Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация "Инструкции по технике безопасности водителей"

Презентация "Инструкции по технике безопасности водителей"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Презентация подготовила:  
преподаватель английского языка 
 Ледовских  Людми...

    1 слайд

    Презентация подготовила:
    преподаватель английского языка
    Ледовских Людмила Адамовна
    Инструкции по основным требованиям безопасности
    (по профессии водитель)
    Государственное образовательное учреждение
    среднего профессионального образования
    «Яшкинский техникум технологий и механизации»

  • Presentation is prepared 
by Ledovskih L.A 
the teacher of the English langua...

    2 слайд

    Presentation is prepared
    by Ledovskih L.A
    the teacher of the English language
    Instructions on general requirements of safety
    (driver by profession)
    State educational institution
    secondary vocational education
    "Jashkinsky college of technology and mechanization"

  • Teaching the students to drive a car.

    3 слайд

    Teaching the students to drive a car.


    4 слайд


  • The instructions in driving of the automobile only persons not younger than 1...

    5 слайд

    The instructions in driving of the automobile only persons not younger than 18 years instructing on labor protection,
    - having the license car,
    - the corresponding category,
    - passed a medical examination and
    - no contraindications for health

  • admits students who have passed the training on labor protection, medical exa...

    6 слайд

    admits students who have passed the training on labor protection, medical examination and have no contraindications for the status of health.
    To driving instructor:

  • c. the vehicle overturns
d. display car out of action for violation of the ru...

    7 слайд

    c. the vehicle overturns
    d. display car out of action for violation of the rules operation
    Security requirements
    1.While teaching students to drive a vehicle they can get the following hazards:
    a. the injury of hands when starting the engine starter handle( the car engine starts when the transfer – spontaneous movement of a car with faulty system).
    b. hitting the car with an obstacle

  • 2. Working clothes students should be fastened and not to reveal-to be a hind...

    8 слайд

    2. Working clothes students should be fastened and not to reveal-to be a hindrance while driving.
    3. Before starting the engine, you must check the necessary volume of engine oil, coolant and brake fluid and water in the reservoir windshield washer.

  • Security requirements before you begin

1. When the engine is running using t...

    9 слайд

    Security requirements before you begin

    1. When the engine is running using the jump arm auto the cart must be securely fastened using sanction brakes.

  • 2. To check the status of the cab and controls, 
- the vehicle must be equipp...

    10 слайд

    2. To check the status of the cab and controls,
    - the vehicle must be equipped with back-pedals,
    - brake and clutch for the instructor,
    - have the calendar,
    - rear signs indicating that he is learning,
    rear view mirrors must be adjusted,
    the door locks should exclude the possibility of their free opening,
    control systems,
    alarm and lighting must be intact,
    - glass cockpit should be clean and not have cracks,
    - the cabin is not allowed to have foreign objects,
    - the vehicle must be equipped with the first aid kit, emergency sign of Parking and tool .

  • 3.When the vehicle engine is prohibited, find located beneath it, to hold lub...

    11 слайд

    3.When the vehicle engine is prohibited, find located beneath it, to hold lubricating and regulation works
    4. Before boarding the car clean your shoes from the earth and snow.

  • Safety requirements during operation:
1. After receiving permission of the i...

    12 слайд

    Safety requirements during operation:
    1. After receiving permission of the instructor, signal,
    make sure that the path is free and start smoothly, drive on the specified route.
    2. Forbidden to come close to moving car and to stand in his way. Approach is permitted only to stopping car.

    3. Move in reverse, to make turns you need at a low speed, pre-filing a signal and convinced of the absence of interference on the way

  • 4. Мaintenance   and repairing the  electrical installations use ladders and...

    13 слайд

    4. Мaintenance and repairing the electrical installations use ladders and stairs together. Ladders and steps must be tested and their lower ends are equipped with rubber or steel tips.
    5. It is necessary to monitor the instruments.
    When you reject the testimony from the norm, when a noise and knocks you should immediately stop the vehicle and drown the engine.

  • It is forbidden
To go with the driving of the car and sit in it. 
Before you...

    14 слайд

    It is forbidden
    To go with the driving of the car and sit in it.
    Before you leave the vehicle, you need to put the shift lever in position and enable the Parking brake.
    To carry people in unequipped automobile cargo
    above the permissible limits.
    To descend from the mountain in neutral.
    It is necessary strictly to observe the rules of the road and the instructions of employees of traffic police.

  • Список источников.http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/veronichka9/rubric/863279/...

    15 слайд

    Список источников.

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Краткое описание документа:

Презентация "Инструкция по технике безопасности для водителей" используется на уроках английского языка при прохождении темы "Инструкции, руководства". Презентация содержит правила техники безопасности до начала и во время прохождения на практических занятиях по вождению. Инструкции созданы для студентов 2 курса. Знакомство с ними даёт студентам возможность приобретения необходимых знаний в процессе вождения и правил поведения за рулём. Эти инструкции могут быть использованы на занятиях в начальном и среднем профессиональном образовании.

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    Ледовских Людмила Адамовна
    Ледовских Людмила Адамовна
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    • Подписчики: 0
    • Всего просмотров: 2933
    • Всего материалов: 2

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