Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыLesson plan "Chicago" 6-form

Lesson plan "Chicago" 6-form

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Date:                                       Class: 6

Theme: Chicago

Aims:  To introduce Chicago

A. WARM-UP - 3 min.

T: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! - P: Good afternoon, dear teacher! - T: I’m glad to see you! - P: We are glad to see you, too! - T: How are you? - P: Fine, thank you. And how are you? - T: I’m fine, too. Sit down, please. First of all I’d like you to answer some of my questions.

What day is it today? – P1: It’s Wednesday. T: What is the date today? – P3: It’s the 5-th of October. - T: What’s the weather like today? –P4: It’s warm but nasty and rainy. P5: I think the weather is very unpleasant but it’s usual for autumn –T: I wonder which of you likes autumn? – P6 explains why he likes autumn. –T: Do you like to travel in autumn. - Ps say if they like travelling in autumn and give their reasons. – T: Would you like to visit the USA now? – Ps give their answers. – T: Which of you has ever been to America? –P7 answers (He has just returned from the USA). – The other pupils ask him questions: What was the weather like there? Who did you go there with? What cities have you visited? Did you enjoy your trip? Why?

B. Setting-up the subject of the lesson and the main tasks of the lesson.

T: So, as you may have guessed, we are going to talk about the USA today. We’ll read a text, listen to a story about one of the American cities, and watch your presentation about The US cities and we’ll see what information you have managed to find out about them.

T: Let’s start our lesson with phonetics

C. - D. (combined) – 6-7 min.:

c. Phonetic Skills development (Presentation ppt. 1; Slide 1)


T.: We’ll start with phonetics. I’d like you to look at the screen and read the words correctly. Please mind your pronunciation. – Ps read the groups of words one after another; and the whole group repeats the words together (P.1 - together - P.2 - together - P.3 - together etc.)


T. gives cards with words to two pupils and asks them to translate the words from Russian into English and write them on the blackboard. The pupils have 4 minutes.

Card 1:

Translate the words from Russian into English:

1. граница; 2. глубокий; 3. равнина; 4. долина; 5. могущественный; 6. течь; 7. Ирландия.

Card 2:

Translate the words from Russian into English:

1. помнить; 2. строить (3 формы глагола); 3. государство; 4. остров; 5. дикий; 6. в то же время; 7. Австралия.

(When Exercise in Phonetics is finished, the pupils check up the words written on the blackboard)

T.: That was wonderful and now I’d like you to look at the blackboard. …, read the words, please. … Are there any mistakes? (The first pupil reads the words, the class corrects his mistakes if there are any.) T.: Now .., please read your words. … Are there any mistakes? (The second pupil reads the words, the class corrects his mistakes if there are any.)

T.: That was well (not very well) done. Your marks are “5/4/3” because you haven’t got any mistakes (you’ve made 1 (…) mistake, etc).



(VISUAL AIDS USED: Presentation ppt. 1; slides 2-12)

T: What city is the capital of the USA? – P: Washington. – That’s right. Now I’d like you to open your textbooks at page 44. Look at Ex. 8, please. …(P1), read the assignment, please. Listen to the recording and read the letter to yourselves. And then answer the question. (The pupils read the text and say what places Kate has visited in Washington D.C.)

T: Now look through the text again and be ready to answer the questions in Ex.10, page 46. You’ve got 2 minutes. Now let’s begin. (The pupils read the questions and answer them in chain)

And I’d like you to see some slides about the Capitol (Presentation ppt. 1, Slides 2-6) and the White House (Slides 7-12). Now I’d like you to sum up what we’ve learned about the Capitol and the White House. Who’d like to begin? (P1 speaks about the Capitol; P2 speaks about the White House). (The Pupils note the similarities with some Russian pieces of architecture.) Well done. Thank you.


T: Now take your Workbooks, please and open them at page 4. We are going to do Ex.1. You’ll listen to three short texts twice. First listen and match the texts with the names of the cities.

Listen to the recording again and try to remember as much information about Chicago as you can.

T (after the second listening): Answer my questions, please:

Where is Chicago situated?

What do people call it?

What is it famous for?

What did people call it at the beginning of the 30s?

C. Speaking skills development (monological and dialogical speech) -12 min.

(Visual aids used: presentation ppt. 2 “Cities of the USA”)

T: You were supposed to search for some interesting and useful information about certain American cities. Some of you have done excellent work and prepared a very good presentation. I’d like all of you to be very attentive and ask your classmates for more information about the cities they”ll tell us about now. You may add some interesting facts if you have found out any. So, we’ll start with Chicago. We’ve just listened to the text about it. .., what can you add? (P1 tells about Chicago; Slides 1-3; P2 tells about New York; Slides 4-8; P3 tells about San Francisco; Slides 9-15; P4 tells about Los Angeles; Slides 1-21; P5 tells about New Orleans; Slides 22). All the pupils listen and ask questions on the slides or add something else.

T: Thank you. It was really very interesting. That’s really a pity for the shortage of time we couldn’t see your whole presentations. You’ll get “fives” for your work. Let’s clap to them/ (all the students clap to those ones who have made the presentations).

III. Summing-up the results of the lesson: everybody’s work Evaluation, marks announcement

(At the end of the lesson the pupils sum up what they have done during the lesson, what new things they have learned. The teacher thanks the pupils for the work, specially mentioning the work of the presentation-makers; explains what marks the students get and why, what mistakes they’ve made)

T: Put down your homework for the next lesson (it’s also written on the blackboard): Workbook 1, Ex 36 p.33 and Ex 18 p.17.

IV. Ending-up the lesson

T: So our lesson has come to an end. Collect your things. Good-bye and see you next Friday.



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