://fs03.metod-kopilka.ru/images/doc/31/25581/1/img16.jpghttps://fs03.metod-kopilka.ru/images/doc/31/25581/1/img16.jpg  https://fs03.metod-kopilka.ru/images/doc/31/25581/1/img16.jpg https://fs03.metod-kopilka.ru/images/doc/31/25581/1/img16.jpg 

https://fs03.metod-kopilka.ru/images/doc/31/25581/1/img16.jpg https://fs03.metod-kopilka.ru/images/doc/31/25581/1/img16.jpg


Task 3. Choose the correct item, then choose true or false!

•	The Sharyn is a canyon that/were is 80 kilometers from Almaty.
•	The river who/which formed the canyon is called the Shan river.
•	 Geologists who/which go there are sure which/that they will find interesting rocks shapes. 
•	Visitors go there because they know which/that they will have an unforgettable experience. 


 Task 3. Choose the correct item, then choose true or false!

•	The Sharyn is a canyon that/were is 80 kilometers from Almaty.
•	The river who/which formed the canyon is called the Shan river.
•	 Geologists who/which go there are sure which/that they will find interesting rocks shapes. 
•	Visitors go there because they know which/that they will have an unforgettable experience. 


                                   Task 3. Choose the correct item, then choose true or false!

•	The Sharyn is a canyon that/were is 80 kilometers from Almaty.
•	The river who/which formed the canyon is called the Shan river.
•	 Geologists who/which go there are sure which/that they will find interesting rocks shapes. 
•	Visitors go there because they know which/that they will have an unforgettable experience. 


Charyn canyon      mountain         destination


Charyn canyon      mountain         destination


Charyn canyon      mountain         destination


Charyn canyon      mountain         destination


Charyn canyon      mountain         destination


Charyn canyon      mountain         destination


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