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Let's celebrate 6 класс

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"Holidays. Let`s celebrate"







































Тема урока: "Holidays. Let`s celebrate"

Цель урока:

·     развивать языковую компетентность учащихся по теме «Праздники»


·     образовательные – совершенствовать фонетические и лексические навыки, расширить словарный запас, активизировать знакомую лексику в речевых ситуациях, создать условия для спонтанной речи.

·     практические - активизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся по теме; учить логически строить высказывание на основе прослушанной и переработанной информации.

·     развивающие – развивать кругозор учащихся, творческие навыки;

·     воспитательные – создавать возможность для проявления индивидуальных способностей учащихся, развитие навыков к сотрудничеству.

Оборудование и раздаточные материалы: учебник «Spotlight 6», мультимедийная установка, карточки с заданиями, презентация.

Тип урока: комбинированный урок

Технологии: игровая, групповая, современного проектного обучения,

коммуникативного обучения иноязычной  культуре, ИКТ.

                                                 Ход урока

I.            Организационный момент, введение темы

Teacher:    Good morning. I’m very glad to see all of you today. I hope everybody is ready to work. To guess what we are going to talk about. Have a look at the screen. You can see some pictures, try to predict what we are going to talk at our today`s lesson. (Слайд )

(Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения)

Teacher:    So today we`re going to speak about holidays and their celebration and the theme of our lesson is “Let`s celebrate!” 

II.     Целепологание.

Teacher:    Today we are going to…….

·        revise the words and phrases you've learnt at the previous lessons;

·        listen to the speakers;

·        practice our vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading and writing ; 

·        watch a short movie;

·        learn some new words on "Holidays"

III.             Фонетическая разминка

Teacher:    Are you ready for the English lesson? OK. Do you remember Mr Tongue? He lives in our mouth and helps us to speak. There are some difficult sounds in the words. Repeat them after me.


Thanksgiving, thanks, three, third


This, that, there


October, dessert, turkey, sweet, festival, light


Decorate, dress, December, different, during


Spring, parade, celebrate, free, parade, street, cranberry, free

IV.          Речевая разминка. Кластер «Holidays»

Teacher:   Let`s remember some words which will be useful to speak about holidays. Please, put the words on the blackboard to make a cluster. (Слайд)




·        take pictures-фотографировать

·        wear costume- носить костюм

·        exchange gifts- обмениваться подарками

·        make wreaths- делать венки

·        offer flowers and treats- предлагать цветы или угощение

·        eat traditional food- есть национальное блюдо

·        watch a firework display- смотреть фейерверк

·        throw streamers- бросать серпантин

Teacher:   Well done!

V.            Актуализация знаний. Проверка домашнего задания. Защита проектов.

Teacher:  Think of popular celebrations in our country and name them.

Обучающиеся называют праздники (New Year, Christmas, Victory Day, Easter, Women’s Day, Children’s Day, Day of  Knowledge etc.)

                         (На экране заранее написаны названия праздников)

Teacher:  Great! You know well holidays in our country. But your home task was related to the British holidays. That’s wright? You’re having different cards on your desks. Try to guess what British holiday is being told.

Teacher: So, what holiday did ________ tell you about?

(Ученики рассказывают по очереди о праздниках в ВБ, угадывая о каком празднике идет речь)

VI.            Закрепление  лексического материала по теме.

Teacher:   OK! Well done! It’s time to do the next task.

Open your student`s  books  p. 48 ex.1. You can see some pictures, some dates and some phrases. You’re having a           card on your desks.

Match the names of the holidays with the activities:

1. St Patrick`s Day

2. Halloween

3. Thanksgiving Day

4. Guy Fawkes Day

5. Saint Valentine s Day

6. May Day

a) make wreaths

b) offer sweets and flowers

c) watch parades

d) watch a firework display

e) wear costumes

f) eat traditional food


Teacher:   Children, change your cards and let’s check! So do you have any mistakes?

Предполагаемые ответы появляются после ответов учеников


St Patrick`s Day – watch parades

Thanksgiving Day – eat traditional food

Guy Fawkes Day – watch a firework display

St. Valentine’s day – exchange gifts, offer sweet and flowers

Halloween – wear costumes

May Day – make wreaths

VII.            Письмо. Повторение и закрепление грамматики - Present Continuous Tense.





Teacher:    Well done, dear pupils! So… you know more about celebrations and their customs and traditions. Now, it's time to check up your knowledge in grammar. Let’s remember what is a Present Continuous Tense (affirmative sentence)?

(на экране Present Continuous Tense (утвердительное предложение). Ученики с помощью учителя вспоминают где, когда и как употребляется Present Continuous)

Затем учитель предлагает детям выполнить  упражнение на карточках, где необходимо раскрыть скобки, используя  Present Continuous Tense.


Teacher:   The next task of our lesson is writing. You should use the Present Continuous. I give you three minutes for the task.

Task. Put the verbs in correct form:


1.     People__________________ (watch) parades on St Patrick`s Day. 

2.     British ___________________(eat) traditional food on Thanksgiving Day.

3.     She _____________________(watch) a firework display on Guy Fawkes Day.

4.     We_____________________ (exchange) gifts and we (offer) sweet and flowers on St. Valentine’s day

5.     He _____________________(wear) a strange costume on Halloween party.

6.      I __________________(make) wreaths on May Day.



VIII.            Динамическая пауза.

Teacher:   It`s time to relax. Let’s watch a short movie!

Teacher:   So, children, tell me please, what holiday this movie presents? Yes, it’s a New Year.  

VX. Чтение.

Teacher:   Now I propose to you read a text. You have to name it and complete the sentences with the help of the words from the box.

Task. Name the text. Complete the sentences with the help of the words from the box.


*decorations  *presents  *New Year   *coloured   *trees   



   On the 31th of December Russian people celebrate 1) ______________. There are a lot of  2)______________ in the streets and in the houses. People buy New Year  3)_________ and put them in their living rooms. Children like to decorate them with toys and little 4)_________ lights. There are a lot of parties at schools.

People give each other  5)_________ and send New Year cards. Children find the presents from Father Frost under the New Year tree on the 1st of January. Russian people like this holiday very much.


Teacher:   So, are you ready to check it? (ученики делают проверку, ответы выведены на слайде). Do you have any mistakes?

Заключительный этап.

1)      Оценки за работу на уроке.

Teacher:   Well done. Thank you. Your work during the lesson was excellent. It’s high time to get marks for lesson. Take your presents and count the score.

( дети посчитывают подарки, учитель выставляет оценки)

What is your mark? (Учащиеся называют свою оценку). Well done!

2)      Домашнее задание.

I think you will easily do your homework. Now, children, open your day books and write down your home task for the next lesson, please.

You should write a letter to your friend how you spent Christmas holiday. (Учитель

раздаёт письма.)


  … I usually spend Christmas holiday at home. My parents and I decorate Christmas tree with tinsels, toys and lights. My mum and dad put presents under the Christmas tree. In the evening we usually have supper. And how do you celebrate Christmas holiday? Do you stay with your family at home?

  Well, I’d better go now as my mum’s calling me for dinner. Write back soon. Take care and keep in touch!



3)      Peфлексия.

Teacher:  The lesson comes to the end. Look at the screen! You see here 2 faces: J  L.  There are: OK, Bad. Choose the face according to your mood. (Учащиеся выбирают J).

Teacher:  As for me I like today`s lesson.  Thank you for your work.


4)      Исполнение песни «We wish you a Merry Christmas»

Teacher:   In conclusion I suggest you to sing a song with children.

I wish you good luck. The lesson is over.  Good bye!























Put the verbs in correct form:


1.     People (watch) parades on St Patrick`s Day. 

2.     British (eat) traditional food on Thanksgiving Day.

3.     She (watch) a firework display on Guy Fawkes Day.

4.     We (exchange) gifts and we (offer) sweet and flowers on St. Valentine’s day

5.     He (wear)  a strange costume on Halloween party.

6.      I (make) wreaths on May Day.


Put the verbs in correct form:


1.        People (watch) parades on St Patrick`s Day. 

2.        British (eat) traditional food on Thanksgiving Day.

3.        She (watch) a firework display on Guy Fawkes Day.

4.        We (exchange) gifts and we (offer) sweet and flowers on St. Valentine’s day

5.        He (wear)  a strange costume on Halloween party.

6.        I (make) wreaths on May Day.


Put the verbs in correct form:


1.     People (watch) parades on St Patrick`s Day. 

2.     British (eat) traditional food on Thanksgiving Day.

3.     She (watch) a firework display on Guy Fawkes Day.

4.     We (exchange) gifts and we (offer) sweet and flowers on St. Valentine’s day

5.     He (wear)  a strange costume on Halloween party.

6.     I (make) wreaths on May Day.


Put the verbs in correct form:


1.     People (watch) parades on St Patrick`s Day. 

2.     British (eat) traditional food on Thanksgiving Day.

3.     She (watch) a firework display on Guy Fawkes Day.

4.     We (exchange) gifts and we (offer) sweet and flowers on St. Valentine’s day

5.     He (wear)  a strange costume on Halloween party.

6.     I (make) wreaths on May Day.


Put the verbs in correct form:


1.     People (watch) parades on St Patrick`s Day. 

2.     British (eat) traditional food on Thanksgiving Day.

3.     She (watch) a firework display on Guy Fawkes Day.

4.     We (exchange) gifts and we (offer) sweet and flowers on St. Valentine’s day

5.     He (wear)  a strange costume on Halloween party.

6.     I (make) wreaths on May Day.


Put the verbs in correct form:


1.     People (watch) parades on St Patrick`s Day. 

2.     British (eat) traditional food on Thanksgiving Day.

3.     She (watch) a firework display on Guy Fawkes Day.

4.     We (exchange) gifts and we (offer) sweet and flowers on St. Valentine’s day

5.     He (wear)  a strange costume on Halloween party.

6.     I (make) wreaths on May Day.







New Year, Christmas, Victory Day, Easter, Women’s Day, Children’s Day, Day of Knowledge

New Year, Christmas, Victory Day, Easter, Women’s Day, Children’s Day, Day of Knowledge

New Year, Christmas, Victory Day, Easter, Women’s Day, Children’s Day, Day of Knowledge

New Year, Christmas, Victory Day, Easter, Women’s Day, Children’s Day, Day of Knowledge

New Year, Christmas, Victory Day, Easter, Women’s Day, Children’s Day, Day of Knowledge

New Year, Christmas, Victory Day, Easter, Women’s Day, Children’s Day, Day of Knowledge































snowman — снеговик

ornaments —

bell —


stockings —

snowflake —

candy cane— карамельная тросточка

wreath — венок

gingerbread boy/girl — имбирный мальчик/девочка

holly berry  падуб (или остролист)

Santa Clause — Санта Клаус


snowman — снеговик

ornaments —

bell —


stockings —

snowflake —

candy cane— карамельная тросточка

wreath — венок

gingerbread boy/girl — имбирный мальчик/девочка

holly berry  падуб (или остролист)

Santa Clause — Санта Клаус


snowman — снеговик

ornaments —

bell —


stockings —

snowflake —

candy cane— карамельная тросточка

wreath — венок

gingerbread boy/girl — имбирный мальчик/девочка

holly berry  падуб (или остролист)

Santa Clause — Санта Клаус




































Thanksgiving, thanks, three, third


This, that, there


October, dessert, turkey, sweet, festival, light


Decorate, dress, December, different, during


Spring, parade, celebrate, free, parade, street, cranberry, free


Thanksgiving, thanks, three, third


This, that, there


October, dessert, turkey, sweet, festival, light


Decorate, dress, December, different, during


Spring, parade, celebrate, free, parade, street, cranberry, free



Thanksgiving, thanks, three, third


This, that, there


October, dessert, turkey, sweet, festival, light


Decorate, dress, December, different, during


Spring, parade, celebrate, free, parade, street, cranberry, free









Thanksgiving, thanks, three, third


This, that, there


October, dessert, turkey, sweet, festival, light


Decorate, dress, December, different, during


Spring, parade, celebrate, free, parade, street, cranberry, free


Thanksgiving, thanks, three, third


This, that, there


October, dessert, turkey, sweet, festival, light


Decorate, dress, December, different, during


Spring, parade, celebrate, free, parade, street, cranberry, free


Thanksgiving, thanks, three, third


This, that, there


October, dessert, turkey, sweet, festival, light


Decorate, dress, December, different, during


Spring, parade, celebrate, free, parade, street, cranberry, free


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