Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок + презентация по английскому языку для 3 класса по теме «Lizs house»

Урок + презентация по английскому языку для 3 класса по теме «Lizs house»

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Приложение 6

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Is there … ?Are there … ?What is there … ?How many … ?

    1 слайд

    Is there … ?
    Are there … ?
    What is there … ?
    How many … ?

  • What is the most popular room in your flat?

    2 слайд

    What is the most popular room in your flat?

  • My House

    3 слайд

    My House

  • Write in the necessary                                            prepositions

    4 слайд

    Write in the necessary prepositions

  • True or False?

    5 слайд

    True or False?

  • Let’s do it together!You put your right foot in, 
You put your right foot out...

    6 слайд

    Let’s do it together!
    You put your right foot in,
    You put your right foot out,
    You put your right foot in,
    And you shake it all about;
    You do the hokey pokey,
    And you turn yourself around.
    That is what it is all about.

  • Liz’s HouseI live in a big house. There’s a hall, a large living-room and a...

    7 слайд

    Liz’s House

    I live in a big house. There’s a hall, a large living-room and a kitchen downstairs. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs.

  • H/W: Ex. 2 p. 112 (PB).
Do the project 
“My House” or “My Flat”.

    8 слайд

    H/W: Ex. 2 p. 112 (PB).
    Do the project
    “My House” or “My Flat”.

  • What do you think?

    9 слайд

    What do you think?

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Тема: Lizs House. (Дом Лиз, урок №8 в теме «Дом и квартира»)

Тип урока: комбинированный урок

Обучающая цель урока: развитие коммуникативной и когнитивной компетенции учащихся.

Задачи урока:

§ совершенствование навыков говорения по теме «Дом и квартира».

§ развитие памяти, внимания, умений индивидуальной работы.

§ создание условий для расширения лингвистического и культурного кругозора учащихся.

§ совершенствование навыков чтения, навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух.

§ привитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

Формы работы учащихся: фронтальная, в парах, индивидуальная.

Оборудование урока: компьютер, дидактический материал, интерактивная доска, цветные карандаши, фломастеры, ватманский лист

Дидактические материалы: презентация «Lizs House», Приложение 1 – 6.


Ход урока


Организационно-мотивационный этап урока


-  Hi! Nice to meet you today!

-  How are you?

Речевая зарядка (подводящий к теме диалог)

 Guys, I believe you know that there’s no place like home. Now I want you to imagine the situation when you need to ask some questions about smb’s house. What questions would you like to ask? (Cлайд 1) (P1, P2)


Проверка домашнего задания

OK! I like you work. So, what’s about your H/W? Ready?

And now I want you to describe the most popular room in your house. (Слайд 2). (P1, P2)

Thank you! As far as I can see your most popular room is… .


Определение темы урока

Today we’ll continue dealing with our houses and our  topic is “Liz’s house”.


At the end of this lesson we’ll know how to describe the whole house. I believe that you’ll cope with it successfully!


Основное содержание урока

Работа с лексическим и грамматическим материалом

Guys, Liz prepared for you some exercises to be sure that you are ready for a great wok. I believe it’s high time to start our work.

The first exercise is to do a crossword. Please, look at the board. (Слайд 3) (Приложение 1)


1.     I take shower in the ___ in the evening.

2.     My ____ is the nicest room in our flat.

3.     There’s a big brown wardrobe in the ___ .

4.     There’s a white fridge and a cooker in the ___ .

6        There are a lot of flowers in the ___.


5.     We watch TV in the ___ in the evening.

OK! It’s well done!

The next task is to write in the necessary prepositions.(Слайд 4) (Приложение 2)


Write in are or is. (Приложение 3)

There ___ two bedrooms in the flat.

___there any chairs in the kitchen?

How many rooms ___ there in the house?

There ___ a TV in the living-room.

That ___ there in the wardrobe?

There ___ a lot of flowers in the vase.


True or False? (Слайд 5) (Приложение 4)

Look at the picture and decide it is true ore false.

1.     There’s a bed in the bedroom.

2.     There are two lamps in the living-room.

3.     There’s a bath in the bathroom.

4.     There’s a shower in the bathroom.

5.     There isn’t a table in the kitchen.

6.     There’s a fridge in the kitchen.

7.     There’s a sofa in the kitchen.

8.     There are two chairs in the kitchen.



So, guys, are you tired? Let’s relax! (Слайд 6)


Речевая активность

So, let’s start our serious work. Liz sent you a special letter with the description of her house. Please, read the beginning of the letter. (Слайд 7) (Приложение 5)


You are sitting in pairs. Every pair will take a sheet of paper with the description of one or two rooms. You’ll have 3 min, then you are to make up two teams (“Stars” & “Suns”) by casting of lots. Your teams will have 5 min. You are to describe the rooms and draw the house together. Then you are to describe the whole house looking at the picture. Then we’ll choose the winner together.


Предъявление домашнего задания.

-Ok. Your work is great. Now you know how to describe the whole house.

I believe it’s high time to write down your H/W into your record books – Ex.2 p.112 (Слайд 8). You are to do the project “My House” or “My Flat”.


 Подведение итогов урока

So, guys, what have you learnt today? Do you like your work?


1. Выставление отметок учащимся.

I suppose you want to know your marks for the lesson. (The teacher explains the marks to the students).



So, our lesson is going to the end. Today we’ve learnt a lot of information about houses and homes. Now I’d like to ask you two questions:

How are you? And What do you think?

If you are happy and you’ve coped with all the exercises, then stick a “sun” on the board. If you are tired and you’ve got some problems with today’s material, then stick a cloud on the board. If you are angry that you don’t understand anything, then stick a “rain drop” on the board. (Приложение 6)

Oh, we’ve got a wonderful picture. (Слайд 9)


Thank you, guys, for your work/being active. The lesson is over. Good bye.

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Приложение 1


Do the crossword



1.    I take shower in the___in the evening.

2.    My____is the nicest room in our flat.

3.    There’s a big brown wardrobe in the___.

4.    There’s a white fridge and a cooker in the___.

6      There are a lot of flowers in the___.


5.   We watch TV in the___in the evening.

Do the crossword



6.    I take shower in the___in the evening.

7.    My____is the nicest room in our flat.

8.    There’s a big brown wardrobe in the___.

9.    There’s a white fridge and a cooker in the___.

7      There are a lot of flowers in the___.


We watch TV in the___in the evening.

Do the crossword



10.         I take shower in the___in the evening.

11.         My____is the nicest room in our flat.

12.         There’s a big brown wardrobe in the___.

13.         There’s a white fridge and a cooker in the___.

8      There are a lot of flowers in the___.


We watch TV in the___in the evening.

Do the crossword



14.         I take shower in the___in the evening.

15.         My____is the nicest room in our flat.

16.         There’s a big brown wardrobe in the___.

17.         There’s a white fridge and a cooker in the___.

9      There are a lot of flowers in the___.


We watch TV in the___in the evening.

Do the crossword



18.         I take shower in the___in the evening.

19.         My____is the nicest room in our flat.

20.         There’s a big brown wardrobe in the___.

21.         There’s a white fridge and a cooker in the___.

10  There are a lot of flowers in the___.


We watch TV in the___in the evening.

Do the crossword



22.         I take shower in the___in the evening.

23.         My____is the nicest room in our flat.

24.         There’s a big brown wardrobe in the___.

25.         There’s a white fridge and a cooker in the___.

11  There are a lot of flowers in the___.


We watch TV in the___in the evening.

Do the crossword



26.         I take shower in the___in the evening.

27.         My____is the nicest room in our flat.

28.         There’s a big brown wardrobe in the___.

29.         There’s a white fridge and a cooker in the___.

12  There are a lot of flowers in the___.


We watch TV in the___in the evening.

Do the crossword



30.         I take shower in the___in the evening.

31.         My____is the nicest room in our flat.

32.         There’s a big brown wardrobe in the___.

33.         There’s a white fridge and a cooker in the___.

13  There are a lot of flowers in the___.


We watch TV in the___in the evening.


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Приложение 2


Write in the necessary prepositions.


Write in the necessary prepositions.


Write in the necessary prepositions.


Write in the necessary prepositions.


Write in the necessary prepositions.


Write in the necessary prepositions.


Write in the necessary prepositions.


Write in the necessary prepositions.



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Приложение 3


Write in are or is.

There ___ two bedrooms in the flat.

___there any chairs in the kitchen?

How many rooms ___ there in the house?

There ___ a TV in the living-room.

That ___ there in the wardrobe?

There ___ a lot of flowers in the vase.


Write in are or is.

There ___ two bedrooms in the flat.

___there any chairs in the kitchen?

How many rooms ___ there in the house?

There ___ a TV in the living-room.

That ___ there in the wardrobe?

There ___ a lot of flowers in the vase.


Write in are or is.

There ___ two bedrooms in the flat.

___there any chairs in the kitchen?

How many rooms ___ there in the house?

There ___ a TV in the living-room.

That ___ there in the wardrobe?

There ___ a lot of flowers in the vase.


Write in are or is.

There ___ two bedrooms in the flat.

___there any chairs in the kitchen?

How many rooms ___ there in the house?

There ___ a TV in the living-room.

That ___ there in the wardrobe?

There ___ a lot of flowers in the vase.


Write in are or is.

There ___ two bedrooms in the flat.

___there any chairs in the kitchen?

How many rooms ___ there in the house?

There ___ a TV in the living-room.

That ___ there in the wardrobe?

There ___ a lot of flowers in the vase.


Write in are or is.

There ___ two bedrooms in the flat.

___there any chairs in the kitchen?

How many rooms ___ there in the house?

There ___ a TV in the living-room.

That ___ there in the wardrobe?

There ___ a lot of flowers in the vase.


Write in are or is.

There ___ two bedrooms in the flat.

___there any chairs in the kitchen?

How many rooms ___ there in the house?

There ___ a TV in the living-room.

That ___ there in the wardrobe?

There ___ a lot of flowers in the vase.


Write in are or is.

There ___ two bedrooms in the flat.

___there any chairs in the kitchen?

How many rooms ___ there in the house?

There ___ a TV in the living-room.

That ___ there in the wardrobe?

There ___ a lot of flowers in the vase.



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Приложение 5


True or False?

1.    There’s a bed in the bedroom.

2.    There are two lamps in the living-room.

3.    There’s a bath in the bathroom.

4.    There’s a shower in the bathroom.

5.    There isn’t a table in the kitchen.

6.    There’s a fridge in the kitchen.

7.    There’s a sofa in the kitchen.

8.    There are two chairs in the kitchen.

True or False?

1.    There’s a bed in the bedroom.

2.    There are two lamps in the living-room.

3.    There’s a bath in the bathroom.

4.    There’s a shower in the bathroom.

5.    There isn’t a table in the kitchen.

6.    There’s a fridge in the kitchen.

7.    There’s a sofa in the kitchen.

8.    There are two chairs in the kitchen.

True or False?

1.   There’s a bed in the bedroom.

2.   There are two lamps in the living-room.

3.   There’s a bath in the bathroom.

4.   There’s a shower in the bathroom.

5.   There isn’t a table in the kitchen.

6.   There’s a fridge in the kitchen.

7.   There’s a sofa in the kitchen.

8.   There are two chairs in the kitchen.

True or False?

1.    There’s a bed in the bedroom.

2.    There are two lamps in the living-room.

3.    There’s a bath in the bathroom.

4.    There’s a shower in the bathroom.

5.    There isn’t a table in the kitchen.

6.    There’s a fridge in the kitchen.

7.    There’s a sofa in the kitchen.

8.    There are two chairs in the kitchen.

True or False?

1. There’s a bed in the bedroom.

2. There are two lamps in the living-room.

3. There’s a bath in the bathroom.

4. There’s a shower in the bathroom.

5. There isn’t a table in the kitchen.

6. There’s a fridge in the kitchen.

7. There’s a sofa in the kitchen.

8. There are two chairs in the kitchen.

True or False?

1.     There’s a bed in the bedroom.

2.     There are two lamps in the living-room.

3.     There’s a bath in the bathroom.

4.     There’s a shower in the bathroom.

5.     There isn’t a table in the kitchen.

6.     There’s a fridge in the kitchen.

7.     There’s a sofa in the kitchen.

8.     There are two chairs in the kitchen.

True or False?

1.   There’s a bed in the bedroom.

2.   There are two lamps in the living-room.

3.   There’s a bath in the bathroom.

4.   There’s a shower in the bathroom.

5.   There isn’t a table in the kitchen.

6.   There’s a fridge in the kitchen.

7.   There’s a sofa in the kitchen.

8.   There are two chairs in the kitchen.

True or False?

1.     There’s a bed in the bedroom.

2.     There are two lamps in the living-room.

3.     There’s a bath in the bathroom.

4.     There’s a shower in the bathroom.

5.     There isn’t a table in the kitchen.

6.     There’s a fridge in the kitchen.

7.     There’s a sofa in the kitchen.

8.     There are two chairs in the kitchen.


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Приложение 5

Liz’s House


I live in a big house. There’s a hall, a large living-room and a kitchen downstairs. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs.




The most popular room is the living-room. There’s a TV in the living-room. We usually have dinner and watch TV there together. There’s a yellow sofa and two armchairs in the living-room. There’s a brown carpet on the floor. There are a lot of flowers in the living-room. There’s a clock on the wall and there’s a picture opposite the clock. My younger sister plays with her toys there. She makes a mess. I help her to tidy the living-room.




My parent’s bedroom is bigger than my room. It’s nice, but my room is nicer. In my room there’s a brown table, a yellow-and-brown wardrobe, a yellow bookcase and a brown bed. There are a lot of books in the bookcase. There’s a computer on the table. There isn’t a TV in my room. It’s a pity! There’s a beautiful carpet on the floor. I like my room very much. I usually tidy my room on Saturday.




Our hall is light. There’s a green-and-yellow carpet on the floor. There’s a big brown wardrobe in the hall. There are our clothes in the wardrobe. There’s a little table and an armchair in the corner. There’s a blue telephone on the table. There’s a mirror on the wall. There’s a beautiful picture opposite the mirror. There’s a flower in the hall. The flowers are very beautiful, I water them in the morning. I like our hall very much!




I also like my kitchen. It’s light and comfortable. There are eight purple cupboards in the kitchen. There’s a big wooden table and four chairs in the kitchen. There’s a white cooker and a fridge. There are a lot of magnets on the fridge. We have breakfast there every day. Our bathroom is rather small but it’s comfortable. There’s a bath and a shower in the bathroom. There’s a little blue rubber carpet on the floor. I take shower in the morning.


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Данная методическая разработка рекомендуется для учителей английского языка, работающих по учебно-методическому комплексу Лапицкой Л.М.

План-конспект занятия предназначен для 3 класса (первый год обучения) общеобразовательных школ при изучении темы « Lizs House « (занятие 8).


Занятие прошло апробацию и рассчитан на 45мин – традиционный урок.

Урок представляет собой один из вариантов использования визуальных материалов. Использование презентации и интерактивной доски помогает учителю разнообразить формы работы и оптимизировать учебный процесс.

При подготовке к уроку использовался раздаточный дидактический материал из Интернет источников и УМК Лапицкой Л.М. «Английский язык: 3 класс».

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от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 297 человек из 62 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 841 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Особенности билингвального обучения иностранным языкам

72/108 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Этот курс уже прошли 53 человека


Постановка сложных звуков

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Экономика и управление

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Цифровые инструменты и безопасность в интернете

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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